Chapter 7
Pansy ran into the boy's arms and hugged them, glad they're not alone anymore. Blaise looked at Ron then to Neville, then looked down. He's glad they're here but he's feeling a little awkward now.
"G-guys," stuttered Neville, hugging the Slytherin girl back. He's not used to girl hugs, and he likes guy hugs better. They are just warmer and more comfortable. "What the hell is happening tonight? The last thing I remember was being..." He swallowed. "Killed. Then I woke up in some hedge maze."
"Same, mate," said Ron, shaking with both fear and slight sadness. "D-Did you see was horrendous!"
"A-And that...that thing with the chainsaw," said Seamus, completely frozen to the spot and now noticing the blood on the mirror. The night just keeps getting worse.
Draco and Blaise nodded sadly. Pansy let go of Neville and hugged Ron next, and then Seamus even if she could feel them trying to wriggle out of her clutch from the blood that covered her pyjamas. Then she let them go and stood beside Blaise and Draco, frowning.
"Have you seen Harry, Dean or Hermione?" asked Ron, flickering his eyes from the mirror and to the three Slytherins. He missed the Halloween where nothing like this happened, and he and his mates are just eating candy al night.
Draco shook his head, wishing he could have been in front of Harry, kissing him. "I never saw him in the corridors, or Hermione or Dean. But... I saw Harry in the maze of mirrors."
"Maze of mirrors?" Ron repeated him, puzzled. "What's that?"
"You never went in the maze of mirrors?" Draco asked, not believing this at all. obviously, he, Pansy and Blaise never saw Ron, Seamus, or Neville in the Maze of Mirrors. But he was sure they should have gone through... but what hedge maze were they talking about?
Ron shook his head, sighing as he hasn't seen Hermione at all. "We've only been through a hedge maze, a large ball pit the size of the great hall and a room full of creeps who jumped out at us. I saw a dead woman in white, she looked like Hermione a bit, but with long black curly hair that goes past her elbows. I just thought I was worrying too much or something."
"You weren't worrying, Ron," said Draco. He turned back to the mirror with a frown. The red letters still shining in the blood back at him.
"We also, in a hallway, went through a white hallway with the words RedRum painted in...what I don't hope is blood," said Neville, shuddering at the memory. This day was just too horrifying.
The ghostly presence came back and started writing 'RedRum' in blood on the mirror just under 'Bloody Mary x3'.
"Gaaaaaah," said Ron, backing away and fell onto the toilet, thanking Merlin that the toilet lid was closed. He didn't want to embarrass himself, even in this situation.
Pansy gave a little bitter laugh, but then looked back at the mirror with a frown. the ghostly presence wrote 'RedRum again'. "RedRum..."
'Spell it backwards'. The ghostly presence wrote on the mirror again.
"Mur-der," spelled Neville.
"Bloody hell!" said Ron, his eyes wide with fear.
"Murder," Draco said, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Bloody Mary," chanted Pansy.
"Oi! What're you doing!" shouted Ron at her. He didn't know what chanting the name would do but he just did not want to find out at all.
"Don't do what the ghost thing wants!" protested Blaise loudly.
"Bloody Mary," chanted Pansy again. "Bloody Mary..."
The lights in the bathroom started flickering. Everyone bundled up together in the centre of the room. Darkness. The lights had turned off.
"Guys..." Everyone could tell it was Ron who said that by how shaky his voice was. Nobody knew what to do. it was just so dark. He felt cool breath on his arm, and he shuddered.
"Someone cast a Lumos!" spat Pansy fearfully.
"Ye do it!" snapped Seamus. This is just getting out of hand and he knows it. He just wants Dean to cuddle up to.
"I don't have my wand you daft little Leprechaun," taunted Pansy.
"Oi!" snapped Seamus again, a frown on his face even if it was too dark to see it. "Don't make fun of the Irish culture!"
The lights turned back on.
Everyone screamed at the sight of a girl with long black hair covering her face wearing a long vintage white dress, her eyes were a creamy white with blood tears streaming down her face behind them. They were too scared to turn around and face her.
Then the lights turned back off. Everyone still screamed, afraid the ghost girl might get them now that the lights are off.
Then the lights turned back on. She was gone. They still screamed, until a door, which they never knew was to the side of them inside the shower, opened.
