Chapter Three: Journey Across the Pond
Ginny held the singed handkerchief in the living room of her home in Vermont, which would place her in Hermione's parlor in the Cotswold's. As soon as Dromeda had Floo-Called Ginny, informing her of Hermione's acceptance, Ginny had waited for a good time to reach out to Hermione herself. Since the pair of them were strangers, she knew it would only be right to touch base before the pair of them literally lived in the other's home for two weeks. Much to her relief, Hermione was a lovely witch; she was nearly two years older than Ginny, a Muggleborn, and had been adopted into a wizarding family upon her own family's rejection of her once it was revealed that she was a witch at the age of eleven. Ginny's heart had gone out to the woman, and they had bonded over their recent breakups, as well as their shared love for cats. Ginny met Crookshanks through the Floo, and Hermione told her that she would leave parchment instructions on his care and feeding, much to Ginny's relief.
The International Portkey that Ginny held glowed to life at the appointed hour, and Ginny felt a gasp escaping from her lips. She was wearing a sweater, jeans, and slippers, wanting to be comfortable for the journey ahead. Her suitcase was lurking in one of her jeans pockets, shrunken down accordingly, ready to unpack as soon as she vanished. And vanish she did, popping out of her own living room and appearing into being just a few moments later in the lovely British parlor of Hermione's cottage, complete with a perfectly-decorated spruce just beside the fireplace. Turning, Ginny caught sight of Crookshanks upon the couch, and immediately walked towards him.
"Hello," she said softly, extending her hand towards the orange ball of fluff, and the half-Kneazle immediately inched forward. After smelling Ginny, he proceeded to rub the side of his head along her hand, and Ginny grinned at him, very pleased. "You're quite the sweet one, aren't you?" she asked, and Crookshanks purred.
After giving Crookshanks so much love he fell asleep, Ginny proceeded to give herself a tour of the cottage that would be her home for the next fortnight. Outside the parlor was a hallway; directly ahead led to the front door, opposite of which was the staircase leading to the second floor, which was equipped with the library, bathrooms, and bedrooms. To the left was the kitchen and the kitchen exit, which made a complete circle, as to the right was the dining room, just off the kitchen, and finished with the living room, located just beside the front door. Ginny traipsed throughout the house; it was after eight o'clock, and she knew that the wizarding grocery store was open late, so she would have to unpack and lay in some supplies for the next fourteen days or so.
After getting a good look around the cottage, which was everything both Dromeda and Hermione had said it was, she ventured up the stairs and found the master bedroom. There were two guest rooms, Ginny noticed, but Hermione had stated that Ginny was welcome in the master. The master bedroom had an ensuite, wardrobe, and walk-in closet, and Ginny was mightily pleased for such an arrangement. There was a king-sized four-poster bed made from rosewood, and it had elegant red velvet curtains, and a match goose down duvet to keep her warm. Upon each side of the bed were matching rosewood night tables, and the large bay window was equipped with red velvet curtains as well. There was another fireplace opposite the bed, which had twinkling fairy lights within the holiday garland resting atop it, along with a pile of chopped spruce just beside the hearth.
In the en suite was a very large, sunken tub, built into the wall, a two-person sink, a standing shower, and what Hermione had called a 'loo', which Ginny learned was the British expression for 'toilet'. Stepping back into the bedroom, Ginny unpacked her belongings, put on some boots, a cloak, hat, and gloves, and made her way back down the stairs. Hermione had said she would also leave Apparition coordinates to Diagon Alley, located nearly two hours away via a place called Charing Cross Road. Ginny would have to go through a pub known as The Leaky Cauldron, which would take her directly into a back alley and into the wizarding hub, where she would find Glumblebumble Grocery, where Hermione said they had all kinds of Muggle and wizarding wares.
After outfitting herself, and seeing a note from Hermione that most of the shops in Diagon were familiar friendly, Ginny attached Crookshanks to his lead, got some reusable canvas bags that Hermione kept in her pantry, and Disapparated. She reappeared on Charing Cross Road, and there was plenty of snow upon the ground, and Crookshanks seemed to like it. They ventured into The Leaky Cauldron, with the proprietor, whom Ginny now knew to be called Tom, looking at her with raised eyebrows.
"Isn't that Hermione Granger's familiar, Crookshanks?" he asked.
"It is," Ginny confirmed, and his eyebrows raised further at her American accent, and she strode forward, offering her gloved hand. "Ginny Weasley, and you must be Tom. Hermione told me about you."
