Chapter 21: She Needs Me
"I want to read the letter" said Isabella.
Derek looked at Penelope unsure.
"Are you sure, honey?" Garcia asked.
"Yes" Bella said as her eyes filled with tears again.
"It's on the table" Derek said and Penelope went to get it.
She got back and handed it to Bella. Derek pulled Bella to his lap and she opened it.
"Dear Bella,
If you're reading this letter... know that I tried my best and I am deeply sorry this happened. I truly am.
I learned that Doyle had escaped prison a while ago and I told myself a millions times he wouldn't find me, he wouldn't find us. The day you saw me sitting in front of the door was because of this. I was trying to protect you. I had to protect you. I just knew he was coming, no matter how many times I tried believing he wasn't. Later he sent me something and I knew. I knew that he would try to hurt me. And darling I had to protect you. So I'm going after him. I have to leave because I have to find him and end this before he finds us or hurt anyone else. If you got this letter you know the outcome. I really hope you'll never have to read this. I'm truly sorry if you are. I know I promised you things and I'm sorry i can't keep those promises. I really am. But I'd rather know you're safe.
And baby don't you ever think you're alone now, because you are not.
You have a big family that loves you so much.
If you ever need someone to brighten your day, Penelope will be right there with you. If you need help with anything no matter how crazy and embarrassing you think it is, Morgan will be there. If you need a motherly hug, go to JJ. If you need someone to teach you anything, Reid will be there. Rossi has such wisdom that I hope some of it will glue on you someday. Hotch will always know the right thing to do, so you can trust him with anything.
They are your family, Bells.
They love you.
And I know that they'll protect you and love you and be there for you no matter what.
And know that what I did was to protect you and them. To protect our family. Because I couldn't live if something happened to any of them or you.
And please know that I love you. Never ever forget that.
Mommy loves you more than anything. You are and will always be everything to me. No matter where I am. I will always love you. Always.
And I am so sorry.
Love, mom"
"She left?" Bella asked Derek as many tears fell down her cheeks. "I thought they kidnapped her" she said.
"She went after him and got ambushed in Boston. She fell into a trap" Morgan explained. He had read the letter too while Bella was reading it and he was trying hard not to cry.
"She left me?... no...She promised. She promised she wouldn't do that" Bella said and just sobbed.
Derek wrapped her in his arms till she calmed down.
"I wanna go to bed" Bella whispered after some time.
"Bella do you know what time it is?" Garcia asked. Bella just looked at her and Garcia felt bad. "Come on" Penelope said handing out a hand. Bella went with her to the bedroom and laid down. She felt exhausted and just sad. She laid on the bed and Garcia sat next to her. Penelope stayed there till Bella was asleep.
Later Penelope went back to the living room to find Jeremy, Marley, JJ, Morgan and Isabella's godfather, Shepherd, and godmother, Addison, sitting there talking.
"How is she?" Jeremy asked.
"She fell asleep" Penelope said and took a seat on the couch.
They had all read both letters, Hotch's and Bella's.
"We should let her sleep" Addison said.
"Can we stop by later to check on her?" Shepherd asked.
"Of course" Morgan said and walked them to the door.
"Pen, if you need anything... Just call me" JJ said. She knew that taking care of a little human was hard.
Penelope gave her a small smile and nodded yes.
"I'm gonna check on her" Jeremy said.
"I should go check on my little one too" JJ said. She said goodbye to everyone and left. As she sat on her car her phone rang.
"Hello?" JJ said.
"Hi" Hotch said. "She woke up" he said.
"Oh she did?" JJ asked in shock.
"Yes. You need to go talk to her. They called me and she's arguing with the doctors and she keeps saying she needs to see her daughter" Hotch said.
"Tell them I'm on my way." JJ said and hung up. She drove to the airport and got on a plane to Boston.
"Hello, I'm Jennifer Jareau" she said handing her FBI badge to the front desk nurse.
"Follow me" the woman said and they walked.
"She has been sedated but should wake up in about 20 minutes" the nurse said.
JJ walked in and breathed out as she saw less tubes and wires on Emily. She took a seat next to the bed and waited.
About half an hour later, Emily opened her eyes to find JJ staring at her.
"J?" She mumbled.
"Hi. It's me. I'm right here" JJ said holding her hand.
Emily blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the light.
"Where's Bella?" She asked and stared at JJ.
"She's okay. She's with Morgan and Penelope" JJ said and Emily breathed out as she felt the lump on her throat go away.
"I need to see her" Emily said, her eyes filling with tears as she remembered what Doyle did to the little girl.
"Emily, we need to talk" JJ said.
Emily stared at her and by the look on JJ's face she knew it was serious.
"What is it?" She demanded.
"Hotch made a decision when they finished your surgery" JJ started and Emily just stared and listened. "Doyle escaped and Hotch knew he would come back for you so he did something to protect you" JJ said.
"What did he do?" Emily asked concerned.
"He faked your death" JJ said.
"What?" Emily breathed in disbelief.
"I'm so sorry but we have to protect you. Who knows what Doyle will do if he finds out you're alive. Who knows what he will do to Bella" JJ said.
"Does she know I'm okay?" Emily asked. "Does Bella know?" She asked as tears filled her eyes.
"No" JJ said.
"What? No!" Emily said crying. She sat up and ripped her IV off. "I need to leave" she said. She was feeling a lot of pain but she didn't care.
"No! Emily! Please calm down" JJ said trying to push her back down.
Emily ripped the oxygen off and suddenly three nurses walked in.
"Calm down. You have stitches... It's alright. You're safe in here" one of the nurses said and they held her as she fought them off. She was in a lot of pain but she needed to get to Bella. She felt a poke on her arm and then she felt it burning. Suddenly her eyes got heavy and she was out. The nurses left and JJ just sat there crying.
About an hour later Emily woke up again.
"You can't do that to her" Emily said calmer now.
"Em" JJ said.
"You can't. She'll never forgive me for leaving. Please J, you can't do this" Emily said fighting her tears.
"There's no other way Emily." JJ said. "Hotch will move you to a safe location and you'll come back when we get Doyle. We won't stop till we find him. I promise"
"She can come with me. She can't go through all of that again. She just lost her father" Emily said as her eyes filled with tears. "She needs me. She needs her mom"
"And that's why we're doing this" JJ said. "She needs you alive. Em, she can't go with you, what are we gonna tell everyone? ...Emily, you know what he's capable of. You know that he'll come back for you. And who knows what he'll do to her"
Emily just listened.
"Isabella will be okay. She's with Derek and Penelope and they're taking good care of her" JJ said. "She's going to be alright"
"She needs her mother" Emily said crying. JJ sat on the bed and hugged her.
"And she will get you back soon. We need to do this. I'm so sorry" JJ said letting go of the hug.
Emily gave her a nod and turned her face to the side. She closed her eyes as she felt a bit heavy again. All those meds were making her so tired. It wasn't long till she fell back asleep.
JJ breathed out relieved. She knew Emily was mad at them but she was glad she calmer and a bit more understanding now. She sat on the chair next to the bed and called Hotch. She told him how it went and said she would stay with Emily for the day.
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