Chaper 4
The Hunter sharply started from his dreams; throwing his aching body upright as if to get away from the- the- what was it again?
The sharp cries of a murder of crows echoed with the wind, through the valley of creaking redwoods.
Slowly the hunter leaned back against the trunk of the tree, distracting himself from the fading night visions with sluggish thoughts of the day before.
Blinking up into the golden leaves shaking high above him, he breathed out exhaustedly. The scent of humans was gone, only the faintest trace remained.
What now?
They were safe last night. He estimated that he had put a serious dent in the number of Titans around the day before. The ones left over probably could be dealt with by the flying ones.
He stood up tall and heaved in a breath, tasting the air as he moved his head from left to right. With a burst of painful effort he jumped up a meter to a higher branch and took in another deep breath. Damn his senses were never as good when in his small form but...
That way, towards the sunrise, he decided finally.
Slowly, agonisingly slowly, he jumped from branch to branch, conserving the silver air for now as he made his way through the trees. All too soon he found himself on the edge of the forest, peering out at the expanse of sand and rock before him.
They were gone...
Right- well- good. They don't belong out here, far too dangerous... he told himself.
What, like out there where there are no trees to fly from? Another thought slowly asked in a soft, aching tone.
That was a good point though. Where did those humans go that they could be safe? They must go somewhere to sleep without fear like when he used the trees or his dreys while he was small. He considered for a moment going after them, rubbing his hands tiredly over his face, then his fingers found crusted blood and he paused.
Would I actually be able to protect them like this?
The Hunter paused, looking intently at the dried, flaking blood on his fingers.
He wanted to protect these flying humans, but he knew he wouldn't be of much use if he pushed himself too hard. The larger form he bore was powerful, but its toll on him was great.
They could be safe, on their own, for one day. Then he would be less tired. Then he could go after them, offer them help if he could. For now he would rest, remove the stains of old battles, and ready for the journey.
One day. They could be safe for one day.
Levi blinked distractedly as shitty glasses burst into a fresh wave of tears.
"Any leads on who killed it?" He asked the third division squad captain, not bothering to remember his name. The Commander had been little more than a broken wreck after the disastrous journey back and subsequently had been little help in clearing up the situation. This man was sent as a spokesman instead. However, with the strange blank look in his eyes, Levi held little aspiration for the replacement's mental stability and usefulness.
"No, there is no way of telling and no one has come forward," reported the man, back straight and eyes distant.
Levi sat, lost in memories of a giant foot and vivid blue green gaze.
"It's definitely dead?" he repeated.
The captain's eyes became less distant as came back to the present to slowly nod. The man looked faintly confused; Levi was never known for asking for confirmations in such matters.
"Why do you think I'm crying so hard?" howled Hanji, pausing in their bawling to glower petulantly at Levi.
Both men sighed as Hanji started to choke out their bitter tears once again.
"It was so beautiful Levi. Huge white serrated teeth, perfect for attacking his large prey. Eyes like precious gems! So alive! Alert! He looked right at us and it was an intelligent gaze...... Intelligent Levi! And someone. Just. Killed. Him!"
Levi's head fell into his hands.
"An inquiry will be held," he breathed out with barely contained patience. "But it's not likely much will come of it. We generally don't punish killing Titans. Now get the hell out of my office. You both smell like shit,"
Once the hiccoughing sobs faded to a safe distance Levi leant back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling, eyes unfocused.
So he hadn't been hallucinating those two years ago. So there had been a Titan that fought its own kind; a Titan that could have been used to fight their enemy.
So his saviour was dead.
His foot lashed out, kicking the table over as he continued to glower up at the ceiling.
After five minutes he took in a deep breath and started to tidy up.
An orange glow filled his senses, flickering on and off. Warm hands running through his hair; a soft sweet breath in his ear as large arms enveloped him.
"You're safe now,"
"Kalura... can't go." He murmured faintly.
The large warm hands receded with the golden glow. The hunter opened his eyes.
Grey clouds greeted him through the leaves in the forest canopy, heavy with the threat of rain.
For a moment he simply watched those darker clouds drift across the sky with the strong wind, eyes almost silver in their reflection. Then he breathed out, slowly standing and turning to face where the sunrise would be but for the promise of bad weather.
He clicked his jaw in agitation, then, after tightly strapping his spear to his back, he took a deep breath, bit into his tongue and stepped off the branch, expanding outwards just in time to create a crater as he fell to the earth.
