The play worked out to be a huge success. As much as I didn't want to admit it, Hibiki's flawless acting in the play had not only won the fancies of all the females watching, but also the respect of his fellow peers, being the new kid and all. And although I was Snow White, Hibiki, despite making three mere appearances, was the affirmative lead with Wannabe the dog coming as a close second.
And before you ask, yes I didn't let Hibiki anywhere near me in the kissing scene. Chinami had altered the script on my request so the kiss would be placed on my cheek instead. Well, considering this was a remake of the movie, the rest of my 'potential princes' also had to flirt nonstop with me, some even forced to kiss the back of my hand for that matter.
All in all, I was just grateful to put this entire event behind me and move on for the better.
At least, that was what I was hoping...
"You know, Miyuki. It's nearly that amazing time of year and I know we've had some difficulties in the past. But if you're finally starting to cave and are open to proclaiming your undying love for me, I'm totally ready to receive it—"
"Receive this," I said, tossing the guy my textbooks as I rummaged through my desk.
Hibiki faltered, barely managing to grab them in time. His composure wavered the slightest but he regained it with a forced smile. "Um, anyway," he said, leaning his weight against the windowpane. "As I was saying, your love, my love—"
"I love this!" I squeaked after surfacing the Hikaru Hitachiin keychain I was so worried I lost. I sighed of relief as I eyed the cute thing up close.
"You know if you want you can stare at me like that, too—"
I spun on my toes towards the classroom exit. I scooped my bag off the floor and flung it at Hibiki's arms. "I so have to rewatch Ouran for the twentieth time when I get home."
"How about you watch me?" Hibiki said, the flurry of his footsteps pursuing me. "I can assure you I'm just as dazzling as those rich cartoon characters—"
I halted to shoot a murderous glower at him.
Hibiki silenced himself and awkwardly glanced away. It wasn't long before his smile returned to his lips and he laughed. "Are you already aware that on top of this gorgeous face of mine I can play five musical instruments and have a pretty epic singing voice to go along with it?"
My hostility lessened as I eyed his slouchy self, suffering to uphold my books and backpack. I pursed my lips.
"Watch my bag," I said. "I have my mangas in there."
As I turned back around and started my descent towards the clubroom, I admired the keychain. Hibiki, for some reason, manoeuvred his way around me to cut off my route.
"Miyuki," he said, leaning over with a face of disappointment. "What's wrong with me?"
"Many things really," I replied, honestly. "But I thought you already knew that?"
I slipped past him down the hall but Hibiki was on my heels.
"I'm handsome!" he whined on. "I have an awesome personality! And I know damn well how to treat my women right—"
"Hibiki-kun!" cried a girl as we passed a vacant staircase.
"Hey Souka-chan!" Hibiki responded with a half-wave with my stuff in his hands the way it was.
"Hibiki-kun!" another group of girls called from across the corridor.
"Izuna-chan, Harada-chan, Kanade-chan! Stay safe on your way home!"
We left them squealing and blushing but these students' spontaneous appearances hadn't stopped.
"See you tomorrow, Hibiki!"
"Bye, Hana-chan! Let me share a textbook with you again tomorrow, okay?"
"Hibiki, over here!"
Hibiki flashed the giggling girls in the school courtyard a wink. "Tutor me again another time, senpais!"
"Be sure to join the basketball team, Hibiki!" called over some guy.
He parted ways with him with a fist-pump. "I'll consider it, Shouki."
With each and every encounter, Hibiki never failed to wish them a good day. The mention of their names didn't go unnoticed either. When we finally entered the deserted hallway where the HC clubroom was located, I peeked over my shoulder. He was admiring our surroundings, crouching over and picking up any strewn wrappers students had left behind them to throw out.
He looked identical to the Hibiki I'd always known, maybe with a little extra height to his already tall stature, and his upbeat behaviour hadn't changed either. Still... I frowned at him. "You've only been here a week and you know the names of that many people?"
