Chapter 4
After a lot of arguments and yelling, the kids finally decided to go to Mineville. Ty was against it, personally, but he went wherever they went.
The twelve kids were now in the train station in New Block City. It was very busy, because a lot of people were trying to leave. The kids didn't have any adults with them, and they weren't sure how they would get on the train.
"Does anyone have any emeralds?" Stampy asked.
The kids shook their heads. Without emeralds, they couldn't pay to get on the train.
"Guys, we're gonna have to sneak onto the train," Adam said in a low voice, so no adults heard them.
"We can't do that!" Dan exclaimed. "We could get arres--"
Jerome slapped a hand over his mouth as a security guard walked by, eying the kids suspiciously.
"There's a car with farm animals on it farther down the track," Jordan said. "We're gonna have to ride in that so no one finds us."
"I am not riding with a bunch of animals," Jen protested, crossing her arms.
"Come on, Jen," Pat said. "It's the only way we can find that man."
"Fine." She muttered something under her breath.
"Alright. Let's go," Adam said. The kids walked over to the train rails. From where they were, they couldn't get inside the animal car, unless they went through the train. They would have to go out a door that said "NO ENTRY", then get onto the animal car from the outside.
The kids nonchalantly walked over to the door. Ty scanned the area for security guards. None were looking their way.
The kids opened the door and ran outside.
Outside, the ground was mostly gravel. There were train tracks, with the long train on it, waiting to board passengers. The second to last car was a big black box that said "LIVESTOCK"on it. The door was a large slab of black clay, which could be moved aside after moving the bar that locked it.
There were no people around, so the kids walked over to the animal car.
"Are we sure we want to do this?" Seto asked. "What if the man doesn't even go to Mineville?"
"I have a feeling in my gut telling me he is," Jason answered.
Seto rolled his eyes and muttered something as Mitch, Jerome, and Adam went up to the door. Adam pushed the bar out of the way, and Mitch and Jerome heaved the door open.
The stench was the first thing Ty noticed. It smelled horrible. Pigs, cows, chickens, horses, donkeys, and sheep were not very sanitary.
"I changed my mind. I am not going in there," Jen stated.
"Come on, it's not that bad!" Jerome exclaimed, swinging off the door and inside. Mitch followed, a grin on his face.
Stampy and Squid walked inside next, followed by Jason, Seto, and a hesitant Dan.
Jordan, Pat, Adam, and Ty remained outside.
"Jennnnnnnn! Pleeeeeeeeassseeeeee?" Pat whined.
Jen shook her head. "Unh-uh."
Jordan and Adam went inside the animal car, standing on the edge. "Jen, it's just an hour train ride. You can handle it," Jordan said.
Jen shook her head again. "Not with those dirty animals."
Pat grabbed her hand and tried dragging her inside. She struggled, and broke free of his grasp just as he got inside the car. Pat flew backwards into the car, knocking Jordan over on his way.
Jen started running the opposite direction.
"Jen!" Ty yelled.
Suddenly, a horn sounded, and the familiar chugging of a train filled Ty's ears.
Jen froze in place, near the caboose, as the train started moving slowly.
Ty looked back and forth between the train and Jen. He was still outside as well. Adam's eyes widened as the train moved away from Ty.
Ty sprinted towards Jen, who was running back towards them. Now that the train was moving--with all her friends on it--she decided she would ride in the animal car. She looked terrified as she ran.
Ty grabbed Jen's hand and sprinted to the animal car. The train was moving faster now. Ty and Jen were running at the same speed the caboose was moving next to them.
"Come on, Ty!" Adam shouted.
Ty ran faster as the train sped up. He and Jen passed the caboose, and were nearing the open door. Adam hung out of it, his hand outstretched.
Ty ran even faster, pulling Jen behind him. He came closer to Adam, and swung Jen towards him.
Adam caught her arm and pulled her inside.
Unfortunately, because he threw Jen, Ty slowed down. Now, he was level with the caboose again.
