Chapter 39: The Case Is Over
They waited in Derek's office for about an hour and Isabella refused to leave the couch. After she hid her face on Lulu's back she stopped talking. Everyone was very understanding and knew she was obviously upset so they let her be.
After some time JJ got a call from Hotch. He told her they got Declan and were heading to the BAU. Four men got arrested and Interpol had taken over. Emily's friend Clyde had taken over and promised no one would ever hear from Doyle again.
JJ hung up and looked relieved.
"They found him. They're coming back" she said.
Emily's heart pounded fast. It had been so long since the last time she saw Declan. She made sure the boy had everything he possibly needed and she felt happy that he was turning out nothing like his father.
"Can we go home now?" Isabella whispered to Penelope who was now sitting on the couch where Bella was laying down. The girl had her feet on Penelope's lap.
"We'll go soon" Penelope whispered back and Bella hid her face again.
They waited for the rest of the team to arrive and it wasn't long till Hotch walked inside Morgan's office with Declan walking right beside him.
"Declan" Emily said with a smile when she saw the boy. He ran to her and they hugged. Bella took a peek and hid again as her eyes filled with tears.
"Are you alright?" Emily asked him.
"Yes" Declan said. The blonde boy smiled at her with his big blue eyes. Emily smiled as she saw he was still just a little boy. She felt sorry for him. She knew he was a good kid and didn't have anything to do with the life his father chose. She felt like she wanted to take care of him but with Bella she knew it probably wouldn't be a good idea. Maybe after some time once the girl was okay and settled with her again. But not at that time. For her luck one of her friends that used to raise Declan as his own son, together with the boy's old nanny, was traveling to DC to get him.
"How's everything in here?" Rossi asked Emily, looking at Bella.
Emily just raised her eyebrows unsure of what to say.
"Is that your daughter?" Declan asked when he saw Bella.
"Yes, that's Bella" Emily smiled and he smiled back.
"Excuse me" a woman said at the door and everyone looked at her. Everyone but Bella.
"There's a Mister Tom Coller here looking for Agent Prentiss" she said.
"Let him in" Emily said. He was the man that helped raise Declan. He was the boy's adoptive father.
"Let's go to the conference room" Hotch said. He knew they had a lot to talk and Derek's office wasn't the best place for that, especially since Bella was there and was clearly very upset with everything. They walked out and before Emily followed she looked at Morgan and Garcia, unsure she should go.
"We got it" Penelope said with a small smile and Emily walked out.
Bella looked around and saw she was alone with both of them. She sat up and asked "is he okay?"
"He's going to be fine" Derek said with a little smile as he saw how she was worried about the boy.
Bella stood up and went and sat on his lap. She rested her head on his chest.
"What's gonna happen to me now?" Bella asked him.
He wasn't sure.
"What do you want to happen?" He asked.
"I wanna stay with you" she said looking at him as her eyes filled with tears.
"Okay." He said. "You'll stay till you're ready to go home with her, okay?"
"Okay" she said and started crying.
"I promise you it's going to be okay" he said as tears filled his eyes. Penelope walked to them and sat on the chair next to him.
"Look at me" Garcia said and Bella looked.
"I know you're scared and probably mad but she loves you. She loves you so so much and she's here" Penelope said and Bella looked down. "Wasn't that what you wanted?" Garcia said.
Penelope was upset about not knowing the truth but she loved Emily and how could she be mad about her friend being alive and okay.
"Did you know she was alive?" The girl asked still a bit confused with everything.
"No. No. Only Hotch and JJ knew" Garcia said.
"I just don't understand how they didn't tell us? Because they saw me and they ...they knew and.." She said and started sobbing again.
"They had to make sure she was safe and she would stay safe so she could come back to us. To you" Garcia said.
Bella just kept crying.
"Bella" Derek said and made her sit up straight. "I know you're upset. I know you're angry... But she's here. And I know that she loves you more than anything. And I'm sure that you love her too. Don't you?" He said and she nodded yes.