"Why wouldn't I?" he asked, craning his neck towards me. "I mean, they did take the time to come talk to me, and they know my name as well. It's a little rude not to return the favour."
I clicked my tongue. "I forgot you have good memory."
Hibiki laughed. "My memory's average."
Yeah right. I'd known him a good majority of my life and not once had I seen the guy get less than a ninety on any examination. He never even messed up a phrase or song sheet after learning it. His brain was like a sponge, soaking up everything he possibly could, only to squeeze out the information whenever it proved valuable to him.
Kenzou Hibiki was a genius. Another irking factor to this already exasperating human being.
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked, reaching for my bag and slinging it over my shoulders.
His eyes twinkled as he smiled. "With you?"
"I asked the wrong question," I said, forcefully yanking my books back. "I meant to say get the hell out of here."
Hibiki chuckled. "Don't be so shy around me. Let's spend every moment we can together."
I narrowed my eyes into slits. "I keep telling you I don't need you following me. Your fangirls already dislike me enough."
"And since when did that kind of stuff matter to you?" He cocked a suggestive brow. "You know I'll always be yours—"
"Goodbye, Hibiki," I hissed, turning on my toes and heading for the doorway.
"Don't miss me too much," he called after me.
"I'll try my best to hold back the tears."
He took my words seriously, by the way he broke out into a beam. Rolling my eyes, I slid open the door where the rest of them were already waiting.
"Mi-chan!" Saki cheered, brightening up like a child.
"There's our favourite otaku," Yuji chuckled, jostling a manga reading Hiro beside him—One Piece after asking for my opinion.
Hiro chose that moment to peek up at me. My lips quirked upwards a bit, and although he didn't say anything, he smiled a bit back before returning to his reading.
Hiro had changed quite a bit. Unlike the rest of them who had gone on perfectly fine with their lives, after that one marathon of Shokugeki Hiro had gained a real fancy for the world he'd always tried to ignore. He still wouldn't risk asking in public, but he would occasionally message me inquiring various manga series and or animes I would recommend before binging the said recommendation and starting on another literally the next day.
It was like watching my very own fledgling slowly evolve into a proper human being. I was a pretty proud senpai, to say the least. He'd come so far.
"Hoshino!" A teary-eyed Wannabe had thrown his body before mine, hands clasped together in a pleading manner. "I know you have the slightest bit of kindness in your heart!"
Then there was this guy...
"What?" I said.
"Ignore him," Yuji responded. "Kazu's just angry that we bet on which of us will get the most chocolate tomorrow."
My left eyebrow dipped. "Chocolate?"
"You have to know it, Mi-chan!" Saki enlightened me. "Tomorrow's Valentine's Day!"
My eyebrows rose. The dots from Hibiki's strange words these past couple days finally settled in. Setting down my bag, I flopped onto the empty spot beside Hiro and Yuji. "So?" I asked.
"So?" Wannabe echoed in disbelief. He pushed out his bottom lip. "Hoshino, these two boneheads are making a game out of these pure-hearted girls' emotions! Can you believe them? It doesn't matter how many you receive, but what's on the inside—"
"So which one of you said 'boneheads' won last year?"
"Obviously Kazu," Yuji said, adding a snort. "The guy always receives the most chocolate in this entire school, hands down. And he even handwrites and delivers these extremely narcissistic rejection letters to all the respective shoe lockers for the next couple days."
Hiro was absorbed in reading but murmured regardless, "He's a prime example of somebody with tons of time on their hand."
"Hey, it's sweet that he cares," Saki interjected. Wannabe immediately brightened and bobbed his head in agreement. "I mean, it definitely is a waste of time considering the letters' crummy contents but he does it with sweet intentions!"
Wannabe gawped at her. Saki flinched.
"Sorry. It always sounds better in my head..."
"You all are plain insensitive!" Wannabe cried. "With every chocolate, store-bought or handmade, carries the feelings of the females for me. We have the responsibility of responding honestly!"
"Water 7?" I asked Hiro after catching a glimpse of his page.