And the train was accelerating even more.
"TY!" Adam yelled. He was watching Ty run, even though he knew it was hopeless.
The train was almost past Ty again, and he knew he would never make it onto the animal car.
Just as the train passed him completely and Adam was out of sight, Ty had an idea.
He sprinted harder than ever before. The train was still moving faster. But finally, Ty was close enough.
He leapt for the caboose, and managed to grab hold of the side of it. He clung to it for dear life, hanging over the fast moving tracks.
Then, with a burst of energy, he pulled himself onto the caboose. He collapsed to the floor of it, exhausted.
He was safe.
He felt a pair of hands grab him, but he was too tired to see who it was.
Ty blacked out.
Before he even woke up, he noticed the smell. Pigs, sheep, cows, donkeys, chickens and horses that all smelled horrible. On the bright side, that meant he had made it into the animal car.
Ty opened his eyes. It was dark in the train car, and the sounds of the animals surrounded him. He also heard his friends, talking amongst themselves.
Ty sat up. Everyone immediately looked at him with concern.
"You alright?" Jason broke the silence.
Ty nodded. "My legs feel like they're on fire."
Jen stood up, walked over to him, and hugged him. "Thank you for saving my life," she whispered.
Ty didn't hug back. Jen never showed any affection to anyone, so he was surprised. Even so, he replied with "It was nothing."
Jen laughed and released him, walking back over to Pat and sitting down. Pat crossed his arms grumpily, looking at Ty.
"We're almost there," Adam said.
"What do we do when we get there?" Stampy asked.
"We find the man, duh," Mitch answered.
Jerome shoved Mitch into a horse playfully, which whinnied loudly. Mitch laughed and shoved Jerome back. He landed amongst some pigs, which oinked and climbed all around him. Jerome giggled as some of the pigs licked him.
The train suddenly slowed, and a few of the kids were thrown forward.
"We're here," Dan pointed out the obvious.
When the train slowed, the kids stood up and walked over to the closed door. Jordan shoved it open.
Outside of it was a very surprised security guard. He stared at the kids, gaping, and the kids stared back, not sure what to do.
The guard snapped out of it and took out some sort of walkie-talkie. He started speaking into it rapidly.
"Run!" Adam yelled.
He ran first, running past the security guard and into the train station. The other kids followed suit. The guard tried to grab Ty as he ran past, but Ty ducked under his arms and ran away.
"Hey!" the guard shouted from behind them. He was in pursuit.
Ty entered the train station and followed Squid, who was in front of him. The station was very crowded; almost everyone in it was trying to get onto the train. They were all fleeing Mineville because of what the evil man said.
Ty pushed through the people until he was in an open area, right under the archway that marked the entrance to city. The others were there as well. Dan arrived last, and then they were all there. There were no security guards to be seen.
"Alright. Into the city," Adam said.
Just before Ty entered the city, he looked to his left. He thought he saw the man they were looking for near the wall on the outside of the city, turning the corner so he was out of sight. Ty rubbed his eyes, realizing that he was probably hallucinating from running so hard earlier.
Ty entered Mineville.
They walked aimlessly through the city for a few minutes. No one was sure how exactly to find the man.
"Well, if we see the evil guy, we should go to him. Because that's probably where our man is going," Mitch reasoned.
Ty didn't like that idea. He saw what the evil guy did to the President. He didn't want that happening to him.
Suddenly, the ground shook. At first, Ty thought it was an earthquake. Then, he heard a ear-splitting groan that sounded exactly like a Zombie. But much bigger.
"What was that?" Jen asked. The ground stopped shaking for a few seconds, then started up again.
"What is that?!" Dan yelled, pointing in the direction Ty had hallucinated the man was in.
The kids looked up in that direction. Several of them gasped in horror. Ty just stared.
A giant Zombie, at least two hundred blocks tall, was coming towards Mineville.
Remember that happening in "The Great War"?
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