Chapter 8
"Where have all the freaks gone off to?" Ron asked Pansy, Blaise, and Seamus. All the creepy people with swords, and knives, have gone off somewhere, leaving the students alone in the ballroom.
Pansy shrugged while holding a cup of purple coloured drink which was apparently called Ectoplasm from the sign in front of it. It was pretty good. It just tasted like Blackcurrant.
"Where's Neville?" Blaise then asked, scanning the room for the missing Gryffindor. He hoped the freaks didn't do anything to Neville. If they did... he swears he will hunt them down.
"I think I saw a guy with a pigface take him somewhere," said Seamus, too busy looking for Dean in the crowd. All he wants is his Dean. He cares about nothing else besides Dean.
"And you didn't think to tell someone about the kidnapping?" Blaise snapped at him, sweeping his hand across his forehead with fear at what could have happened to Neville. The night just keeps getting worse.
Seamus put his cup down and sighed. He wishes he had a full glass of beer now. It's all he wants. "He didn't look like he was in trouble, honestly."
The sound of doors opening silenced all the students and they all moved aside as people in gowns and suits with coloured masks walked into the room with them.
Harry linked arms with Dean as they walked into the room. Neville linked arms with Anthony and Hermione linked arms with Hannah Abbott. Everyone who participated in the prank was dressed up in Masquerade gowns and suits. All except Neville, he was a mystery to Dean and Harry.
"Who are they?" Seamus asked when staring at the people wearing weird gowns and suits. It's like they went back in the future to the 1700s. But he mainly stared at a dark brown-skinned man who he swore looked a little familiar.
"How should we know?" Blaise was too focused on a couple of men in the front. Particularly a tall one with blonde hair. He looked familiar but he just couldn't tell who it was.
Draco just sat down at a table and sighed. His mind was focused on Harry and wherever he was. He hoped he was okay.
Harry was okay. He was more than okay when seeing Draco. He checked the time above him on the magical clock. 10:56. Still a couple of hours till midnight. He wanted to go up to Draco right now, but he had a few dances with Hermione, Dean and Neville to pass the time. 10:59. Fuck it!
"I'm going to Draco," he whispered to Dean and unlatched their hands together. It was weird dancing with another bloke other than Draco. He's so comfortable and calm when dancing with Draco.
"Alright," Dean whispered back and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Good luck!"
"You too! And make sure Neville goes to Blaise!" said Harry seriously, but the serious was covered with gentleness. He wants to see a new relationship progress tonight. "We need to see some romance between those two."
Dean chuckled and nodded with agreement. He was 100% on Harry's side. "Sure will. Now go!"
Harry gave a smile and went to Draco, who sat at a table looking all sad. It made him a little sad to see his boyfriend looking so down. "Good evening," he said and held out his hand for Draco. "Would you like to dance?"
Draco looked up at the bloke, right into his lime green eyes. They remind him too much of Harry's, but Harry's eyes are emerald green, the prettiest shade of green in the world. He wants to see those emerald green eyes again. He doesn't really want to dance but he doesn't want to sound rude and decline the offer, so he nodded. "Alright."
"Fantastic!" said Harry. He forced himself not to say 'Brilliant' as that would just be a big giveaway.
Draco gave a smile and placed his hand in the strangers. What he didn't expect, was the stranger to take his hand up to their mouth and kiss his knuckles. That was kind of sweet, he thought as he stood up. He knew the mysterious masked stranger wasn't taking him to the middle of the ballroom. He was being taken through a set of doors that led out...into a garden? The garden was decorated with weird Halloween props which he guesses are muggle-made. Muggles are actually pretty cool with their props and items.
Draco and the stranger walked to a large patch of grass which was under the shining stars. Well, a roof that looked like it had stars on it. He guessed it was charmed to look that way, like the Great Hall.
The song 'The Vampire Masquerade' came on from inside the ballroom. Harry felt giddy and he so wanted to unmask now but he will save that for midnight. Harry gave a little bow first and held out his hand to Draco.
Draco placed his hand over the masked stranger's. The hands felt so familiar... But this wasn't Harry. This bloke had a lighter shade of green of eyes and brown hair tied up in a ponytail at the back. But those lips looked so much like Harry's, and the high cheeks. But this wasn't Harry, he had to keep telling himself.
