1 • receiving her journal
⚠️TW: None
Rose Lalonde sat quietly, a book laid across her lap as she waited for her dearest friend to arrive. "Rosie!" 'Ah, right on time.' Rose looked up, a small smile on her lips as her morail approached her perch.
Zoey towered easily over the blonde, a broad smile stretching across her face as she sat before the smaller female.
"Greetings Zoey, how're you?" Rose closed the cover of the book in her lap, adjusting herself to face the pinkette. "I'm good, a bit tired, but that's normal. But, enough of that, I understand that you wanted to see me urgently?"
Zoey, the sweetheart, was quite blunt with her words, making Rose smile warmly. This is what the Seer enjoyed about the other female but that is a topic for another time.
"Well, darling morail of mine, I have recently came across an item that you may want." Turning to the satchel hanging beside her, Rose began to rifle through it for a bit before pulling out a square, dust covered item.
The item, under all that grim and dust, was in fact a journal.
A flash of an old memory passed through Zoey's mind as she reached forward, gingerly taking the notebook from Rose's grasp. Looking it over and turning it this way and that, Zoey closely examined the book with child like fascination. "It was your ancestor's before she passed on into the Dream Bubbles." Rose spoke softly, watching as her morail's filled with unfiltered excitement and curiosity.
"Did you read it?"
Zoey's voice was almost timid as she looked at the blonde with a defensive expression. Rose hummed softly, shaking her head at the pink haired female's question. "No, I just skimmed over the pages. I know how you feel about these types of things." Zoey gave a sigh of relief, holding the book closer to her heart possessively.
Rose laughed softly, amused at her morail's actions. "That's all I really called you over for, darling. So if you want, you can leave now." A teasing tone was in Rose's voice as she smiled softly at Zoey. The pinkette looked at the blonde, a warm look in her brown eyes as she regarded her friend.
"I think I'm gonna sit here for a while with you if that's alright, hun. Maybe make myself a cup of tea while I'm at it." Zoey said this with warmth in her voice, hoping to appease her morail. Rose nodded moving a bit to get comfortable again as she watched the taller female leave, the notebook still held close to Zoey's flattened chest.
Rose sighed once more, a satisfied look on her face as she opened her book to the page she marked, beginning to read once more.
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