Hiro, brightening, sat up straighter in his seat. "I did not expect that those guys would be—"
"No, wait," I said. "No spoilers. Not everyone inside or outside of this story has watched One Piece yet."
"Miyuki," Yuji interjected. "You'll be sharing some chocolate with us, too, right?"
I stared at him blankly. "You mean me?"
"Is there another Miyuki here?"
I paused. "So you actually expect that I'll just make you guys chocolate?"
"Aww, Mi-chan's chocolate?" Saki gushed at the idea.
Yuji returned a shrug and smile. "Would be nice."
I feigned a smile also. "It'd also be nice if you realized I don't care."
Wannabe gripped me by the shoulders. "Hoshino is right!"
I whipped my head back. "About me not caring?"
"No," he said before Yuji could protest. "You guys cannot involve Hoshino in your tomfoolery! Hoshino is a human being and shall be treated like one! She is not a tool for your amusement, much less one to satisfy your needy, affection-wanting teenage selves!"
"Wow," said Yuji.
"He so wants your chocolate, too," Hiro concluded, easily.
Saki shook her head. "So hypocritical."
Wannabe was shot with each and every comment.
Then after I slipped away from him, I finished the blow.
"I feel... objectified."
"Th-that's not it! I sincerely want Hoshino's safety to be prioritized! If she gives the three of you chocolate it defeats the purpose of this entire event! She only needs to give out one wrapped gift to someone whom she really, really cares about—"
"Ooh, me!" Saki cried, throwing her arm into the air. "I volunteer as tribute!"
Yuji grinned. "Just so you know, I enjoy dark chocolate."
"I'd rather have candy hearts," Hiro absently notified me.
"I'm a fan of anything my bestie will give me."
All eyes darted towards the doorway where Hibiki poked his head through the door. He was there the entire time.
He sent me a wink. "Since she already knows me so well, I have the best chance of winning, right, Miyu—"
I glared at him. "Hibiki!"
"Yes, bestie?" he cooed.
I frowned at him. Wannabe pushed me behind him, standing his quivering, puppy-like guard.
"Hoshino is not your 'bestie.' She's made it very clear multiple times."
Hibiki whistled, his smirk growing. "Someone sounds a little jealous."
"As if!"
"You said he always receives the most chocolate?" Hibiki asked Yuji who nodded. "I may need to change that."
Wannabe remained perplexed, but that mischievous look in Hibiki's eye was easy to decipher.
Hold on, did they seriously believe I was going to make one of them chocolate? "You all are crazy," I finalized aloud.
Hibiki flashed me a pearly smile. "About you—" He stopped abruptly and cleared his throat with a cough. He sheepishly spared a look around. "Too much?"
"Too much," I said, cringing. This was going to escalate all right. To a place I didn't ever want to go.
How wonderful.
"Hoshino-san! Where are you?"
I clicked my tongue, doing my best to keep my body as hidden as possible. I discreetly peeked over my shoulder where Kouichi was stumbling around, a frown curving down his mouth.
"I swear I saw her, too..."
It wasn't long before he gave up his relentless pursuit, taking a turn into another hallway and disappearing from my sights entirely.
I exhaled loudly, slumping my shoulders. Jeez, I come to school early only to be met with harassment. Adjusting my bag on my shoulders and making sure one last time that the coast was clear, I hastened toward my classroom.
What was with life lately? I'd always kept on the down low, to the point where I was outcasted by my classmates, and yet Kouichi and even Hibiki were on my back. Those guys from the HC, too.
I wanted my peace and quiet back; a life before I joined that darn club.
I arrived at my classroom doors with loads of time to spare. As soon as I stepped through the entrance I was stunned to find the room filled with girls. They froze upon my entrance but quickly heaved of relief and stopped their chocolate organizing.
"Oh, it's her," said one.
"So even that loner wants to give people chocolate," chuckled another.
I shrugged their comments aside as I set my bag down on my desk. The scent of chocolate infiltrated my nostrils with a strong shove. By the desks I could see through, and the giddy girls twittering excitedly, it was easy to piece that they'd all come early to stash their chocolates for the guys.
