Chapter 6
Draco woke up and groaned while massaging his forehead. What happened? But what he last remembers is going around a corner and then ... darkness. Wait, he's alive? He adjusted his eyes to the room he was in. It was a weird circular room with weird...swirls? Then he saw them. Pansy and Blaise lying next to him.
He shook them, trying to awaken them and after a few seconds, Pansy sat up swiftly like she woke up from a nightmare. When she saw Draco, she threw her arms around him and cried.
They both froze as the room they were in moved a little. The tunnel they were in with red and green swirls moved whenever they moved.
Draco frowned and hugged her back tightly, thankful that she wasn't dead like he saw when the guy stabbed her. He wasn't one to give his friends hugs, only Harry. But where was Harry? Oh, he hoped he was okay. Well, if Pansy and Blaise weren't dead then Harry shouldn't be... Or... were he, Blaise, and Pansy dead? Is this what muggle heaven is like? A weird...well, he doesn't know what he's in. It's very strange...
Pansy moved out of the hug and turned to Blaise. She shook him, trying to awaken him. She needed her friends right now.
Blaise didn't wake like Pansy did, he just woke like he had a good sleep and yawned. His eyes widened when remembering what had happened a while ago. "D-Draco, P-Pansy... what happened?"
"We don't know, Blaise," said Pansy, whose eyes were soft, and she comforted him by squeezing his shoulder.
"The only thing I remember was seeing you...die," said Draco, his voice shaken with fear. "You both died." Pansy and Blaise looked at him sadly, knowing what Draco meant.
Pansy began to panic, and she shuffled back a little, but it only made the barrel they were in start to spin and they all lost their balance.
"WhOah," said Blaise, his voice rising as the barrel moved and made them almost collapse on top of each other. "The hell is this thing?!"
A Childs laughter was heard, and Emilie made an appearance in her Annabelle costume. She stood at the end of the barrel and stared at the three teenagers. "Come play with me." Then she giggled again.
Draco's limbs began to shake, Pansy felt dizzy and Blaise just couldn't speak. They were horrified, knowing that this weird killer spree thing wasn't over. But why weren't they dead, then? Unless these killers can visit them in their death. But that was impossible, right? They can't haunt you for eternity...
Draco, Pansy, and Blaise got to their feet, which was very hard to do as the barrel just moved which made them nearly lose their balance again and fall on top of each other. But they managed to stable themselves and stop moving, which stopped the spinning barrel from moving. But this situation was difficult. They didn't know how to escape. Whenever they tried to move, the spinning tunnel would move with them.
Emilie stepped onto the spinning tunnel, grinning wickedly. "Come play with me," she repeated in her creepy doll-like voice.
The three Slytherins backed away, forgetting they were in a spinning tunnel which moved as they turned around and struggled to run out of the moving tunnel. Blaise was the first out, but also the first to face a cloaked figure with a long white mask. He screamed and backed away.
Dean surpassed a laugh at the Slytherin. He was actually on the move to find Seamus, Neville, and Ron in this hell of a funhouse, which pretty much is just a large maze but filled with weird rooms but had no luck. He didn't realize how big this place was either. He didn't think the Room of Requirement could create more than one room.
Blaise stepped back in fear, accidentally stepping on Pansy's feet. He heard a hiss of pain from Pansy, but his life was in danger right now. Same with Draco's and Pansy's life. His arms spread out to the side of him, making sure this killer won't be able to hurt his friends.
Dean just pointed his large knife towards a little yellow tunnel which you crawl through, and on the other end is a rectangular room with weird beige punching-bag shaped things hanging from the ceiling with clown faces.
"What do you want from us?!" Pansy cried, hugging herself tightly, her eyes welling up with tears.
"I think it wants us to go right," said Blaise, not taking his eyes off the killer who death stared at him. Merlin, these things were creepy. But he was stabbed so how could he be alive?
"Then let's go right," says Draco quickly, not wanting to blackout again and wake up someplace else. He grabbed his two best friends by the arm and pulled them away from the cloaked figure.
Dean kept his knife raised to their right. When the three Slytherin's were going a little slow, he began walking towards them.
Draco crawled through the little yellow tunnel, not liking this night one bit. He was supposed to be spending it with Harry, somewhere alone, probably in bed having the time of their lives. This morning he was with Harry, we were just hanging out back under the Oak Tree near the lake, talking about their day, snogging, sharing good childhood memories. He feels like that was weeks ago, not hours. He wished he could see Harry again.
