Chapter 43: Time Helps
After a while she calmed down but still had tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Are you okay?" Derek asked and Bella nodded yes.
"What exactly happened?" Emily asked.
Bella shrugged.
Derek tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.
"I wanna go to bed" Bella said still crying.
"Oh no princess. We have a rule. It's 3pm right now, it's not time for bed." Derek said and Bella just looked sad.
"Why don't we bake a cake?" Penelope said. "You wanted to bake that rainbow one remember? We bought the ingredients and everything" she said.
"That's a great idea" Derek said.
"Do you want to do that?" Penelope asked.
"No, I wanna go to bed" Bella said.
"Look" Derek said pulling her chin up so she'd look at him. "No bed right now" he said and she just looked sad.
"Please lets bake! Please. You wanted to do that so bad" Penelope said and Bella gave in.
They all smiled and headed to the kitchen.
Emily and Derek sat to watch them as Penelope and Bella baked. The girl was a bit quiet in the beginning but then she seemed alright. They finished it all and put the cake in the oven then sat to watch tv.
Midway through an episode of Doctor Who Bella said she was going to shower. It was almost 5pm. She showered and when she walked back in the living room Hotch was there. She stared at him for a moment and then ran away to her bedroom.
"I'll go" Derek said.
"No, let me" Penelope said already walking there.
She walked inside to find Bella sitting at lulu's bed in the corner of the room as the dog slept and she cried.
"Bella" Penelope said feeling bad.
"What is he doing here?" The girl asked.
"He came to talk to us" Penelope said. Bella felt her heart race again as all those questions filled her mind. She tried hard to concentrate on her breathing before it would get bad again.
Penelope saw it.
It had happened so many times that Penelope could just tell by now.
"Come here. Just breathe" she said handing out a hand. Bella grabbed it, got up and laid on the bed with Garcia. Penelope ran her hand on the girl's back as Bella just cried.
"It's okay pumpkin" Penelope said.
"Can you please make it stop?" Bella begged. "I thought it went away" she said crying. It had been 2 months since the last time she had one.
"It will go away, sugar. It's just because your mommy is back and your little head is going all over the place" Garcia said.
"Just breathe slow" she said. "Here" Penelope said grabbing Isabella's hand and placing it on her chest so the girl could copy her breathing. Bella paid attention and did just that.
After a while she calmed down.
"Why don't you take a bath?" Penelope asked.
"I just showered" Bella said.
"Why don't you give Lulu a bath then?" Garcia said. "She's starting to smell" Penelope laughed and Bella smiled. "Come on" she said and they stood up and went to bathe the dog.
Penelope knew that always put Bella in a good mood.
While Bella cleaned the dog, Penelope went to the living room and explained what had happened. Then Hotch told them about Isabella's papers and how the girl was Emily's again. Hotch explained everything and left.
Emily could tell Morgan looked nervous about that.
"Derek" she said and he looked at her. "I'm not going to make her go anywhere she doesn't want to"
Derek nodded. "She can stay as long as she wants" he said and walked to his bedroom. He felt that was a bit too much. He had gotten so attached to the girl. Bella was like his daughter. He saw her like that.
Later that day Bella was feeling a bit better and after drying the dog and cleaning up the bathroom she sat with them to watch tv. Later at night they ordered Chinese and then ate the rainbow cake.
"This turned out better than I expected" Derek said.
"Yeah" Bella said taking a big bite of it.
"I see you approve" Derek laughed as he saw Bella had whip-cream on her nose. She laughed and cleaned herself.
Emily smiled as that sweet laugh filled her ears. Oh how she missed that.
They finished eating and then they sat to watch tv again.
"Bella, are you going to school tomorrow?" Derek asked.
"No" Bella answered quickly.
"You know you'll have to go soon, right? You can't keep missing" he said and she looked down. He pulled her to his lap. "We've had multiple conversations about this. You know you can't miss" he said.
"I know" she said.
"So do you think you can go the day after tomorrow?" He asked and she nodded yes.
"Okay" he gave her a little smile and kissed her cheek. She hugged him and hid her face.
Emily smiled at the scene.
"Can I go to bed now?" Isabella asked.
"Sure" Derek said. She got up and said goodnight.
"My turn" Penelope smiled and ran after Bella.
"It's her turn of what?" Emily asked Derek a bit confused.
"Tuck Bella in" Derek said with a small smile and Emily smiled back. She wanted to go and do it but she let Penelope go.
Bella changed into pajamas and laid on the bed with Lulu. Penelope sat next to her, leaned over and hugged her.
"That you dreams be filled with rainbows, candy and unicorns" Penelope said and placed a kiss on the girl's forehead.
"Amen" Bella said and Penelope smiled.
"Goodnight" Garcia said.
"Goodnight" Bella said and snuggled her blanket and closed her eyes. Garcia turned the light off and walked out. Bella made Lulu go up a little higher on the bed and hugged her.
