Chapter 41: All She Wanted
Derek, Emily and Penelope were talking in the living room still, when suddenly they heard a door opening and Isabella ran to them.
Instead of going straight to Morgan's arms like she usually did, she ran to Emily.
And she just sobbed.
Emily wrapped her arms around her and held her in her lap as Bella sobbed.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby" Emily said as her eyes filled up.
"Mommy I don't hate you. I love you. Please..." She said unable to finish. "Please don't leave me again" she cried.
"No baby. No. I'm not going anywhere" Emily said slightly rocking the child. Garcia and Derek just watched.
"And I know you love me. I know. It's okay" Emily said and Bella just kept crying.
Suddenly Emily asked "Bella, are you mad at me?"
Isabella just kept crying.
"It's okay, you can tell me." Emily said. "Are you mad?"
"Yeah" Bella cried.
"It's okay to be" Emily said. "It's okay to be but I need you to know that I love you. That mommy loves you so so so much. And that I never stopped loving you. All I did was to make sure we would both be safe. We would both be okay" she said. "Do you understand that?"
Bella just cried.
"Baby sit up" Emily said and Bella sat up. "Look at me" she said and Isabella did what she was told. "Do you understand?" Emily asked again.
Bella just stared. The truth was that she didn't know for sure if she understood. She was confused and she had so many questions. Derek saw she wasn't going to answer Emily's question and he also knew she was confused because even he was.
"Bella" he said walking to them and kneeing down in front of Bella. He needed to explain to her that Emily really didn't have a choice. He understood that now and he needed her to understand that. He knew that the only way Bella could have a chance of forgiving Emily was if she could understand that.
"She explained things to us and she really did not have a choice" he said and Bella looked away. "Honey she didn't" he said and Bella stared at him. She trusted him more than anyone. She knew he wouldn't lie to her. Derek looked at Emily and she started to explain.
"I was hurt really bad. The doctor saved me but I was in something called a coma. Do you know what that is?" Emily said.
"When you can't wake up?" Bella asked still crying but the sobbing had stopped.
"Yeah" Emily said tucking a lock of hair behind the girl's ear. "I was like that for a while and when I woke up Hotch... Hotch had made sure Doyle would never find me again" she said.
"But couldn't you just come back?" Bella asked.
"I was very sick still and I couldn't leave the hospital, baby. I wanted to talk to you but I couldn't." Emily said.
"Bella, remember that medicine they gave you so you could sleep while they took care of you?" Derek asked and she nodded yes. "They were giving her that too so she would calm down"
"They sedated you?" Bella asked.
"Yes" Emily said wiping her own tears. "I talked to JJ and she explained to me everything that happened and I knew you were hurt. Your back... and I'm..." Emily said unable to finish as those memories of Bella being tortured filled her mind.
She took a deep breath and kept going "I was mad at them, I was mad at Hotch for his decision but when I stopped to think about It I knew you would be safer here. And as much as that hurt me I knew it was your best chance. And I owned you that. Everything we'd been through with your dad and your brother..." She said. "I owned you a normal life. A life you wouldn't have to run away all the time like I had to"
Bella sat there as tears streamed down her face. Penelope was crying too and Derek's eyes were full.
"Do you understand that?" Emily said. "That mommy had to go?" She asked almost unable to finish as she cried.
Bella nodded yes and turned to face her. Isabella had never seen Emily looking like that, looking so hurt.
"You're never gonna leave me again, right?" Bella asked crying.
"Never ever" Emily said hugging Bella as the girl kept crying.
"Only when you're very old?" Bella said and started sobbing again.
"Yes" Emily said crying too. She kept hugging Bella and suddenly the girl asked between sobs "can you hold me?"
"Of course I can. Of course" Emily said and sat back on the couch, Bella laid a bit and Emily just sat there holding her tightly.
"Shuuuu it's okay. I'm right here. You're gonna be okay. Everything is going to be okay" Emily said. Derek sat on the couch again and Garcia pulled Bella's legs to her lap. Everyone stayed quiet while Emily kept holding and slightly rocking the girl as she said shuuuu and promised things would be okay. Bella cried herself back to sleep.
After a while the house was quiet again.
Derek had been just staring at Emily and the girl.
"You have no idea how much she wanted that" he said.
"What do you mean?" Emily asked pushing hair away from the girl's face and then looking at him.
"Whenever she was having a bad day that's what she would say she wanted" Derek said. "She wanted you to hold her" he said.
Emily's heart broke.
"We tried to help but she always said it was not the same" Derek said and suddenly he smiled.
"Why are you smiling?" Garcia asked confused.
"I'm just happy she has that again" Derek said and tears started to stream down his face. Garcia walked to him and hugged him. She was impressed and surprised he was crying. It was very hard to make that man cry. She let go of the hug and he wiped his face.
"You should stay in her room tonight" Derek said.
"Are you sure?" Emily asked and he nodded yes.
Emily looked at Bella and then said "Derek, could you carry her? I'm still not allowed to do that"
"Sure" Derek said. He went, picked Bella up and carried her to bed. Derek placed Bella down and covered her up.
"Do you need anything? A towel? Pajamas?" Penelope asked.
"Yeah I'd like that" Emily said thinking that she really could use a nice warm shower.
Penelope went to her own room and Emily followed her.
"This is nice" Emily said as she walked inside.
"Thanks. Your minion helped a ton" Garcia smiled and Emily smiled too. Penelope grabbed a few clothes and a towel and handed it to Emily. "I think these will fit" she said.
"Thank you" Emily smiled.
"You can use the bathroom on the right" Garcia said and Emily went there and got in the shower.
After a while Derek went to Penelope's room. "She's still showering?" He asked looking a bit worried.
"Yeah" Penelope said. "Are you okay?" She asked him.
"Yeah. Yeah" he said. "I'm just worried"
"About Bellie?" Garcia asked.
"About both of them" he said.
"They'll be okay. They have each other now. And we're here. They'll be fine." Penelope said and suddenly they heard the bathroom door opening. Emily was done showering.
"Have a nice night, baby girl" Morgan said and wrapped Penelope in a hug.
"You too" she smiled as she relaxed in the embrace.
"Goodnight" he said letting go of the hug.
"Goodnight" she said and he walked out.
He went to Isabella's bedroom.
"Everything okay?" He asked Emily who was folding her clothes.
"Yeah" she whispered.
"Anything just go get me" Derek said and she nodded.
"Goodnight" he said.
"Goodnight" she said.
Derek went to his bathroom and got in the shower. As the hot water hit his head and back he couldn't stop thinking about everything. About Hotch and JJ lying to everyone like that, lying to a child like that.
In Isabella's bedroom, Emily laid next to the girl and grabbed the child's hand. Bella squeezed Emily's hand in her sleep and that made Emily smile. Suddenly Lulu jumped on the bed.
Emily jumped surprised and Bella woke up. The girl saw Lulu laying at the end of the bed and then saw Emily sitting next to her.
"Stay with me" Isabella whispered sleepy.
"I'm right here. I'll sleep right by your side" Emily said getting closer to Bella. She laid down, threw one arm over the girl and said "go back to sleep, mommy is right here"
Isabella closed her eyes again, took her blanket to her face and relaxed. Soon she fell asleep again.
Emily laid there but she couldn't sleep. She was so happy to have Isabella again. But at the same time she was scared. She was scared about what the future held for them. She had no idea how her life would be now.
She had a really hard time going to sleep. She just stared at her baby for a long time till exhaustion caught her and she fell asleep too.
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