Harry grabbed Draco's hand, stood up and with little force, brought Draco closer to him and placed his right hand on the Slytherin's upper waist and his left held the Slytherin's hand.
Draco raised an eyebrow at the mysterious Masquerade dancer because obviously, this guy knows his dance moves. He wondered who taught him as he placed his left hand on the guy's shoulder while his right held the guys' hand. He just hoped, wherever Harry was, that if he came out into the garden, he wouldn't get jealous of him and this stranger. Merlin, he would hate to have to explain it was only a dance.
Harry gave Draco's hand a little squeeze and moved them forwards into a waltz, not looking away from mesmerizing silver eyes as they waltzed around the garden. This was the part of the day he was most excited for. Dancing with Draco.
Draco felt embarrassed that he wasn't dressed up in something nice and dance-worthy. Not his bloody pyjamas which actually had a little bit of blood on them. Fake blood he had to keep on reminding himself.
They waltzed around and around the garden. Harry occasionally dipping Draco to the floor but bringing him back up to continue waltzing. After a couple of minutes had gone, the song toned down meaning it was about to end. Harry raised his hand up to Draco's chin and cupped it while leaning forward for a kiss.
When they were only inches away from kissing, Draco took a step back and just shook his head repeatedly. "No... I'm sorry," he said softly. He rubbed at his forehead with his fingers and turned away. "I've got a boyfriend, a boyfriend who I love so much and would rather kiss. No offence."
Harry smiled adoringly at Draco, the blush showing on his face from what Draco told him. He just adores when Draco compliments him, even if the blonde doesn't know he is complimenting the guy in front of him. "I know, Draco. Harry Potter's told me how much he loves you."
Draco turned and looked back at him; eyebrows raised with a slight pink tinge to his cheeks. "He has?" Harry nodded at him, smiling.
"Oh, he has said so millions of times tonight. You know, he told me a lot about you." Harry rubbed the back of his neck with a smile when studying his boyfriend. "How your hair shines perfectly during the day and the night-time, your beautiful sharp cheekbones, gorgeous pale face." His blush deepened. "He's told me how much of a prince you are. So perfect. Such amazing parents. He doesn't care about your wealth at all. He just cares about you. He loves you so much."
Draco's smile widened at what the mysterious masked bloke had said. When he finds Harry, he's going to give him a really good snogging session and possible sex unless he's just too tired since it is currently...he doesn't know what the time is, actually.
Harry looked up at the hidden clock in the sky. 11:36 pm. Gosh, can't time fly for once? 'The last dance' started playing in the ballroom. He looked back at Draco and bowed while asking for Draco's hand, "Another dance?"
Draco smiled and nodded. The Mystery masked bloke pulled him into a tight dance position, his hands back on the other bloke's shoulder and intertwined with his hand.
They waltzed around the garden once more, staring into each other's eyes, focusing on the movements of their feet and the rhythm of the song until 11:58 and Harry leaned away but he intertwined hands with Draco. "Draco Malfoy, I'm so deep in love with you that it'd take ages to swim down the Marina trench to get to that depth."
"Um...sir," said Draco, biting his lip. "You kno-"
Harry took off the voice Modulator and slipped it in his pocket. "I know, Draco." He smiled when hearing his voice again instead of someone else's. "I know how much you love Harry Potter." He looked up at the clock and smiled. In five ... four ... three ... two ... He leaned in and pressed his lips to Draco's, placing his hand on the Slytherin's cheek and kissing him like it is no other day.
Draco pulled away and shook his head, ignoring how incredible this guy kisses and how familiar his lips feel. He just feels so guilty, even if the guy kissed him. What if Harry walks into the garden and sees him with this guy together? "Sir, I told you..."
Harry just smiled as he removed his wig, chucking it on the grass then he took off his mask. Draco's eyes widened. This bloke in front of him looks like Harry except for... the eyes.
Harry looked up and pulled down his lower eyelid. He slid the contact lenses down to the white of his eye, pinches the lenses between his fingers and removed the contacts. He did the same with his other eye until he had the contacts out. He slid them in his pocket and looked up at Draco while grabbing his glasses from his other pocket and putting them on.
