Chapter Five: Co-Mingling
Ginny grimaced as she pulled the brush through her red mane, her find going over and over the rest of her evening at Remus and Dora's place. After the awkwardness of explaining that she and Harry had, in fact, met, it was truly a surprise when Pandy and Mina caught sight of her. Leaving Crookshanks alone, the pair of them scuttled forward, wrapping their arms around her legs, and proclaiming that she looked just like their Circe, the Wizarding World equivalent of the No-Maj World Barbie.
Such a thing was not lost on Ginny; many of her nieces played with that particular toy, with Victoire and Dominique playing with the French iteration, Venus. Ginny didn't think much of her outfit that day—chunky holiday sweater, skin-tight jeans, knee-high boots—but Pandy and Mina seemed to like it. She crouched down to their level and spoke to them without hesitation, although she could feel Harry's eyes upon her, almost as if he didn't approve of her daring to speak to his children.
Straightening up, she was quickly introduced to Teddy, Andi, and Hope to ease the tension, and greeted all three Lupin children politely. They seemed very receptive to her, asking about her position at The Wizard's Voice, her campaign to change its title to The Wixen's Voice, as well as growing up in a family with six children, including herself. Ginny happily answered all their questions, pleased to impart some wisdom onto them, and answered any questions Hope, Pandy, and Mina seemed to have about rather difficult words or scenarios.
Ginny found herself on dishwashing duty later that evening, and she didn't mind, frequently volunteering to do it for her parents whenever she ate at home. She hummed to herself as she scrubbed the various pots and pans without magic, and was altogether very surprised when Harry left the parlor—where some after-supper games were going on—and joined her in the kitchen, indicating that he would wash and she should dry. Perplexed, Ginny followed his lead, and waited for him to break the ice further with her.
"I shouldn't have left so abruptly that night at the shops," he said softly after a while.
Ginny promptly shook her head, taking ahold of the still-wet pot he offered her, and commenced drying it. "No, I completely understand," she assured him. "You probably have long hours as an Auror, and you needed to get the girls to bed..."
"They're on break from primary because of the holiday," Harry said softly, as the girls had told Ginny all about their school, and the fact that Pandy was nearly seven, and Mina was due to turn four in March. "Still, I should make an effort to keep them on schedule. We've a house-elf, Dobby, who absolutely adores the girls, but he does so much for us as it is, and I would like for him and our other elf, Winky, to have some time together..."
"They're a couple?" Ginny asked lightly, banishing the now-dry pot to the dish rack.
Harry smiled at that. "Yeah. He finally got 'round to asking her a few months back, and they've just gotten married," he replied. "The girls are really hoping that we'll have some house-elf babies around the house eventually..."
Ginny smiled at that. "Well, if that's what Dobby and Winky want, then I should think such a thing would be lovely," she replied.
"I know Dobby wants it; he's really out there with his wants and such," Harry told her. "Winky is more reserved, but, they say opposites attract, yeah?"
Ginny smiled faintly as Harry handed over a pan. "Yes, I suppose they do."
"I really am sorry for just breaking off our first conversation like that," Harry said in the silence that followed. "It's just... Well, he'd be your cousin, Ron Prewett..."
Ginny raised her eyebrows. "He's in the Auror Department with you, isn't he? I know he graduated Hogwarts around the same time you did... Sorted Gryffindor, too."
"Yes, to all three," Harry responded. "He was in the same year, and house, as Hermione and me," he continued. "You see, Ron Prewett just so happens to be the reason she's taken over your house for the holiday."
"Oh, I see," Ginny said, nodding in understanding. "Breakups are never easy..."
"Neither is getting engaged to your other Hogwarts girlfriend, and not telling the woman who's been in love with you since you were fifteen about it," Harry responded.
Ginny's jaw dropped as she banished the now-dry pan. "Oh, Merlin! Ron did that?!" she cried out, scoffing. "The nerve! My mother would send him a Howler if she caught wind of that, and had he been her son." She shook her head, taking ahold of one of the plates from dinner, and began to dry it. "I seriously don't understand men, and I completely understand and sympathize with what Hermione's going though..."
"You in the same boat, then?" Harry asked. "Coming off a breakup?"
"Something like that," Ginny replied. "Dromeda mentioned you were the Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team whilst at Hogwarts..."
Harry nodded. "Youngest Seeker in a century, according to Headmistress McGonagall. She let me play as a first-year, which is unheard of," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "Did you play while at Ilvermorny?" he asked.
