Chapter 2: Christmas
Later at night people started to leave.
Bella was playing with Chloe in her room when Emily appeared at the door.
"Chloe, your mom's going home now" Emily said.
The girls stood up and followed the woman downstairs. Jeremy and his fiancé Marley were sitting with Penelope watching a movie. Hilary, Chloe's mother, was holding her youngest daughter Millie in her arms. "Let's go?" She asked Chloe who nodded and hugged Bella.
"Merry Christmas Eve" Chloe said and Bella smiled.
"See you tomorrow" Bella smiled and Chloe left.
Emily and Hilary had agreed to do presents in the morning and then meet at Emily's house at 9:30 for breakfast.
"Did you have a good day?" Emily asked throwing one arm around Isabella's shoulders as they walked to the couch.
"Yeah" Bella smiled and walked to the couch where Penelope was sitting. Emily pulled her arm making her stop.
"Sit here with me. I need some mommy-daughter time" Emily smiled and Bella laughed. Emily sat down and snuggled Bella on the couch.
They watched a movie and Bella ended up falling asleep.
"She's out" Jeremy smiled as he saw Bella had fallen asleep.
Emily looked at the girl and smiled too. They finished watching the movie and Emily carried Bella upstairs.
"Penelope, you can stay on her bed again. I'll take her to mine" Emily said and Penelope smiled.
"We'll make a bed here" Jeremy said.
"I'll get the things" Emily said and went upstairs.
Emily put the girl down. She took Bella's shoes off and covered her up. She placed a kiss on the girl's forehead. "Goodnight" she said and went to get the things for Jeremy.
"Make yourself at home" she told him. "Goodnight" he smiled.
Emily went back up and changed her clothes. She put on pajamas and then laid next to her sleeping daughter. Emily smiled as Bella grabbed a handful of her shirt. She could see the kid wanted her close. She soothed the girl's hair and said "I love you".
Emily woke up early that Saturday morning and she was really excited. She had not spent last year's Christmas with Bella because the team had a case.
She got out of bed and headed to the closet downstairs. She found Jeremy and Marley in the kitchen.
"Merry Christmas" Jeremy smiled.
"Merry Christmas" Emily said walking to him. She hugged Marley and then Jeremy.
"Is she still sleeping?" He asked.
"Yeah" Emily smiled and walked to the closet. She grabbed a luggage and took it to the living room. She had kept two presents hidden there. She knew Bella didn't believe in Santa anymore, she stopped believing when she was 7, but Emily wanted to surprise her. She put the gifts under the Christmas tree and smiled as she noticed there were some presents there that she did not get and she had not seen it the day before.
"Garcia" Emily smiled and put the luggage away.
"Do you guys need any help?" Emily asked as she saw Jeremy was starting to make waffles.
"No, it's alright." He said.
"Yeah. Go stay with your girl" Marley smiled and Emily smiled back and headed back upstairs.
Bella was still sleeping, so she changed her clothes and laid again next to the girl.
Isabella woke up it was 8:10am.
"Merry Christmas" Emily said softly as soon as the girl opened her eyes.
Bella smiled and hugged her mom.
"Do you think Santa Claus came?" Emily asked making a face.
Bella smiled as Emily pushed hair away from her face.
"Let's go see" Emily said and Bella sat up.
"Wait a little more" Bella said making a face and lying back down.
Suddenly Penelope walked in.
"I heard voices!" She said jumping on the bed and hugging Bella.
"Merry Christmas!" She said excited giving the girl a big hug.
"Merry Christmas" Bella smiled.
"Let's go downstairs now?" Emily said.
"Yeah! Yeah! I think Santa came!" Penelope really excited.
"You know he's not real, right?" Bella told her.
"Yes he is! Leave me alone" Penelope joked and they walked downstairs.
"Oh my goodness" Bella said as she saw the amount of presents under the tree.
"I told you he came!" Penelope smiled at how surprised Bella was.
"Merry Christmas" Jeremy said and Bella went and gave him a hug.
"Come on. Let's open them" Emily smiled and they walked and sat close to the tree.
Bella grabbed a bag and said "oldest first" and smiled at Emily.
"Did you buy this?" Emily asked grabbing the bag.
"Yeah." Bella said and smiled at Penelope. She had asked the woman to take her to the mall a few days before Christmas when Emily was in Mississippi for a case.
Emily smiled and pulled her present from the bag. "Thank you honey" she smiled as she saw Bella bought her a new wallet.
"You're welcome" Bella smiled proudly. "There's more!" The girl said and grabbed a bigger bag.
"Oh my god, Bella" Emily said taking the gift out. It was a new bag that matched the wallet.
"You needed something new to put your wallet in" Bella smiled.
"Thank you" Emily said and gave the girl a hug.
"Alright, Penelope now" Bella said.
"No! Wait! I got you something too" Penelope said grabbing a gift and handing it to Emily.
"We did too" Jeremy said and grabbed another bag.
Emily opened Penelope's first and it was a gift card from Starbucks, two bath bombs and a pretty navy blue shirt. "Thank you Penelope" Emily smiled and opened Jeremy's. It was a blue photo album with no pictures in it.
"You can fill it up with new ones" Jeremy smiled signing Bella, and Emily smiled back and said "thank you so much".
"Alright, now you!" Bella told Penelope and the woman started opening her presents. Bella had bought her Aunt a new Doctor Who throw, and Doctor Who Christmas lights. Emily had bought Penelope a few movies and a new keyboard. The woman was very happy with her gifts.
Jeremy and Marley were next and they were surprised Emily and Penelope had bought them things too. Penelope bought him a Dallas Cowboys jersey and Emily bought him and Marley tickets to see a game.