"H-Harry?!" Draco couldn't believe his eyes. Harry was the masked mystery man all this time. "Harry, I was so scared this evening after hearing that bloody announcement!" He walked up to Harry, hugged him tightly but gave him a fiery intense kiss.
Harry slowly smiled in the kiss, and he didn't realize his body was being lowered down onto the grass. But he let this happen. When he felt Draco on top of him, he opened his eyes while still kissing the blonde and noticed silver eyes were staring back at him. Blushing, he placed his arms around Draco's neck which brought the Slytherin closer to him.
When Harry parted his mouth, Draco slipped his velvety tongue inside and began exploring deeply into the dark-haired Gryffindor's mouth. Exploring the sides of Harry's mouth, the roof of his mouth and twinned their tongues together.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to actually kiss you," Harry blabbered out, his eyes looking deeply into silver and his lips moist from Draco's saliva that stained his mouth.
"Yeah, well if this bloody Halloween prank thing wasn't planned, you'd probably be kissed all over by me in bed," Draco responded with a smirk, liking the idea even if its midnight. He wouldn't mind having a bit of fun, even here, in this garden, where people can walk in on them. Harry smiled and played with his boyfriend's tousled hair.
"By the way, who were you?" Draco asked him curiously, and stroked Harry's hands. Merlin, he has missed the feel of Harry under his fingertips. "What costume were you wearing?"
"I was Freddie Krueger," said Harry, smiling up into orbs of silver. "You know..." He caressed Draco's cheek with his index finger. "You're a really pretty boy."
Draco blushed from the familiar compliment and smiled wider than ever. He just couldn't believe he didn't recognize Harry under the Freddie costume. He knows all of Harry's curves and edges, and he loves them. "I love you, Harry."
"I love you too, Draco," said Harry and he leaned up, capturing Draco's lips in a soft kiss. Everything around them was forgotten. The Masquerade Ball. The garden they were in. The students dancing inside the ball. The music played in the background. Just everything was forgotten except for each other, and they wanted to give each other as much love as they possibly could. After, Harry pressed his forehead to Draco's. "Shall we head back inside?"
"Can I have one last dance with you, Harry James Potter?" Draco asked him in a soft voice, that would make Harry beg for anything he wanted and of course, he will get it.
Harry smiled. "I would love that." But first, when they stood up, Harry reached inside his pocket and pulled out Draco's wand and held it out to him. "Here's your wand, by the way. I fou-"
Draco kissed him, taking his wand from Harry, and placing his other hand on the back of Harry's neck. Then they began to dance one last time. It wasn't a slow dance, just a waltz together.
After the last dance, they headed back inside the ballroom. It seemed that most people had left except for a few students wearing their Masquerade outfits who danced with their partners. Hermione, who was unmasked and dancing with Ron, Dean was unmasked and dancing with Seamus. That just left Neville, who was still masked and dancing with Blaise.
Harry sighed and walked up to them with Draco. Did Neville forget that he's wearing a mask or is he just too afraid to take the mask off? "Where's that bravery, Neville?"
Blaise looked at Harry curiously then to the masked man he's dancing with. "Neville?" He lifted the man's mask up and gasped in surprise. It was Neville. A blushing Neville.
Neville swallowed down his nerves and nodded. "I... sorry, I was supposed to unmask at midnight," he said, feeling a little shamed so he looked down at the floor. "I guess I got carried away."
Draco and Harry began to laugh quietly at that, knowing Neville probably did get carried away with Blaise on the dance floor. But then to everyone's surprise, Blaise leaned forward and finally kissed Neville. It excited Harry, Dean, Hermione, and Seamus so much.
"Right," said Harry, smiling brightly at the two snogging blokes. "Draco and I are going to leave you two alone so enjoy yourselves!"
"Mm-Hmm," said Blaise in the kiss with Neville, and Neville's blush was only darkening which made Dean and Harry chuckle at him.
"Harry, can we dance for a little while longer?" Draco then asked with his own smile. "Even though you scared the Nargles out of me, I still want this night to be something to remember." But he was already pulling Harry to the middle of the dance floor and Harry gladly accepted the dance.
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