"Oh, you're Ginny!" Tom said, beaming and shaking her hand. "Hermione mentioned she was going away. You must be the young woman who owns the house in Vermont, who's staying in Hermione's cottage. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too, Tom," Ginny replied. "I was wondering what the best way was to get to Glumblebumble Grocery?"
Tom nodded at her. "Hermione tell you the wand tapping coordination for the back alley stone wall?" he asked.
Ginny smiled. "She did, thank you."
Tom returned Ginny's smile. "Well, you'll head down the Main Street of Diagon, and you'll see the apothecary just inside the main entrance. Just beside it, you'll find the grocery. On the other side of the grocery is Quality Quidditch Supplies."
Ginny nodded, pleased for such specific instructions. "Thank you, Tom. I'll probably see you back on my way out, then."
Tom nodded back at her. "Would you like a hot meal for yourself and Crookshanks? Hermione comes in now and again for some fish for him..."
Ginny raised her eyebrows. "You know what? Yes, that sounds lovely, thank you."
"What can I make for you then, Ginny, since old Crooks here will be having his usual?" Tom asks, whipping out a parchment notebook and a quill. "We have some specials on for the Christmas holidays, you know."
"I'd like to start with a cup of the roasted tomato and basil soup, please," Ginny began, and watched as the quill sprang to life to write down her order. "I'll have the roast chicken as my entrée, please, with scalloped potatoes, and roasted vegetables. For dessert, I'll have the chocolate pots de crème," she said, smiling at Tom.
Tom nodded at Ginny, and said, "That'll be three Galleons, four Sickles, and three Knuts, please, Ginny," he said.
Ginny fished into her magical purse, tapped it with her wand, and the allotted amount flew onto the counter. "My travel agent insisted I exchange my money before I came over," she replied with a smile. "She said that Gringotts can be a bit of a hassle around the holidays, especially if you're from overseas and don't have an account."
"It can be," Tom agreed. "Now, I'll send this to Posy in the back, and I'll let her know to keep it under a Stasis Charm if you need a bit longer to look around at the grocery."
"Thank you, Tom," Ginny said, looking down at the half-Kneazle, sitting patiently by her feet, and he blinked up at her. "Come along now, Crookshanks," she coaxed gently, and he meowed pleasantly at her, trotting beside her as they stepped into the back alley, and she tapped along the stones, which parted for her, and she smirked as Crookshanks trotted out onto the cobblestone road as if he knew the place very well. She didn't even need to guide him, as he sauntered right up to the grocery and pawed at the door, which Ginny hastily opened for him, and they stepped inside, the Warming Charms and the Savory Spells quickly going to work on the chilled witch's form as Ginny grabbed a tiny shopping cart and walked along.
"Daddy, I want these biscuits!" came the little shout of a child a few aisles away.
"Pandy, we have plenty of biscuits at home," said the exhausted father in reply, although there was no impatience in his voice. "Besides, you and Mina are going to Grandma's tomorrow to bake quite a few of them..."
"We stay the weekend!" came a second child's voice, this one sounding much happier at the prospect than her older sister.
Ginny was shocked as Crookshank's ears flew upwards at the voices, and all but pulled her towards them, yanking her in the direction of the aisle. "Crookshanks, that's not how we treat people!" Ginny warned him, but to no avail.
"Daddy, why does that pretty lady have Auntie Hermione's kitty?" came Pandy's voice, slightly indignantly, and Ginny looked up to see the little girl herself, who couldn't have been more than six or seven, with blonde hair and shining blue eyes, although her brow was furrowed and both hands were placed just so upon her hips.
The father, meanwhile, caught sight of what was happening and caught Ginny, and Crookshanks, bringing both of them to a standstill. His green eyes took in Ginny for several moments, and Ginny had to admit that her savior was, indeed, very handsome. "Hi," he said softly, and Ginny felt a slight blush encroaching upon her cheeks at his accent. "You must be Ginny."
Ginny blinked, snapping herself out of it and straightened up, summoning her cart back towards her and gently guided Crookshanks back to her. "I must be," she replied, and, turning, she saw that the little girls, Pandy and Mina, were staring up at her, open-mouthed. "And you two must be... The little girls in the photographs at Hermione's house," she said lamely.
