Chapter Four: The Assassin Way
(Y/n)'s journey to Firenze brought many unwanted memories, more or less the ones that brought despair onto the Auditore family. (Y/n) entered the city and sought out thieves on the rooftops for potential information on three riders who recently entered Firenze. In the time he was last in Firenze, little had changed as no Pazzi could taunt the citizens out of their coin and their lives.
(Y/n) was cautious to avoid drawing attention onto himself as he walked through the streets with a visibly tense body. Where he scaled up the side of a building, he'd only just realised there was a ladder right next to him and yet thought nothing of it before he reached the roof and quickly spotted a guard who patrolled the area.
Nearby, there were some workers smashing stuff with hammers rhythmically. Timing the bangs, (Y/n) silently approached the guard and listened closely to the noises being made before timing it perfectly that when he released his hidden blade, all the guard would hear was just hammers banging and then them being embraced by death.
With the guard dispatched, (Y/n) picked up the bow and drew an arrow, taking aim at a nearby guard who came into his line of sight. As soon as the guard was dispatched, (Y/n) made his way across to a possible thieves hideout. Fortunately, he'd managed to locate four thieves minding their own business with what appeared to be stolen loot.
"Scusate, signori. Mi chiedevo se mi aiutasse a trovare qualcuno? Excuse me, gentlemen. I was wondering if you help me locate someone?" (Y/n) acknowledged the thieves and reached into his money pouched and offered a few Florins for their troubles.
A thief of old appearance caught the coins tossed at them and asked about what (Y/n) wanted to know.
"I'm looking for three misteriosi uomini incappucciati, mysterious hooded men. They had young woman in their company. She was pregnant and she had a ring on her finger with a ruby on it. Do you know where they went?"
"Si, si. I've seen some people ride through with women all the time. But, this ring you speak of... What of its importance to the matter?"
"It is my... my wife, we are looking for."
"Ah, si... Then we shall help you, mio amico, my friend. Only a few hours ago, three men walked through the front gate with the woman whom you spoke of. They were not locals, however. They all carried accents. Strange... accents. French, I believe, no?"
"Si." Another thief agreed.
"Si. Check the Ponte Vecchio. You might find them there."
Just as (Y/n) was about to leave, the thief wished (Y/n) good fortune before the (h/c) man made off to search for his beloved fiancé. With his mind set on murderous intent, (Y/n) sought the bridge where there was once a brawl between Ezio and Vieri before their lives changed. By what luck, (Y/n) was able to distinguish a hooded figure amidst a crowd of vibrantly dressed folks.
(Y/n) tailed the hooded man from a safe distance until the man took a sudden turn through a tunnel that took him into a back alley protected by four guards. Seeing that he could not trespass, (Y/n) quickly climbed up the building where he heard random citizens comment about his deranged state of mind for climbing a building the way he was.
"... Possiamo essere sicuri per un affare pesante per la sua vita. Hai sentito come ha urlato? La piccola cagna è persistente che il suo ragazzo verrà a salvarla. Ma sono certo che l'Assassino cadrà nella nostra trappola. We can be sure for a hefty bargain for her life. Did you hear how she screamed? The little bitch is persistent that her boyfriend will come save her. But I am certain the Assassin will fall into our trap." One hooded man spoke, chuckling as he clenched his opened hand.
"Dopotutto, è solo un uomo. He is, after all, just one man." Another chimed in.
"Be careful what you wish for, Vincenzo. This Assassin alone bested the Pazzi."
"Pah! The Pazzi... Vieri was as much of a fool as his father. Now look at them. I will not make the same mistakes they made and fear some petty Assassino."
(Y/n) jumped down to confront the two men by air assassinating the nearest hooded man, only to misdirect his momentum which carried him over to the furthest one; regardless of whom he killed, he had already taken care of one fool that fell victim to his blade. His victim yelped from the impact, leaving his associate mortified.
"Vincenzo!" The man cried and turned tail and fled for his life. "GUARDS! GUARDS! KILL THE ASSASSINO!"
(Y/n) growled in irritation and sped after the assailant. The four guards stationed at the entrance turned around and waited until they could confirm that there was indeed an assassin present. Drawing arms, the four guards stood in line, blocking the Assassin's path from pursuing the hooded man when (Y/n) focused on one guard and leapt up and assassinated them.
