Chapter 1 - Pre Hogwarts
Aras eyes fluttered open, her cousin 'Dora was starting Hogwarts this year so they were going to Diagon Alley to gather her school supplies, Andromeda taught both the girls in their home, they had a large home, it wasn't anywhere near as big as Malfoy Manor but it was still big. You could get lost, well the corridors deliberately changed to try and make you lost. All in all they each had their own bedroom, with about three spare rooms. A music room, a school room. Bathrooms, a kitchen and of course a dining room. They also had 3 living areas where guests would sit. They had three house elves, they all got paid as Ara felt, even at her young age, it was unfair if they worked and didn't get paid. 'Dora agreed with her and Ted and Andromeda started paying them. Ted worked at the Ministry, he made enough money to treat the girls, a lot, as well as affording all the necessities, but they chose the only treat the girls when they felt they deserved it. Neither 'Dora or Ara were spoiled, they grew up with everything they needed, and most of the things they wanted.
Andromeda had inherited some money from her family before they disowned her too.
"ARA COME DOWN HONEY!!" Her Aunt Andromeda called, the four year old tottered down the stairs, her brown hair falling to her shoulders, her big sapphire eyes glowing.
"Hey Ara" 'Dora smiled as her little cousin toddled into the dining room.
"Dorwa!!!" Ara shouted and ran to hug her cousin. Dora smiled and hugged her back. Andromeda smiled as she saw the girls.
After they finished eating Ara hurried upstairs and stood on a chair in her room to pick out her outfit. Ara did have a good sense of style, even at the age of four. Once she'd finished she gazed at her reflection for a moment, her hair was still scruffy, but she had a white floral dress on with her purple cloak. As Ara was about to call to ask for help with her hair, Dora walked in, a smile on her face.
"Hey do you need help with your hair" she asked, Ara nodded as Dora walked into the room and shut the door behind her. Dora's hair remained steadily pink as she put Aras into bunches and tied a purple ribbon around them.
"You look very pretty today" Dora smiled at her cousin as she took her hand as they left.
"Thwanks" Ara responded and the two girls walked down to the fireplace. Andromeda smiled as the two girls came down.
"Now Dora honey you first" Dora grabbed a handful of floo powder.
"Diagon Alley" She stated and disappeared into the flames.
"Ara sweetheart you now" the four-year-old grabbed a handful of the powder and stepped ino the fireplace.
"Diagwon Awey" Ara felt her body be lifted up as she was transported through the floo network. Suddenly she felt her body slam into the ground. Her blue eyes snapped open and she realised she was in a shop she didn't recognise. Her eyes scanned the room for anything she could recognise. As her hands pushed her small body up she started to walk around the room. In a sudden she abruptly stopped, her hand was rested on a wand. She picked it up.
"Who you?" a voice asked, she jumped she turned around, a boy her age with white blonde hair and cold grey eyes.
"Who you?" She questioned back. He seemed taken back.
"Draco Malfoy, who you?" Ara gasped, the Malfoys were related to her. But they hated her branch of the family, but maybe Draco was different.
"Ara Black" Dracos eyes showed shock.
"ARA!!" Dora called as she ran in, Ara looked at her cousin and ran to her. Dora hugged her tight. Ara hugged her cousin back.
"Draco, come here" A man with rather long blonde hair of the same colour.
"Daddy! That's Arwa Black!" Draco told him pointing at Ara. Dora looked at Lucius, her glare of anger clear. The wand Ara was holding now on the floor. Ara pulled out of Dora's chest and too glared at the two people in front of her.
"Come on Ara" Dora scowled at the other people in the shop as she took her cousins hand and dragged her out of the shop.
As Ara and Dora emerged from Knockturn Alley Andromeda ran to hug the girls, they told Ara to never go down there again. She nodded and followed them through the streets.
"Molly!" Andromeda smiled as spotted a plump woman with shoulder length ginger hair. The woman turned around and smiled at the woman.
"Andromeda! It's good to see you" She smiled back. Ara hid behind Dora, ever since her mother's death and her father was taken to Azkaban she'd been really shy around strangers.
"These must be your children" Andormeda smiled as she saw a group of about seven children standing by her.
"Yes this is Bill" she pointed at a boy who seemed to be the oldest. "Charlie" he seemed to be the same age as Dora. "Percy" "Fred, George" "Ron and Ginny" Molly smiled.
"And are these your children?" Andromeda's smile fell, Ara moved her head further into Dora.
"This is my daughter Nymphadora and my niece Ara" Dora forced Ara out from behind her. Molly smiled sweetly at both girls. Dora smiled back whilst Ara face showed a look of sheer fear and discomfort, Ron smiled at her, she smiled back and she began to relax. Dora noticed.
"Why don't I take the kids to the park around the corner, whilst you adults talk?" Dora asked.
"That would be lovely Dora honey, when it's time to choose your wand and get your robes fitted we'll come get you" Andromeda smiled, all the kids walked towards the park. Ara grabbed Dora's hand and they walked towards the park.
When they reached the park Dora, Charlie, Bill and Percy all headed over to the older kids section. Whilst Fred, George, Ron, Ara and Ginny walked over to the little kids area.
"Hi I'm Won Weasley" Ron smiled at her, Ara smiled back.
"Hi I'm Arwa Bwack" Ginny came up behind Ron and scared him.
"I'm Ginny!!!" Ginny smiled before giggling.
"I'm Fred"
"And I'm George" the twins said. They decided to play tag.
"DORA!! ARA!! COME ON!!" Andromeda called, the two girls said goodbye to the Weasleys before running to Andromeda.
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