Chapter 27: She's Not Okay
"You have to stay an hour here. We're not going anywhere" Derek explained. He wanted to take her away but he knew that it was judge's orders. He had to stay.
"I wanna go!" She cried and hid her face on his chest. Derek just looked at Joanna and the woman could see she wouldn't get anything out of the girl that day.
"Let's just talk the two of us" Joanna said and started talking to Derek about Bella, as the girl just cried the entire time and begged to go home.
Once the session was over they stood up. Joanna said "I'll see you next week". When she said that, Bella ran out. She ran to the car as fast as she could and Derek ran after her scared she would run away. She stopped at the car.
"Take me home" she said serious as tears still fell. She looked so pissed. Derek let her get inside the car and Garcia sat on the back with her. He walked in and told the doctor what happened.
"It's not uncommon for children to refuse to talk. She's scared and it seems she has a hard time opening up but she'll get there" Joanna said.
Derek nodded.
"Next week when you bring her she goes in alone" the doctor said. "The crying will likely happen again. But she'll be alright" the woman said as she noticed Derek's face.
He said goodbye and left.
The drive home was quiet. Isabella was clearly upset. When they got home she went straight to bed. Derek followed her to talk.
"I know you're mad at me for staying there but the judge ordered this. It's not my fault" Derek said.
She just looked away.
"Princess, maybe she can help" he said.
"No one can help with anything!" She yelled. "Just leave me alone!"
Derek walked away.
In the room Bella kept thinking about things. She hated that she had to do that now. She just hated it. She was not going to open up to someone she didn't even know. But she felt bad for the way she talked to Morgan. So after a while she went to the living room to apologize.
"Uncle Derek" she said very low.
He looked at her.
"I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you" she said honest.
"Come here" he said and she walked to him. He pulled her to his lap. "I know you don't like shrinks but even if you cry the whole time you'll have to go" he said and Bella looked down.
"We know it's hard, pumpkin" Penelope said sitting next to them and taking Bella's hand. Bella rested her head on Derek's chest.
"Uncle Derek" she said again.
"Yes" he said.
"Can you sleep with us again tonight?" She asked.
"Of course I can... but only if you promise me you'll try next week. No tantrums or anything like that" he said.
"Okay" Bella said. She wasn't planning on talking to anybody but that night she needed him there.
"Let's go then" he said lifting her up and carried her to bed. Penelope turned the tv off and followed them. They laid down and soon fell asleep. Bella woke up a few times during the night and Derek just hugged her and soothed her hair till she fell back asleep.
Thursday wasn't much different.
The girl just looked tired all the time, and was very emotional all day. Chloe stopped by after school and they watched a movie together and then had a snack. Bella tried to be tough and not cry when her friend was there but as soon as Chloe left she broke down again. Derek calmed her down and she fell asleep. She woke up about an hour later and just watched tv with him. Penelope got home and soon after Doctor Sullivan stopped by. Bella cried but she was doing better. Even the doctor said her back was healing amazingly fast. Once she was done, Derek left Garcia with Bella in the guest bedroom and went to speak with the doctor outside.
"I'm worried about how much she's crying" he said.
"That's normal. She just lost her mother. It's expected that she'll be sensitive and emotional" Sarah said.
"But it's almost all the time. And she's not talking much" Derek said.
"Derek, she needs time to process everything and heal from this. From all of this. She didn't just lose her mother. She was tortured. She saw her mother being tortured. It's a lot from anyone but especially a little girl. She needs time" Sarah said and he nodded. He knew she was right. "She needs time and patience... and love" Sarah said.
"Yeah" Morgan agreed.
On Friday, Morgan had hoped for a better day but it ended up not being that different.
The girl was just miserable and it seemed like nothing he did was helping. He got ice cream for her, played games, ordered a new book online, they ate pizza, and did many other things but nothing seemed to cheer Isabella up.
Saturday was the same way. Derek wanted to go out but Bella refused to leave the house. Penelope and Derek were trying everything but Bella didn't feel like doing things and was quiet and crying a lot. Penelope had never seen that little girl cry so often.
Later at night doctor Sullivan stopped by and before they changed the bandages they sat to talk while Bella read a book in her room.