Draco took no hesitation and ran to the shower, opening it up and escaping through the door inside the shower. Blaise and Pansy followed him from behind. Last but not least, Seamus, Neville and Ron followed after them. They headed down the dark hallway, the only light was the candles on black holders on the walls to the side of them.
Blaise walked side by side with Neville, accidentally touching his hand and apologising. Neville would say it's alright, smile with a deep blush to his neck and face, then look down. He is really proud to know that Neville is okay. If anything happened to him...
"That was...bloody scary," said Ron, still shaking from the frightening scene they witnessed. Nobody responded back. They too were all horrified, not wanting to talk about it. They just continued walking down the darkened hallways, not knowing if it has an end to it.
They entered a white hallway with orange, red and black circular patterned floor. There were black wooden doors on either side of them, the hallway looked as if it could go on forever. They heard a bang coming from one of the doors. It was door number 237.
Pansy jumped away in fright when the door banged again. Something was inside that door, trying to get out. Out of curiosity, she neared the door and was about to twist the doorknob when a metal thing broke through the door right at her eye level.
"PANSY!" Blaise and Draco grabbed her arms and pulled her away, knowing this was bad and they needed to escape.
Jake, dressed as Jack from the shining, slammed his axe in the little hole he made in the door again. Pansy screamed when seeing somebody's eye looking at her through the small hole in the door.
The boys just stood there, frozen to the spot when looking at the eye watching them. They couldn't move, they wouldn't. They knew the person couldn't get to them. Not unless they take the door down.
Jake smashed his axe in the door, making the hole bigger. He ripped his axe out from the door and placed his head inside the whole, grinning malevolently. "HERE'S JOHNNY!"
The three Gryffindors and Slytherins screamed and ran down the hallway. When they got to a door at the end of the hallway, it was their only way out, so they entered through.
Another bloody room! A lounge room with a yellow couch, a small tv - which everyone didn't know what it was - two yellow puffy armchairs, a coffee table and bookshelves either side of the tv. Everyone didn't know what creepy creature could jump out at them any minute. There weren't any other doors except a locked one to the left of them. Just a normal white door.
Ron sank down onto the yellow couch and sighed when staring up at the ceiling. Draco and Blaise doing the same but on the armchairs. Ron hoped that this was it. That the killers will go away.
Pansy warily looked around the room for anything odd. She looked through the bookshelves, not seeing anything that was out of the ordinary for wizards or witches. No peek holes for eyes or dead arms.
Neville just stood in the centre of the room, keeping his head down. Eventually, he would look at Blaise just to get a smile from him which would calm him down.
They thought this was just a normal room, but really, it wasn't. The Tv turned on. Everyone looked up at the tv, not knowing what exactly it is or what's going on. The tv showed black and white static lines. Then a picture formed. It was in a cemetery with a marked grave. But they couldn't see whose name was on the headstone.
The picture changed. Maggots were crawling over dirt from a grave. Ron and Seamus gagged at the image and how disgusting it is. Pansy just looked down, trying to keep her dinner in her stomach.
Picture change: A circular, stone well in a dark wood forest.
Picture change: A large, haunted mansion. Everyone was glad the image changed to something more calming, even if they did see a dark figure in the window of the second story of the mansion.
Picture change: The round well again, but a hand was slowly sliding out of the well and gripping the stone edge.
Picture change: A lonely swing set in the middle of nowhere, where it was foggy, and the swings were moving on their own.
Picture change: Then a little girl, long black hair covering her face, in a dirty white dress that stops at her ankles, crawled out of the well and towards the camera to the tv. Everyone stared at her, scared at what she could look like underneath all that hair.
Picture change: Then they saw a cupboard filled with jars of eyeballs, brains, fingers, and livers.
"Eugh!" Pansy clutched her stomach, wanting the night to end already.
The picture changed back to the well, the little girl was only crawling closer. Everyone sat on the edge of their seats, wondering what will happen next.
The girl crawled towards the tv, and when everyone didn't expect it, she crawled right through the panel of the tv.
Pansy screamed and backed away from the tv, hiding behind the couch Ron sat on. Draco and Blaise jumped over the back of their armchairs but peeped their heads over the edge to keep an eye on the ghost girl.