Mina, the younger girl, who had green eyes and red hair, proceeded to jump up and down on her heels with excitement. "You're Ginny Weasley!" she crowed, and Ginny guessed that Mina was around four or five.
"You're the lady staying at Auntie Hermione's house," Pandy said, the furrow vanishing as she beamed up at Ginny.
Ginny found herself smiling down at the both of them. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am," she replied, pleased that they seemed happy to meet her. "You're Pandora," she continued, as she remembered Hermione mentioning her nieces in passing, as she pointed towards the older of the two girls, "which means that you must be Minerva."
"Pandy and Mina," Pandy said quickly, very seriously. "Daddy won't let us have any biscuits, though," she put in.
Their father grimaced at this. "Only because they're going over to their grandmother's tomorrow to make some all day long," he said quickly.
Ginny knelt down so that she was eye-level to both the girls. "I like biscuits, too," she whispered to them, almost as if it was a great secret, "but we call them cookies where I live."
Pandy raised her eyebrows. "Really?"
"Really," Ginny confirmed. "And, I know it's annoying, but until you're grown up, you have to do as your father says, and be polite about his rules. But," she continued, as both girls looked saddened by it, "you don't have to like or agree with them."
Mina looked shocked by this. "We don't?"
"You don't," Ginny assured her. "You're allowed your own opinions. And biscuits," she went on with a conspiratorial smile, "are very important opinions."
Pandy nodded her head and took Mina by the hand. "Come on, Mina. Let's go to the next aisle over and get some cereal," she said, guiding her younger sister away. "Sorry, Daddy," she said softly, before they went to the next aisle over.
"I thought Hermione said you didn't have kids," the father said.
Ginny blinked, straightening up. "I don't," she replied, "have kids, I mean. Just a lot of nieces and nephews. I have four older brothers," she explained.
"Ah," the father said, and, he immediately shook his head at himself. "Sorry," he said, and stuck out his hand. "Harry. Harry James Potter."
Ginny smiled at him. "It's all right, really," she replied, taking his hand and shaking it. "Ginevra Molly Weasley." She hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Hermione explained your situation to me," she said softly, and Harry looked stricken. "Don't worry. I just mentioned that it's been hard on my family, too."
Harry blinked. "How?"
"I used to have five brothers," Ginny explained, and Harry raised his eyebrows. "The third-eldest, Percy, passed away five years ago. His wife, Audrey, has two girls, Lucy and Molly, the latter of whom named for our mother. So, while I haven't experienced it first-hand, I know what it's like, having that kind of loss. It's not easy, I know, but kids..." She smiled at him. "They know when something's up, and they help you through."
"Does it get any better?" he asked.
"I think so," Ginny replied. "Audrey married a lovely man last spring named Jackson Entwhistle, and the girls absolutely love him. Everyone moves on in their own time, in different ways, but the support of your family, and your children, is constant."
"I went to Hogwarts with Jackson's cousin, Kevin," Harry mused for a moment. "He was in my year and everything, but in Luna's house..."
"Your late wife?" Ginny asked gently.
Harry nodded. "Yes."
"I saw her photograph up at the cottage," Ginny told him, still smiling. "She was beautiful, and is Pandora's double. I know she would be very proud of you, and how much work you're doing to raise both of them into exceptional young ladies."
"Thank you," Harry said softly. "Really, thank you. I mean, I hear it from Hermione, my parents, and my godparents on the daily, but..."
"It's different coming from someone else, isn't it?" Ginny wanted to know.
Harry nodded, smiling at Ginny. "It is," he said softly, and hesitated for a moment. "This is going to come off as odd, but do you have any Prewett's in your family?"
Ginny blinked. "My mother was a Prewett, and she had two brothers, Fabian and Gideon," she said softly. "Uncle Gideon lived in the States with us, passing away a few years ago, but left behind a wife and some children, but we're not close... As for Gideon, well, he moved here after he graduated from Ilvermorny, and we lost touch... Why do you ask?"
Harry looked shocked by Ginny's words, but he determinedly shook his head, and made a grab for a box of biscuits. "No reason," he said awkwardly, and pulled the cart around to meet his daughters in the next aisle over. "Nice meeting you, Ginny," he said, his voice still awkward, as he walked away from her.