These girls really had lots of free time didn't they? I couldn't understand. What was the whole fun of this event?
"No way, Mi-chan! You came early too?"
I shifted my gaze to find a grinning Saki. She'd just entered through the doors and immediately bounded up to me. Her hair was a curly mess in her twintails and there were evident bags under her eyes indicating a lack of sleep. Nonetheless, she was full of energy as always.
"Here, I made this for you!"
She scooped my hand into hers, her smile growing wider. My eyelids elevated the slightest at the sight of the cutely wrapped gift she'd given me. The little bag was peppered with little hearts and smiley faces. Even the bow was wrapped to near perfection.
My gaze travelled between my gift to the large bag she carried in her free hand. It was stuffed with smaller bags similar to mine—and a number too much to count with only a mere glance.
"How many of these did you make?"
Saki produced a laugh. "Oh, I made some for Yuji, Hiro, Kazuya and Hinata. Oh, and Hibiki-kun and Kouichi-kun, too! I also wanted to thank Suzuki-sensei for everything so I made hers a little bigger. Then I made some for Tatsuya-chan and Rin-chan, and for the rest of our class—"
"Saki." She stopped abruptly, more so when I stared at her in disbelief. "How many of these did you make?"
"Oh..." Her next laugh came out weaker than the last time. "It is too much, huh? I guess I got a little carried away."
Though she continued to chuckle, soon enough, she halted. She went over to the other girls in the class, handing each one a bag with a huge smile and words of kindness.
When Saki finished up with the last discomforted teen, oblivious as always, this time she went towards her desk. She ducked her head to see inside, and her eyes lit up automatically. She pulled out a tiny envelope, a gleam of hope flickering across her face. She hurried to pry it open and her eyes filed the letter.
Like a deflating balloon, her expression lost all means of joy. The sheet slipped from her fingers and hit the ground, and I was bending over before I realized it. Saki reacted in a heartbeat but I had already seen what was written.
My entire body had gone stiff. Saki's body dropped down beside mine at once and she swiped the letter. And when I'd caught a glimpse of her countenance, she was awkwardly smiling from ear to ear.
"Hey," the voice snatched both of our attention. An unhappy girl hovered over us, the bag of chocolate extended forward to Saki's face. "Look, I'm returning this."
"Me too," piped in another as she dropped it onto Saki's desk.
Similarly, the rest of the girls in the class came piling in, discarding all their bags onto the growing stack. Saki lurched to her feet, her mouth falling.
"Huh?" she said, flabbergasted. "But I made it for—"
"We tell you every year that we don't need that crap from you," the first girl scoffed. "Just leave us alone already."
"Hey!" I said, leaping to my feet.
"It's alright, Mi-chan." Saki's words drilled me into place. Her quivering lips were tugging back as far back as they could go. Though, Saki couldn't keep her facade. Tears were rapidly building up in her eyes. "I know I'm not a good baker or cook, but I was just thinking that if... if I could brighten somebody's day... That was really selfish of me to think, huh? I-I'm sorry—"
"Saki," I said.
Scrambling for all of her chocolates Saki raced towards the exit.
But she was already gone. Out the door of the classroom and down the hall. My lips came together, gut wrenched in disbelief.
"Were we too harsh?" the murmurs from the others rang out.
"It's better if she gets a hint. She's too idiotic and pushy."
"I know, right? I hate people like her."
"She seriously thinks she's relevant to us."
My fingers clenched into fists. Stomping up to them, I slammed my palm onto the nearest desktop. "Hate to pop your obnoxious little bubbles, but nobody likes people like you either."
The girl in lead rolled her eyes. "And may I ask why you of all people are standing up for her?"
"Even you have to admit she's too much to handle," another said.
"Nobody can be that optimistic. And she's always so dang clingy."
"She made you chocolate," I hissed.
