Chapter 4: Midnight Fire
Sunday was a chilled day.
Emily and Bella spent the day at home with Jeremy and Marley and later in the afternoon Chloe stopped by. Everybody had a lot of fun playing board games together.
On Monday, Emily had to go back to work so she left Bella with Jeremy and Marley.
Isabella had made huge progress when it came to Emily's work. The girl was fine with it now and even though she always told Emily to be careful she never cried about her mother leaving.
So that Monday was no different.
"Be careful mommy" Bella told Emily on the phone after Emily said she was going to Houston on a case.
The girl spent the day walking around the city with her brother and Marley. They had lunch at Outback and then went to a museum.
Around 3:30pm they went to the BAU.
"Follow me" Bella said heading to Penelope's office. Jeremy and Marley said their goodbyes and left Bella there. They went to the hotel and finished packing, then they went to the airport.
At the BAU, Bella had a great afternoon. There weren't so many people there which Bella thought was weird. She wished her mom had time off during the holidays but she knew serial killers didn't wait till the holidays were over. So she understood they had to work.
Around 6:30, Penelope ordered Mexican food and Bella was excited to eat. It had been a while since she had had Mexican. They ate together and then Penelope was back working. Later at night, 10:45, Hotch called and told Garcia to go home because they were heading to the hotel.
Isabella now loved staying at Penelope's house. She always had so much fun and she loved to have "movie nights" with her Aunt.
"What are we watching tonight?" Bella asked as they walked inside.
"You pick" Garcia smiled and the girl ran to the DVDs.
They had a great night and both ended up sleeping on the couch.
The next day, Tuesday, Bella spent the morning at the office with Penelope and she was super excited when Emily returned later that day. They went home, packed for the nyc trip and then snuggled on the couch.
The case involved children and this time it didn't end well. So when Emily got home all she wanted was to hold her baby.
And that's what she did.
Later at night Emily took sleeping Bella to bed and laid next to the girl. The thought of not having the girl next to her scared her. She needed that that night.
The next morning, Bella woke up with a loud noise. It was Emily accidently dropping two bags down the stairs. The girl sat up on the bed and was confused with how she got there.
She looked around the room and suddenly Emily walked in.
"Good morning" Emily said. "Sorry about the noise. The bag slipped"
"Morning" Bella said confused.
"What happened?" Emily asked noticing the girl's confused face.
"How did I get to your bed?" Bella asked.
"I brought you up" Emily smiled and walked to the girl. "I needed you close" Emily smiled and gave Bella a hug. Bella smiled back.
"Let's go eat breakfast?" Emily said.
"Nooooo" Bella said and laid back down.
"Come on! New York waits for you" Emily said smiling and walking to the door. Bella jumped out of bed and grabbed her mother's hand. The day had finally come!
"Good morning" Bella said smiling. Emily smiled back and they walked to the kitchen.
They had breakfast, got ready, picked Chloe up and headed to the airport.
Inside the plane the three of them sat together, Bella in the middle. It was a really quick flight and the girls were super happy to land in NYC.
"So first. Luggage. Then car. Then Hotel. Then... Central Park" Emily said and the girls smiled.
They had a very fun day. They walked around Central Park and even went to the Zoo. They had lunch at a pizza place and then went to Times Square.
"This is so beautiful" Chloe said looking around the place.
Suddenly Bella saw they were starting to put up a stage.
"Mom, what day is today?" Bella asked.
"December 29" Emily said. "Why?" She asked.
"Are we staying for New Year's and stuff?" Bella asked.
"Yes" Emily smiled and both girls hugged her.
"This is the best day of my life" Chloe smiled as they walked inside a theater later that day.
Bella held Emily's hand through the whole show. She loved Wicked and she was so happy to be there with her mom.
"Did you guys enjoy?" Emily asked the girls as the lights turned back on.
"Loved it so so much!" Bella said hugging Emily.
"I love it too, Emily" Chloe smiled.
"Can we go to the stage door?" Bella asked excited.
"sure" Emily smiled and they went there.
The girls were super excited to meet the cast. They took pictures and got their playbills signed.
"What now?" Bella asked as they walked down the street.
"Hotel... And room service?" Emily said making a begging face.
"Sure" the girls said in unison and they all laughed.
The next morning the girls were very excited for the day. Emily had promised to go ice skating at the Rockefeller and they could not wait.
