Enter, Remnant
July 6, X377
Earthland. A world that is in ruins. The Dragon War has been raging for hundreds of years. The reason behind the war was over one species.
The majestic beings never could agree on why the species should be kept alive instead of used for food. Those who never wanted any harm to come to the small beings sided with them. Defending the towns while those who wanted them gone wrecked havoc across the land. Terrorizing and killing their own kind just for the sake to seek and destroy mankind.
The war went on for hundreds of years; finally favoring into the hands of the refusing-to-coexist dragons. That is until, the first dragon decided the teach the first human a magic that could equal no other. A certain type of magic that can only be taught by the majestic creature itself.
Dragon Slaying Magic.
The humans were blessed with the gift of enchanted hearing, stronger sight, and enhanced sense of smell. The magic was based on the elements. Wind, Fire, Iron, Lightning, Darkness, Light, Earth, and Water. Depending on what element the dragon teacher has inherited, will fall onto the magical element the newfound Dragon Slayer would receive.
But, there were dragons whose elements were that of a stronger form. Whose elements were stronger of their base type form. And then there were those who used a separate type of form. Destruction, Apocalyptical, and even Emotion. These types of dragons were known as the Lost Dragons, and their trainees were the Lost Dragon Slayers.
The tide had turned on the war. The pro human side were starting to prevail as the anti human side were starting to retreat. As time waged on, there was one slayer that would be known to have killed more dragons than some of the dragons themselves.
His birth name lost to time, his magic bringing destruction. He would become known as Acnologia. He fought for the dragons he called his allies, he made sure that the humans would not die out, not while he was still standing.
But war can change a man, and just because he was a Dragon Slayer, does not mean he didn't hold emotions and that he wasn't a human. One of these emotions ended up being Blood Lust, and it consumed the poor man as he no longer wanted to fight for mankind.
Acnologia snapped one day, and turned on the dragons he once fought aside, going so far to even kill the dragon that trained him in cold blood. His kill count started rising more and more until eventually, he became a dragon himself, his true conscious lost to the void forever.
Eventually the war became less and less about the humans, and more for the survival of their own kind. But it was insufferable. They all fell the Black Dragon until there were only seven dragons left.
These seven dragons, all with no choice, took upon some human children of their own. One of these dragons ended up being the last line of Royalty and another being the last line of the Lost.
The royal dragon was known to the others as Igneel, The Flame Dragon King. And the Lost was known to be called Varin, The Dragon of the Azure Flames.
Now you, the Reader, may be wondering, 'what is the difference between regular flames and azure flames?' Well, the regular flames can only burn what the wielder likes and only to a certain limit.
The Azure Flames, on the other hand, can burn through magic. For example. A mage with wind magic as his main use attacks a mage with the Azure Flames of a Dragon. Well the Azure Flames would devour the magic in the wind until it's only down to its base form. Wind without magic.
The rest of the surviving creatures were known to be Grandeeney, the Sky Dragon. She raised a little girl named Wendy Marvell to be a Sky Dragon Slayer, the youngest of the bunch by three years.
The fourth was known as Metallicana, the Iron Dragon. He trained a protege named Gajeel Redfox, the second oldest of the tiny slayers.
Skiadrum the Shadow Dragon was next and his trainee can be called Rouge Cheney. The middle twin of the rascals.
Following after was Weisslogia the Light Dragon, taking care of Sting Eucliff, the twin of Rouge.
Emelia the Emerald Dragon took in a young girl with the name of Esmeralda Yin. The girl being older than the twins, but younger than Gajeel.
And finally, the Flame King and the Lost both raised a little boy named Natsu Dragneel. He was the oldest of everyone and always looked for an excuse to spar with his buddies. The two decided on him as he has shown to everyone that he is the most mature and adaptable of the bunch, learning how to survive in the outside world without anyone being there to him for the past three years. Unlike the rest of the kids who were four or five, Natsu Dragneel was at the age of seven when they found him.
These six children were the last generation of pure blooded dragon slayers. With Natsu being the final Royal Lost Dragon Slayer. If they were to train someone along the road, they would only be a halfbreed since they learned from a human, rather than dragon.
After eight long years of training, the dragons finally came to the conclusion that in order to prevent what happened to Acnologia to happen to their children, they must reside within their respective Slayer's body, through Ethernano particles and prevent draconification from the inside. All but one dragon were able to do it. The one being Varin because he already gave up his power, and will be unable to reside inside of a human, as death came for him earlier than expected.
And this, my friends, is where our story begins.
A boy with salmon and blue colored hair, no older than the age of thirteen, stood in front of a gate with five other children.
"Anna," he called out, "are you sure we have to do this?"
"Yes, child. I'm positive." The woman replied to the boy. She turned away to speak to the dragons one last time while the children talk amongst themselves.
"Must they go through the gate, Igneel? They're only kids!" Grandeeney cried. Worried about her daughter as she was about to leave her.
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that the ethernano levels are too low here for the children to survive. Much less with Acnologia finally receiving our location. We need to act fast before he arrives." Igneel told them. He walked over to the slayers and began to prepare to enter his child.
"Very well then. Anna Heartfilia. Are you sure that the other side will be awaiting for their arrival?" Varin asked the woman, who casted the short sleep spell for the dragons to enter unnoticed.
"I'm positive. I will go with them to make sure they have a supervisor when they arrive into the future." Anna reassured. "You best start getting in them while they're still out."
