Chapter 8 - Second Year
Ara smiled as Dora took her to Diagon Alley. Andromeda and Ted were both working.
"What's Draco doing?" Dora asked as they saw their cousin going into Knockturn Alley. Smirking the two followed him. Him and Lucius walked into Borgin and Burke's. The two girls peeked through the window and watched them. Ara could see a pair of green eyes peeking out of a cupboard. Before long the two Malfoys left and Ara hurried inside.
"You can come out now Harry" she said and he came out. "Come on let's get out of here" she smiled at him. He nodded and followed her out.
"Come on you two" Dora smiled and started to lead them out but many strange people kept stopping them.
"Arry? Ara? Tonks? Come on!" Hagrid called and the three hurried out. Just then they saw Hermione coming out of a shop.
"Ara!" She shouted and hugged her best friend.
"Harry!" She added and hugged him too.
The group apart from Hagrid all headed into Flourish and Blotts where they met the Weasleys. Gilderoy Lockhart was there, he was an author. Who had apparently been on many great adventures. But Ara didn't buy it. Hermione and Mrs Weasley did.
Ginny didn't seem to enticed by him.
They all joined the queue to get their books signed by him. When they reached the front Gilderoy Lockhart called Harry up to the front to have his picture taken with him. They all chuckled as they saw Harry's uncomfortable face. Eventually Lockhart let him go.
They all walked over to a different part of the shop before Draco came over.
"Bet you liked that didn't you Potter, Saint Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page. Oh hey Ara" Draco snapped.
"Leave him alone" Ginny scowled. Everyone was scowling.
"Oh look Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!" Ginny rolled her eyes as did Harry.
"Now, now Draco. Play nicely. Mister Potter, Lucius Malfoy" Lucius stretched his hand out.
"Don't" Ara whispered in his ear. Harry nodded and didn't shake his hand.
"Well at least show your scar" sighing Harry moved his hair up and showed it. "How does it feel to have been touched by the greatest dark wizard of all time?"
"Voldemort was a murderer" Harry stated. "Nothing more"
"Touché Harry, Voldemort was stupid" she smirked.
"You two must be very brave to say his name, and you might not want to say that Ara"
"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself. And Ara can say whatever she likes" Hermione scowled.
"Miss Granger is it? Yes Dracos told me all about you and you're parents. Muggles aren't they?" They all scowled back at him. Just then Mister Weasley arrived as did Dora.
"Arthur, Nymphadora" Dora was scowling as was Arthur. Within seconds the two men were attacking each other until Hagrid finally broke it up.
"Come along Draco" Lucius snapped and the two left.
A few weeks later they were back at school, well on the train. Harry and Ron hadn't shown up. Hermione was extremely worried, Ara knew they'd find a way to get to school.
"Oh where are they? I'm serious Ara. I'm worried about them"
"Look 'Mione, you know them. They'll find a way to get to school"
"Yeah by breaking the law" Ara laughed.
"Anyway 'Mione. It will be fine. I'll find a way to get them out of any trouble they're in"
"Using your connections?"
"And who my dad is too"
"Even though we're sure he's innocent"
"Even though he's innocent yes" the two laughed.
Just then Fred came into their compartment, Aras heart skipped a beat.
"You two seen Ron?" He asked.
"No" Hermione responded, Ara didn't even notice she was blushing until Fred winked at her and blushed before walking out.
"Someone has a crush" Hermione teased. Ara rolled her eyes and blushed harder.
Eventually they arrived. Ginny was sorted into Gryffindor. Hermione and Ara were still wondering where Harry and Ron were.
By the time they reached the common room the boys had walked in.
"Harry!" Ara shouted and ran to hug him. He smiled and hugged her back.
After they'd explained everything Ara was left confused.
"Did you say Dobby?" She asked, Harry nodded.
"Yeah why?"
"I recognise that name, I don't know why though"
"Well you'll figure it out" Hermione said as the four kids saw Percy glaring at them and decided it was best to head to bed.
The next few days were pretty normal, well as normal as can be at Hogwarts. But all changed on Halloween. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ara had all been invited to Nearly Headless Nicks birthday party, or death day party or something like that.
After the party they were walking down the corridor when Harry started randomly running after nothing. Confused the three ran after him. Aras black hair blew after her.
"Oh my god" she exclaimed as they saw the wall.
The Chamber or Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware was written in blood.
"Holy!" Ara shouted as she saw the seemingly lifeless body of Mrs Norris lying on the floor. Hermione grabbed onto Aras arm. Harry and Ron were stood there shocked.
"Enemies of the heir beware? You'll be next Mudbloods!" Draco snapped, Ara glared at him.
"Potter, Granger, Weasley, Black. My office!" McGonagall ordered. The four kids hurried to their head of years office.
After explaining what happened she let them go.
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