Hermione landed in Ginny's living room in Manchester, Vermont, eagerly looking around as she took in her new surroundings. On a small table, she saw that there were two bottles, on of Pepper-Up Potion, and the second, Dreamless Sleep. A note from Ginny said that these had been made by the godfather of her cousin, Draco Malfoy, and that he was quite a reputable potions master in his own right. Hermione immediately deduced that the potions master in question was none other than Severus Snape, who worked at the law firm which Draco, his father Lucius, and another lawyer, Tom Riddle, was also employed at.
Hermione downed the Pepper-Up, which cleared her slightly foggy mind, and she knew that she would be able to last until a decent hour that evening. Meandering throughout the house, it was easy to figure out where the master bedroom suite was, and Hermione eagerly set to work with unpacking and whatnot. On the bureau was a letter, addressed to her, from Astoria Malfoy, which invited her to dinner that night at Malfoy Manor in Westchester County, New York. It was quite a pleasant surprise, and Hermione vanished the text on the page, wrote back, and the piece of parchment disappeared with her acceptance.
Outside, it was snowing, and Hermione was relieved that she had packed plenty of warm clothes for her holiday. Dinner with the Malfoys would likely be no small affair, so she was pleased that she had packed plenty of formal winter attire. As she walked around the house, she found herself missing Crookshanks, but knew that he must be having a wonderful time with Ginny. Hermione found the library in Ginny's vast home, and eagerly sat down to read for the next few hours, and even managed a trip or two to the kitchen. Ginny had left a few things for Hermione, as Hermione had done for her, so she decided to hold off on going to the grocery store in the Vermont Wizarding District, Pukwudgie Passage, known as Snallygaster Supermarket, according to Ginny.
The hours ticked by, and, when it was half an hour before dinner, Hermione headed back upstairs to clean herself up. After a shower, and a charm to curl her hair, she walked to her temporary walk-in closet and found pantyhose, a knee-length black skirt, black Mary Jane heels, a white blouse, and a green Christmas jumper, which was actually quite high-end. A quick Makeup Charm finished the job, and she walked over towards the Floo, calling out for Malfoy Manor, before she tossed in the powder, and the green flames swallowed her up.
She stepped out at her destination, and she was very surprised when a strong, callused hand caught her by the wrist and pulled her upwards, and she was momentarily speechless at the fathomless black eyes which greeted her. "Thank you," she whispered.
"It will be nice to converse with yet another person from across the pond," replied the man, in a voice like velvet, his eyes roving over her.
"You must be Severus Snape," Hermione whispered.
"Indeed, I must be," the man said softly. "And you must be Hermione Granger."
"I must be," Hermione said softly. "A pleasure to meet you."
"I assure you, Miss Granger, the pleasure is all mine," he said, smiling genuinely as he leaned down and kissed her hand.
"Please, Master Snape, call me 'Hermione'," she said, and beamed up at him; she had so many questions to ask him, she was fit to burst!
"Then, Hermione, you must address me as 'Severus'," Severus informed her.
"It would be an honor, Severus," Hermione said. "I must admit, I have so many questions to ask you... I always enjoyed potions, but I felt that Hogwarts lacked a proper professor, given that Horace Slughorn likely should have retired long ago..."
"Indeed?" Severus asked, greatly intrigued by this information. "As a graduate of Hogwarts, I was given the opportunity to apprentice with Slughorn, and did so, from my sixth year, up until my graduation. However, we differed so much on our methods that I sought out other masters once I realized I needed to spread my wings. He wished for me to take over for him, but nothing would keep me in the British Isles. I craved adventure, you see, Hermione, and nothing would stand in my way."
"You're far braver than I am, Severus, and I'm a Gryffindor for Merlin's sake," she replied with a cheeky smile. "Yes, I know you sorted Slytherin, but, please, don't hold my sorting against me, for I was nearly a Hatstall, given that the had also wished to place me in Ravenclaw. It was quite the bonding moment for both Headmistress McGonagall and I, I assure you, given our similar circumstances, although I am a Muggleborn and she is Half-Blood."
"Yes, I am still in contact with Minerva," Severus said, as they began to walk out of the entryway of Malfoy Manor. "She has written of you often over these last several years. She is very proud of you, I'll have you know."
Hermione beamed at the prospect. "We meet for tea weekly, although she was more than happy to postpone that, given my desire to take a holiday for Christmas," she replied. "Everyone was most eager for me to get away, given that I have only ever been to France and Scotland throughout my life."
Severus cocked his head to one side. "And you are how old?"