Morgan and Penelope explained how worried they were and the doctor said that Isabella clearly needed to see a child psychologist. Derek explained she had gone to one but it didn't go so well. The woman said it's expected for children like Bella to have some sort of resistance when it came to opening up, but with time and patient she would, maybe not to the psychologist but to someone else, someone she trusts.
Doctor Sullivan changed the bandages and was impressed how the girl was healing quickly. But she knew it was just the physical part that was doing great.
On Sunday, Derek had decided that he would take Bella out of the house, even if it was for a walk down the road.
So the day started like the previous ones. Bella was very quiet and her eyes seemed like a fountain. She just hated it but she wasn't even trying to hold it anymore.
She ate breakfast and then sat to watch tv.
After a while, Penelope and Morgan sat to talk to her.
"Bella, I know this is hard and that you feel sad and tired but you can't go on like this anymore" Derek said.
"You need to get out of this house, pumpkin" Garcia said.
"I don't want to" Bella said low.
"It won't help if you stay inside all day looking miserable" Derek said and Bella stayed silent.
"We could go get some groceries" Penelope said.
"Yeah" Morgan agreed. "Would you like that?" He said.
"No" Bella said as her eyes filled with tears once again. She didn't want to go out. She didn't feel like it and she was scared and sad.
"We can either go get groceries or go to the ice cream place. You choose. But we're not staying in this house" Morgan said firm. He had seen Emily do that before and he knew it worked with Bella. He just hoped he wasn't pushing her too much.
"Fine" Bella said serious.
"What's gonna be?" Garcia asked with a smile.
"Groceries" Bella said serious.
"Alright! So come on! Let's get ready" Garcia said excited grabbing Bella's hand.
They changed their clothes and went out. Derek parked at Walmart and Bella couldn't help but feel nervous. As they walked inside she grabbed his hand and held it tight. The man could see she was scared. They shopped for a while. Bella just wanted to go home but she was doing a good job, she just wouldn't let Morgan out of her sight. They went home and as Bella walked inside she felt like she could breathe again. Morgan put the groceries away and they sat and watched tv all afternoon, they had dinner, played chess and then went to bed.
"Did you have a good day?" Morgan asked Bella as he tucked her in.
"It was fine" Bella said looking serious.
Derek took a deep breath and then said "princess, I know you think you might not be ready for school yet but this is my last week off and I think it would be best if you at least tried going to school this week"
Bella nodded yes even though her eyes filled with tears.
"I know you can do it, baby girl" he told her. She nodded again and opened her arms asking for a hug. He hugged her and then gave her forehead a kiss.
"Goodnight" he said.
"Goodnight" Bella whispered and he left.
Bella had a really hard time falling asleep that night but when Penelope went to bed she was able to.
Bella went to school that Monday morning but at 9:30 she called Derek.
"Please can you pick me up? I'm not feeling well" Bella cried. She was hiding in the bathroom. She couldn't help it, she couldn't stand people looking at her like they were.
Derek said he would go. They hung up and he started to make his way to the door.
"Hotch, I'm gonna get Bella" he told the man.
"What happened?" JJ asked worried.
"She said she's not feeling well" he said. JJ looked at him knowing the girl was just really sad.
"Are you going to bring her here?" Rossi asked.
"I'm not sure" Morgan said and walked out of the conference room.
In a short time he got to the school. As Bella walked to him he saw the girl's red eyes. She hugged him tight.
"Let's go" he said and picked her up and took her to the car. He placed Bella in the passenger seat and told her to buckle up. He got in the driver's seat and said "Bella I came to pick you up but we are not going home"
"Why not?" She asked very low.
"Because you can't just call me and say you feel bad so you can go back to the house. I won't allow this to happen" he said and Bella just looked down. "You have to understand that you cannot stay in the house all day" he said. "Your mom wouldn't want that, would she?"
"My mom is not here, is she?" Bella said upset and stared out the window.
He took a deep breath and started the car. He knew he couldn't allow Bella to just go home. So he drove to the park. Her park.
"What are we doing here?" Bella asked as he parked the car.
"We're going for a walk" he said.
"No" Bella said.
"Yes we are" Derek said getting out of the car. He walked to Isabella's side and opened the door. "Come on" he said waiting for her to get out.
"I'm not going" she said upset.
"Do I have to carry you? Cause I will" he said and just stared at her.
