Chapter 20: Funerals
Later, Penelope saw it was time for the girl's pain medicine so she gave it to her. A short time after, the child ended up falling asleep. Penelope went to the living room to find Morgan helping Reid make a bed on the couch.
"You're staying?" Garcia asked. Reid nodded. "Good" Penelope said with a small smile.
"Where's she?" Morgan asked.
"She fell asleep" Garcia said.
They finished the bed and decided to go to sleep too.
They knew the next day would be hard for everyone.
Isabella jumped awake screaming at 3:45am. She was sweating and tears were rolling down her face. Penelope sat on the bed and just wrapped the girl in her arms as she started to cry too. She couldn't stand seeing Bella so hurt.
Morgan and Reid ran to the room.
"What happened?" Morgan asked but when he saw the two crying he just knew. He walked to the bed and hugged both.
"It's okay. It's gonna be okay" he told them. Reid just stared from the door not sure of what to do.
Isabella let go of Penelope and wrapped her arms around Derek. Reid went back to the living room as tears started to stream down his face. Morgan, Garcia and Bella stayed hugging for a while then Derek told them to lay down. They did that and he laid next to them, Bella right in the middle. She hugged her blanket and just kept crying as Morgan soothed her hair.
"I want my doggie" Bella cried.
"Tramp?" Garcia asked. Referring to the lady and the tramp dog Bella had.
"Yeah and Duffy" Bella cried.
"I'll go get it for you" Morgan said.
"No! Don't leave" Bella held his shirt.
"It's okay I'll be quick" Derek said.
"No! Please Don't leave!" Bella said.
"Do you want to go with me?" Morgan asked.
Bella took some time to think and then nodded yes.
"Are you sure?" Garcia asked worried the girl wasn't ready to go there.
"Yeah" Bella said.
"Okay then. Let's go" Derek said sitting up. He picked Bella up. The girl rested on his shoulder holding her blanket tight.
"We won't be long" Morgan told Garcia.
"Anything just call me" she said and Derek walked out of the room.
Reid walked back in and sat on the bed with Penelope. Garcia looked at him and just held his hand.
Derek put Bella on the passenger's seat and drove to Emily's building. The girl had tears streaming down her face all the way there. When they got to the building, Morgan carried Bella inside since the girl didn't have shoes on.
He put her down in front of the apartment door.
"Do you know where he is?" He asked her.
"In my room" Bella said almost a whisper.
Morgan opened the door and walked in first. Bella took a deep breath and followed him inside. She slowly walked to her bedroom, squeezing her blanket as tight as she could. She was just so scared. When she got upstairs she ran to her room and picked up the plush on the top of her bed and hugged it tight. Morgan walked in and hugged her. She calmed a bit down.
"Why don't we pack you some clothes?" Morgan said and she just stared. "I'll do it" he said.
Bella sat on the bed. She picked up Duffy and hugged him too together with Tramp and her blanket as the tears kept falling. Derek hurried and put a few clothes on a bag. He got Isabella's red rain boots and put it on the bag too.
Suddenly Isabella got off the bed and ran to him and just sobbed. Images of what had happened flashed through her mind.
"I wanna go now" she said sounding scared.
Derek quickly lifted her up and carried her out. He placed her on the passenger's seat and then put the bag on the back and drove home. When they got there Bella had cried herself to sleep. He took her inside and found Reid asleep on the couch. He went to the guest bedroom and put Isabella back on the bed. The girl was still holding her things tightly.
"How was it?" Penelope asked.
"As expected" Morgan said pushing hair away from the girl's face.
Penelope covered the child up and placed a kiss on her cheek.
"We should sleep" she told Derek and he nodded.
"I got some of her clothes and her boots. You know the red ones she's always wearing." He said.
"Good" Penelope said and gave him a little smile.
"We should sleep" Morgan said.
"Yeah" Penelope agreed.
Morgan left and Penelope laid down.
The next morning, Garcia woke up to find Derek and Jeremy at the door staring at Bella.
"Hi" she whispered and got out of bed.
They went outside to the kitchen and Garcia hugged Jeremy.
"How is she?" He asked.
"She's tough" Derek said.
