Chapter 40: You Are Family
Suddenly Garcia saw Derek still had Isabella's food.
"She didn't eat?" She asked.
"She fell asleep" Derek said putting the food inside the refrigerator. He had walked inside the child's room to find her hugging Duffy, her blanket and also holding Lulu's paw with her hand.
"Why don't we go see her room then?" Garcia said.
"What? No she might wake up" Emily said unsure.
"She won't" Penelope said and they went there. Derek went to sit in the living room.
Penelope walked inside the room quietly and Emily followed her. Bella was passed out on the bed hugging her things.
Emily smiled when she saw Bella.
"That's adorable, isn't it?" Garcia smiled too.
"She really loves this dog" Emily said.
"She does" Penelope said.
Emily's eyes wondered around the room and she was impressed at how different it was from the one in her apartment. Everything was light blue and light pink.
"Somethings never change" she said as she saw a big book shelf with lots of books and Disney plushies next to the bed.
Garcia smiled and suddenly Bella moved a little on the bed.
Both women froze.
Once the girl stopped moving, Emily whispered "we should go" and they walked to the living room and sat on the couch.
"Thank you so much for that" Emily told Garcia. "Thank you for everything you did for her all this time" she added now looking at Morgan. He gave her a nod.
"Derek I'm so sorry" Emily said and he looked away.
"Look Emily" he said staring at her again. "I get that you had to disappear but I don't understand why you didn't tell us. If Hotch and JJ could know we could too. And I just ... I just cannot understand why you didn't take her with you" he said and Emily's eyes filled with tears.
"I didn't have a choice" Emily said.
"Yes you did. It's your life. It's your daughter's life" he said.
"Derek I didn't have a choice. They didn't give me one. I was in a coma. I woke up and JJ was there telling me everybody thought I died, telling me my daughter..." She said and started crying. "Telling me my daughter was living with you and Garcia. And I was in a hospital bed being sedated every time I tried to get out to do anything. So when I say I didn't have a choice I'm telling the truth." She said and Derek just stared.
"You were in a coma?" Penelope suddenly asked with tears in her eyes.
Emily looked at her and wiped her own face. "Yes" she said.
"how long?" Garcia asked.
"A couple days" Emily said.
"And when you got better they sent you to Paris?" Penelope asked.
"Yes" Emily said. "I stayed there for a while and then I started moving around and changing names to make sure I was safe" Emily said.
Derek was just listening still processing what Emily had told him.
Suddenly the door bell rang.
"I'll go" Derek said and walked to the door. He opened it and it was JJ.
"Hi. I just came to give these to Emily" JJ said holding a few folders.
"She's in the living room" Derek said and JJ walked in.
"Hi. Is everything okay?" Emily asked.
"Yes. It's just your papers and house things and stuff like that" JJ said.
"thank you" Emily said as JJ handed her the folders. JJ looked around the room and asked where Isabella was.
"She fell asleep" Garcia said and JJ gave her a nod clearly feeling sorry for the whole situation.
"Well, I should go now" JJ said.
"Thank you for this" Emily said holding the folders and JJ gave her a small smile and walked to the door. Derek followed her.
"Bye" she said.
"Goodbye" Derek said and went to close the door.
"Morgan" she said and he stopped midway through it and opened it again.
JJ took a step closer to him and said "I'm so sorry, I wasn't allowed to"
Derek didn't say anything.
Suddenly JJ looked inside the house and saw Isabella peeking at them.
Derek noticed and looked back, when Bella saw him looking she went away.
"I should go" JJ said.
"Yes" Derek said and closed the door. JJ walked to her car and the tears started falling. She knew everyone was mad at her.
Derek went to Isabella's bedroom and found her back on the bed.
"JJ left" Derek said sitting down close to her and Bella sat up.
"Why don't you go eat your lunch now?" He said and she shook her head no.
"Not hungry?" He asked and she shook her head no again and sat on his lap.
"Do you think you can come sit with us then?" He asked and she thought for a while then nodded yes.
"Let's go" he said and they got up and headed to the living room. Lulu followed them.
"Hi Bellie" Penelope said with a smile but Bella stayed serious.
Derek sat on the couch and Bella sat next to him. He threw his arm around her and Garcia turned the tv on. Lulu laid next to the couch Bella was in.
"Is she always like this?" Emily asked looking at the dog.
"Yeah" Derek and Penelope said in unison and Emily smiled.
Emily was sitting next to Penelope on the other couch and the whole time they watched tv Bella was peeking at her and then pretending she wasn't. Everybody noticed but no one said anything. They all knew they had to let her go in her own time.
Around 5, Hotch called Morgan and told him everyone on the team was suspended and was under investigation due to Emily's situation and Doyle's case.
"I'll call you when I have more news" Hotch said and hung up.
"What happened?" Garcia asked.
"We just got suspended and Hotch said they'll be investigating us too" Morgan said a little upset.
"Because of this?" Emily asked.
"Yes" Morgan said. Bella kept staring at the tv.
"Bella, I need to fill some papers really quick" Derek said standing up. Bella just sat there and stared at the tv. Derek printed out the papers and then sat to fill them up. When he was done, Penelope said Bella must be hungry and suggested they should order pizza.
"Would you like that, pumpkin?" Garcia asked Bella who just moved her shoulders.
"Alright, pizza it is" Garcia said already used to that type of behavior from the girl. That was always how she answered that question when she was having a hard day.
Penelope ordered the food and sat back in the living room, Derek finished what he was doing and sat with them too.
After about half an hour the pizza got there. They ate and Bella was quiet the whole time. Once Bella was done she said "I'm going to bed"
"Already?" Penelope asked. "It's so early and you've taken a long nap" she said but the girl kept walking to her bedroom.
"I'll go" Derek said and went after Bella.
"Does she uses the silent treatment a lot?" Emily asked.
"Just sometimes. We kind of learned how to read her I guess" Garcia said and Emily smiled.
Derek walked inside Isabella's bedroom and she was in the bathroom changing her clothes. She walked back in to find him sitting on her bed.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"No" she said as if she was stating the obvious.
"Me neither" Derek said.
She got on the bed and asked him to lay down with her. He covered her up and laid down. She grabbed her blanket and snuggled up to Derek and he threw one arm around her.
"Everything will be okay" he said tucking her hair behind her ear, and she just stayed quiet as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Derek kept running his hand on her arm until she fell asleep.
He got out of the bed, pulled the covers up and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight" he whispered. He turned the night light on and the ceiling light off, closed the door and walked out.
"She's asleep" he said as he walked in the living room again.
He sat down on the couch and everyone stayed silent. Things felt tense.
Emily felt like she wanted to talk, she wanted to know how Bella had been doing. Of course she had heard from JJ but she knew the woman didn't know everything, she knew there were things Morgan and Garcia probably didn't tell anyone but would likely tell her.
"So umm... Is she okay?" Emily said unsure of how to even start.
"She'll be fine. Don't worry" Garcia said. "Time, remember?"
"How was she with everything that happened? I know it must have been really hard" Emily said unsure of what to say.
"In the beginning it was" Derek said. He felt like she had to know. "She was trying to be strong. She tried going to school and going out but it was hard. As time went on she was a bit better and then when we got Lulu she really started improving. It was like a boost" he said.
Emily smiled.
"I don't think I can ever thank you two enough for everything you have done" Emily said.
"You don't have to thank us. She's family" Penelope said and Emily smiled as her eyes filled with tears.
"You are family" Derek said with a small smile.
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