The guards were too shocked to comprehend that the Assassin had already made distance between them when they chased after, calling for more to assist as (Y/n) accelerated after the second hooded man involved in his fiancé's kidnapping. The assailant fled through the streets, shoving people in his path until he'd come to his next destination where company awaited.
A second restricted area they arrived to where (Y/n) quickly acted in ending the second hooded man's life when (Y/n) identified a third hooded man storm over to him with a dagger in hand. (Y/n) scoffed at the sight of the man fighting him with a dagger when his cockiness brought him a loss of footing which as a result made (Y/n) not underestimate his enemy.
In turn, the pair battled it out even with guards who surrounded (Y/n) and the hooded man - guards yelled and shouted mockingly at (Y/n), jeering the Assassin where he conjured an idea that would win him the duel. But before he could properly execute his plan, the hooded man made (Y/n) lose his footing before allowing the guards to have a piece of the (h/c) man.
While the hooded man entered a household, (Y/n) dispatched the half a dozen guards around him with relative ease by giving them no quarter; not even those who decided to leave with their dignity intact. (Y/n) was in bloodlust. (Y/n) was angry. Being so close, he would not slip now. (Y/n) followed where the hooded man went and entered the household.
Upon entering the household, (Y/n) was met by muffled screams and the sounds of masculine rebukes as (Y/n) could tell that somebody was one act away from having their throat slit. Heading downstairs, (Y/n) set his eyes on the last hooded man with a captive brunette bound to a chair by rope in nothing but her corset and the dress attached to it.
"Claudia... Let her go!" (Y/n) gasped and barked furiously.
When he attempted to charge in, he was stopped by the man threatening to end her life as he touched the blade against her throat whilst Claudia shivered in her place.
"Ah, ah! Weapons - toss them away." The third hooded man commanded.
Reluctantly, (Y/n) did as he was told, unsheathing his sword which he tossed aside, then the gauntlet and placed it with care, onto a nearby table. Not once did (Y/n) take his eyes off of Claudia's. She could see it in his eyes that he was trying to comfort her through eye contact. While it worked, it didn't help that the man kept reminding her of the blade at her throat.
From her throat, the blade drifted downwards to her chest above her left breast where he tauntingly drew the blade only just enough to draw a thin line of blood. While the hooded man couldn't care less about her wellbeing, he still made sure that (Y/n) could suffer from his lack of action before he replaced the blade back to her throat.
All that was required to spare Claudia's life was to be quick and smart about his next move: to get close enough and disarm him before he could have a chance to react. It was easier said than done considering they were a metre apart which made it more difficult for (Y/n) to avoid losing the two most important, or possibly three or more, people in his life.
"What do you want? What will it take for you to let her live?" (Y/n) demanded harshly.
"You want to know what I want, Assassin?" The man replied with a sinister smile.
(Y/n) widened his eyes and hoped to intervene but it appeared that something caused the man to slip which gave (Y/n) the split-second opportunity to reach for the knife before it could coat Claudia's body crimson and punched the hooded man in the jaw, causing him to stumble into a wall before he was pinned to said wall by the blade (Y/n) used against him.
The man grunted in agony when the blade entered through his shoulder, blood seeped from the wound whilst (Y/n) freed his beloved girlfriend and pulled her into a hug, offering her a shoulder to literally cry on. Claudia dug her fingers into his clothes as the blood on her chest stained his clothes also. Until he cries settled, their attention was brought back onto the hooded man.
"Verranno a prenderti... Sapranno cosa hai fatto. Dio non puo ' salvarti ora, ragazzo. They'll come for you... They'll know what you've done. God cannot save you now, boy." The hooded man muttered with a shake of his head.
"You now what I say to that? Bring it on." (Y/n) responded challengingly.
"I swear... Cesare will avenge me..."
The hooded man broke a smile, blood dripped out of his mouth from where blood stained his chin when (Y/n) shot out his hidden blade and slowly pushed it into the man's neck to ensure that he experienced pain before he embraced death. With another Templar dead, (Y/n) looked after Claudia by removing his cloak and covered her body with it before they took their leave.
