Chapter 1
Keep in mind that tonfas, magnet spikes, and medium bowguns are (to my knowledge) only in one monster hunter game, and that game is monster hunter frontier (and monster hunter 3 for the medium bowgun) and I don't have it, and as such I don't know the names of any of these weapons other than the weapon type itself.
Ritchie grunted as he dove to the side, barely avoided being stabbed by the horns of a black diablos, a diablos subspcies that is more aggressive and more dangerous than a normal diablos. As the black diablos skid to a stop, Ritchie attacked its legs, trying to knock it down so that he could get an opening for an easy attack. As he attacked it, Brandon was on a ledge, aiming his bowgun at the monster before shooting a crag shot at it, the shot landing on the monster and glowing slightly, sticking to it.
The black diablos used its tail to hit Ritchie away from it before starting to dig into the sand. It managed to get half way under the sand before letting out a pained roar as the crag shot that was on it exploded, forcing it out of the sand and knocking it down. Ritchie smirked and nodded a bit at Brandon before attacking its tail, trying to cut off the end of it.
Brandon put a recovery shot into his bowgun and shot it at Ritchie, switching to slicing ammo as the recovery shot healed Ritchie a bit. Brandon aimed the shot at the monster's tail as it started getting up, Ritchid jumping back as the shot stayed on the monster for a few minutes before blades came out of it and severed the end of the tail, making the diablos roar.
Ritchie jumped to the side and grabbed the monster's horns as it tried to bite him, throwing himself onto the monster's neck and started to slash at its back. The monster started trying to shake him off, causing Ritchie to stop attacking it and hold on before he resumed when it stopped. The monster suddenly let out a loud roar, the wind pressure from it knocking Ritchie off because he wasn't holding on.
The monster panted a bit and glared at Ritchie before starting to limp away, Ritchie groaning softly as he slowly got up. Brandon jumped down from where he was shooting at the monster, quickly going over to Ritchie as the monster went under the sand and left the area.
"You okay?" Ritchie looked at his brother and smiled a bit as be nodded.
"Yeah. We managed to get the tail and it's now weak enough for capture." Brandon nodded and helped him up.
"Yes. Let's collect the part of the tail we cut off, then we can go after it." Ritchie nodded and collected the tail before starting to go to where he knew the black diablos would be, Brandon following him.
The two brothers walked, eventually coming across a cave and going inside of it, silently sneaking through it to avoid being detected. The two of them eventually came across a large area of the cave with some light coming in through the top, seeing the black diablos asleep in the center of it. Brandon and Ritchie looked at eachother and nodded, Ritchie starting to sneak closer as Brandon loaded tranq shots into his bowgun.
Ritchie got close to the black diablos and placed down a shock trap before backing up so that it was between him and the monster. Brandon walked over to him, knowing that the monster might target him and not go to attack Ritchie, causing it to miss the trap. Ritchie and Brandin waited as the monster started to wake up, the monster slowly getting up and stretching its wings.
The monster noticed the two and roared angrily, the wind pressure from the roar almost blowing Ritchie back as Brandon readied himself to shoot the monster. The monster growled and started to charge at them, Ritchie and Brandon backing up a bit.
The monster came into contact with the shock trap and let out a roar as it became unable to move, Brandon quickly shooting at it. When the second tranq shot hit the monster, it collapsed after a few seconds, curling up and falling asleep.
Ritchie smiled at Brandon, who smiled back at him before looking around.
"We may as well gather some stuff since we have to wait for the airship and can probably use some of these things to make shots for my bowgun and healing supplies." Ritchie looked around and nodded before he and Brandon started to collect stuff.
After half an hour, the two of them returned to the island, chatting with eachother as they walked to their office. As they walked they looked around, making sure there weren't any monsters in the sky that might attack the island.
When they reached their office, they walked over to their desks and sat down in their seats, looking at eachother as Ritchie spoke.
"I think it's about time we started talking about our plan for the hunter games."
Before I end this chapter, I have one question.
Do you want me to write ecology chapters about the monsters when they're mentioned in the story? These ecology chapters would have a picture of the monster it's about, along with give you some info about them and what their everyday life would be like if not interrupted by hunters.
Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups!!
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