Second Tries
Once she and Ben were settled into the booth in the Chinese restaurant, Shannon grinned and asked, "So, can I have your number?"
Ben beamed in return. He produced his phone from some mysterious pocket in his robe and replied, "Only if I can have yours. So, you know, I don't have to keep calling you at work."
She recited her number, and he immediately sent her a text. You're stunning.
Shannon dipped her head and flushed. "Thank you."
"Shy? Really?" he exclaimed, seeing her reaction. "Surely all the people you date tell you that!"
"I don't date much," Shannon explained.
Ben's eyebrows rose. "Why not?"
"Well, I don't get asked out much, and when I do, I'm usually either not interested, or I'm wrapped up in a case at work. I don't think it's fair to try to get a relationship started with someone and potentially have to cancel or reschedule every date because something work-related came up."
He smirked and put her on the spot. "And now?"
She chuckled, "You are my case... and I'm very much interested, case or not."
His grin expanded, and he picked up his chopsticks to begin eating the food that was being delivered. She, not being as dextrous, chose a fork.
"You're not afraid that I'm trying to date you because I want to recruit you?" she asked around a mouthful.
"Are you?"
"No. I'd want to go out with you regardless."
"Well, there you have it," he said before explaining, "I'm choosing to take what you say at face value and see where this goes."
The remainder of lunch was a comfortable banter back and forth between them as they ate. Shannon was genuinely disappointed when the meal came to an end.
"Can I see you again?" she asked him, shy but curious enough to want to know.
He cocked his head to the side and gave her a wry grin. "Maybe."
She shifted in her seat, afraid his, 'Maybe,' meant, 'No.'
Sensing her discomfort, he scoffed. "Pfft. As if I'd say no. Are you kidding? This is the most pleasant lunch I've had in a long time."
Shannon's worry dissolved. "I've enjoyed it, too."
He slid his hand across the table, palm up, silently asking for her touch. She gave it gladly but couldn't resist rubbing the goosebumps.
Ben noticed the movement. "Are you okay?"
She nodded. "It's just my 'spidey sense.' My Talent is being able to detect Immortals. The degree to which they are pureblood is matched by the reaction I have."
"So, you're saying I make you tingle?" he winked.
"All over," she admitted.
He studied her before squeezing her hand and withdrawing. "That's good to know."
Finished, they stepped outside, and once again, he reached for her, turning her to face him. "I know this is forward, and I don't want to take this too fast, but I really want to kiss you. Can I do that?"
Her stomach flip-flopped. You can do a lot more than that, she thought, then blushed. She resisted the urge to look at her feet and looked into his eyes instead. One was medium brown, a color that, on anyone else, she was convinced would be dull and uninteresting. The other was twilight blue. With him, she discovered she could easily get lost in his gaze.
He put a finger under her chin and leaned in. When their lips touched, she gasped slightly at the sensation of not only how soft his were but how much he made her tingle. This time, she felt it head to toe. Gauging by her stomach's reaction, it wasn't all contributed by her Talent.
"Did you feel that with your 'spidey sense'?" he murmured.
She could only nod.
He moved his hand to her face and kissed her deeper, though not as much as she would have liked. She sighed when he broke the kiss.
"I have to go," he said, pulling back. "I'm volunteering at the shelter this afternoon and through dinner."
"Yes, the one over on Third Street. We, umm, have 'observed' you there quite a bit."
He chuckled. "Yes, I suppose you have." He let go of her entirely, and she was saddened by the loss of his touch.
"Text me?" she asked. She hoped she didn't sound desperate.
"Of course I will. But, only if you answer back."
She laughed. "You know I will."
He gave her an impish grin. "Yeah, I do."
He walked her to her car, a sensible electric vehicle in bright chartreuse green. He laughed when he saw it. "That... is not a company car," he declared, laughing. "People will see you coming a mile away."
"Are you making fun of my car?" she giggled.
"Oh, yeah." He grabbed her hand and pulled her close again. "Let me kiss you goodbye?"
Shannon liked that he seemed to always ask permission first. She nodded and leaned into the kiss. The second was as magical.
He broke the kiss and sighed. "I really do need to go." He reluctantly took a step back and squeezed her hand one last time before turning away.
She drove back to the office somewhat in a daze. She'd not been this attracted to anyone in quite a long time. A pang of guilt washed over her that she would have to write an entry in her ongoing report about it. Well, they don't need to know details, now do they? she reminded herself.
