Too Fast?
"Do we have to?" Shannon whined, not wanting to let go of the magic of the evening.
Ben laughed. "No. We can do what we want. But, I get the impression things will go badly for you if we don't go home and make an appearance to your security detail."
She rolled her eyes at the thought of the dressing down she'd get from the Director if they didn't. "Yeah, you're right."
"Besides," he hugged her close, "we've got time. There's no need to rush."
Shannon's stomach sank with the mention of time, and she was reminded of her mission: recruit the Four Horsemen, War in particular, before They arrived. Suddenly, there seemed to be very little of it.
Ben gave her a quick squeeze. "Hey, where did you go?"
She forced a small smile. "Oh, just in my head. Nothing important." She stepped away. "I'm ready whenever you are."
He whistled softly for Vic, and the horse pranced into view from behind the rocks where they had arrived. They mounted, her in front of him, and he spurred Vic into a leap. It wasn't a full breath's time before they were landing in Ben's backyard beside the koi pond.
He dismounted and beamed as she slid into his arms again. His reward was to give her a long, lingering kiss.
"When can I see you again?" he asked in a sultry voice.
"Is tomorrow too soon?" she suggested, breathless.
"No, that sounds perfect."
They stood in each other's arms for a moment, enjoying the sensation of the contact, before Shannon sighed and stepped away. "I need to be going before the surveillance guys decide to do something stupid like storm the place."
Ben laughed uproariously. "They'd do that? Seriously? They'd try and raid War's home?"
Shannon couldn't help but giggle. "I never said they were particularly smart. Only dedicated."
Shaking his head, he walked her to her car. Once she hit the button on the fob, he held the door for her. "I'll think of something special for us to do," he promised.
"You don't have to do that, you know. I like plain and simple just fine," she assured him as she settled into the driver's seat.
"You deserve more than plain and simple, Shannon." The way he looked at her when he said it sent a delicious shiver down her spine. "Now, off with you before your people have a fit."
She hadn't gotten around the block when her phone rang, and Karma Chameleon filled the tiny car. She answered through the Bluetooth system. "What do you want, Tonya?"
"I'm following you home. Boss says to get a debrief. Sorry."
Shannon rolled her eyes. "Tonight?"
"Yeah." The apology was clear in Tonya's tone.
"Oh, for fuck's sake. Well, go and pick up a bottle of wine before coming over at least."
Tonya stared at Shannon. "That's... pretty amazing! I mean, theoretically, I know he's an Immortal, but to actually ride the horse of a Horseman? Wow!"
Shannon grinned, a little giddy, over her wine glass. "And, he cooked for me!"
Tonya faked a swoon, falling back on the couch. "Oh, man. What I wouldn't give for a man who could, and would, cook for me." She leaned forward to grab her wine from the coffee table as her expression became more somber. "I know it's part of your mission to do whatever to recruit him, but do you think you're going to fall for him for real?"
Shannon flushed and picked at her sweater. "I'm not so sure I'm not already. I'm really attracted to him and... I don't know, there's just something there, you know?"
Tonya's raised eyebrows betrayed her surprise. "Seriously? It's only been a few days, Shannon. And, this is your mission. Don't jeopardize that."
Shannon pushed herself up off the couch, pacing. "I know! That's what I keep telling myself. This has to be infatuation, right?"
Tonya nodded. "Has to be." She sipped her wine. Shannon walk back and forth, chewing nervously on the tip of her thumb. "But, what if it's not? How does that affect your job?"
Perching on the arm of the couch, Shannon pinched the bridge of her nose. "I don't know! I mean, how can I keep trying to convince a person I'm potentially falling for to do something he doesn't want to do? And, how does it change us if he keeps saying no? I have a job here!"
"I can't see how that would work, Shannon. Either you're going to eventually come to grips with the fact he won't help, or he's going to have to give in."
Shannon's vision began to swim with the welling tears in her eyes. "I don't know what to do." She slid off the arm into the couch.
Tonya scooted over to put her arm around Shannon. "Right now, you have to continue with the mission."
Letting out a shaky breath, Shannon nodded. "Yeah. That's the only plan I've got."
Early the next morning, Ben texted.
Ben: Can you get away for a few days? Maybe five? On very short notice?
Shannon's heart skipped a beat, then thudded in her chest.
Shannon: To go somewhere with you? Yes! I just have to let work know where I'm going.
Ben: Good. Pack light for warm and humid. Bring a bathing suit. Can you be here by noon?
Shannon: If I have cereal for breakfast!
Ben: Here's where we're going...
She giggled to herself as she forwarded the address to Tonya. Security is going to shit a brick!
Within seconds, Tonya called. "What's with the treehouse in the Brazilian forest?"
Shannon nearly tripped over her words in excitement as she explained. "That's where Ben is taking me! We're leaving at noon for five days!"
"Oh, your detail isn't going to like this at all," Tonya mused.
Somewhat miffed, Shannon responded, "I'm being swept away to a romantic destination with a man I want to get to know better, and all you can say is some Agents are going to be upset? Really?"
