Chapter 5
"Is that a giant Zombie?!" Stampy cried.
Indeed it was. The giant was nearing the city walls. It was about one thousand blocks from Ty and the kids.
"Run!" Adam yelled. The twelve kids sprinted down the street, away from the train station.
The ground shook more, and the zombie growled loudly again. The kids continued running. Ty didn't know where they were going.
Adam turned a corner and ran straight into a police officer.
"Kids, get to the train station!" she ordered. "We're evacuating the city."
She turned Adam around. Ty heard Jason whisper "We can't leave. We need to find that man."
"Come on, kids," the police woman said, trying to shoo them back in the direction they had come from.
Adam nodded at his friends, and stomped on the lady's foot. She cried out in pain, and Adam sprinted past the officer. The other kids followed.
"Kids! Come back!" Ty heard the police officer yelling. None of the kids looked back as they ran away.
The ground was still shaking every once in awhile as the giant continued to come closer to the city. It was about two hundred blocks away.
"Come on!" Adam shouted, turning another corner. Ty and the others followed.
This street was crowded with dozens of people desperately trying to make it to the train station to evacuate. The kids wove in and out of the people, going in the opposite direction.
Ty kept an eye out for the man they were searching for, but didn't see him. He still wasn't even sure if he was in Mineville.
Finally, the kids made it out of the crowd of fleeing citizens. Adam stopped at a corner, catching his breath. The others did the same.
"Should we try to kill it?" Jordan asked.
"Why? We're not heroes. We're just a bunch of kids," Dan retorted.
"It doesn't look like anyone else is gonna kill it," Seto pointed out.
"Actually, look," Squid said, pointing to the giant, which was now about a hundred blocks from the city.
One of the giant's eyes was completely black. They had been red before, just like the monsters in New Block City. Ty also noticed that there was a person on top of its head.
"Is that the man?" Pat asked.
"I can't tell from here," Adam replied. "But it doesn't look like it."
Whoever it was on top of the giant, he leaned over and stabbed the other eye of the Zombie. It roared, and the person on top stood up. He looked at something in the distance, and then the entire giant collapsed, taking him with it.
"Well, whoever that was, they saved us!" Jen cheered.
Suddenly, Ty heard another loud Zombie growl. Actually, it sounded like two.
The kids turned around, and again, several of them screamed.
There were two more giants coming their way. One was headed directly for the kids, and was about two hundred blocks from them. The other was headed towards the center of the city.
"Run! Again!" Adam yelled, and the kids sprinted back the way they had come. The ground continued to shake as the kids ran.
They turned down several streets, and Adam finally stopped in an area that was relatively clear of giants.
"Did the evil man bring those giants here?" Pat asked.
"Well, judging from the fact that he's right over there, I'd say yes," Seto replied, pointing to a building down the street.
Sure enough, the glowing eyed man they had seen on TV was floating above a building, waving his arms as if he were controlling something.
"He's controlling the giants!" Dan exclaimed.
"We gotta go stop him!" Mitch yelled, about to run in that direction. Jason caught him.
"We can't stop him," Jason said. "But the man who saved us can."
"Guys! Look!" Squid yelled. He was about ten blocks away, pointing down the street that had the evil man. The kids ran over to him and looked.
There were two lone figures running towards the giant in the distance.
One of the figures was the man they were looking for.
"It's him!" Jen exclaimed.
Both figures ran into a tall building near the giant.
"He's going to kill the giant, not the evil guy," Ty realized.
"That evil guy is controlling the giants! What if we go stop him?" Jerome suggested.
"What can we do?" Jordan asked.
"We up on him, and stab him!" Mitch spoke up.
"That's a terrible idea," Dan said.
"Well, we have to do something!" Adam cried. "I'm going to do what I can to that evil guy. Who's with me?"
Mitch and Jerome raised their hands and stood by him.
Nobody else moved.
"Really? No one else?" Adam asked.
"We're just kids," Seto answered.
Adam looked at Ty. "Ty?"
