Chapter 45: Panic
The alarm clock woke Derek up at 6:30am. Bella said she would try to go to school so he wanted to be the one to wake her up and make sure she'd get out of bed. He went to her bedroom and found Emily awake staring at the sleeping girl.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah" Emily said with a smile. "Is everything okay?" She asked not sure why he was there so early.
"She promised she would go to school today" Derek said.
"Oh. Are you sure she's ready for that?" Emily asked unsure.
"We'll see but she needs to go. It's the last couple weeks and there are things she can't miss" Derek said and Emily nodded understanding.
"Let's wake her up then" Emily said.
Derek sat on the bed and ran his hand on Bella's back. "Bella" he sang. "It's time for school, baby girl. Wake up" he said and she opened her eyes. "Time for school" he said.
Bella turned around and hid her face on her mother.
"Come on. You're gonna be late" Emily said running her fingers through the girl's hair.
"No" Bella said.
"You're going. Come on" Derek said.
"No I'm not"
"Bella, come on. Sit up" Emily said pulling the girl up. Bella sat and just looked down. She didn't want to leave Emily.
"Look. You said you were going today" Derek said and she just kept looking down. "We've talked about this" he said and she shook her head no.
"Bella, she's staying here. She's not going anywhere" Derek said just knowing exactly why Bella didn't want to go to school. The girl looked up with glossy eyes.
"I promise you" he said.
Bella looked at Emily.
"I'm not going anywhere" Emily said with a small warm smile.
Bella looked down again and said "Okay".
"Alright. So go get ready" Derek said. "I'll get the breakfast ready" he said and left the room.
"Mommy, I don't wanna go" Bella said turning to Emily again.
"I know baby but its school. And you're almost done with it. You gotta go" Emily said and Bella looked down.
"Look" Emily said lifting the girl's chin. "Im not going anywhere." Emily said. Bella still looked sad but said "okay". She knew Derek wouldn't give up.
She got up and went to get ready. Then they went to have breakfast.
Bella looked nervous sitting on the backseat of Derek's car. The man parked in front of the school and the girl took a deep breath.
"See you at 3:30" Emily said.
"Bye" Bella said really low and walked out of the car. She spotted her friends, talking close to the entrance, and walked to them.
"Bella!" Ro said running to her and hugging her. "Are you alright?" She asked. Of course Chloe had told them about the entire Emily situation.
"Yeah" Bella said letting go of the hug. She turned around and waved at Derek and Emily who waved back and drove away.
"What a crazy thing, right?" Gavin said still in disbelief that Emily was actually okay.
"Yeah" Bella said and the bell rang. They went to class and the subject changed to what Bella had missed. She was glad her friends just let her be and didn't keep talking about her mom.
School started okay. Bella avoided eye contact with pretty much everyone because she didn't want to cry. She tried concentrating on the lessons but it was hard. Around 11 she just couldn't anymore. The thoughts of her mom getting hurt, crying in pain, and leaving her, couldn't get out of her mind.
"Misses Edmund, may I go drink some water?" Isabella raised her hand and asked the science teacher.
"Of course sweetheart" the woman said. Her husband worked in the bureau and she already knew the girl's situation.
Bella walked out of the classroom and walked to the water fountain close by. She drank some water and suddenly she felt her heart start to pound fast. She went to the bathroom and sat on a closed toilet, closing the door in front of her. Tears started falling down her face and her breathing was getting heavy.
"Not again. Please not again" she cried scared.
Inside the classroom, Misses Edmund got worried because Bella was taking a long time to just drink some water. So she walked to Chloe and asked the girl to go check on her friend. Chloe walked outside and didn't see Bella. So she went to the bathroom to check.
She walked in and heard someone crying.
"Bella?" Chloe said and the room went silent. "Bella. I know it's you." Chloe said and Isabella opened the door. Her face was red and she had many many tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Bella, what happened?" Chloe asked really worried.
"I think I'm having a panic attack" Bella cried.
"It's okay. You're gonna be okay" Chloe said giving Bella a hug.
"I want my mom" Bella said.
"Let's go to the nurse station" Chloe said.
"No, I'll just call her" Bella said.
"Bella, you're not okay. You need to go see someone" Chloe said really worried about Bella's breathing and how much she was sweating. "Come on" Chloe said throwing one arm around Isabella's shoulder.
"No! No. I'm not going" Bella said taking a step back and Chloe's arm off of her. She didn't want to walk around the school crying like that.
"You stay here and I'll get the nurse" Chloe said. "Okay?"
"Okay" Bella said sitting again.
