Chapter 22: Distractions
In DC, Isabella woke up at 3:30pm. She went to the living room and sat next to Morgan to watch tv. After a while Jeremy asked if she wanted to finish the puzzle that was half done on the center table. She sat with him on the floor and they started doing that.
"Bella are you hungry?" Garcia asked her and impressively the girl nodded yes. Penelope smiled happy that Bella had an appetite still and headed to the kitchen.
A little later she walked back with Mac and cheese. Bella ate and then finished the puzzle.
"Wow that looks cool" Marley told them.
Bella just stared at the puzzle with a blank face.
"How about a shower now?" Penelope asked. She was trying to keep Bella occupied. The girl nodded and they went to the bedroom, got Isabella some clothes and she went to shower.
In the living room Derek stood up to answer the door.
"Come on in" he said as he saw Hilary with Chloe standing there.
"Hi. It's just that Chloe is really worried about Bella and I promised we would stop by" Hilary said.
"She's taking a shower right now. You can wait in the living room with us" Morgan said. He went and hugged Chloe. The girl started crying. He looked at Hilary with a sad face. He saw them at the funeral but since Bella was asleep he didn't even bother to take the girl to see them.
Suddenly Jeremy appeared on the door.
"Hi" he said and went to talk to Hilary. So they said hello and went to the living room. Morgan told them how Bella was doing and they just chatted for some time.
Once Bella was done and dressed she sat on the bed and took Duffy's outfit out.
Suddenly Derek appeared at the door.
"You have a visitor" he said and Chloe walked in.
Bella's eyes immediately filled with tears so did Chloe's. Chloe ran to her friend and they hugged and just cried.
The grownups left the room.
After a while Chloe let go of the hug and said "I'm so sorry Bella"
"I know" Bella said.
They just stared at each other crying.
"Can you stay here? Just tonight?" Bella asked.
"Sure, I think my mom won't mind" Chloe said.
Bella got under the covers and Chloe laid next to her and grabbed her hand.
"It's gonna be okay" Chloe said.
"No it won't" Bella said crying.
"I promise you it will" Chloe said looking very sure of it. Bella just kept crying.
"My mom said you got hurt too" Chloe said trying not to look so worried.
Bella nodded yes and cried as those memories filled her mind.
"Are you in much pain?" Chloe asked.
"Not right now" Bella cried. Chloe looked at her and she could see her friend was in pain but it was not because of her back. She wrapped Bella in a hug and they just silently cried.
A while later Derek and Hilary went to check on them and found both girls asleep.
They went back to the living room and told everyone.
"Can Chloe stay the night? Maybe that will be good for them" Morgan said.
"Are you sure it won't be a problem? You already have Bella to take care of." Hilary said.
"No, of course not. It's fine." Morgan said.
"I think they need each other" Garcia said.
"Okay" Hilary said. "And if you need anything you can call me, alright?" She said and they nodded.
"Really anything" Hilary said.
She left and a while later Jeremy and Marley decided to go to the hotel. So Penelope and Morgan sat in the living room and let the two girls sleep.
They woke them up at 5:30.
"Come on girls" Derek said. "Or you won't sleep at night" he said and they sat up on the bed sleepy.
"Let's eat a snack" Penelope said. The girls got out of bed and followed the woman to the kitchen. Derek went close behind.
"Do you guys want to play monopoly with us?" Penelope asked.
"Okay" Chloe said. Everyone looked at Bella, she nodded yes but didn't look excited at all.
Derek smiled glad to see the girl trying. They got some snacks and sat to play the game.
After a while Addison and Shepherd arrived to see how Bella was doing and the girl was glad to see them. She hadn't seen Addison in a long time and she missed her.
"You look so grown up" Addison smiled giving Bella a hug.
"Do you want to play with us?" Bella asked, her voice way lower than normal.
"Of course" Addison smiled and they all sat on the dining table to play. Bella was serious most of the time but she liked having them around. Later they had to leave so they said their goodbyes and Isabella held her tears in.
"You'll see them soon. I'll take you to visit them If you want" Derek told her after they left.
The girl gave him a little smile and he wrapped her in his arms.
"The pizza is here" Penelope said. Derek and Bella sat with Garcia and Chloe to eat while watching tv. After eating it was time for Isabella's medicine. She took it and laid on the couch next to Morgan. It didn't take long for her to sleep.
"She's out" Derek smiled at the sleeping girl next to him. "I'm gonna take her to bed" he said.
"Can I go too? I'm tired" Chloe said.
"Of course" Penelope smiled.
Derek took Bella to bed and Chloe laid next to her friend.
"We need to change her bandages tomorrow" Penelope said as Derek walked back in the living room.
"I think we should take her to the hospital" Morgan said.
"You don't want to do it?" Garcia asked and he said no. So they called her doctor and schedule for 3pm the next day. Penelope really couldn't stand the girl in that much pain and she obviously could not be the one to cause it. Derek felt like it was his obligation to hold Bella and make sure she was okay, instead of hurting her more. So they rather have someone else do it.
It was a little over 10pm when they finished cleaning the place up a little and decided to go to bed.
It was 12:34 in Boston. JJ was still with Emily, who had given some thought to the situation and was more understanding and agreeing. But she told JJ that Jeremy needed to know the truth.
"Emily, it's too risky" JJ told her.
"It's risky letting him think that I'm dead and Bella only has him. He needs to know JJ. Or else he'll try to take her with him. And he'll never forgive me for lying like this" Emily said.
"I'll talk to Hotch" JJ said understanding.
"Call him now" Emily demanded and JJ did.
Hotch agreed on telling Jeremy and said he would tell the man.
"He said he'll talk to him tomorrow" JJ told Emily.
Emily breathed out relieved. She wanted to make sure things would go as easier as they could for Bella.
Part of her hated Hotch and JJ for what they were doing but the other part knew it had to be done.
All she wanted was to protect her daughter from that man, and she knew that if he knew she was alive he would go back for her.
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