(Y/n) and Claudia went to flee Firenze when she asked him to take an alternate route that would delay their expected return to Monteriggioni. (Y/n) agreed and mounted his horse and rode around to the burial spot of her father and brothers. Seeing as how she wouldn't be in Firenze for a long time, now was a better time than any.
To the burial location of Giovanni, Federico and Petruccio, (Y/n) and Claudia stood by their graves in dead silence, leaving mental prayers to respect the dead. Once more on the topic of the Auditore family, (Y/n) became haunted at the memories of the times he'd once spend with the once youngest member of the family, the feather collector.
Once the two had felt they were done paying their respects, Claudia looked up at her fiancé and smiled weakly at him as she shared her immense respect for him before they decided to make their return to Monteriggioni. Claudia clung onto (Y/n) as they rode along, the silence irksome yet at least they could have time to themselves without any worries of mouthy company.
Hours later and the young couple had returned to Monteriggioni. A patrol were quick to recognise the one holding the reins and ran to greet him. One mercenary was sent off to report a medic to prepare for treatment on the youngest Auditore. (Y/n) rode up to the gate before he dismounted and then helped Claudia down where they took shelter in their shared room.
"Oh, amati... dove sarei senza di te? Oh, beloved... where would I be without you?" Claudia sighed as she laid on their bed while (Y/n) kept her company.
(Y/n) giggled. "Ti voglio bene anch'io, Claudia. I love you too, Claudia."
As soon as the doctor visit, Claudia dozed off. (Y/n) admired her features, his fingers combed hair to frame her perfect face. Eventually, he too took the time to rest knowing the stress he'd been through hunting down Templars and rescuing his beloved Claudia. A knock came at the door, waking (Y/n) from his rest. When he went to answer, he was greeted by Mario.
"Greetings, capitano. If you are here to see Claudia, she is well. The doctor only--" (Y/n) began, formally greeting him with a slight bow.
"I, am not here for my niece, my friend. It is you whom I am after. There is something I would like to show you - I think you are ready." The man replied, politely gesturing him to silence himself.
"Ready? What for?"
The man simply smiled and had (Y/n) follow him. Great trust had been bestowed onto (Y/n) that he would be shown a sanctuary of previous Master Assassin statues. In the centre of the room was a lit cauldron, a table with peculiar tools on top as well as Paola and La Volpe. (Y/n) was surprised by this where Mario centred himself with his associates before (Y/n) did the same.
" 'Laa shay'a waqu'in moutlaq bale kouloun momkine.' These are the words spoken by our ancestors that lay at the heart of our creed." Mario began before La Volpe took over in turn.
" 'Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember... Nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember... Everything is permitted.' "
" 'We work in the dark, to serve the light. We. Are. Assassins." Paola finished.
Mario produced a strange contraption that seemed to come with another tool. (Y/n) was beckoned to put his hand on a round object with two holes between a comfortable groove. (Y/n) did as he was told and watched as Mario placed a second object over his ring finger where he hesitated to sever his finger before he asked him if he was truly ready.
(Y/n) nodded confidently before his finger was severed, a brief strain of pain caused (Y/n) to wince in discomfort before an object was produced from the fire cauldron where it touched (Y/n)'s fresh wound. More pain followed, but only for a moment seeing as how (Y/n) was brave enough to fight through the pain despite tears running down his cheeks.
Paola approached and dabbed his tears away with a handkerchief before they openly welcomed (Y/n) to their brotherhood. With one final initiation left, they took (Y/n) to the roof of the villa where he was to properly execute a leap of faith. Even doing such a thing previously, (Y/n) was still tense about the height, yet went through with it nonetheless, landing in a haystack.
Now that he was officially an Assassin, (Y/n) couldn't be prouder. It didn't occur to him, however, what Claudia's reaction would be once she'd discover his severed finger. While she faced facts that being an Assassin would bring about danger, this such thing would get her so worked up she could possibly have an aneurism.
Regardless, she would most certainly be proud of him. And with a baby on the way, for certain there would come the time where (Y/n) would have to be sent away to hunt down future Templar targets whom he would have to travel extensively for long periods of time to assassinate for the good of the world and humanity's freedom.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted. We are Assassin's.
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