"Go mbrise an diabhal do dhá chois," spat Seamus to the little girl, pointing a finger at her. The girl's body was halfway out of the tv.
Everyone looked at him strangely for one second, knowing he was speaking his native language, Gaelic, then looked back at the girl. They had no idea what he said in Gaelic.
Samara smiled malevolently at everyone and raised her arm up to point to the door on the left, which opened as she did so. When nobody moved, the door closed, and her evil smile just widened. "Seven days," she whispered in a dark voice. Then she began slowly walking towards the closest person to her, which was Neville.
"No!" Blaise ran over to Neville and stood in front of him, his arms protecting Neville from this killer girl. Neville felt his heart skip a beat at the sudden heroic movement from the really nice and handsome Slytherin.
Lyra, as Samara, tried to suppress an actual smile from coming on her face from these two teenage boys. She only neared them, making it seem like her foot was broken. When she stood face-to-face with the Slytherin who shook and trembled with fright, she said, "Boo!"
Blaise shuffled back from her, grabbing Neville's hand, and scuffled away with him to the other side of the room towards the door.
Samara raised her hand back at the door, which opened up. There wasn't any other way to scare these older students, so she had to let them pass.
Blaise and Neville immediately exited the loungeroom. With them, everybody else in the room except Samara. She returned to her tv with a grin on her face.
"Seamus?" asked Ron, slamming the door behind them shut so the girl can't follow them. But he was sure the girl wouldn't as she disappeared. "What did you say to the ... girl demon thing back then?"
"That the Devil may break yer legs," said Seamus who sped through the dark hallway they were in, just wanting to get to safety wherever safety was.and he wanted Dean, and to be safe and sound in his arms. Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Neville, and Ron laughed at Seamus' words.
"Geez," said Draco with a smirk. He was glad the conversation turned humorous. He needed something to take his mind off of everything. "That's a little harsh, isn't it?"
"Not really, I've heard worse," said Seamus, smirking. He remembers everything his cousin Fergus says when drunk. It was hilarious and a little concerning. "Much worse."
"Oh?" said Ron, raising an eyebrow with interest. This just got interesting to him and everyone else. "What like?"
Seamus looked away, afraid the blush on his face was too dark that it'd just be embarrassing. "Let's just keep going..." Ron smirked, knowing there's going to be a lot of unanswered questions for him.
The floor underneath them suddenly lit up with different coloured arrows pointing ahead. They didn't know if they should follow the lights, but they did. Wherever they were going, they were starting to hear music up ahead. It's music they all have never heard before.
This is Halloween...
This is Halloween...
Tender lovelies everywhere...
Down the rest of the darkened hallway they go, until they came across two double doors painted white. There were two square windows in either side where they could see flashing lights on the inside and silhouettes of people moving around.
'Halloween Bash', in purple, black and orange capital letters on a banner was pinned up above the double doors into the next room.
"Halloween bash?" said Neville, furrowing his eyebrows. "Is this some kind of-"
"Are they having a BLOODY party without me!" Pansy snapped and pushed her way through the double doors. She paused and flushed when everyone in the room looked at her. Why were the killers all dancing in the...whatever this place was? But she also saw students in their robes and pyjamas, the dead students she saw. Nobody died...
"Hiya, Pansy!"
Not this creep again, Pansy thought to herself as she glared at the clown in front of her. She wished she had her wand with her so she could hex this clown into the next week. She would be glad to get rid of him.
"Welcome to the after party of the Hogwarts Massacre," said Pennywise, grinning. He placed a hand on her back and guided her through to the party.
Draco, Ron, Seamus, Neville, and Blaise all entered the room after Pansy. They all froze in fear as Pennywise took her deeper into the party full of creeps. Well, they saw mainly the creeps that were running through Hogwarts killing people, but they also saw the dead students."
"GINNY!" Ron ran up to his little sister and hugged her tightly, glad she never died at all. It was a relief to see her breathing, and also struggling to get out of his clutch.
"Get off me, Ron!" spat Ginny and tried pushing him off her. She placed her arm around Luna again. "But yes, it's good knowing you're not dead."
"Likewise," muttered Ron. All he wanted was a hug, not to be pushed away by his own sister. Sometimes life can be tough and unfair. Ginny's one of those unfair parts.