Ginny nodded back at him. "Of course; the Weasley family always played. I played Chaser, although I did fill in for Seeker on occasion..." She sighed, moving on to the second plate once she'd finished drying off the first one. "My ex was Viktor Krum."
Harry raised his eyebrows, just a bit impressed. "I saw him play at the Quidditch World Cup before my fourth-year with Hermione and my parents," he whispered. "He was bloody brilliant, mind you, but we had to support Ireland, you know..."
Ginny gave Harry a tight smile. "Based on your geographical location, I completely understand the loyalty," she told him. "Anyhow, Viktor and I were seeing one another for quite a while, but my brothers never thought he was good enough for me. Merlin, I never let him move in with me because there was something about him I just knew I couldn't trust..."
"It was all over The Daily Prophet that he was engaged and expecting a baby with Angelina Johnson, who was Captain of the Gryffindor Team when I was at Hogwarts, and that he had another girlfriend who..." Harry's eyes widened at that. "Merlin, you were the other girlfriend, weren't you?"
Ginny smiled in a self-deprecating manner. "Guilty as charged," she replied. "The bloody reporters came upon us at dinner, and that's when I found out for the first time. I don't suppose you saw the report about him having a nasty cold?"
Harry blinked. "I did," he admitted.
"Bat-Bogey Hex," Ginny responded. "Not my finest moment, but..."
"But that git deserved it," Harry said hotly. "He shouldn't have treated you that way..."
"But, I didn't love him," Ginny said softly, and gave Harry a small smile. "I don't even know if I'm capable of it, to be honest. Romantically-speaking. I love my parents, my brothers, and my nieces and nephews, but romantically? I've no idea," she admitted.
"He was still your boyfriend," Harry told her.
Ginny shrugged. "He never wanted to go public with me," she whispered. "That should tell you something, shouldn't it?"
"Of course. It tells me he's a coward, who didn't even bother to see what was right in front of him," Harry declared.
Ginny chuckled slightly then, and reached out to take the next plate. "Well, I suppose I should attempt to have a better opinion of myself," she told him.
Ginny's attention snapped back to looking at herself in the mirror, as she did her best to tame her hair into submission. It had been three days since her dinner at the Lupin house, as well as her tentative friendship with Harry. She had been invited to dinner at Harry's place this time around, and she knew that Pandy and Mina likely had a hand in it all. Smirking at herself, she wondered if either one of the girls would sort Slytherin, the Ilvermorny equivalent of Thunderbird, and wondered if Harry would have a fit about it.
Gathering up Crookshanks for her departure, Ginny walked towards the Floo and called out for Grimmauld Place, the Potter family home, and stepped through the green flames. Upon exiting, she entered into the parlor filled with gothic furniture, and was very curious as to why Harry had seemingly adhered to the old aesthetic. Smiling to herself, she spelled the soot off of her, as a tall woman with long, red hair and alabaster skin, as well as Harry's green eyes, stepped into the room, and Ginny's eyes widened at her.
"Oh, you must be Ginny," the woman declared warmly. "Hello, Crookshanks," she went on, and took the half-Kneazle from Ginny, and the feline let out an indulgent meow, snuggling closer into the woman's arms. "It's so nice to have you here. I'm Lily."
"Harry's mother," Ginny said, nodding her head and taking the offered hand to shake. "What a nice surprise."
"James and I were already scheduled to have dinner here tonight, so imagine our surprise when the panda and the minx informed us that we'd have an additional guest," Lily Potter continued, her green eyes flashing with excitement.
"Sorry... Panda and Minx?" Ginny asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Lily said, grinning again. "Panda is Pandy, and Minx is Mina," she went on to explain with a giggle. "Just a little joke James and I have going with them. They call me Grandmama Lily, and James is Grandad. Xenophilius, Luna's father, is Grandfather, of course, and we're sure to include him at every possible opportunity..."
Ginny smiled. "Of course."
Lily took Ginny by the hand and led her out into the corridor. "Luna, darling, I've brought her," came Lily's further words as they stopped in front of a beautiful portrait, where a lovely woman sat on a bench, inside an arbor, which was wrapped with pink tulips. "This is Ginny."
Luna Potter lowered her powder-blue eyes to Ginny and promptly beamed; she was painted in what appeared to be an enchanted garden, and there was the most adorable rabbit in her arms, which she stroked periodically, and was wearing a tunic which looked to be something out of a Greek goddess sculpture. "Oh, Ginny, I'm so pleased to meet you! Pandora and Minerva have spoken so highly of you!"
