The Escape??
Here is the next chapter I hope you like it!!
Evan Brian and Shannon were trying their damndest to get out of this Basement to warn their friends. But this task was harder then it looks. They tried the double doors again.
"Maybe we can find something to open those double doors?" Shannon suggests
They looked around the Basement and Brian shout when he sees a corpse of a dead person and about got sick.
"What kind of freaks does this to a person!" Brian says throwing up in a corner
"I dont know but I dont want to be the next victim!!" Shannon yells grabbing a crowbar and hitting the double doors to which were wooden
She keeps hitting it until she made a big enough hole from them to get out of and make their way back to camp.
Luke was worried about Shannon and her friends. They should have been back by now. Then He and Jonathan heard screams and they see Shannon and her friends with pale looking faces.
"Shannon what's wrong?" Luke asked getting very concerned
"We have to get out of here!!" She says
"Why??" Jonathan asked
Before the three friends could answer there was echo of a chainsaw that was very close and then screams were heard as Craig's head was chopped off by the chainsaw wielding Person. Everyone was scared shirtless as three figures appeared out of the darkness.
"Give us what we want and you will leave." Says one of the Males
They looked towards Shannon Brian and Evan, who were whimpering in fear but Luke Jonathan and Jonathan stood there ground.
"Like hell I will give up my Cousin and her friends!" Luke says
"....then die and we will take them after your last breath~" says the Hillbilly
Then everyone started running for their lives as these Males started chasing them basically splitting everyone into three groups. Shannon Brian Luke and Jonathan in one group, Tyler, Marcel, Scotty in the next and Jaren John Anthony and Ryan in the last group.
"This is gonna be fun~" says the tall Male
The last Male grunts as he pulls out his butcher knife showing no mercy for anyone except for the one he wants.
~Luke's Group~
The five kept running not sure where they were and noticed that there was Metal gates. And there was a junkyard full of rusted cars. The five tried to open the gate but they couldn't.
"Maybe there is something that opens them?" Evan says
They looked around when Shannon trips over something and looks like a generator of some sorts.
"Guys maybe this what opens the gates??" She says
Shannon Brian and Evan works on it while Luke and Jonathan were on the lookout for those creeps.
~With Marcel's group~
Marcel and the others had also found a Generator as well and went to work on it but not for long as Tyler was grabbed by the Silent Male and was put on a hook.
"Marcel!! Scotty!! Help!!" Tyler screams
Scotty went over to help Tyler but screams as a butcher knife was thrown at the back of his head, basically killing Scotty. Tyler squirms for a bit until Marcel runs over to help him off the hook and they run for it because Marcel had finished with the Generator.
"I'm sorry, Scotty but there is no choice but to leave. I love you." Marcel says as tears falls from his face
The two went to find the others.
~Jaren's group~
They all kept running, they didn't care where they were going. All they could think about was saving their asses and not really caring.
"If we can find somewhere like a road or something we will be good!!" Ryan says holding Anthony's hand as they ran with John and Jaren
But the sad thing was that Jaren got cut down by a bear trap.
"Guys got keep going!!" Jaren says as John kissed him
Jaren cries a little as the Hunter came up behind and dragged him off as his group disappeared. They escaped the camp sight and got away.
~Luke's group~
As Luke and the others kept fixing generators , they met up with Tyler and Marcel who rescued Jaren from a hook on the way.
"John, Ryan, and Anthony escaped I think.." Jaren says as Shannon patched up his wounds
Somehow they found their way back to camp and got some things they needed without getting caught.
"We can try and get to our truck and escape?" Brian says
They all sneaked over to the trucks but then Shannon Brian and Evan got their feet stuck in a bear traps and they screamed out in pain. Then they all heard a chainsaw in the distance. Luke Jonathan and Tyler helps with the bears trips as Marcel and Jaren are unlocking the trucks and turn them but they wouldn't start up and they also see flat tires.
"Those tickets mess with the Trucks!!" Luke and Tyler growled
They help the three injured ones to their feet when they all see the three Males close by.
"You have to go, we are slowing down the group. Please!" Shannon says sobbing
"I'm not leaving you three here for these freaks to hurt. I promise that I would take care of no matter what happened and I'm sticking to it." Luke says
The group looks around for Generators to fix as Shannon Brian and Evan were on the look out for the three Males but these Males were pretty fast on their feet as the three Injured ones were grabbed by the killers and thrown over their shoulders.
"LUKE!!!" Shannon screams before she was knocked over the head by the silent Male
This is the end of chapter 2!!
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