"Yeah" Jeremy said and suddenly started crying. Penelope hugged him and he just cried. He couldn't believe Emily was gone. He couldn't believe his little sister was an orphan.
Isabella woke up that morning and her head was hurting a lot. She scratched her eyes with the back of her hands and sat on the bed. Her back hurt too. She got her blanket, Duffy and Tramp, and went to find Derek.
She went to the living room to find Morgan sitting on the couch and Jeremy and Marley sitting on the other.
"Hi" Jeremy said as he stood up.
Bella dropped her things on the floor and ran to him. He hugged her and they both just cried.
Suddenly Penelope walked in. Reid had left earlier that morning. Garcia put the girl's things on the center table and sat with Morgan while Jeremy sat with Bella on the couch. She just kept hugging him.
"I love you" Jeremy told her.
"I know" Bella whispered. Then she let go of him and went to Derek.
"Good morning, princess" Derek said as Bella sat on his lap and he wiped her face. She didn't say anything. She just rested her head on him and got comfortable.
"Derek, it's already 9:40" Garcia said.
"Bella you gotta get ready for the funeral, honey" Garcia said feeling bad.
Bella just stared.
"Come with me. I'll help you get in the shower" Penelope said and Bella shook her head no.
"Hey, your back won't get wet" Jeremy said.
"It won't?" Bella asked. Her voice way lower than normal.
"No. The bandage is waterproof." Jeremy said and she just stared scared they would have to change the bandages again. "I promise" Jeremy said.
Bella looked at Penelope who signed for the girl to walk to her. Isabella got up and went. Penelope threw one arm around her and they went to the guest bedroom.
"Do you know if Derek packed you something black?" Garcia asked going through the clothes and the girl shook her head no, looking really sad. Penelope stopped and sat next to her. Bella hugged her and cried.
"I just want her to hold me again" Bella said. Her little voice broke Penelope's heart.
"I know, pumpkin. I know" she said crying too and hugging the girl.
They stayed like that for a little while and then Penelope said "alright" and wiped her face. "Come. We need to get ready" she said standing up. She got Bella's hand and they went to the bathroom. The girl showered and put black leggings and a white shirt on. Then they went to the bedroom. Jeremy was waiting there. Penelope saw the girl looked cold so she got the navy coat Reid had bought. She helped Bella put it on and Bella laid down on the bed.
"Hey we gotta do your hair, monkey" Garcia said.
Bella shook her head no and stayed laying down. Garcia gave her a little smile and went to get the girl's shoes.
"Penny" Bella said. Garcia quickly paid attention. "My back hurts" the girl said as tears filled her eyes.
"You'll have your medicine soon, bunny" Garcia said.
"It hurts really bad" she said and started crying as she moved closer to Jeremy.
"Can she have it now?" Garcia asked feeling bad.
"Yeah" Jeremy said soothing the child's hair. "Let's go get it" Jeremy told Penelope making a face saying they had to talk. So both walked out of the room and went to the kitchen where the medicine was.
"She's not in that much pain. Not taking what she's taking" Jeremy said.
"What's wrong?" Derek asked walking in.
"Bella wants the pain medicine. She said her back hurts really bad" Garcia said.
"She doesn't want to go" Derek said just knowing.
"Yeah" Jeremy said.
"But what will happen if she takes the medicine earlier?" Garcia asked.
"She'll sleep" Jeremy said.
"And you think that's a good idea? It's her mother's funeral" Marley said.
"You remember what happened with my dad's. She does not need to go through that again." Jeremy said.
"I agree" Morgan said. Jeremy gave him a nod. "I'll talk to her" Derek said, got the medicine and went to the bedroom. Jeremy followed him.
"Hey" Derek said as he walked inside the bedroom. Bella just stared at him from the bed. He walked and sat in front of her. "Your back is hurting?" He asked and she nodded yes. Jeremy walked in and sat at the end of the bed.
"Your back is hurting or you just don't wanna go?" Jeremy asked.
Bella just burst into tears.
"Come here" Morgan said and she went to his arms. He hugged her. "You can take the medicine but you don't have to lie, Bella." He said and she hid her face embarrassed. "Here, you wanna try to sleep?" Derek said handing her the medicine. She nodded yes. Jeremy poured some of it and she drank. "Go on lay down for a while" Derek said and Bella laid on the bed. "I'll come get you soon" he added.