Regret filled Tonya's voice. "I'm sorry. That was pretty crappy of me," she offered as an apology. But, we talked about this last night; you still have a mission, feelings or not."
Shannon opened her closet and searched for her travel duffel in the back. Fortunately, being an Agent had taught her how to throw things together quickly and fold items efficiently so she could get a lot in the small bag.
"Speaking of mission, consider this my notice of my when and where. Pass the word."
"Sure." Tonya hesitated.
Shannon knew that meant there was something else on Tonya's mind. "What? Spill it!"
"Pestilence, Famine, and Death have all sent over statements of cooperation with the condition that their identities not be released."
Shannon found herself nodding even though Tonya wouldn't be able to see it. "Yeah, I suppose Ben has talked to them. At least that's one less thing we have to worry about."
"Yeah. It does take a little pressure off."
"I wonder how Ben feels about it," Shannon wondered aloud.
"Maybe you should ask," Tonya encouraged.
"I will. Now, I need to go and finish packing!"
"Okay. Have fun." The tone of Tonya's voice didn't share the sentiment.
"What are you trying to say?" Shannon paused to demand.
Anger crept into Tonya's voice. "I just don't understand, Shannon. How could you be falling for him? He's refusing to help!"
"I know that, Tonya!" Shannon exclaimed. "But, how am I not supposed to fall for him? My orders were to get close to him, but now that I am, and there are consequences, you seem upset. That's not fair."
"I just think it's going too fast."
Shannon rewarded her lack of understanding with a frustrated sound. "Well, that's on you, Tonya. When's the last time I had someone special in my life? Years, Tonya. Years! Work has always come first. And now there's a man who seems to be as enamored with me as I am with him, and suddenly you're jealous!"
"I'm not jealous! I just want you to be cautious!"
"Right. Whatever. I'll be sure to report in when we arrive." Shannon hung up on her best friend and threw the phone on the bed. Scowling, she returned to packing, ignoring the sound of Karma Chameleon when it began.
Shannon did a double-take when she passed the surveillance van and was forced to slam on the brakes to keep from veering into the parked cars along the side of the road. The two Agents from the van were standing on the sidewalk with Ben, having a conversation. Ben was talking, and the two Agents were nodding, taking notes.
They gave a final nod, and Ben turned toward his driveway. Shannon eased the car in beside a red pickup truck. She gathered the contents of her purse, which had spilled into the floorboard as he walked home.
"So, what, you're buddy-buddy with my detail now?" she asked as he held the car door open. "What was that all about?"
Ben nodded. "I am making friends, yes. I figured I'd share more details about where we're going. I also agreed to bring you back every afternoon so they can check on you."
She stood and stepped into his embrace for a warm hug before popping the trunk for him to grab her bag. "That's... generous of you."
"Well, I figured it was better than the plan they were trying to come up with." He chuckled as he hefted the small but weighty duffle.
"Probably. I have no idea what they might have done."
"You don't want to know, honestly. It was way overboard."
Shannon rolled her eyes as she stepped into the house. Moments after the door shut, she heard her travel bag hit the floor and found herself in his arms being kissed. Electricity shot along her skin as she returned it, wrapping her arms around his neck as he ran a hand up under her hair.
He broke the kiss and leaned in more to whisper, "I want you, Shannon. I have from the moment I handed you your umbrella."
She smiled and murmured, "I'm not saying no, Ben. I want you, too."
He pulled back. "So, you're okay with the whole monk thing?"
"You explained it." She kissed him on the cheek. "You might be a monk, but you're still a man too. I'm following your lead; you know what is and isn't appropriate for your vows."
He brushed his lips against hers before taking a deep breath and pulling away. "If we don't go now, we won't get there for hours," he chuckled.
She cocked her head to the side. "Would that be so bad?"
"Not at all, but they are expecting us, and I promised to be there before check-in was over."
"Well, I'm ready if you are. Though, I will need some food soon. Fruity Pebbles, while tasty, isn't a very filling breakfast."
His eyes sparkled. "I'm sure we can arrange something."
She ran a hand over his chest. "And then?"
"And then, I'd like to get to know you a lot better." The implied meaning was not lost on her.
"I'd like to let you," she assured him.
He closed his eyes against the hunger that sprung up in them and swallowed.
She ran a hand along his cheek. "Ben? Are you okay?"
He sighed and leaned his forehead against hers. "It's been... a long time, Shannon."
"What, for sex?"
"That... and more. Sex is nice, and I want it, but most of all, I want someone to love in my life. It's been too long.
Shannon froze as he spoke, heart pounding and blood rushing in her ears. Is he developing feelings for me? Tonya was right; this is fast. "Um..." she managed to mumble before drawing away. "Maybe we should go?"
He looked disappointed for the briefest of moments before a mask of cheerfulness dropped into place, and he smiled at her. "Yes, we should!" He picked up her duffle, and they made their way to the backyard where Vic, his coat gleaming blood-red in the sunlight, nipped at the grass while waiting for them.
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