Ty opened his mouth for an excuse, but couldn't think of a good one. His real excuse was that he was too scared. Ty closed his mouth.
Adam looked hurt. But, he nodded, and he, Mitch, and Jerome ran off.
There was silence as they watched them run away from the kids, towards their doom.
"They're gonna get themselves killed," Dan said.
"Are we really gonna let them?" Stampy asked. "They are our friends."
"You're right. We need to stop them," Ty said. "Come on!" He ran after Adam, Mitch, and Jerome.
Ty saw the three kids run into the building that the evil man was on top of. He ran faster towards it, with the others following.
As they were running, they heard an even louder roar coming from one of the Zombies, the one that the man had run towards. It suddenly collapsed.
Ty looked around for the other one, and realized it was standing right where the Town Hall had been. Now, it was headed for the train station, where all the citizens were gathered. It was still a good ways away from it, but it was headed there.
"Let's get Adam, Mitch, and Jerome, and then get everyone out of the train station," Ty said.
The others nodded, and they entered the building the evil man was above.
Ty looked around and immediately found the stairwell. He sprinted up it, realizing that it was around fifty floors.
A few minutes later, when they finally got to the top, they ran out to the roof.
Adam, Mitch, and Jerome were right below the evil man. They all had their swords out, about to strike.
Ty didn't have time to do anything, and they swung their swords at the evil man. Right before they made contact, they were blocked by some invisible shield. The swords bounced off, and the kids flew backwards, into some boxes that were on the roof. One of the boxes broke, and a bunch of tripwire fell out and tangled up Mitch and Jerome.
The evil man didn't even notice the children.
"Guys, we can't do anything to him. He's too powerful. But we have to get the citizens out of the train station! That other giant is headed there!" Ty yelled over the sounds of the giant crushing buildings nearby.
Adam looked back at the man, hesitated, and nodded. Before they ran back down, he looked at the tripwire that was snared on Mitch and Jerome.
"Guys, bring that with you. I have an idea."
A few minutes later, the giant was nearing the train station. The kids were about one hundred blocks from the station, and the giant was about one hundred blocks from them in the other direction.
Six of the kids were on one side of the street, and the other six were on the other side. The six on Ty's side were Adam, Pat, Jen, Jason, and Dan. The six on the other side were Mitch, Jerome, Jordan, Seto, Stampy, and Squid.
"Alright. You guys know what to do?!" Adam yelled.
Mitch held up a thumbs up. Jerome tackled him and put his thumb up instead.
The giant was nearing them now. It was about thirty blocks away. Ty had already seen the man and two others climbing up the giant's leg awhile ago.
The giant was now ten blocks away.
"Now!" Adam shouted.
Both sides pulled hard on the tripwire they were holding between them. It tightened, and the giant's foot ran into it.
The entire Zombie jolted and shook, and it almost looked like it was going to fall. It didn't, though.
From "The Great War" ^ (look at the 4th paragraph ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
The kids lost their grip on the tripwire, and the giant continued to walk.
"Welp. We tried," Pat said.
"Not enough OPness," Jen said sadly.
Suddenly, a diamond sword landed on the sidewalk a few blocks from Ty.
"Where did that--"
Another one landed a few blocks from the first one, nearly slicing Dan in half.
Ty looked up, expecting to see some sort of diamond sword rain, but he realized they had just come from the giant. Two of the people up there must have dropped their swords when the Zombie tripped on the tripwire.
Ty looked towards the train station, and saw around a hundred citizens inside, looking at the incoming giant in horror. Ty looked away, not wanting to see them all get crushed.
But then, he heard the loud Zombie roar again, so Ty looked up.
The giant was collapsing, about to flatten the kids.
The kids scattered so they wouldn't get crushed. Ty ran and just barely managed to dive away from being crushed by the giant's head.
The man and his friends must have killed the giant.
Ty stood up and looked up at the building that the evil man had been above. The evil man was grinning at someone. Not Ty, but someone else.
Then, the evil man disappeared.
Halfway though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Next chapter will be published Monday, cuz weekdays.
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