Pansy looked behind her as she entered the yellow tunnel after Blaise. She squealed out of fright and shouted, "HE'S RIGHT BEHIND ME! GO!"
That started Draco, knowing the killer was right behind them. Using as much strength as he had, he crawled as fast as he could until he was out of the tunnel. He helped Blaise and Pansy out of the tunnel, and when looking inside, the killer was gone. Vanished. But he wasn't going back. No way. "We should keep going."
They kept walking, through a little hallway with those weird punching bag looking things with weird man faces wearing red lipstick and a bright red nose. (clowns) Pansy poked a few and squealed as it moved towards her a little. Then they went up some weird little ramp with red squishy rectangular things that helped them climb, up onto a platform where there was a blue slide down into a pit of what looked like coloured balls. They stared at each other, asking if they should slide down this weird contraption.
Eventually, when studying the slide and making sure there wasn't anyone behind them, they slid down the slide one by one. The slide was actually pretty fun to them and they wanted to go back up and slide down again, but they were in a place that could be filled with killers. So, they knew that would just make it worse for them.
Draco hit the ball pit first and dove right into the balls. They were strange balls. Very rubbery and colourful.
"Look out!"
Draco looked up into the slide and saw Blaise coming down fast. He quickly moved away to the end of the ball pit to give his best friend enough room to land. And then down came Pansy, who fell on top of Blaise.
Blaise yelped as something pushed him down into the balls. He dived in, looking around and seeing how he's just under a ton of coloured balls. When the body on top of him, which he knew was Pansy's, he pushed himself up and glared at his best friend, Pansy.
Pansy just shrugged, but then her eyes widened in fear for the thing that calmly watched them from behind Blaise. She blinked rapidly, hoping she was seeing things. Draco stared curiously at Pansy, then looked behind Blaise and saw it.
Blaise turned around to where his best friends were looking at and began to shake as he walked backwards towards Draco.
Anthony, as Chucky, just stood at one corner of the ball pit and stared at the scared teenagers. He grinned and pulled his bloody knife out from under the coloured balls. "Hi, I'm Chucky!" he said in his most Chucky-like voice. "Wanna play?"
"No," Blaise muttered clearly.
Anthony started breathing loudly, making it clear he was 'angry'. "You will play with me!" He charged at them, but when half-way towards them, he dived under the balls and grabbed Pansy by the ankle.
Pansy screamed and shook her foot, trying to get loose. "HE'S GOT MY ANKLE!"
Draco and Blaise grabbed Pansy by the wrists and pulled her out of the ball pit into a netted hallway with platforms going up, left and right but they continued through the netted hallways, only going straight even if there were little netted hallways going right and left, until they came to an end. With a sigh of relief, they exited the weird room but came into a different room full of mirrors. Mirrors were literally everywhere.
Blaise walked forward and crashed into a mirror, which he thought was a pathway. He was wrong. Pansy actually began to laugh at him but as she turned and went left, she crashed into a mirror too. This maze of mirrors was just so confusing. Blaise then laughed back at her, earning him a glare from Pansy but he didn't care.
Draco ended up smiling at his best friends, glad they were having a little fun even in this dire situation. Then he saw something out of the corner of his eyes, someone, he noticed. They were so beautiful. "Harry..." Harry's green eyes staring back at him, but Harry was wearing his dress robes from the Yule Ball, but his hair wasn't perfectly styled like it was on that night. Draco didn't mind. He loves his messy-haired Harry. The dress robes were a little tight on Harry, which made Draco chuckle a little. He began to walk forward, wanting to get a hug and kiss from his boyfriend. He slammed into a glass wall. Damned, the glass. This glass can just go die somewhere. He banged on the glass, wishing he could be next to Harry again. It's all he wishes for.
Harry smiled at him, even if he wasn't actually in front of Draco. He was behind the three Slytherin's. He loves trick mirrors; you can literally go anywhere if you know where you're going. He winked at Draco, smiling brighter when Draco's cheeks reddened a little.
Draco smiled back sweetly. He hasn't seen Harry in ages. His face tinged with pink from that wink, and his heart thumped quickly in his chest.
"I love you, Draco Lucius Malfoy," Harry said, his actual voice echoing through the room. He walked to the left, out of sight before Draco could reply back. It was time for another costume change.
Draco frowned when Harry disappeared. Where did he go? Or perhaps... it was just a figment of his imagination. He hoped not. He placed his hands on the glass, swearing that Harry was in front of him. But this glass... He sighed, placing his forehead against the cold glass. "Let's go..." He turned around sadly and escorted his friends back towards where they came in from.