All those questions started filling her mind again but this time she fought back. She kept repeating that everything would be okay, that she was fine, she was safe and Lulu was there.
Around 10:30, Emily decided to go to sleep too. She had already taken a shower and was watching a movie with Garcia while Derek talked on the phone. She said goodnight to everyone and went to Isabella's bedroom. When she walked in she found Bella awake with tears rolling down her face.
"What happened? I thought you were asleep" Emily said rushing to the bed.
"I just woke up" Bella said low.
"Did you have a bad dream again?" Emily asked laying next to the girl and Bella moved away from her.
"Yeah" Bella said. "I woke up and Lulu was not here."
"I saw her drinking some water. She must have been really thirsty" Emily said pushing hair away from the child's face, this time Bella didn't move away. "You got scared?" Emily asked and Bella nodded.
She sniffed and said "I was scared to get out of bed"
"because she wasn't here?" Emily asked.
"yeah." Bella said.
"Oh baby she's okay. She'll be right back" Emily said hugging Bella.
"Can you hold me again?" Bella asked still crying a little.
"Sure" Emily said. She sat up and pulled Bella to her lap. Bella rested her head on Emily's chest and hugged her blanket.
"I wish I could just hold you like this forever" Emily said.
"You can." Bella said and Emily stared at her. "you kind of have 4 months to make it up to me" Bella said still crying and Emily couldn't help but smile. There was her sweet girl.
"Well, I promise you I will" Emily said wiping the girl's tears and kissed Isabella's forehead.
"Mommy" Bella said and stared at Emily.
"Yes" Emily said and looked at her.
"Do I have to go live with you now?" Bella asked and Emily felt a lump on her throat.
"We don't have to talk about this right now" Emily said.
"I want to live here with Derek" Bella said anyways as more tears filled her eyes.
Emily's eyes filled with tears too. Isabella saw that and felt really bad. "I'm sorry" she said as tears escaped from her eyes.
Emily pushed her tears away and wiped Bella's.
"It's okay. I'm not taking you anywhere until you're ready" Emily said. "Okay?"
"But what if It takes a long time?" Bella asked.
"Well... I'm not going anywhere so we have time. We'll go slow, okay?
"Okay" Bella said and grabbed a handful of Emily's shirt.
"Now close your eyes" Emily said and Bella did just that.
Once the girl was asleep, Emily laid her down and laid very close to her. Soon Lulu walked back in the room and jumped on the bed. Emily smiled and closed her eyes.
She felt Bella grabbing her shirt again so she opened her eyes and found the girl asleep snuggling close to her. She pushed hair away from Isabella's face.
"I love you" she said and placed a kiss on the child's forehead. She stared at Bella for a while and then laid her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.
She felt like she could breathe again.
The night was okay for everyone in the Morgan house. Bella woke up a few times but it wasn't anything serious, just checking on Emily and then falling back asleep.
The morning also went well. They had breakfast, watched some tv and Bella let Emily pet Lulu and even showed her a few tricks she had taught the dog. She was still not talking much. But she wasn't pushing Emily away.
Emily felt amazing watching Isabella smiling as she played around with Lulu.
They had lunch around 1pm and then Derek suggested going for a walk again so everybody went, even Garcia. This time they turned the other way and went to the churros place. Emily was impressed that Bella knew everyone in the shop, all the workers greeted them when they walked in and asked how Bella was. They bought their churros and started making their way back outside.
"Bella wait! We saved some for Lulu!" said a lady, walking to them with a plate with a few broken churros.
"Thank you Sally" Bella said with a smile thanking the old lady and they walked out.
Bella put the plate down on the floor and Lulu ate it all very quickly.
"Churros days are the best days, aren't they lulu?" Garcia said with a smile and everyone laughed.
They started walking back home and as always Bella held Morgan's hand.
Around 3:45pm, Derek and Emily were talking in the living room about how everyone at the churros place and at the donut place were, while Penelope and Bella finished baking cookies in the kitchen, when they heard the door bell ring.
Derek walked there and it was Hilary and the girls.
The night before, Hilary had explained to Chloe and Millie what happened to Emily. Millie was little and didn't really understand what happened, all she really cared was that Emily was okay and with Bella now. Chloe in the other hand was a bit upset. She knew what Bella went through and she felt sad that Hotch lied to her friend like that. But she felt happy too, happy that Emily was alive and well.
"Bella, Chloe is here" Derek said and Bella went to wash her hand quickly. "Come on in" Derek told them and they walked inside.
Chloe saw Emily and her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe she was right there.
"Go ahead" Derek said knowing the girl wanted to hug Emily. Emily smiled and opened her arms and took a step towards Chloe. The girl ran to her and gave her a big hug.
"I'm so happy you're okay" Chloe said as tears filled her eyes.
Suddenly Bella walked in and saw them hugging.