"Thirty," Hermione said softly. "I know you're forty. I must admit, when it came to my attention that I would likely be meeting you during my holiday, I brushed myself up on what is out there on your life, your experiments, discoveries, and innovations. I always like to be prepared, Severus, as I'm sure you'll come to realize."
Severus smiled genuinely at her. "Yes, I suppose you're right, Hermione..."
"Severus, you've found her!" came the happy voice of Astoria Malfoy, who came around the corner, wearing a green maternity dress, and walked over to them, beaming.
"It seems I have, Astoria," Severus responded to her, squeezing Hermione's hand once more before he handed her over to his godson's wife. "Well, I have some things to go over with Draco, Lucius, and Tom before dinner. I'm quite sure that Astoria has you well in hand, Hermione, as Narcissa is quite eager to meet you."
"Yes, of course," Hermione said, offering Severus a final smile before she accepted Astoria's arm, and was led back down the hallway where Astoria had come.
"It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Hermione," Astoria gushed, shaking her offered hand as they walked along. "Astoria Malfoy."
"Hermione Granger," Hermione responded, shaking Astoria's hand.
"You've seemed to have charmed Severus quite well," Astoria informed Hermione, smiling genuinely at her, and Hermione found she liked the younger witch immediately. "It's not often he converses with guests like that. It must be the fact that you're also British, and as bright as Headmistress McGonagall reported."
"He informed you of their correspondence?" Hermione asked as they turned a corner.
Astoria smiled. "Now and again, he does," she replied, and Hermione could detect great love and respect for Severus from Astoria, and wondered why that was. "Of course, the headmistress has come to stay with us here at the manor a few times, mostly in the summer. She is a most welcomed guest and highly respected by the family."
"As well she should be," Hermione replied, and a door opened before them automatically, and she was led into what appeared to be a parlor or drawing room, where Narcissa Malfoy was sitting, looking over a piece of parchment and nodding her head, a docile-looking, and perfectly-dressed house-elf standing beside her.
"Yes, I think this will be lovely, Hetty," said Narcissa politely to the elf, who appeared pleased at her mistress' words. "Please inform Cooky that this will be perfect for this evening," she went on, and handed over the parchment.
"Yes, Mistress Cissa," Hetty replied, and popped away.
Narcissa turned towards her daughter-in-law and Hermione as they stepped closer, and a smile encroached her aristocratic features as she got to her feet. "Astoria, darling, you've found her," she said lovingly.
"Yes, Mother," Astoria replied, and Hermione was amazed at what kind of family dynamics she was being presented with. "Mother, may I present Hermione Granger? Hermione, this is my mother-in-law, Narcissa Malfoy."
"Wonderful to meet you, Miss Granger," Narcissa said, extending her hand.
Hermione took it gracefully; she had been well-versed in Pureblood etiquette via James from the time the Potters had taken her in. "It is lovely to meet you as well, Mrs. Malfoy."
"Oh, please, call me Cissa, dear," Narcissa replied.
"Then, you must call me Hermione," Hermione informed her.
Narcissa beamed, and gestured for both Astoria and Hermione to sit down on the elegantly appointed chaise lounges the room had to offer, all done up in the Victorian style. "When our dear Ginny mentioned she was going to be staying at your cottage, I was a bit taken aback, as she usually isn't very impulsive," the Malfoy matriarch confessed. "However, when we realized that our dear friend, Minerva's, glowing reputation of you had already been given, I was amazed that you were the same witch. It was almost as if we'd met you already, my dear, and I cannot tell you how pleased we are to have you in our home."
Hermione smiled at Narcissa; it was a wonderful welcoming. "From what I've seen of your home, Cissa, it is truly beautiful. Did you decorate it yourself?"
Narcissa looked very pleased at Hermione's compliment. "I did, yes, dear. It is what I do for a living, you see. N & B Ornamentalists—have you heard of us?"
Hermione nodded her head. "Yes. My adopted parents utilized your company to decorate their own home. Do you know James and Lily Potter?"
"Oh, of course; lovely family," Narcissa said, nodding. "My sister, Bella, oversees the designs in Britain, hence the B in our name," she continued. "My Draco likely would have been in yours and their son's year, had he attended Hogwarts... What was their son's name?" she asked, her brows furrowing slightly.
"Harry," Hermione supplied.
"Oh, yes, of course," Narcissa said, shaking her head. "Now, my dear, do you have any dietary restrictions I should be made aware of?"
"I tend to stay away from seafood," Hermione replied, "but other than that, no."
