By the grace of God, Ezio had accomplished acquiring the Piece of Eden right before Cesare could, who'd arrived in the company of two Papal guards. What he failed to expect was for Ezio to use the Apple's power to misjudge both guards to kill one another so swiftly it left Cesare vexed and afraid before the black-haired man fled in cowardice, calling for more guards.
But before Ezio could pursue his enemy, a dozen Papal guards swarmed Ezio, only to fall victim to the power of the Apple - disillusion that caused them to either die if they were too close in proximity of the Apple's power or they would be possessed to kill one another or flee in terror - allowing the Master Assassin to escape unscathed and with the Apple now back in his care.
What secrets the Apple held, he'd have to wait until later, after he'd return to the Assassin hideout once his notoriety died down. While this occurred, Claudia and Cicilia had made off for the Colosseum in hopes of saving (Y/n) before it was too late. On horseback, both women sped off, not sparing the horses as they ushered every ounce of hope that they'd get there in time.
People yelped and cursed off the women that stormed along the roads for the Colosseum. That didn't stop them from making apologies knowing that (Y/n)'s life was on the line. Guards were stationed at the entrances, making it more difficult for them to enter without alerting trouble. Both women were forced to climb the Colosseum wall until they were at the very top.
Without a moment to spare, Cicilia rushed ahead of her mother as they descended their way to where (Y/n) was being kept captive. A man dressed in black with his face hidden by a mask that only had eye holes cut open ordered his men to position (Y/n) with his head on a block of wood in preparation for his execution.
The executioner readied himself while three soldiers watched intently as the executioner fixed his grip on his axe. Claudia snuck up on an unsuspecting guard and used their sword as a javelin to throw at the executioner, only for her aim to be off and embed itself through the body of one of the onlooking guards which put them all on high alert.
Raising the axe over his head, the executioner grunted loudly as he went to slam his weapon downwards to decapitate (Y/n). With one splinter of hope, Claudia watched as her daughter ran up to the executioner and rammed into him, knocking him off his feet as only she got back up to fend off the remaining Borgia soldiers until they were sure none remained.
(Y/n) groaned weakly as both women rushed over to his side and helped him sit up where they found his body bruised and with a scar around his neck. Weakly, he chapped his lips, begging for a drink. Unfortunately for him, they were in such a predicament that him being sufficed would have to wait until later now that Cicilia and Claudia were about to deliver him to their hideout.
Once they were in the vicinity of the Rosa in Fiori, a courtesan was sent out to retrieve a doctor while (Y/n) was delivered into Claudia's office to rest and be treated for his injuries. One of the courtesans brought a cup of water and handed it to Claudia who held (Y/n)'s head with her hand and fed him the water until he felt sufficed.
"Oh, amati... Quanto sono sollevato nel rivedere il tuo bel viso. Pensavo, pensavo che non ti avrei piu ' rivisto. Oh beloved... How relieved I am to see your beautiful face again. I thought, I thought I wouldn't see you again." (Y/n) spoke breathlessly.
"Non farmi mai piu ' una cosa del genere. Non potevo perderti. Non posso perderti! Ma se lo fai di nuovo, mi assicurero ' di tagliarti le palle e poi ucciderti di nuovo. Don't you ever do that to me again. I couldn't lose you. I can't lose you! But if you ever do that again, I'm going to make sure I cut your balls off and then kill you again." Claudia smiled weepily.
"There's the Claudia I know. Where, where is Ezio?"
Cicilia and answered for her mother. "He went out to put an end to the Borgia. But it seems that Cesare is still alive - though the same cannot be said for his father."
"It's about damn time that old man got what was coming to him."
A doctor's presence was made known by the drab clothes and mask that concealed his true nature. When he approached (Y/n), he immediately diagnosed basic symptoms of (Y/n)'s bodily treatment before he was given simple medication to treat the pain. Relieved that it wasn't anything serious, Claudia coddled her husband and rested her head on his bicep.
Being most wanted meant that Ezio had to conceal himself from the public for a short while. Having the Apple in his care meant that he would prioritise himself well enough to ensure extreme caution was carried out to any who dared pose a threat to the Master Assassin. Once Ezio was sure he could return to the Assassin hideout, he did so with haste.
December, 1500
It took months for Ezio to track down his enemy after fleeing in cowardice to keep what was left of his fallen empire alive. But he knew his end would come eventually. And yet Cesare strived to get back at those who took everything from him: his dreams, his new world. And yet even after discovering his plan to mass an army at his disposal, the Assassin's were sure to put him to rest.
Yet Cesare did not give up so easily. Even after being sentenced to life imprisonment for his crimes, Cesare still found a way to break out of prison and amass what left of his faithful followers were left to wage a war in Viana - something the Assassin's were not aware of until Ezio would use the Apple to uncover Cesare's true whereabouts.
A/n: Alright, look. These time jumps are so annoying but for once let's just say Cesare didn't die in Viana on March 1507 'cause it seems ridiculous having hunt him down for such a very long time. Therefore I'll just making it start of 1501.
February, 1501
Ezio was the one elected to finish the deed. Being Master Assassin chosen singlehandedly by Machiavelli at the ceremony of Claudia's being accepted into the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Assassin's. Despite feeling self-conscience about her becoming old, (Y/n) still showed his wife love and declared that no matter what she looked like, he would always love her.
Ever since Ezio rode off to confront Cesare for the last time, he and their followers' armies united to conflict Cesare's doomed empire. Despite being short four thousand men compared to the ten that massed against him, Cesare still fought hard and bravely as he and Ezio shared their last fight under a dark red and orange sky which enacted as if the world were set asunder.
On the battlements, Ezio confronted his enemy and prepared for their duel. Despite interference from Cesare's men, they did not stop Ezio from disarming Cesare of his armour until he was exposed enough for Ezio to charge up at his foe to deliver the killing blow. The world around them turned to white where Ezio cradled his enemy in his arms.
"The throne was mine!"
"Wanting something does not make it your right."
"What do you know?!"
"That a true leader empowers the people he rules."
"I will lead mankind into a new world..."
"Che nessuno ricordi il tuo nome. Requiescat in pace. May no-one remember your name. Rest in peace."
"You cannot kill me... NO MAN CAN MURDER ME!!"
"Then I leave you in the hands of fate!"
At that, Ezio grabbed his enemy and lead him to the edge of the battlements. As Ezio released his grip of Cesare, Cesare fell to his demise. Survivors of the war littered about corpses, taking what valuables were still of us and of high value in hopes of acquiring money to cross to a new part of Italy or accumulate to repair the town that was under siege.
After the conclusion of the war, there was a revolution in place to elect a governor that the people would suffice with as well as the Assassin's, so long as no corrupt empires would arise. The people of Rome cheered in jubilation upon hearing of Cesare's death. Both the people and Assassin's alike joined one another in celebrating the end of Borgia tyranny.
March, 1507
Being so old yet spruce with life, (Y/n) and Claudia revelled in watching their daughter celebrate yet another birthday with her children, their grandchildren. The energy they both still had kept them mobile and healthy for the many years of training and hard labour in bringing peace to the world. And with Cesare Borgia now dead, there was much less to worry about.
When Ezio came forward to his sister of a letter from their father about one of the greatest Assassin's of all time - a journey Ezio planned to embark on. Knowing she wouldn't see her uncle for a while, Cicilia made an emotion goodbye to the Master Assassin and focused on raising her family while (Y/n) and Claudia ran both businesses in Rome with Claudia appointed leader.
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