Draco walked into the room and split apart from the others. He wanted to find Harry because he knows Harry should be here somewhere. The song 'This is Halloween' playing loudly in the background and the freaks in the room danced to it while the students of Hogwarts just wandered around like lost dogs. Was that Professor McGonagall? He was sure he saw her stroll to the food table. Or was she floating like a ghost? He couldn't tell.
Harry grinned from the other side of the ballroom. He was back in his Freddie costume until 10:20, which he'll have to rechange into another costume. Merlin, he hates contact lenses. So bloody annoying! But it'll help keep his identity a secret until midnight. Placing his cup of Halloween punch down on the table, which Hermione helped him make, he strolled over to Draco.
Draco's eyes widened in horror as he realized someone was coming towards him. It was that guy he saw in the corridors who waved at him. Bloody creep with a burnt face.
"Well, well, well," said Harry, his voice still sounding like Freddie. He pushed Draco against the wall to the side of them and placed his free arm against the blonde Slytherin's chest, so he doesn't try to escape. "Who do we have here?
Draco turned his face away from the guy, not interested in a snog if that's what he wants. His lips aren't touching any other males except Harry's. If he can only find him... "Piss, off!" he snapped while searching the room with his eyes for any familiar black messy hair and green eyes.
"Oh, we have a moody teenager here?" Harry said. He raised his gloves up, and lightly stroked Draco's cheek with the blade on the index finger of his glove. "You're a really pretty boy, you know that, right?"
"Piss off!" Draco spat and glared at him. He is seeing a lot of dark-haired wizards but none of them looked like Harry. "I've got a boyfriend already."
"Names?" Harry asked him, currently smiling under his mask. "What's your boyfriend's name?"
"No, who are you?" Draco hissed, wanting to get away from this creep so badly but he was scared the freak might stab him. Where's his father when he needs him? "And what is this place anyway? Freaks dancing club or something?"
"I'm Freddie Krueger," said Harry, his bladed finger still caressing Draco's cheek. "And this, if you haven't already figured it out, is a Halloween party."
"A Hall-" Draco hesitated and looked around the room again. All he saw were the creeps, and that guy who killed Pansy. He shuddered at the sight of him. "Are you saying that this is all a..."
"A prank, yes," said Harry, smiling under his Freddie mask. "The whole killing spree thing was a prank for all you Purebloods and half-bloods who know nothing about the muggle world. It was hilarious watching you lot run around the castle screaming your heads off."
"Do I know you then?" Draco asked, staring at Freddie up and down to try to see beyond the mask. He didn't recognize the male, but there was something about the guy's curves that he could see that reminded him of someone...
"Maybe you do, maybe you don't," said Harry with a shrug. He finally lowered his glove from Draco's cheek, but his arm still pressed against his chest. "But yes, I do know you and every other, what you call a freak in this Halloween party knows you."
"Is Harry Potter at this party?" Draco had to ask. He hoped he could find Harry. He needed his gorgeous green-eyed Gryffindor boyfriend. "And if so, is he wearing a costume or...?"
Harry couldn't help the blush from showing on his face. Luckily, he had this mask on. "Uhm, yes."
"Yes, to what?" asked Draco, raising an eyebrow.
Harry shook his head. The last time he checked the clock was 10:23. He, Dean, and the others had to go back to the changing rooms for the last event. "Sorry. I must cut this conversation short. Goodbye."
Draco sighed, at least he knew Harry's in this place somewhere. Just where... and is he wearing a costume? He wants to go looking for Harry, but he just doesn't want to interact with anybody right now. He's still shocked with everything he's been through and seen tonight. All that blood... but how did they make all that blood? It all looked so real!
Harry grabbed Dean, still in his Ghostface costume, by the arm and led him out of the ballroom to another hallway. There's just so many hallways!
"Harry-," Dean hissed silently as they passed through the other double doors on the other side of the ballroom.
"Sorry, you were too busy staring at Seamus," Harry said, chuckling. He adores his favourite gay couple. Merlin, he has walked in on Seamus and Dean so many times that he is used to it and could probably have sex with Draco in the same room as them. "I had to do something otherwise it would have raised suspicion."
"B-But, didn't you see him covered in all that fake blood?" asked Dean, frowning under his mask. He just wants to go up to him for a hug. "I want to wash it off him."