Ginny blinked up at the woman, vaguely aware that Lily Potter and Crookshanks had slipped away, and left her alone with Harry's wife. "It's nice to meet you, too, Luna," she replied, a bit shocked at the turn of events. "I hope you don't think that I..."
Luna promptly shook her head. "No, of course not, dear. I know you didn't have anything to do with Remus and Dora's attempts at a set-up. Not that I would have minded."
Ginny's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"
"I died from complications from Mina's birth, you see," she replied, shaking her head. "It was breast cancer, of course, and my desire to have a second child likely hastened my death. I was never a Healer or Mediwixen, of course," she said, smiling, "but I do know when someone is incomplete, and that is exactly what my family is, Ginny."
"What?" Ginny whispered. "Harry is a fine father, Luna, and the girls are a credit to the both of you. Plus, he has your father, and his own parents..."
"Yes, and I am very thankful for them all," Luna assured her. "However, my girls want and need a mother. They told me so themselves, which is what I told Dromeda when I went to visit my portrait at Remus and Dora's house."
Ginny shook her head. "I don't understand..."
"I told Dromeda that my girls deserved everything, and what they desperately want for Christmas is to have a mother," Luna said softly. "Not to replace me, but to help their father, and to love him, and them, in a way that only a mother can."
Ginny bit down hard on her lower lip. "Harry and I have only met twice," she said softly. "I'm hardly the right person for..."
"You are everything my girls, and Harry, deserve and more," Luna told her. "Even though that blaggard Viktor Krum—who was a bit full of himself for my taste—didn't see it, I know that Harry and my girls will."
Ginny felt herself trembling. "I don't know, Luna..."
Luna smiled kindly down at Ginny. "You don't have to know, not yet," she whispered. "Take the rest of your holiday to think it over. That's what having a holiday is all about, isn't it? Sampling new things, in a new place... Having a new adventure."
"But, I don't know if..."
"It was lovely talking to you," Luna told her, and got to her feet, the rabbit still in her arms. "I must go, however. Until next time," she said softly, and stepped out of the frame.
The sound of footsteps echoed along the other end of the corridor, and Harry himself stepped out from around the bend, smiling automatically when he saw Ginny. "My mother said I would find you here."
Ginny flushed. "She wanted me to meet Luna."
Harry's smile turned sad as he nodded his head. "I suspected that."
"Luna was absolutely lovely," Ginny said quickly. "It was an honor to meet her. I hope I may speak to her again sometime."
Harry blinked. "You would want to? I know she can be a bit..."
"Different?" Ginny asked, smiling at him. "Harry, you are a wizard, and I am a witch. In the ordinary world, we are different, which is why we live in the extraordinary part of the world where we can practice magic. Trust me, Luna is hardly different to me."
Harry smiled slowly at that. "I'm so pleased you took to her."
"Well, I've met your daughters, your mother, and Luna," Ginny replied, counting on your fingers, "as well as Remus, Dora, Teddy, Andi, and Hope. I suppose now would be the perfect opportunity for me to meet James."
Harry looked slightly uneasy then. "Just don't get onto the subject of Hogwarts, detentions, Sirius or Remus, their falling-out with their ex-friend Peter Pettigrew, Slytherin House, invisibility cloaks, or any kind of mischief making," he said.
Ginny raised her eyebrows. "Why?" she asked.
Harry grimaced, putting an arm around her waist and leading her down the rest of the corridor, towards where Ginny guessed the dining room was located. "Just trust me," he replied.
A beautiful owl showed up while Hermione was sipping her morning tea in Ginny's living room, the fire merrily crackling beside her. The window opened automatically for the bird and Hermione greeted it immediately, and offered it a rasher of bacon from her plate. The owl accepted the offering and gently deposited the letter onto Hermione's lap, before it flew out into the snowy wintertime air, allowing the window to shut behind it.
Hermione picked up the cream-colored envelope with gold edging and opened it, which revealed a green and silver invitation, direct from Malfoy Manor. It was inviting her to their annual masquerade ball, which would take place on Christmas Eve. Hermione was very excited and began preparations immediately; she hadn't been to a ball since her graduation one held at Hogwarts, and remembered standing on the sidelines, watching Harry with Luna, and Ron with Lavender, for he had thrown her over, yet again, once their study sessions for their NEWTs had been completed.