"She made the entire grade some since middle school, and that crap nearly killed us all," another sniggered. "Like hell we'd eat it again."
I gritted my teeth. "Saki... can't bake, but she means well."
She's always meant well. The thought churned my gut. We were polar opposites—never the type to agree—but since the beginning, she'd never meant any harm. She never did.
As I retreated my hand from the desk, all of them shook their heads in unison and carried on with their trivial conversations as if to dismiss me. When the bells rang overhead and Suzuki-sensei entered, I had no other choice but to uneasily collapse into my own seat and wait for classes to begin.
It was after all the boys ambled in through the doors and were greeted to find their sweets that Saki finally returned. Her chocolates were nowhere to be found and she slipped into her seat as quietly as possible, without even bothering to spare a look in my direction.
Yuji's arrival startled me quite a bit. I'd never really noticed, but Yuji wasn't so well-received either. Maybe it was because people kept staring at the blue streaks in his hair and were too afraid to approach him, but regardless of the reason, Yuji only really addressed one or two guys before taking his seat beside me.
I probably hadn't noticed because I didn't care before, but everyone in the Humanity Club weren't too popular. Even Wannabe; he was well-liked, sure, but Hibiki had already impacted the school much more than he ever could despite transferring in last week.
Class went on by without a hitch, besides the elated atmosphere from the guys and girls alike. When the bell finally rang to dismiss us to our next class, Saki darted out the door before I could try to stop her. My heart weighing in my chest, I hoisted myself from my seat.
Soon enough, a cheerfully oblivious Yuji approached me, grin in place.
I shook my head, gathering my books for our next class. "You wish."
"Oh, c'mon," Yuji said. He followed me out the door. "Just a little?"
"You don't need any from me."
"Sure I do," he replied. "It'd basically mean getting the Hoshino Miyuki to recognize me. It'd mean a whole lot, as friend to friend of course."
"From acquaintance to friend, you should know you're delusional."
Yuji sighed, but didn't give up. "I only received one chocolate today."
"One is enough," I said. "Enjoy it to the fullest."
He pouted at me. "Cheapskate."
As he went ahead to our next class, it wasn't even a minute later I heard another holler from behind.
I twirled around to find a jogging Hiro approaching me from down the hall. When he arrived, he heaved in and out from exhaustion. The sight of his face and the small brown splatter underneath his lip stuck out like a sore thumb.
"Um, Hiro," I said, pointing it out. "You have a little chocolate..."
Hiro stiffened and held up his hand to his mouth. He rubbed his thumb at it and gagged from disgust. "Haruna wouldn't let me leave this morning unless I ate a slice of her chocolate cake."
A tiny snort exited my nose. "That's cute. Your maid is your number one fan."
"Your butler, too?" I added in confusion.
Hiro groaned. I was puzzled as I watched him hold out his hand to me. "Candy hearts."
I stared at his palm and then craned my head. "You were serious?"
"I don't believe I ever said I was kidding."
"Well, sucks to be you. No candy hearts, or chocolate."
Hiro's lips pursed and he dropped his hand to his side. "Did you already give them to Yuji or Kazuya?"
"Neither," I assured him.
"And you're telling me I'm not special either?"
"You're special," I gave him. "I mean, you like anime so I approve of you now. But even still, you're not deserving of even obligatory chocolate or candy hearts."
Though a look of disappointment crossed his face, he didn't fight it. He held up his hands in defeat and pivoted on his foot to go. "Well, I tried."
"Hiro, wait." A quizzical look enveloped his features as he turned around. The heaviness in my chest expanded in a flurry, and for a split moment I was speechless. "Saki," I eventually sputtered. "She got this letter—"
"Saki?" Hiro cut me off with a scoff. "That girl always brags every year; telling me she gets this flood of love letters and chocolate. She's living the life I tell you."
My eyebrows rose. "No, but..."
He tilted his head, brows descending upon his face. I bit my tongue to hold back my words. Every year? That definitely didn't read like a love letter, that's for sure...