Tonya plopped down in her chair minutes after Shannon sat in hers. "Well, you seemed to enjoy yourself," she smirked.
Shannon tossed her hair. "Yeah, actually, I did."
"So, how is it going to work when you actually get 'involved' with the potential recruit instead of just pretend?"
Shannon sighed. There wasn't any written policy about it for the Agency, just an understood rule of professionalism everyone followed. "I don't know. I'm going to play it by ear, I guess." She picked up her phone when it buzzed.
Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Ben.
Ben: Thinking about me?
Shannon: I think you know I am.
Ben: 😄When do I get to see you again?
Shannon: When do you want to see me?
Ben: Tomorrow? Dinner?
Shannon: Yes.
He typed for a long time, and she waited, knowing he'd erased several times.
Ben: How comfortable would you be coming to my place? I'll cook.
Shannon: With an offer like that, how could I refuse?
Ben: Six-ish?
Shannon: Six it is!
He sent his address. She grinned wide, already wanting the time until their date to pass quickly.
"Come on. We're going shopping. You need to update your wardrobe," Tonya insisted the next morning.
"But, I have a report..." Shannon protested.
Tonya wagged a finger at her. "Nope. You're not getting out of this. I've already cleared it with the Director. He's all over giving you whatever advantage you might need to entice War. So, not only are we going to go shopping, we're getting your nails and hair done, too."
Tonya put a hand on her hip and glared, with a half-smile, at her friend. "But what? Don't you want to feel like a million bucks when you go for dinner?"
"Well, yeah..."
"Okay then, grab your shit, and let's go!"
The morning was a whirlwind of small boutiques, followed by a quick lunch and then some pampering at the salon. They managed to make it back to Shannon's place with just minutes to spare to change before heading to Ben's house.
Shannon checked herself in the mirror one last time. Tonya had been right; new clothes and a beauty update had been precisely what she needed to feel confident and happy in her own skin. She wore a deep red, almost maroon, blouse paired with dark gray pants and fashionable low heels. A simple but elegant ruby necklace and earrings added the finishing touches. She dabbed a little lip gloss on, keeping her makeup to a minimum, before grabbing her keys and monstrous purse.
"Please tell me you're not going to tail me," Shannon begged Tonya.
"Oh, I'm not. I've got the night off, but there will be a detail. You know that... and I'm sure he does, too. He's not stupid; he understands how intelligence works."
Shannon sighed. "Well, I guess a couple of agents in a car is better than an entire team in a surveillance van."
Tonya looked at the floor for a moment before clearing her throat. "About that..."
"Oh, for the love of god! Seriously?" Shannon protested. "An entire team?"
Tonya held up her hands to ward off Shannon's exasperation. "Hey, I didn't have anything to do with it. At least they're not trying to get you to wear a wire."
Shannon rolled her eyes and headed for the door. "They better stay out of sight!" Shannon stomped down the sidewalk leading from her condo to the parking lot. Once in her car, she took several calming breaths, set up the GPS, and drove toward an address in one of the many suburbs around the city.
She wasn't sure what she had expected when she arrived, but a split-level home from the 1970s wasn't it. The house was well maintained, however, and the yard was well-groomed, if average. Everything was neat, tidy, and understated. Perfect for a monk, she concluded.
She huffed out a breath and leaned back in her seat for a moment. What the hell am I doing trying to date a monk? It sounds so... wrong!
Movement in her rearview mirror caught her attention, and her eyes narrowed when she saw an unmarked black van pass by. With a scowl, she dropped her keys and phone in her purse, then left the car. Idiots. They don't even know how to stay out of sight!
As she did, the front door of the house opened, and Ben stepped out. He was wearing dark slacks, a royal blue button-up, sensible but nice, loafers, and a plain belt. He looked in the direction the van had gone as he waited for Shannon to walk up the sidewalk to him.
"They belong to you?" he asked, tipping his head in the van's direction.
Shannon paused and sighed. "Yeah. I'm sorry. I don't really know what to do about it. This isn't exactly a normal situation."
He continued to stare at them. "No, I don't suppose it is." He blinked and turned to her, flashing her his usual smile. "But, no matter. You're here, and that's what I'm interested in." He motioned her to the door. "Come on in. We'll head out in a bit."
"Head out? I thought you were cooking?"
"I am. Just not here."
She playfully squinted at him. "Am I sensing an adventure?"
"You are, indeed."
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