Hermione took a shower and dressed after breakfast, and headed directly to Compass Rose Corridor, located in Albany, the oldest city on the East Coast, but, more specifically, in the hamlet of Roessleville, hence the name of the Diagon Alley equivalent. The entrance was through the American Heritage Museum, which Hermione had heard direct from Albus, and was pleased when his directions worked out. Upon arrival, Hermione looked around the lovely roads, which reminded her of Colonial America, and felt quite at home there.
Spooner Seamstress' was on the Main Street, directly opposite of the bookshop Hermione had frequented since her arrival, and she made for the beautiful shop immediately, already impressed by its window displays. She knew the establishment was named for Bathsheba Spooner, who was unfortunately executed while pregnant with her lover's child, after she was convicted of murdering her horrible husband. Hermione pushed open the door, which had a lovely bell above it, and it announced her arrival to the entirety of the shop, which was done up beautifully in rosewood and velvets.
"Good afternoon," said a witch, who was around Hermione's age, and she seemed to glide forward as she put out her hand. "Clara Spooner. How may I help you?"
Hermione smiled, taking the hand on offer, and found she was pleased that the shop had been kept in the family after all these years. "Hermione Granger, pleasure to meet you," she replied in a polite tone. "I've received an invitation to the Christmas ball at Malfoy Manor."
"Oh, the masquerade!" Clara Spooner said, grinning. "We outfit all the ladies for the ball each year without fail. My husband, Henrick, and I attend each year as well," she mused, looking Hermione up and down, before she nodded her head. "I think I have just the dress for you, Miss Granger, if you would please follow me?"
Hermione nodded her head. "Of course," she replied.
Hermione was led through many arrays of fabrics and even some completed dresses, which were presented upon mannequins throughout the store, in addition to the window displays. On the opposite side of the store appeared to be a trio of other mannequins, which Clara explained housed dresses for the very special customers. After a quick Revelio, Clara presented Hermione with a lovely red and gold dress, which had a mask to match, as well as perfect red and gold slippers to go with it.
"Oh, Merlin," Hermione whispered.
"Do you like it?" Clara asked.
Hermione nodded her head. "Yes," she breathed.
Clara had Hermione try it on, and it was soon apparent that the gown was equipped with Sizing Charms to fit each witch who tried it on. Hermione was relieved that it fit her, nevertheless, and Clara proclaimed that she looked wonderful in it. The mask was made mainly out of red silks, but it boasted a golden flower, which would rest just above Hermione's right eye. Hermione told Clara that she would take the gown, shoes, and mask, and it was bundled up in a garment bag for her instantly, equipped with Anti-Wrinkle Charms and Anti-Staining Spells to keep it in prime condition before the big night ahead.
Hermione left the shop, a spring to her step, hoping beyond hope that a certain potions master would be in attendance that evening. In the days which had followed her arrival, she and Severus had had many conversations about their respective careers, and Severus had expressed an interest in returning to England ultimately. As her mind drifted periodically to Ron, Hermione found herself shaking her head; she had never truly loved Ron, she saw that now, and it was quite a liberating feeling. She wished him all the happiness in the world with Lavender, as the pair of them truly deserved one another.
On Christmas Eve, Hermione arrived at Malfoy Manor early, as she would be staying in one of the guest suites until Boxing Day. Pleased to have been invited, Hermione stowed her masquerade costume in the provided wardrobe, complete with Stinging Hexes in case anyone dared to have a look before the ball. She was kept on her toes, even while having tea with Astoria and Narcissa, and waited anxiously for the hours to tick by, as she desperately wished to share a dance with Severus.
When the clock struck eight, Hermione stepped out of her bedroom, all dress up for the ball, and her face hidden behind the mask with the golden flower. Her hair was curled for the occasion, and her fingers and toes had been painted red. Her undergarments were red silk and white lace and, if the evening went the way she thought it would, the way she hoped it would, she would be sharing it with someone very special to her. She could hear the guests of the Malfoy family in the ballroom, and she made her grand entrance, holding tightly to the white marble banister, and looked out at the sea of mainly unfamiliar faces, although she could pick out Lucius and Narcissa, Draco and Astoria, Tom and Estrella, and Severus, of course.