They ate breakfast and headed out the door.
"It's been so long since the last time I did this" Chloe said as she put on the skates.
"You'll do fine" Bella said.
"well, I in the other hand will probably fall 100 times" Emily said and the girls laughed. "Maybe 200" Emily added.
"Let's go in?" Bella said and they stepped on the ice.
They skated around and it didn't take long for Chloe to fall.
"Are you alright?" Bella asked helping her get up.
"Yeah" Chloe laughed. "Maybe I should do like your mom though" Chloe said and they looked at Emily who was close to the wall skating very slowly. It had been years since the last time she had done that.
Bella laughed and said "let me go help her"
She skated to Emily and grabbed her hand.
"No no. I'm fine. I'm doing fine here" Emily said holding to the wall as the girl tried pulling her away.
"Mom, if you don't let go you'll never be good at it" Bella said.
"It's okay, baby. I don't have to be good at this. We're just having fun" Emily said.
"Well, Chloe and I are but you're not even close to us. Come on" Bella said begging. "What's the worst that can happen? You'll fall on your butt and then you'll get back up" the girl said and Emily smiled. How could she say no to that?
"So please teach me" Emily smiled giving up.
Bella showed her what to do and they did together slowly.
"You're doing good" Bella said.
"You're too nice" Chloe said and they laughed.
"Come on mom. Now do that by yourself" Bella said letting go of her mother's hand.
Emily skated for a while but quickly lost her balanced and fell on her butt. The girls bursted into laughter.
"Oh God, someone help me get up!" Emily said and the girls helped her.
"I think I should sit a little" Emily said.
"No" Bella said grabbing her hand again and pulling her.
They went around the rink together twice and then Emily said she had to sit so she got out and left the girls there.
"The things we do for our kids, right?" A woman told her as she stepped out and the woman got in. Emily laughed and took a seat to take the skates off.
Sometime later Bella and Chloe got out and said they were tired so they decided to leave.
"Where do you guys want to go now?" Emily asked as they walked out.
"What are the plans for today?" Chloe asked.
"Well, we're free to explore the city till 6." Emily said.
"Can we go see the Statue of Liberty?" Chloe asked.
"Sure" Emily said.
They went on the boat that got close to it and took a bunch of pictures.
Once they got back to the land Bella asked if they could have lunch at the Eloise place at the Plaza.
"That's a great idea honey" Emily said. She was excited to see the place and Bella had talked about it a lot when she went last time.
So to the Plaza they went.
And it couldn't have gone any better.
After eating lunch Emily took the girls to the MET. After walking around for a while, they went to the hotel to get ready to go out at night.
Bella walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
"Fancy clothes tonight girls" Emily said.
"Why? Where are we going?" Bella asked taking a navy blue dress out of her bag.
"We're going to see Matilda and then we have reservations at Sardi's" Emily said smiling.
"Really?" Chloe asked as her eyes widened.
"Really" Emily smiled.
"Oh my god!" Chloe said and walked inside the bathroom to shower.
Bella walked to Emily, who was sitting on the bed, and gave her a hug. Emily pulled the girl to her lap.
"Are you having fun?" Emily asked.
"Yeah" Bella said. "I always wanted to do all these things with you" she said as her eyes filled with tears. "And now we are doing it all" Bella said.
Emily smiled and hugged the girl again.
"Thank you mom" Bella said with a smile.
"You're welcome" Emily smiled. "Now go get ready." Emily said and the girl went.
It wasn't long till Chloe got out and got ready to.
And to Matilda they went.
The show was amazing and once again they stopped at the stage door. They didn't stay for long because of the reservation at Sardi's but they had a great time.
"I cannot believe I'm here" Chloe said as they walked inside Sardi's. The blonde girl had always dreamed of going there.
"It's so cool, right?!" Bella said taking Emily's hand.
"Do you have a reservation?" A lady asked.
"Yes. It's Emily Prentiss" Emily said and the lady checked.
"Table for 3?" The woman asked.
"Follow me please" she said and they followed her.
They sat and got menus.
"Pick whatever you guys want, okay?" Emily said and the girls smiled.
They stared at the menu and didn't even see who was sitting two tables away from them.
It was Laura and Bonnie. The two Broadway actresses who worked with their school choir a few months earlier.