Bella knew he was serious so she walked out. Derek closed the door and grabbed her hand. They walked around the place for a while and Derek noticed how Bella was almost hiding behind him the whole time. When Bella saw "her" bench she couldn't help it and started crying. Derek picked her up and she just sobbed. He felt like he should take her to the car but he also felt like she would have to face things sooner or later. So instead of running from it he took her to the bench and sat down with her on his lap. She cried for a while but then calmed down. Bella just rested her head on his chest and stared at the lake.
"This is peaceful, isn't it?" Derek asked.
"Yeah" Bella whispered and took a deep breath. Morgan felt the girl's tiny body shake.
"Do you wanna go now?" He asked.
"Yeah" Bella cried and stood up. He stood up, grabbed her hand again and they walked to the car. Both didn't say another word till they got to Derek's house.
"Go shower and I'll get us some lunch" Derek said.
Bella took a long hot shower, put pajamas on and walked to the kitchen.
"No no. No pajamas" Derek said and she just ignored him.
"Bella I know the rule. No pajamas unless it is bed time. Go on change it" he said firm. Bella went back to the bedroom and changed into black leggings and a purple shirt.
"Much better" Derek said as she walked back.
"You know there's people that sleep like this, right?" Bella said.
Derek couldn't help but smile as he saw a little bit of the Bella he was used to. "But you don't" he said.
They ate lunch and then sat to play monopoly. They played for a long time and then they sat to watch tv.
In Boston, Emily was watching the same channel as her daughter. She missed Bella so much and she felt so bad for what the girl was going through. She just wanted to be home with her daughter.
On the next day, Tuesday, Bella was not very happy to go to school.
"Can't I miss just today?" She asked.
"No" Morgan said.
She went with a pissed off face.
At school Chloe asked why she left so early the day before.
"I didn't feel so good" Bella said and then looked away. She wasn't really talking to her friends. In fact to anyone.
At lunch time she saw Yuna and Gail, two of the girls that used to bully her, looking at her she felt her heart race.
"I'll be right back" she told her friends and walked to the bathroom close to her classroom. She walked in and the tears started rolling. All she could think about was what Vanessa had told her months before. All she could think about was that the girl was right. She was an orphan now.
Bella just cried so much and suddenly Miss Marion walked in. She had seen the girl rush to the bathroom and she got worried.
"Oh mon amour" miss Marion, the French teacher, said when she saw the girl sobbing. She went and wrapped Bella in her arms. She didn't say anything, she just let the child cry.
Once Bella calmed a bit down Marion took her to sit on the floor close to the wall.
"What happened?" The woman asked.
"I wanna go home" Bella said as tears kept falling.
"But what happened, sweetie? Did someone upset you?"
"No." Bella said. "I just want to go home" Bella cried and Marion hugged her again.
"Is there someone I can call?" The woman asked.
"Can you call my aunt Penelope?" Bella asked.
"Sure" Marion said. "Where's your phone?"
Bella took her phone out of her pocket and handed to the teacher.
Penelope was sitting in the conference room when her phone rang and Bella's face showed up on the screen.
"Bellie? What happened?" She said as soon as she answered the phone.
"Oh hi. This is Miss Marion, I'm Isabella's French teacher"
"Hi, is everything okay?" Garcia asked worried and JJ and Rossi stared at her.
"Could you come pick her up?" Marion asked.
"Of course. I'll be right there" Penelope said.
"Okay" Marion said and Garcia hung up.
"What happened?" JJ asked.
"I'm heading to get her" Garcia said standing up.
"But what happened?" JJ asked worried.
"I'm not sure. Her French teacher called" Garcia said and started walking to the door.
"Can I go with you?" JJ asked standing up.
"Sure" Garcia said.
Derek appeared down the hall and knew something was up.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I'm going to get Bella" Garcia said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Her teacher called and asked me to" Penelope said. "JJ's coming with me"
"Okay. Don't take her home. Bring her here" he said and JJ and Penelope went to the car.
"Your aunt is coming" miss Marion said. "Why don't we wait for her outside?"
"Okay" Bella said. They stood up and walked out. The bell rang and students started heading back to their classroom. Isabella's friends saw her walking away with the French teacher.
"I thought she was doing okay" Rose said.
"Her mother died, Rose. Of course she's not okay" Gavin said.
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