"Well, it was a great pleasure training you brat. Don't kill yourself while I'm living in you." And with that, Metallicana entered Gajeel Redfox, where he will reside for four hundred years to come.
"Don't forget, the world is full of surprises. Try to find the food ones though." The final words of Weisslogia, before he to enters Sting Eucliff. Not to be seen for years to come.
"I'll be seeing you soon, mijo. Don't cause too much trouble." Skiadrum entered Rouge Cheney.
"Goodbye Wendy. I'll return to you someday. I love you very much, sweetie." And Grandeeney was gone from the world and in the body of Wendy Marvell.
"Natsu, be prepared for what life has in store for you. Never be afraid to protect what you care for and be sure to hold everything you care for close to. Goodbye, my son." Leaving that said, Igneel entered Natsu Dragneel. And awaited the day he would return to face off against the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse.
Natsu's eyes opened wide as did everyone else's. With Varin still there.
"Uncle Varin? Where are the others?" He asked the beast. But before he could receive the answer, a terrifying roar filled the air. Making all who heard it go into panic.
"It's him!" Shouted Varin. "Acnologia's here!" He got ready for battle and looked back at Anna. "If you're going to go, then leave now!!!" And he took off into the air, meeting the Black Dragon in combat.
"On it!" Replied Anna. Opening the gateway to the future. "Let's move everyone. We haven't much time." She shoved everyone inside the gate, all except Natsu who watched the battle as it progressed.
"Don't forget him!" Gajeel shouted at the woman, pointing towards Natsu who stood still.
"Natsu! You need to run, now! Catch up to us, but hurry!!!" She yelled towards the boy, and continued walking through the gate.
"My son! Go now!!!" Cried Varin, but he was unable to say anything more before his head was sliced clean off his body via Acnologia's tail.
"Unc?" He couldn't say anything more because the impact of the now deceased race's head hitting the ground sent him flying into the gate. Acnologia noticed this and flew after the young man, his arm falling off from the battle as they both flew through the gate as it closed behind them.
Once he flew in, he could feel major strain on his body as he was being pulled into something. He could see the look of horror on the kid's and Anna's faces as he was sent into a different direction than them, but he also noticed the threat that could make mankind extinct following him. That was the last thing the boy saw before the world turned black.
The night sky filled with stars held up a beautiful display. The city of Vale being an example. The lights shone beautifully, as everyone who were out took time to see the views of what the beautiful city had to offer.
But, to the east side towards the forest where the Grimm reside, the sky turned into a tornado of sorts, with the center of the storm eye, the amount of electricity turned an unnatural purple, as a small portal opened up.
The hole in the sky looked to be pushed out as two shapes, on of a human and one of a dragon, came out of it. His hair charred black by the storm and the portal, his clothes stained a crimson red as what looked like blood splatter spots fell on him. The Dragon retreated to unknown lands to recover from its injuries and the strain the portal made on him.
Wake up.
And with that, the boy awoke into the world. Still free falling of course.
"Woah! Where am I?" Slowing his decent by extending his arms a bit, he looked around and saw the city in the distance. He immediately realized as looked up towards the cracked moon that he wasn't just in the future, but in another world entirely, as he could barely feel his magic container.
"I'm not on Earthland anymore, am I?" He asked himself, before the darkness clouded his vision once again, and his body hurdled towards the ground.
A resounding boom, could be heard, as a man with white hair and a lady with blonde hair going to her mid back searched the forest, trying to find what had been spat out of the portal.
"I don't know what you're expecting to find, Professor. In all honesty it could have been just an ordinary storm." The woman following the man told him, as she was unsure of what he could find out here.
"Ah, ah, ah. Now that's where you're wrong, Glynda. Did you see the amount of lightning in the center of that storm, the color it took when it formed? Or even the way the storm looked to be pushed from the sky down as if something was coming out of it? I do not think we are dealing with no regular storm here, my dear accomplice." The man explained, as they neared a recently made clearing in the forest
The trees in the area, or rather what was left of them, seemed to be taken down by an impact of some kind. Smoke building in the air as the dust was clearing out. But in the center of it all, lied a crater that did not sit there before. When the two walked up to the crater, what laid inside shocked them to the very core.
Inside the crater, was a boy, looking no older than thirteen , laying down in the crater. Blood pouring down the left side of his face, as he hit a rock upon impact. His clothes having seen better days as they were barely hanging off his form. His torso was covered in cuts and bruises. His pants seemed to have blood that did not look human sat on them.
"What did I tell you? This storm was no ordinary one." The professor claimed, as he slid down to grab the boy and seek him immediate medical assistance.
The one thing the two noticed most about the boy though, was what laid atop his head.
For his hair color seemed unnatural, because it was Salmon with a shade of Blue.
And that's that. I do hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the Hunter with Pink and Blue hair! I will be updating this story as often as I can, maybe more because I actually have the time to update and work on some of my projects during the day.
Anyways, I always have a special treat, but the bloopers will not be as many because it is only the beginning chapter.
The lightning turned an unnatural purple, as a portal opened up.
Coming out of the portal-
Director: "Hang on, wait. What? Gary! Are you sure that's right? It is? Alright."
Leaving the portal, we're a million pieces of chocolate chip cookies that all fell towards one house, and that house, belonged to the Rose family.
"Look Ruby! Cookies!!" "Yay!!!!"
When the two adults neared the crater, they saw what shocked them to the core.
It was a giant dragon's head that bled out chocolate milk instead of blood.
"I told you there was nothing to find. Just somebody trying to mess with us." "I suppose your right Glynda. I suppose so."
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