Huffing a steaming breath over his bare body, the Titan hunter quickly made his way out of the trees, out of his forest, and out to the sheer expanse beyond.
He hesitated, looking back at the forest. It was where waterfalls fell into lush mist-hidden valleys... where deep inside there lay a boulder with crude widespread wings carved deep upon it, and soldiers falsely slumbered. He turned back to look out at the flat plains, whining faintly as he stared out for an unknown time
A cool wind circled him, whistling through the empty gaps between his fingers.
-And suddenly his right foot slowly rose and moved forward. The other foot swung forth to pass it and he was moving, making his way across the grey sandy soil, following the sunrise.
Following his human.
A cautious yet joyful feeling of adventure and freedom soon overtook the hunter as he strode forward. He both despised and rejoiced in the open space. It was unyielding and exposing yet at the same time it felt so free.
He finally had room to spread his arms wide, unhindered by branch or leaf, running forward in great leaps and childish bounds. The grey sand kicked up in arcs as he ran.
He breathed out in pleasure, eyes relaxing as he pushed himself faster and faster across the plain... until he spotted something in the sand far below that stopped the excited dancing.
Skidding to a stop he looked back. A brown and white winged bird took flight, yellow claws and sharp beak stained red.
"Where there are buzzards, there is death."
A human hand lay on the ground, fingers relaxed, nails smooth and even. The wind whipped through the sand burying it from sight.
The faint scratch of sand in the wind and squeaking crunch of earth beneath the Hunter's feet was the only sound that seemed to fill the dry expanse as he stared at where that hand was buried. A low soft noise vibrated in his chest as he bent down to uncover what was left of the human, cradling the severed arm in his palm.
As he continued to make his way forwards he went slower now, picking up green cloaks and broken bodies. There weren't as many as he feared but he still felt a strange agitating feeling in his chest and stomach.
Looking down at these bodies in his arms he wondered how long they had lain there. Was it one day or two? Was it, in fact, while he selfishly rested that these humans met this fate?
These thoughts were interrupted however by a new sound, a thumping shaking of the ground.
His sharp glaring eyes twisted as he turned to face the slavering creature running full speed at him, glazed eyes somehow focused on the humans in his arms. The Hunter looked down at the broken humans he held, a small pale face looked up at him through one dry, empty blue eye.
Gently he placed them down on the earth and stepped forward, shielding them from the bloated potbellied monster coming at them.
His roar echoed through the plains, reverberating through his chest to his toes to the very ground, causing the sand to shift and crumble around his feet.
With one last short hissing breath he launched himself forward, arms and legs spread wide as he pounced on his prey, long fingers ripping in and piercing at its eyes. He snorted with satisfaction as the clear jelly like substance ran down its face in a mocking imitation of tears.
No Titan ever cried. This was the closest thing to remorse they could ever achieve.
The hunter then ripped into the thing's belly, pulling out the bloated red organ as he wrapped his enormous jaw over its neck and shook him like a dog until an echoing crack vibrated down his throat.
He loosened his jaw, letting the thing fall to the ground as he looked at the translucent organ in his hand.
He breathed out in relief then threw it to the ground, wiping his bloody hands on the earth as they steamed with the evaporating blood.
He picked up the humans with soft reverence and thought carefully.
He could not continue to carry them and he would not leave them to fill the belly of another of his kind.
There were no caves nor were there trees. He stared out at the sand in desperation. Suddenly the image of the sand burying that first one's arm came to him.
Quietly and quickly the hunter brought his hands to the earth, pealing back the layers of sand and clay, loam and rock.
"The earth below us is made of many different layers; the top soil is often the most fertile my little hunter, perfect for growing crops- what we eat- and large trees. Below that there can be many different things, such as clay or rock, or even the ancient bones of the forgotten times."
He shook his head to clear his mind of the gentle voice, instead pulling out several rocks to form a crude circle around the hole.
"The earth is the mother and grave of all men." he muttered, not certain if he was talking to himself or the humans he was placing in the earth.
The earth is the mother and grave of all men.
He stared at his handy work, hoping that it would be deep enough that the ever hungry noses and grasping hands could not reach it.
As he buried the humans he wondered what they would think of him doing this.
Would they have smiled in soft gratitude? Cried like the strange red headed woman? Or would they glare and hiss? How DARE this Titan presume to help us so when so many of his kind have consumed us? When WE were KILLED by its kin?!