Narcissa nodded. "Of course."
"My Healer suggested the same," Astoria said from beside Hermione, placing a hand upon her swollen belly with a small smile. "Got to be very careful, although Scorpius has been most calm throughout the day... Oh!" she cried out suddenly, and reached out to take Hermione's hand, and Hermione's eyes widened as the child within proceeded to kick out at her.
"Does it hurt?" Hermione whispered, fascinated.
Astoria smiled at her. "Sometimes, if he kicks a particularly sensitive area, like my abdomen when I haven't had the opportunity to relieve myself in a while..."
Narcissa chuckled. "Draco was the same way," she reported, and turned back to Hermione. "We will be starting our meal with potato leek soup, followed by a wilted green salad with pecans and cranberries. Our entrée will be steaks with mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans. Finally, we will indulge in chocolate cake, with our elf, Cooky's, family has made for generations, served ala mode, of course."
"It all sounds so delicious, thank you, Cissa," Hermione responded, and Narcissa beamed. "It was so considerate of you all to have me here. Not that I'm not grateful, but you really didn't have to..."
"She's so modest," Astoria said gently, taking Hermione by the hand and squeezing it. "We are going to be great friends, you and me. You should have seen it, Mother—Severus was practically eating out of the palm of her hand."
Hermione flushed immediately. "It wasn't like that..."
"Was he, dear?" Narcissa asked, genuinely intrigued. "Well, you would be the first woman who interested him in quite a long time..."
Hermione's eyes shot upwards; she knew by now just how private Severus Snape was about his personal life, but the notion that he was still unattached... "He is not married, then? He does not have children?"
"No, dear," Narcissa replied, shaking her head. "He was in the same year as James and Lily Potter, plus Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, back at Hogwarts. I'm sure you know all about the house rivalries of Gryffindor and Slytherin by now..."
Hermione nodded. "Yes, Cissa. I am well-aware..."
"Well," Narcissa continued, "poor Severus was victimized by the Marauder's, the little group that James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin put together during their school years. I'm sure they told you all about it..."
Hermione gave Narcissa a tight little smile. "Of course they did; Sirius and Remus are Harry's godfathers, so I naturally saw quite a bit of them. Given their penchant for breaking the rules, I'm quite surprised Headmistress McGonagall permitted them to graduate from Hogwarts at all..."
Narcissa sighed. "James being a Pureblood helped," she responded. "Actually, Sirius, as I'm sure you're aware of by now, is mine, Dromeda's, and Bella's cousin. Sirius ran away from home at the age of sixteen and was raised by the Potters, as I'm sure you know. My aunt and uncle, Walburga and Orion, were not good people. By that time, however, I had already moved over here with Lucius, and was in no position to help him. He was never close with Bella, although Dromeda did her best to help. However, he seemed more comfortable with Monty and Effie Potter, which I would never blame him for. His younger brother, Regulus, fell in with a bad crowd of Muggles, unfortunately, and died from a heroin overdose just after his graduation from Hogwarts, but Sirius doesn't like to mention that..."
Hermione nodded. "I know. Sirius informed both Harry and I, once we'd both turned seventeen, about it, and warned us off Muggle drugs. After that, it was never spoken of again."
"I can see why," Astoria said softly, cupping her swollen belly.
"Well, anyhow," Narcissa continued, "James, Sirius, and Remus were under the false impression that Severus was in love with Lily."
Hermione's eyes shot upwards—certainly, she would have remembered that topic of conversation, and quickly wondered if Harry had been holding out on her... "But he wasn't, was he? In love with Lily, I mean..."
"No, dear," Narcissa told her, "he wasn't. He had a bit of a childhood crush on her in the beginning, and they were the other's first friend. What with Lily being Muggleborn, she needed a guide to the Wizarding World and, since they lived close to one another as children, Severus agreed to be that guide. As time went on, it developed into a small crush, but that quickly went away when he met a Ravenclaw student, Hestia Jones, in his sixth-year at Hogwarts. Have you heard of Hestia?"
"She's the cousin of Sirius's wife, Gwenog," Hermione supplied, nodding her head. "Hestia moved to France after her graduation from Hogwarts, and teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic..."
Narcissa gave Hermione a small smile. "Yes," she said softly. "Well, Hestia trifled with Severus a bit unfortunately, and ultimately married a very high-ranking French wizard from one of the extinct royal lines."