"Bella!" Millie said excited and ran to the girl. Bella picked her up.
Chloe let go of the hug and turned to Bella. She looked at her friends face and was speechless so they just stared at each other for a while.
"Why don't you girls go talk in the bedroom?" Hilary suggested. Bella put Millie down and started walking. Chloe and Millie followed her.
"Millie stay here with mommy" Hilary said.
"No" the girl wined.
"She can come. It's okay" Bella turned around and said low.
They went inside Bella's bedroom while the grownups talked outside about how the kids took the news and how everything was going with Bella.
"Are you okay?" Chloe asked as soon as they entered the bedroom.
"No" Bella said walking to the bed. She sat down and Chloe sat next to her while Millie ran straight to the toys.
"How could they lie to you like that?" Chloe asked.
"I don't know. It's all Hotch's fault" Bella said.
"Was he the only one that knew?" Chloe asked.
"No" Bella said and Chloe was in shock.
"Who else ?" The blonde girl asked.
"Jennifer knew" Isabella said.
"What?" Chloe asked in disbelief.
"Yeah." Bella said shaking her head no in disapproval.
"That's crazy" Chloe said feeling bad. "But are you happy she's here?"
"I guess" Bella said.
"You guess?"
"I mean yes. She's my mom. I love her and all this time I just wanted her here so yes I'm happy but..." Bella said.
"But what?"
"She just left me" Bella said and her eyes filled with tears.
Chloe just wrapped her arms around her friend. "I'm sorry" she said.
"Yeah I know. Everybody is" Bella said letting go of the hug. "But I'll be fine, right? Cause I mean... I was okay when she was gone. Well somedays I was not but most of the time I was and I guess it will be better now that she's here, right?"
"Of course it will. She's your mom. You love her" Chloe said. "You kept telling me you wanted her back. Well... She's here now so you better enjoy it"
"I know" Bella said.
"Look I know you're probably mad at her but she was trying to protect you and make sure she would stay alive and well. At least that's what my mom told me it happened. And I guess that it's okay to be sad and all because you really believed she was gone but... She's here. Isn't that what you wanted?" Chloe said and Bella nodded.
"So you'll be just fine" Chloe said.
"I hope so" Bella said.
"You will! You'll see" Chloe said.
"See what?" Millie asked walking to them holding two plushes.
"See nothing Millie! Put those back" Chloe said and Bella laughed and wiped her face.
"Why? I wanna play with them!" Millie said.
"Did you even ask Bella if you could?" Chloe asked.
"I don't have to ask. Right Bella?" Millie said and Isabella smiled.
"Right" Bella said and the tiny girl gave her a big smile.
"See I told you" Millie said and ran out of the room.
"We better go after her before she kidnaps them" Chloe said and the two girls followed the smaller one to the living room.
Millie sat with Hilary on the couch and suddenly Penelope walked in with freshly baked cookies.
"Who wants a cookie?" Garcia said excited.
"Me!" Millie said and started jumping up and down super excited.
"Well, little one, you can have more than one" Penelope said smiling.
"Yeah!" Millie celebrated and everybody in the room laughed.
They ate and chatted. Around 5, Hilary said they should head home so everyone said goodbye and they left.
"Wow Millie has so much energy" Emily said making an exhausted face.
"That kid is crazy" Morgan said.
Penelope and Bella bursted into laugher.
"Why are you two laughing like this?" Emily asked a bit confused.
"About a month ago, Hilary went on a date and they slept here." Bella said. "Let me just say that Millie made her mission to annoy Derek." Bella said and Garcia laughed.
"It was the best day!" Penelope said. "We let the kids eat s'mores after dinner and just imagine what all the chocolate and marshmallows did to an already energetic 5 year-old"
"Oh wow" Emily said. "I feel bad for you man" she told Morgan who laughed.
"You have no idea how insane it was" Bella said.
"Oh I do" Emily said letting out a laugh. "You had a little sugar high when you were 4 that drove me nuts" she said and everyone smiled. "Seriously. It was really late, your dad was at work and I was working on some paperwork while you and Jeremy watched a movie. But your brother got ice cream for him and of course you wanted some so he got the whole bowl and sat to watch the movie with you. I found you covered in chocolate ice cream." Emily said while Bella just smiled.
"What did you do?" Derek asked.
"Gave her a bath, of course" Emily said and they laughed. "And then just prayed she would calm down soon." She added.
"What time did I go to bed?" Bella asked.
"Around 1am" Emily said.
"See. I told you Millie wasn't so bad" Garcia said. The girl went to bed at 11:30.
Derek laughed and suddenly Bella said "speaking of ice cream... Can I maybe have a little bit?"
Derek smiled.
"Is that a yes?" Bella asked him.
"Only if you promise to eat dinner" Derek said.
"Yes! Yes! I promise" Bella said and ran to the kitchen. Derek followed her.
"Time helps see" Garcia told Emily, who smiled.
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