Stepping down the grand staircase, her heart entered her through as Severus stepped through the crowd and offered her his hand, which she took, and beamed up at him. The hired classical band that the Malfoys had employed that evening began playing waltz versions of Christmas music, and Hermione was pleased to recognize the first piece as The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. In years past, while she and Harry were attending Hogwarts, James and Lily would take them to see The Nutcracker, as played by The London Symphony Orchestra, and danced by The Royal Ballet, and it was always a fantastic evening.
"You are familiar with the music, then?" Severus asked her.
Hermione nodded. "I am. I had the most divine privilege of seeing The Nutcracker each year with my family. It was truly a lovely experience."
Severus smiled down at Hermione. "I myself have not had the pleasure in quite some time. I wonder, if I were to come to London, would you see it with me next year?"
Hermione smiled, her heart thundering inside her at the prospect of a romantic evening with Severus Snape, as well as the notion that he was willing to be seen with her in a public, well-known setting. "I would," she responded, "although I do hope I will not have to wait an entire year to see you again, even though good things do come to those who wait, I find I would be most impatient to wait so long."
Severus blinked, a bit shocked at her response. "I..."
"Gryffindor, remember?" she whispered. "I do hope I didn't come across as too bold, and if I've misread the situation, I do apologize."
Severus shook his head. "You haven't misread anything, Hermione," he assured her. "I would only be too glad to see you sooner than that."
"I'm glad," Hermione responded. "Because I'd like that very much, to see you sooner than a year from now. Perhaps I myself could make the journey across the pond."
Severus spun her as the dance required, and pulled her back to him. "You would merely come across the pond to see me?" he breathed.
"Mainly to see you," she whispered back. "Although I do find myself liking the Malfoys very much, as well as my teas with Albus..."
"Are you attending his lecture on the anniversary of when he defeated Grindelwald, to be held at Thalian Hall?" he queried.
Hermione gave him a smile. "It is my last confirmed event before I have to take my International Portkey back to London," she replied. "I promised I'd be back for New Years' Eve. My nieces wouldn't have it any other way, you see."
Severus raised his eyebrows at that. "Perhaps, if I was to go to London, I could..."
"Severus Snape?"
Severus seemed to tense at the voice behind him, and, releasing Hermione, turned, and Hermione felt completely bereft as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. "Hestia?" he whispered, and Hermione immediately felt her hackles rising.
Hestia Jones was positively beautiful, with raven hair and honey-colored eyes, and, as she stepped forward, Hermione had to admit that her silvery gown was absolutely perfect. She almost immediately wrapped her arms around Severus, and Hermione gritted her teeth, especially when Severus embraced her back. "What with Pierre's memorial service less than six months ago, I didn't know if I could bear to come here solo tonight..."
Hermione's blood ran cold; Hestia Jones, the woman Severus had been in love with during his days at Hogwarts, was now a widow. A bitterness entered her throat, and her entire body felt clammy; this was not how she'd felt when Ron and Lavender had announced their engagement, no, it was a thousand times worse. It was as if someone had taken a dagger, laced with a curse, and used it to slice her chest cavity open, and remove her heart for all to see, and subsequently left her there to die. This is what death had to feel like, she reasoned as she left the dance floor and the ballroom entirely, and fled up the staircase, tears blinding her vision; she absolutely had to get out of there.
Hermione flew into her guest bedroom and warded the door, before she got herself out of that wretched gown and summoned her garment bag. She placed it inside haphazardly, although the charms put it back into place, much to her annoyance. She got out of her undergarments and merely put on a sports bra and cotton panties, before she put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt to Floo back to Ginny's place in, along with a plush pair of socks that Pandy and Mina had gotten her for her birthday. Piling up her hair and using a quick spell to remove her makeup was next, and, once she had packed all her belongings away, she utilized the Floo in her borrowed bedroom and called out for Ginny's place.
She landed, hard, in the living room, before blocking the Floo behind her and banishing her things upstairs to the master bedroom. She was completely miserable, and she dragged the blanket off the back of the couch, wishing that Crookshanks was there with her. As the snow continued to fall outside, blanketing the world around her, all she could think about was Severus Snape, and how her heart had been broken twofold by someone she likely never would have met, had she no sense of adventure within her.
It was a knock at the door shortly thereafter that stunned her, and, still wrapped in the blanket and her socks slipping slightly on the highly-polished wooden floor, she tore the door open without ceremony, and stared up at the fathomless black eyes of Severus Snape. She felt her jaw drop as she stared up at him, and was merely frozen on the threshold.
"Forgive me; it is very cold out here," the man said after a moment. "Would you kindly allow me inside your borrowed abode?"