"They have four children, two boys and two girls," Hermione said softly, remembering seeing a photograph of Hestia and her husband, Pierre's, wedding, and then, later on, of all four of their children—Aimee, Thierry, Sophia, and Francois. "It brings an entirely new meaning to cold-hearted," she said softly, her heart going out to Severus.
Narcissa promptly got to her feet as footsteps echoed in the hallway just outside the room, and Astoria and Hermione did the same. Narcissa smiled as the door opened, and four gentlemen swept inside; accompanying Severus could only be Lucius and Draco Malfoy, given that they immediately went to Narcissa's and Astoria's sides respectively, and Tom Riddle, the best barrister for Riddle, Prince & Malfoy. "Tom, Lucius, Draco," Narcissa said, easily attaining their attention, "Severus, Astoria, and I have already met our guest, but you have not. May I introduce Miss Hermione Granger, the adopted daughter of James and Lily Potter, and the charming young woman who is staying at our Ginny's home for the Christmas holidays?"
Draco stepped forward first. "A pleasure, Miss Granger."
"Hermione, please," Hermione said quickly.
"Then, you must call me Draco," Draco told her, smiling, before he stepped out of the way for Lucius to greet her.
Lucius kissed Hermione on the hand. "I frequently seek advice from James about cases. You have certainly lived up to the Potter name, Miss Granger, in all but blood."
"Family ties are the most important thing to me, Mr. Malfoy, and please, call me Hermione," she said eloquently.
"Then you must address me as Lucius," said the senior Malfoy with a smile, before he returned to his wife's side.
Tom immediately swept forward as soon as Lucius and Draco had finished greeting Hermione, a genuine smile upon his face, as he took Hermione's hand and kissed it fondly. "A pleasure, Miss Granger," he replied. "Minerva has told us more than once about how you are the brightest witch of your age. I certainly cannot wait to discuss explicitly everything with you, and for you to meet my dear wife, and all our children."
Hermione smiled up at the man; he was around seven inches taller than she was, and she knew quite well he was around a year older than Lucius Malfoy, putting him at the age of fifty-nine or so, which, in wizarding years, was a good decade and a half younger. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Riddle," she responded. "I look forward greatly to meeting Mrs. Riddle, as well as your three children—Reynard, Theia, and Alexander," she replied flawlessly, knowing that Tom Riddle would be celebrating his twentieth wedding anniversary to his dear wife, Estrella Avery, the following spring.
"Please, my dear, do call me Tom," Tom responded elegantly, and the Floo flared then, the epitome of dark beauty stepping through and, upon turning around, Hermione knew immediately that it was Estrella Avery. "Darling," Tom said, dropping Hermione's hand and advancing upon his wife, love flowing from every pore as he stared down at the woman, about two inches taller than Hermione, with long, wavy raven hair, and sparkling blue eyes. "I thought you wouldn't be able to get away tonight..."
Estrella beamed up at her husband, and Hermione quickly deduced that she had as much love for him as he did for her. "Reynard had plenty of Transfiguration homework to keep him occupied, while Theia went over to Miriam Wentworth's house, and Alexander went to play Quidditch with Philbert Quimby," she explained, and let out a giggle as Tom picked her up and drew her closer. She caught Hermione's eyes and beamed further, extracting herself from her husband's arms with a quick kiss on the cheek, and walked gracefully over to her. "Oh, and you must be Hermione," she said, her voice filled with warmth, as she took one of Hermione's hands in both of hers and shook it gently. "Pleasure to meet you at last."
"And you as well, Mrs. Riddle," Hermione responded, practically quaking in her heels at the notion of standing before a world-renowned charms mistress. "Your essays on charms are stuff of legend, and I do hope you won't take offense to me picking your brain a bit..."
Estrella laughed aloud at that. "Not at all, my love, not at all, and please call me Estrella, I would hate for Merope to come in here now," she responded, and caught Severus staring at her, while deeply embroiled in a conversation with Lucius, Draco, and Tom. "It seems as though I will be playing matchmaker this holiday season..."
Hermione flushed pink. "I don't know about that, Estrella, and, please, call me Hermione, since you have so considerately offered me leave to call you by your first name..."
Estrella gave Hermione a knowing smile. "A married woman always knows, my dear, when two unmarried souls wish to become one," she informed her, and Hermione turned her head slightly, seeing that Severus's eyes were practically burning, aching to see into her mind, but she kept her shields erect—she had only just met the man, after all...
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