The two women saw the girls and Emily and they had to say hello.
They walked and surprised them.
"Hi" Bella said and Laura hugged her.
"How are you guys doing?" Bonnie asked.
"Good" the girls said.
"What are you two up to in New York?" Laura asked the kids.
"Just traveling" Chloe said while Bella looked a bit shy.
"You guys should come sit with us" Laura said.
"Yeah! Come on! It's my birthday" Bonnie said.
"Congrats" Emily smiled.
"Thanks" Bonnie smiled back. "Come on now!" Bonnie said and they got a waitress who moved them to a table next to Bonnie's.
"Don't you talk anymore?" Laura asked as she walked beside Bella to the table.
Bella just smiled shyly.
The dinner went great. They ate and then sang happy birthday to Bonnie and even got cake. As the night went on Bella got more comfortable around them and chit chatted and everything. The girls also liked meeting some other actors that were there.
Around 10:30, Emily thought they should go to the hotel. The kids looked a bit tired.
"It was so nice seeing you guys!" Laura said hugging Chloe goodbye.
"Thanks for the cake" Bella said and they all laughed.
"Well, now that we know we like the same cake you better invite me for your birthday, young lady" Bonnie said and Bella smiled.
"Bye" Bella said giving Bonnie a hug.
They went outside, got on a cab and went to the hotel. The girls were exhausted.
"I need a bed" Chloe said walking inside their hotel room. She went straight to the bed and threw herself there.
"Brush your teeth girls. THEN bed" Emily smiled.
Bella went and did what was told. Then Chloe went to the bathroom. Both kids changed into pajamas and laid down to sleep.
Emily walked inside the bathroom to do the same and when she walked out they were fast asleep hugging each other.
Emily let out a laugh and went to bed too. She texted Garcia and Hilary about the trip and then went to sleep.
Friday got there like a flash.
The girls could not believe it was already New Year's Eve.
"Are we gonna watch the fireworks?" Bella asked.
"Sure. Why not?" Emily smiled.
They spent the day walking around the city and later at night they went to Times Square. The place was very crowed and chaotic but for Emily's luck they could see everything just fine from the hotel's entrance so they stayed around there.
The girls were so excited when the clock hit midnight. They screamed happily like everyone around them.
Emily hugged Bella from behind and said "a kiss for good luck?"
The girl turned around, Emily picked her up and kissed her cheek.
"I love you Bells" Emily said. That was their first New Year's Eve together.
"I love you too" Bella said.
"I love you two too" Chloe said hugging them and they all laughed.
Emily put Bella down and hugged Chloe.
"Let's go inside and order some ice cream to celebrate?" Emily smiled.
"Yes!" The girls said in unison and very excited.
They went up to their room and had a great time. They texted Hilary and then the team wishing everyone a happy new year. They watched some tv and ate, and Emily could see both girls were really happy.
Around 2am they decided to get ready for bed. Bella changed her clothes and brushed her teeth and then sat on Emily's bed while Chloe went to the bathroom.
"Mom" Bella said.
"Yes honey" Emily said turning to look at the girl.
"I love you" Bella said and laid her head on Emily's lap.
Emily smiled "I love you too" she said pushing hair away from the girl's face.
"Can I sleep here tonight?" Bella asked sitting up and then laying down on the bed and making herself comfortable.
"You sure can" Emily said and kissed the girl's cheek again.
Suddenly Chloe got out.
"I'm gonna stay on this bed tonight, okay?" Bella told Chloe.
"Sure" the girl smiled and got on the other bed.
Emily walked in the bathroom and just like the day before when she walked out the kids were asleep.
This time she turned the light off and took the place next to her daughter. She pulled the covers up and kissed the girl's forehead. "Goodnight monkey" she said and laid down.
It wasn't long till she was asleep.
The next day the girls were not so happy to go home but they had to agree they had a wonderful time.
"Maybe one day we can come back again" Bella told Chloe and Emily smiled.
"Like one day very soon?" Chloe asked Emily who laughed and said "we'll see".
They got to DC around 11am and headed straight home.
Chloe was super excited to tell her mom everything they did and to show her all the pictures.
"Well, we should go. I think this one might need a little nap" Emily said as she noticed Bella looked sleepy.
"Oh yeah the New York City life got her pretty bad" Hilary joked.
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