Something suspicious was going on with Saki. I shook my head. But if she even went to extent of hiding it from Hiro... would she still want me blabbing it around?
"Never mind," I told him. It was probably best if I confronted her myself. "I have to get to class okay?"
"Fine," he relented. Before he could go, he flashed me a smile. "Next year?"
I sighed, "We'll see, Hiro."
He took that ideally and went sprinting off to his next class. When I turned around to also go, I was stopped dead in my tracks by another face.
"There's my favourite gal."
Hibiki extended out his finger and pretended to shoot my heart as he sauntered even closer. I mimicked him, making my walking as extra as I could.
"There's my least favourite piece of trash."
Hibiki chuckled and winked. "It's so early in the morning and you're already flirting? That's my girl."
I withheld a sigh. "Look, I have nothing to give you."
"That's fine," he said. "I'll receive your body if I have to."
Goosebumps shot up my arms and I retreated in disgust. "That's borderline creepy. Stay away."
"Understood." He rose his hands in apology. "Don't tell me you gave it up already?"
"I gave nothing up," I repeated for the umpteenth time today. "Jeez, all you boys are so needy."
"You should be taking it as a compliment," he assured me. "One of us wants your recognition."
I stared at him curiously. Without warning, Hibiki scooped up my hand, leaning forward with a grin.
"The question is: which one of us will you give it to?"
I was rigid to the tips of my toes. Dang, what he was implying sounded a lot like I was in some kind of harem. As if. Hibiki enjoyed teasing me; he always had.
"Hoshino! There you are!"
Both of our necks craned to find Hinata jogging towards us. He seized my hand from Hibiki's, eyes meeting mine.
"Suzuki-sensei wants to see you. Come quick."
Before I could respond, he was dragging me away, all until we turned into a deserted corridor. We halted there and Hinata breathed out in relief. As I glanced over where we came from, I noticed Hibiki had given up and gone strolling to class. My brows furrowed when I faced Hinata yet again.
"That hag wants to see me?"
"Oh, no," Hinata replied, gathering himself and straightening his posture.
"She doesn't?" I asked.
A faint smile quirked up his lips. "Sorry," he said. "You looked really bothered so I decided to intervene."
Wait, he did that to get me out of the situation? My heart fluttered in my chest. Finally! The only sweet one all day! The only sweet one, remotely ever!
"Sorry if it was uncalled for," Hinata said. "I have to get to class now—"
He spun around, blinking in confusion. I dug into my bag until I surfaced what I was looking for. Speedily, I eyed it over. Yes, it was still in one piece (no pun intended, of course).
I tossed him the wrapped good and Hinata barely managed to catch it in time. His mouth fell as I flashed him a smile.
"For you."
Hinata peered down into his hands, baffled once again. "Chocolate...?"
"For helping me out," I excused the store-bought piece. "I bought it for myself yesterday, but... Just don't tell the other guys. They've been on my back all day, and..."
Hinata didn't make any means of movement, nor did he say anything. He was stuck in place, widened eyes on the box. Feeling my skin crawl, I cocked my head to the side.
"You do like chocolate, right?" I asked.
He snapped out of his daze, focusing his gaze back onto me. "Oh, yeah. I do. A lot. Just... I wasn't expecting anybody to give me chocolate today. Much less..." As his words began to trail off, the silliest smile in existence flitted onto his face. "Thanks, Hoshino."
I inwardly melted at his nature. Such a bright kid, this guy! "Then," I said, making a break for my class. The bell was going to go any second. "I'll see you around?"
He nodded and waved, and I departed at that. I entered the classroom just as the bell rang. As students were still raving about today's event, it took awhile for the teacher to calm them down.
I leaned back in my chair, my eyes moving towards the windows. If only the rest of this school could be as kind and straightforward as Hinata. He had no ulterior motives, too.
Still, this morning with Saki...
I peered past Yuji towards the said girl who'd decided to take a seat at the front of the class.
She really was a complicated puzzle. And despite knowing her for almost a year now, I still couldn't understand a single piece.
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