The hunter did not know. They would probably have acted like in the forest. Shocked and fearful then angry, chasing after him with vine and blade.
He knew why they felt this. When they looked at him, they were blinded by what he was: A Titan...and nothing more.
He understood that humans lived out their lives in a world ruled by deadly fear, a fear that was wielded by the greed of his kin. He despaired at their lot in life and found he could not condemn them for how they would feel about him. Despite his lack of knowledge of humans, he understood entirely what he was to them.
As he smoothed the last grains of earth back on the hole another Titan appeared on the horizon, scrabbling forward on all fours.
The hunter squinted in confusion at its strange appearance, taking a moment to muse on the oddness that infected some of the titans, to consider why these ones seemed all the more hungry despite their deformities and bizarre motions, before he huffed out an angry breath and readied himself to fight.
He would find what was left of those humans but for now he would do his best to avenge their broken forms.
It is a beautiful day, Mikasa mused idly as she picked up another stick, firm and dry in her hands.
Aesthetically, yes it was beautiful. The sun shone with deep amber tones onto the earth, casting a golden glow to the fields and grass as they were ruffled by warm, gentle breezes.
Her attention however was drawn to a magpie that stood not three yards away, sharp beak tearing into the small brown bird struggling between its claws.
Soft weak cheeps and the quiet sound of ripping feathers mixed with the rustling shift of grass as Mikasa watched.
She left the field in silence, making her way to the gate with no one noticing her as she slipped past the drunken gamblers who had the nerve to name themselves as protectors of the walls, to call themselves the Garrison
No one except the blond soldier, Hannes who weakly smiled and nodded to her as he looked up from his game. She moved onwards into the market, only the faintest hesitation in her step showing that she noticed him.
"That little girl's as cold as ice Hanne" one of the men laughed.
"She's been through a lot, leave her be," murmured Hannes before turning back to his game.
Mikasa strolled through the market, staring at the fish stall as heads were sliced and bodies gutted.
Bells rang out behind her, signalling the return of the scouts. She kept moving, going against the flow of people. But there were too many and she soon found herself herded into the street, trying to squeeze through the crush.
"Moses! Moses!" Came a woman's voice. People on the street watched the woman with pitying looks.
Misaka felt her breath hitch for a moment as she watched the old woman searching through the throng of soldiers.
Then she saw something truly beautiful.
The woman's crinkled face enveloped in tears and joy as a man came forward to take her in his arms.
Mikasa stood still, hands tight on the straps of her pack, simply watching the mother and son.
"There's not as many as before are there?" Whispered a woman nearby.
"It's better than last time but I wonder why they keep going out there," returned another.
Misaka breathed out heavily and turned away, carrying on with her walk back... home.
"Welcome back Mikasa, was your trip profitable?" came Grisha's voice from the kitchen as she entered the house.
"Mm," murmured Mikasa as she poured the wood into the kindling box.
Dr Grisha smiled faintly at this and sat at the table, packing up his bag.
"Want to walk with me? My boat is leaving soon and I don't like the idea of you staying in here all day."
Mikasa nodded faintly, picking up her coat and following after the tall man, hesitating as she closed the door behind her.
"Come on now child," smiled the man gently, taking her hand.
Mikasa let him hold it for a few moments before subtly removing herself to walk behind him.
"Wait a moment. Mikasa isn't that your friend there?" He asked as they passed by an alley way.
Mikasa looked up from the ground to follow the doctor's line of sight.
There stood- well no- sat Armin, surrounded by boys glaring down at him.
"Shut up, smart-ass!" Hissed one of them.
Mikasa scowled at the boys as they raised their fists again, taking a step forward before seeming to remember Grisha's presence and freezing in place.
"I feel we had better part ways here," stated the doctor with a faint up turn to the corners of his mouth. "I will see you in a few days. Remember Hannes will be checking in on you in the evenings... Oh and Mikasa...don't hurt them too badly,"
Mikasa nodded briefly to him as he left, before running forwards, eyes shadowed and almost lifeless as she moved.
"Oh shit! It's Mikasa!" Shouted one of the boys before turning tail and running, with the rest of the group scrabbling to follow.
"You alright?" Asked Mikasa quietly, watching as her friend hissed in pain and pulled himself off the ground.
He didn't want her help, she knew that and she could respect it.
"What did you say to them this time?" She asked in a flat voice.
"Same old. That someday humans need to leave these walls and find the world outside. Then they beat me up for being a 'heretic'," said the boy in a rueful voice, wiping the dirt off his face.