Hermione sighed, shoulders slumping, but nevertheless stepped out of the way just enough for the man to enter, and shut and locked the door behind him. "How may I help you?" she asked him hollowly, wrapping herself further into the blanket, not wanting to be all on display and give him ideas that were now decidedly off the table.
Severus sighed. "I came here to apologize."
Hermione looked up at his words. "What? Apologize? About what?"
"About me leaving your side," Severus replied. "I informed Lucius, Narcissa, Draco, and Astoria that I would be your partner this evening, and I permitted myself to be called away."
Hermione shook her head. "I know that Hestia was your first love," she said quietly. "I know that many people would do as you did. You don't have to apologize to me. Perhaps, now that Hestia is a widow, you will have a second chance..."
"Hestia never cared for me the way I did her."
Hermione blinked, utterly shocked. "I don't understand."
Severus gave her a sad smile. "No, I don't suppose you would, given that you're not familiar with her as I am," he responded. "You see, Hestia is an incredibly selfish, self-serving woman who never wants what she can have."
Hermione raised her eyebrows. "Really?"
"Really," Severus told her, and Hermione gestured for them both to sit down, as she sensed this could be a rather long conversation. "When I made an offer for her, towards the end of our time together at Hogwarts, she refused me. Then, she moved to France, and, when she had her sights set on Pierre, he was engaged to his childhood sweetheart. Hestia decided that Pierre was hers and lured him away from the woman, Belle Beaufoy, who..."
"Killed herself," Hermione whispered, shaking her head. "I remember the story. It was used as a cautionary tale for young lovers at Hogwarts." She bit down hard on her lower lip. "I only wish I had listened to it myself."
Severus raised his eyebrows. "You've known pain such as this?"
Hermione nodded at him. "Yes. For many years, I was involved with a cousin of Ginny's, Ron Prewett, who was conveniently seeing a fellow Pureblood, Lavender Brown, when he didn't need help on his OWLs, NEWTs, or, later, his Auror training," she said, shaking her head at her own stupidity. "Of course, The Daily Prophet covered his engagement to Lavender, but Ron didn't have the consideration to tell me about it, and, instead, I found out when Kingsley Shacklebolt announced it to every department before the holidays." She rolled her eyes at her actions, and continued, "I should have realized sooner that he wasn't in love with me, and although I did fancy myself in love with him, I realized recently that I wasn't, and never had been, in love with him, because I believe my heart and soul belong to someone else."
Severus reached out and took Hermione gently by the hand. "Is it me?" he whispered. "Am I the one you feel so strongly for?"
Hermione nodded, looking down at their clasped hands, and something shifted from within her, telling her how perfectly right it felt. "Yes," she responded, and permitted her eyes to meet his once more, "you are."
Severus gently pulled her hand towards him, and pressed a kiss to it. "I want to do this right, for I have feelings for you as well, Hermione," he told her. "I want to take you to Albus's lecture, and to have it be our first proper date."
Hermione gasped. "What about Hestia?"
"Tom and Lucius, in their infinite wisdom, decided to let it be known that I would be your partner for the ball this evening," Severus replied, rolling his eyes. "As such, she thought she could attempt to sink her claws into me once more. I wouldn't allow it, because my heart and soul belong elsewhere. She understood, albeit reluctantly, and although she didn't like it, she has enough good breeding to know when to give up."
Hermione smiled slowly at the man. "So, you were asking me out?"
Severus returned her smile. "I was," he confirmed. "Albus's lecture will be our first date, and there is a formal dinner to follow."
Hermione nodded. "I'd be glad to go with you."
"Good," Severus replied. "You said you'd be back in London by New Years?"
Hermione sighed, reality coming crashing down. "Yes," she told him. "My nieces, plus Harry, throw a little party each year. Our parents, godfathers and their spouses, will be there as well, along with their children. Can't miss it, I'm afraid."
Severus cocked his head to one side. "I've not been back to London, or to Europe, for a great many years," he mused.
Hermione blinked. "No?" she asked.
Severus shook his head, a smile returning to his lips again. "If I come to London, might I be your guest at your family's party?"
Hermione gasped, her cheeks flushing prettily, before she leaned in and gently pressed her lips to Severus's, lingering there for just a moment, until his arms wrapped around her, and he was kissing her back. "I would love that," she responded, and he leaned down to kiss her again, and they remained there, snogging like a pair of besotted teenagers, as the fire crackled merrily away in the background.
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