"I know it's hard. It's hard for me too. I'm angry too and it's okay to be angry. It's okay" he said. "But she's here with us now and he's gone. And I promise you that I'll make sure that she's going to stay here. I swear to you that" he said. "Okay?"
"Okay" she whispered.
He wiped her face and said "it's okay to be upset. We're going to go slow" he said.
"Okay" she said still crying.
At the conference room they talked to Tom and then the man left with Declan. Emily talked to Hotch and thanked him for the way he handled the entire situation.
"I think you should take your daughter home now" Hotch gave her a small smile glad it was all over. He knew how much she wanted that and how long she waited to have Isabella again.
She gave him a small smile back and walked to Derek's office.
It was 11:20am.
She found Bella on Morgan's lap and Penelope on the couch petting Lulu. She knew damn well that Bella was not about to grab her hand and go home with her.
"Hotch said she can go home" Emily told them trying not to look so sad.
Derek saw that and as much as he was really angry, he knew that there was nothing in the world that Isabella had wished for as much as she wished for Emily.
"Can she come home with us?" Derek whispered in Isabella's ear. Bella nodded yes.
"You can stay at my house till you sort things out" Derek said knowing it would take some time.
Morgan stood up with the girl in his arms. She still had tears streaming down her face. "Let's go?" He asked Garcia who nodded and grabbed Lulu's leash.
"Thank you" Emily said and they headed to the car. Garcia grabbed Emily's hand and smiled happy to have her back. Emily smiled back and just hoped everything would be alright.
After everything they had been through she needed things to be alright.
They went to the car and Penelope sat on the back with Bella while Derek drove and Emily sat on the front with him. The girl hugged Garcia and didn't look up.
Since it was almost noon Penelope suggested they should stop at a drive-thru so no one would have to cook anything. So Derek drove to McDonald's, got their things and headed home. Bella refused to choose what she wanted so Derek ordered what she usually had.
At home, they walked in and Bella started walking to her bedroom without saying a word. Penelope looked at Derek and Emily knowing that was not good. Penelope took Lulu's leash off and the dog followed Bella to the bedroom. Bella got inside and threw herself on her bed. She grabbed her blanket and held it tight and couldn't help but cry. She just could not believe that was happening to her. She was so confused.
Confused about everything, about what exactly happened to Emily, and about her feelings.
Outside Emily said "let me" and went to the bedroom. After a little while Derek and Penelope heard shouting.
Emily had gotten inside the room to find Bella laying on the bed crying and hugging her blanket and Lulu. She had walked closer to the bed and Isabella started yelling at her to get out.
"What's wrong?" Derek asked running inside.
"She's kicking me out. It's okay" Emily said and walked out.
"Are you okay?" He asked Bella.
"Yes" she said serious as tears rolled down her face. "Shut the door" she said sounding mad.
Derek walked out and shut the door. He knew the child needed to think about everything.
"Is she okay?" Emily asked him looking sorry for the girl's outburst.
"She'll be alright" Derek said and they walked to the kitchen.
They sat to eat and as Penelope and Emily talked, Derek didn't say a word. Once he finished eating he said "I'm gonna take this to her" and went to Isabella's bedroom with her food.
"He's so mad at me, isn't he?" Emily said.
"Don't worry he'll be okay. We're just glad you're back" Penelope said.
"Garcia. Your optimism is not really umm..." Emily said and Penelope turned serious.
"Look Em. We love you. But we were hurt really bad when you died. I mean when you left and we thought you died. And I know that it must have been so hard for you too. All alone in God knows where and... I know it must have been awful but you have no idea how things were here. And of course he's upset. He saw how hard this was on everyone... especially Bella" Penelope said and Emily's eyes filled with tears. She never wanted to hurt them.
"You don't know how many nights she cried because she wanted you and we... we felt powerless. He tried so much to help her feel better and I guess knowing that she possibly could have not gone through all of that pain is upsetting him." Garcia said.
Suddenly Derek walked back in the kitchen.
"Time my friend. Time helps" Garcia said low and Emily nodded.
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