"I'll stay" Jeremy said getting closer to the girl as Derek walked to the door.
"Don't wake me up" Bella whispered and hid her face on her blanket. She soon fell asleep.
"We should go." Marley said checking the clock on the wall.
"I'll get them" Morgan said and walked to the bedroom while Penelope and Marley went to the car.
"She's out" Jeremy said as Derek walked in.
"That's good" Derek said. He picked Bella up. She moved a little and opened her eyes. She looked groggy. "It's okay princess, you can sleep" he told her and she closed her eyes again.
Jeremy got her boots and they went to the car. Inside Bella sat on the back with Garcia and Marley. She rested her head on Penelope's lap, while Derek drove. When they got to the cemetery, Derek put Bella's boots on her and Jeremy picked her up. She stayed sleeping.
Derek helped carry the coffin and then went to where Jeremy was. Bella moved a little and he picked her up.
Derek sat on a chair and Bella stayed asleep on his lap.
And she slept through the entire thing.
Derek looked around at all the people that showed up. He wished Bella could see how many people loved and respected her mother. But he let her sleep through it all.
"Cover her ears" JJ told him as the men prepared to shoot. Derek covered Isabella's right ear with his hand but the girl heard and woke up anyways. Her eyes shot open and she was scared so she closed them again really tight and grabbed Derek's suit.
"It's okay. I'm right here. Uncle Derek is here" Derek told her and she relaxed. "You're safe." He said.
The priest finished talking and they went to the car. Bella was awake but kept her eyes closed. She didn't want to talk to anyone. They went to the car and Bella laid her head on Penelope's lap. When they got to Rossi's house the girl was asleep again.
"You can put her in a guest bedroom upstairs" Rossi said and Morgan took the girl. He put her down on the bed, covered her up and laid next to her.
After a while Jeremy walked in.
"Hey, go stay with your friends. I'll watch her" Jeremy said.
"No. It's okay" Derek said staring at the sleeping girl.
"Derek, if she wakes up I'll get you" Jeremy said.
Morgan stared at him and saw he wouldn't take a no, so he went.
"Anything just go get me" he said and walked out. Jeremy sat next to Bella and just watched over her while she slept.
Derek went out and said hello to everyone. He saw a lot of people from their work including Mazzy's father, who took the girl with him. He saw Shepherd and a few doctors, friends of John that Emily knew, including Callie and Isabella's godmother Addison. He talked to them and then sat with the team.
"How is she?" JJ asked.
"Sleeping" Derek said.
"No, not now. I mean how IS she?" JJ said.
Derek took some time to think and said "broken... All over again"
JJ just gave him a nod. She felt so horrible for lying.
Isabella woke up to find her brother staring at her. She looked around the room and recognized it was Rossi's house.
"Where's Morgan?" She whispered a bit scared.
"He's just outside" Jeremy said. The girl got out of bed and started walking out. Jeremy went and grabbed her hand. Bella walked downstairs and people started looking at her. She panicked and hugged Jeremy, asking to be picked up. He lifted her up and carried her to where the team was sitting, at a table outside.
"What's wrong?" Derek said as he saw them. Jeremy just shook his head no in a way of saying the kid was not okay. Derek got up and got Bella. He sat back down and the girl hid her face on his chest. She was crying.
No one said anything.
Bella just sat there for a while and then whispered to Derek that she wanted to go.
"Okay, we can go now" Morgan told her. He looked at Penelope.
"Yeah we should go" the woman said.
"I'll stop by later" Jeremy said.
They said goodbye and left, not stopping to talk to anybody else.
Isabella had tears streaming down her face all the way to Derek's house.
When they got there Penelope asked if she wanted to eat. The girl nodded no so they went to the living room. Derek sat down and Bella sat right next to him and rested her head on his arm. He grabbed her hand.
"We are right here with you" Derek said. Bella hugged him and just cried.
"I just want her to hold me" Bella said desperately wishing to be wrapped in her mother's arms, like Emily used to do.
Penelope couldn't hold her tears in as she heard the girl say that again. She sat next to them and they stayed there quiet till Bella calmed down.
The girl stopped crying and after a while she said "I want to read the letter"
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