Mikasa gave no comment to this, instead simply sighing.
"Go home and wash your cuts." Mikasa told him in a crisp tone before turning to walk away.
"Am I okay to come over later still? I've got that book to show you," Armin asked quietly, tone slow, careful and faintly hopeful as he took in his friend's rigid posture.
Mikasa turned back and smiled properly for the first time that day.
"I'll see you later Armin,"
Today was going to be a good day. She could feel it.
The Hunter blinked, then blinked again.
Nope, it was still there.
The gigantic sheer rock face loomed over the edge of the plains, about ten times his height, strong and solid as it harshly jutted out against the mild blue sky.
What is it? He asked himself as he stared, a good distance away from his mindless kin.
He squinted at the thing, wondering for a moment at the small black specks moving on top.
Then he stared incredulously as he distinguished the arms on one of them, stretching out above its pinprick of a head.
Humans... The humans were inside the rock?
Well that explains the strong scent coming from there, he thought to himself somewhat sarcastically.
It also explained the slathering horde of his kin clawing at the smooth, unrelenting surface.
It did not explain, however, how the Earth they managed to make the thing! How could they reach so high when they were so small? Was it the vines and flying humans?
Whatever they had done the Hunter was, to put it simply, impressed.
To explain his feelings in full however his vocabulary would have to have been expanded to include words like awestruck, excited, relieved, engrossed and perhaps even... fearful.
However as he was not so expressive with his words, especially when in his larger form, he simply stood, staring up at the wall with wide eyes and stilled breath for an unknown amount of time.
Then the birds flew high in the sky in a panic.
Then there was the explosion.
Then the awed mixed feelings vanished.
He staggered back as the smoke and steam hit him like a brick wall, pushing himself forwards against the sheer force of it until he found himself stumbling forward into a clear space.
In the relative calm the Hunter found his eyes almost tugged from their sockets as they glued themselves to the image of the most hideous thing he had ever seen.
A giant skinless monstrosity faced the human's masterpiece, hands ready to rip their work apart.
"NOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRR!" Came the Hunter's guttural scream as he watched the thing draw back its foot, agonisingly slowly.
The Hunter ran. Oh did he run but for once in his life he knew he wasn't fast enough, wasn't large enough. How could he possibly-
Lightning fast images of his human filled his head. He fought beings many times his size.
And those green humans who flew up high to slice at his breatherin's necks.
He was running before he could think to move his legs. A little closer. A little closer.
The Titan's leg began to descend.
The seconds passed like trickling syrup and roaring rapids at the same time as the Hunter willed himself to move faster. Move a little faster.
Move closer. A little closer.
Pain seared across his neck as the clawed himself out of his now stumbling body, shooting out his vines to the wall as his old flesh began to fall.
But it was too late. Violent tremors and an unrelenting shake of rubble and stone overcame the wall, threatening to dislodge the Hunter's tenuous grip on the hard surface.
Wide eyes span around and narrowed to slits as he saw the Titans below surge forwards to the gap.
He looked up at the skinless abomination and a savage snarl curled his lip.
H-How dare you? How dare you?! HOW DARE YOU?!
"FFFFAAAASSSSTT!" He screamed, voice crackling with hot white fury, as he shot his vines at the thing, shooting up its back, spear at the ready.
Only for the steam to reappear, for his slices to fall into the thick empty air before he was pushed back by a rush of wind and steam.
He shot forwards his vines, attaching himself to the wall once more. He span around but the thing was gone. Vanished into thin air.
"Gottverdammt!" He spat, bringing his fist down against the grey rock.
For a long moment the Hunter remained, frozen in place as he considered what he had saw, numb to the distant sounds around him as he thought.
A Titan that size could not just disappear like that. It was imposi-
I could, he thought suddenly, but not without leaving something behind.
Was that Titan like him? Full of thoughts? But then why would it destroy the walls? Why would it allow the humans to die?
The Hunter found his musings sharply shattered however when his brain finally registered what those faint familiar sounds were that he had been vaguely listening to.
The Titans were entering the human's stone haven and were devouring them.
A growl ripped through the Hunter's throat and he moved. Flying up over the wall and- stopping.
Blue green eyes widened as he saw what lay below him, ready to soak in the strange formations and rocks but instead he shook himself from these awed thoughts.
There wasn't time for wonder.
Instead he fell to the earth, angling himself to fall on one of the larger Titan's, spear at the ready.
Time to hunt.
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