"Oh wow" Jeremy said when he saw what it was. "Thank you so much" he smiled.
"This one is from me" Bella smiled and handed them a small bag. Emily smiled because she already knew what it was.
Jeremy opened and found a key.
"What's this?" He asked.
"It's a key, dummy" Bella smiled and he just gave her a look.
"It's the key to here. So you can come see me anytime you want" Bella smiled and looked at Emily who was smiling too.
Yes, Jeremy was a jerk before when he tried to take Bella away to Seattle but he was Isabella's brother and back then he believed he was doing the right thing, even though he wasn't. Isabella loved him and she wanted him close. So she asked Emily if she could buy him a plane ticket so he could come back soon and Emily suggested giving him the key to the apartment, which Bella loved.
"Thank you so much" Jeremy smiled and Bella gave him a big hug.
"I love you" Jeremy said on the girl's ear. "And I'm sorry for what I did" he added.
Bella smiled and said "I love you too" and let go of the hug.
"Alright, now your turn, my beautiful young Prentiss" Penelope smiled handing a bag to Bella.
"Who is this from?" Bella asked smiling excited.
"It's from Santa." Penelope said.
"Penny!" Bella said.
"Alright, it's from Santa Garcia" Penelope smiled and Bella started to open it.
It was an "Anger" plush from "Inside Out".
"Thank you" Bella smiled and hugged Penelope.
"There's more there's more" Penelope smiled and handed her some other bags. The girl opened and it was all the other characters.
"You shouldn't have given me all of them" Bella said.
"Of course I should" Garcia smiled.
"From me, there's just one more." Garcia said handing a box to Bella. "But I can see your mom spoiled you pretty good" she said looking at all the other presents.
Emily and Bella laughed and Bella unwrapped the box.
"Oh my god! An iPhone?!" Bella said and Penelope and Emily smiled. Penelope had asked Emily if she could get it for the girl.
"It's the new one. You needed an upgrade girly and I'm your tech Aunt so it was fitted" Penelope smiled. Of course she had set the phone up already, with all the security things she could.
"Thank you thank you thank you" Bella said and hugged Penelope.
"You're very welcome" Garcia smiled.
"Now these are from me" Emily said handing Bella three bags and a box.
Isabella opened it all very excited. She got new clothes and two new books.
"Thank you mom" Bella smiled.
"There are two more" Emily smiled and handed one of the bags she had hidden.
Bella opened the biggest one and smiled when she saw what it was. She got a Doctor Who bundle, with two seasons of the show, a shirt and 3 pairs of socks.
"Thank you" she smiled and hugged Emily.
"The last one we have to wait for Hilary to come here" Emily said and Bella looked intrigued but she smiled knowing Emily was up to something.
"So we have two gifts for you" Marley said.
"Grab the pink bag" Jeremy said and Bella did what she was told.
She opened it and smiled when she saw she got a beautiful dark blue picture frame. The picture made her smile happy, but feel a little sad too. It was the picture from her 8th birthday with her dad, the one they were all dirty from a cake fight they had in their hotel room.
"Thank you" Bella smiled and hugged Jeremy.
She let go and stared at Emily.
The moment Emily saw the girl's face she knew Bella was about to cry.
"Come here" she said and Bella sat on her lap and started crying. Emily wrapped her arms around her and just let her cry.
"I miss him, mommy" Bella said. She sounded so hurt.
Jeremy sat next to Emily and held the girl's hand.
"We all do, Bellie" He said. He never thought they would be that young spending a Christmas without their father.
"I just wish he was here" Bella said a bit calmer now and Jeremy gave her hand a squeeze.
Penelope had tears in her eyes, she hated seeing the girl crying.
"Well, we have one last present" Jeremy said with a smile. Bella looked at him and didn't understand how he was smiling.
"Come on, open it" Jeremy said and handed a purple bag to Bella and moved to the side.
The girl sat between Emily and him and opened the bag. She pulled another picture frame out, a light blue one, and just looked confused when she saw the picture in it.
"What's this?" Bella asked confused.
"Oh my god!" Emily said looking at Marley, as she saw what it was.
"Well... That's the baby inside Marley's tummy" Jeremy said and Bella's jaw dropped.
"What? Are you serious?!" She asked in disbelief.
"I'm serious" Jeremy smiled at her cute reaction.
"You're pregnant?" She asked Marley with a super excited face.
"Yes" Marley smiled.
"Oh my god" Bella said and hugged Jeremy. "I'm gonna be an Aunt!" She laughed. "This is crazy" she added and everybody laughed.
"Oh you have another gift inside the bag" Jeremy said handing the bag to her again.
She pulled another picture frame out, this time it was pink, and it had another ultrasound picture in it.
"Why did you get me two?" She asked confused.
"Well..." Jeremy started saying with a big smile but Bella cut him off.
"No! There are two! Two babies?" She said in disbelief. "Are you having twins?" She asked as her eyes filled with tears.
"Yes" Marley smiled.
"Oh my god" Bella said and started crying again but this time from happiness. Jeremy pulled her to his lap.
"Congratulations" Emily said standing up and hugging Marley.
"Oh babies!" Penelope said putting her hand on Marley's stomach and they all laughed.
"Oh my god" Bella said letting out a deep breath.
No one had noticed because Marley always wore lose shirts.
"I'm so happy!" Bella told Jeremy and he smiled and hugged her. "I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt" she said.
"You'll be the best aunt" Jeremy smiled and tickled her tummy making her giggle.
Bella wiped her tears and hugged him again.
"You're going to be a dad" the girl smiled sweetly.
"I am" Jeremy smiled too
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