Harry rolled his eyes. "You'll get to unmask yourself at midnight, Dean." Once they got to the clown statue, Harry poked it in the eye which triggered a switch and the statue moved to the side, opening up a secret passageway. They quickly entered through and closed the passageway. They both took off their masks and cast a "Lumos", lighting up the darkened tunnel as they came to a wooden door.
Harry opened the door and went inside. "Oh, Hello..." He looked the girl wearing a large lilac ball gown up and down with a lilac coloured lace mask, not knowing who it was.
"It's me, Harry... Hermione," said Hermione. She took off her lilac coloured lace mask with small pearls on it and smiled at him. Harry widened his eyes a little. How didn't he see her under the mask? Merlin....
"Oh, you look stunning!" said Harry sweetly with a big smile. He would hug her, but he doesn't want the smell of fake blood all over her. "Very Venetian like you came from a Masquerade Ball."
"Harry, the theme for the evening festivity is a Masquerade Ball," Hermione said earnestly, with a sigh of disbelief. "You thought of the idea-"
"-While you were also thinking of Draco," Dean finished for her with a grin at Harry. Draco and Harry is his favourite gay couple, and whenever he sees them snogging he can't help but watch.
"Oh, shut it!" Harry said, blushing, and gave him a little friendly push, but the smile didn't falter from his face.
"You boys should get ready, then," Hermione said, smiling knowingly. "You want to surprise your princes, don't you?" Harry and Dean smiled at her, so she pushed them towards the boys dressing rooms. "Don't just stand there like idiots. Get ready!"
Neither Harry nor Dean liked an angry or irritated Hermione, in fact, nobody did, so they entered the boys dressing rooms. Minutes later, they came out of their stalls all dressed up.
Harry wore a phantom of the opera Masquerade outfit, with a wig that's has long brown hair put up in a low ponytail at the back with red ribbon, but his Mardi Gras mask was black. And Dean wore a black and dark red Victorian Tailcoat Jacket with blacks slacks, black shiny shoes and a black mask.
Harry stared at himself in the mirror and smiled. But he still needs to wear these irritating lime green contact lenses. "Do I look recognizable as myself?" he asked his reflection, but really, he was asking Dean.
"Nope," said Dean, straightening his mask on his face and making his voice sound a little lower with the voice modulator. "You just look like an average guy wearing a Masquerade costume."
"Yeah, thanks. I just can't wait until I unmask at midnight," said Harry, beaming while also adjusting his voice modulator to sound deeper. He just wants to see Draco and surprise him. "I've been waiting to get a kiss from Draco since lunch."
"Same with me but for Seamus," said Dean, smiling at the thought of being kissed back by his boyfriend. It just sounds like a fairy tale story. "I just hope I do get a dance with him with this mask on."
"Yeah," Harry said, making sure his contacts were in properly. He didn't want his contact falling out otherwise one eye will be lighter than the other. "Shall we head out?"
They were about to turn around and leave the bathroom when someone came out of the stall behind them. They turned around and stared at the boy their age wearing a dark blue Taoliyuan Victorian outfit. But he didn't have his mask on, so it made him recognizable. But what was he doing here?
"Neville?" Harry and Dean stared at their dormmate in shock. How did he even get inside anyway? Only people who participated in the prank were informed of the Masquerade ball.
Neville swallowed, not knowing who he is talking to. "W-Who are you?" Harry and Dean looked at each other, wondering if they should tell. But Harry shook his head.
"Never mind that, Neville," said Harry, giving Neville Blaise's wand. "You'll soon find out at Midnight."
"Midnight?" repeated Neville, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when staring at the wand the guy gave him. The wand looked so familiar to him...
"Oh, Blaise Zabini is going to love you," said Dean, grinning wildly at the thought of Neville and Blaise dancing until midnight. He ponders if he and Harry can help Neville and Blaise work things out.
Neville blushed at that thought, and Harry put the dark blue mask over Neville's eyes. "W-What do you mean?"
"C'mon." Dean placed an arm around his fellow Gryffindor and led him out of the bathroom. "What you have to do is keep your mask on until midnight. You must dance the night away with whoever you want, but at Midnight, if you're dancing with someone ... special to you, you need to unmask yourself, so they know who's dancing with them. Simple enough for you?"
"I think so," said Neville.Harry and Dean smiled.
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