Chloe walked to the nurse station.
"Is everything okay?" The nurse asked when Chloe got there. For their luck the nurse wasn't seeing anyone.
"Bella is in the bathroom and I think she's having a panic attack" Chloe said.
The nurse grabbed a few things and followed the girl to the bathroom.
They walked inside and the nurse went to check on Bella.
"What are you feeling?" She asked the girl.
"Can you call Derek or my mom? I don't feel good" Bella said.
"Let me check you first, sweetheart" the woman said. She checked Bella's blood pressure and her lungs.
"Call her uncle Derek" Chloe said.
"Okay I will" The nurse said. "But have you ever had a panic attack before?" The woman asked to make sure.
Bella nodded yes.
"Just call him" Chloe said.
"Alright" the nurse said. "You have to come to the principal's office with me"
"No! Just call him here" Bella said crying.
"I don't have his number sweetie and we need to talk to the principal" the nurse said.
"My phone is on my desk" Bella said.
"I know honey but we gotta talk to the principal first" the nurse said and Bella just shook her head no and her breathing got worse.
"Alright. Look. Chloe, you stay here with her and I'm gonna go talk to him. If she feels anything else you scream for help" the woman said.
"Okay" Chloe said and the nurse walked out.
"You're gonna be okay. They'll be here soon" Chloe said holding Bella's hand.
The nurse ran to the principal's office and explained what was going on. The man told his secretary to call Morgan and told the nurse to go stay with the girl.
"Hey. He's calling your uncle right now" the nurse said walking inside the bathroom. "Okay?"
"Okay" Bella said still crying. She just hated the fact she was unable to get control of herself again.
"Chloe, he said you need to go back to class" the nurse said.
"No it's okay" Chloe said.
"School's rule, Chloe. I'll stay here with her till her uncle gets here. Don't worry" the woman said.
"Is that okay Bella?" Chloe asked and Bella nodded yes so the girl left.
The nurse walked to Bella and kneed down in front of her and held her hands. "Look at me" she said and Bella looked. "Deep breaths. You're okay. And he's coming. Everything is okay" she said but it didn't really help.
Derek was sitting in the living room with Garcia while Emily showered.
Suddenly his phone rang.
"Oh no. It's the school" he said worried and answered the phone quickly.
"Hello?" The secretary said.
"Hi. May I speak with Derek Morgan please?"
"This is him." He said.
"Hi. I'm calling because Isabella was seen by the nurse today and it's believed she's having a panic attack right now and she asked us to call you" the woman said.
"I'll be right there" Derek said.
"Okay" the woman said and they hung up.
"What's wrong?" Penelope asked worried.
"Bella's having a panic attack" Derek said.
"Oh no" Garcia said sad. "I'm gonna go get Emily" she added quickly and ran to the bathroom. She knocked on the door and said "Emily? Are you almost done?"
"Yes. Why?" Emily asked as she finished washing the soap off.
"The school called. Bella is having a panic attack" Garcia said.
Emily turned the shower off immediately.
"I'll be right out" She said and grabbed the towel.
Garcia went to the living room and told Morgan that Emily was almost done. Emily put her clothes on quickly and headed out, her wet hair dripping on the towel on her shoulders. She put her shoes on and went to the living room.
"Let's go" she told them.
Garcia stayed at home and Emily and Derek headed to the car. Emily tried drying her hair a little with the towel while they drove there.
When they got to the school they went straight to the principal's office.
"Good to see you Miss Prentiss" the principal said.
"Where is she?" Emily asked worried.
"She's in the bathroom with the nurse" the man said.
"Let me talk to her" Emily told Derek who nodded yes.
They followed the principal to the bathroom and Emily got in. When Bella saw her she stood up and ran to her mother's arms and just cried.
"I can't breathe right" Bella cried.
"Shuuuu it's okay." Emily said.
"I wanna go home" Bella said.
"I know." Emily said tightening the hug. She felt Isabella's heavy breathing. "Let's sit down" she said letting go of the hug.
"Anything I'm right outside" the nurse said and walked out.
Emily sat in the closed toilet and pulled Bella to her lap.
"Just try to breathe slow, honey" Emily said.
"I can't" Bella cried. "I can't do it"
"Oh honey what happened?" Emily asked.
"I couldn't stop thinking about... I just..." Bella said and cried. "I just want to go home, mommy" the girl cried.
"I know. Just try to calm down and we're gonna go" Emily said as Bella rested her head on her chest. Emily could feel the girl's tiny body shake. "Shuuuuuu calm down. I'm right here" she kept repeating.
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