"No!" Pansy banged on the glass where the exit was, and Blaise did the same. The exit was blocked off with another mirrored wall.
"What happened to the entrance?" Blaise asked, his eyebrows drew together with worry and confusion. He swore the exit was right here. He just knew it. "What's wrong with this place?"
Draco placed a hand on the entrance, which somehow turned into a mirror. He slid his hand across the mirrors when moving left, hoping he comes across an exit but there was nothing. "I guess we go forward."
"How?" asked Pansy whose breathing started shallowing. She just didn't want to believe what was happening. There was no exit. She hated having no way out of a place.
"Just try, I guess," said Draco. He knows by looking at the mirrors, it just won't help. But mirrors have to be standing up somehow. So, he needs to look down. He walked back towards the mirror where he saw Harry and pressed his hand to it. With his other hand, he placed it in front of him. He doesn't know if there's a mirror to the other side of him, but he walked that way. It wasn't a mirror; it was a hallway.
"Pansy! Blaise! This way!"
Pansy and Blaise shot their heads up at Draco, who disappeared inside a mirror. They quickly caught up to him and walked right behind him through the hallway.
Draco kept his hands in front of him, guiding him through the mirror maze. It was actually getting a little easier. But then Pansy screamed. Of course, when she screams something is obviously bad.
"Hiya, Pansy," said Pennywise, handing her a red balloon filled with blood in it. "Wanna balloon?"
Pansy quickly shook her head, her lip trembling when staring into yellow eyes. Such disgusting eyes. She whimpered and leaned away from the clown thing. Pennywise frowned. He let the balloon go, and it floated up to the ceiling.
"Hello," said a sweet young voice, looking up at Pansy.
Pansy shuffled back from the younger boy wearing a yellow raincoat, backing up against one of the mirror walls. Blaise gasped when looking at the amputated arm from the younger boy, blood was still gushing down his arm.
"Let's go," Draco suddenly said, refusing to look at the weird-looking man. He just hated this already. He wanted Harry. He needed him. He wanted to be hugged and kissed by his Harry.
"NO!" shouted Pennywise, his balloon popping and covering Pansy in blood. Pansy cried, her lips parted and her arms in a 'w' shape as she just didn't want to believe what she was covered in.
Blaise grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards Draco, not caring if she's covered in someone else's blood as he just wants to escape with his friends out of this place alive.
Draco picked up his speed of walking and feeling for a hallway in the mirror maze. He saw the end and sighed with relief, but he had to make sure that it was the way out. He followed his arms, and his legs until they finally made it out of the mirror maze.
Another damn hallway, but thankfully without mirrors. It was a dark hallway, the only lights were on the floors in shapes of vampire bats, cemetery crosses, and creepy smiles. After that hallway came another one, but lighter with white and black lines forming a spiral.
This hallway made Pansy dizzy, she swore the spiral was moving and she kept staring at it. There was a throaty "AaaaAaaaaAAAaaaa" coming from inside the hallway they were in, but when pausing and looking around, they were the only ones in the room.
They heard a scream, a female scream. It's not the only scream they've heard tonight. But it was creepy as hell.
"AAaaaaaAaAAaaaaaAaAaaaa." Another throaty voice.
Something pulled at Pansy's hair, she screamed and dashed away from the wall.
There was a pale, dead arm reaching out from a square in the black line of the hallway. Then the arm pulled itself back out of the hallway, replacing it with cold, lifeless white eyes staring at them.
Blaise grimaced at the eyes that stared at Pansy, then they looked directly into his own eyes and his heart began beating wildly in his chest out of fear.
Draco frowned. He just wants to find Harry. He is glad he knows that Harry's okay, but he at least wants to see him. Wherever Harry is... Unless that really was something only, he saw. "Pansy? Blaise? You saw Harry in the mirror thing, right? It wasn't just me?"
"Y-Yes, D-Draco," Pansy stammered, staying far away from those cold white eyes. She swallowed and looked ahead at the hallway, wanting to escape. She knows this thing can't get her unless she goes closer to it. And that's exactly what she will not do.
Blaise caught on to what Pansy wanted. To escape. "We saw Harry, Draco," he said while urging Pansy through the hallway with Draco. "You weren't seeing things."
"Thanks," was all Draco could say in this situation as they kept going through the long hallways.
They came to the end of the hallway, where a normal white door just stood in front of them. But on either side of the door were two other darkened hallways which led to who knows where. They realized they were at a 'T' section. Draco, curious, reached his hand out to the doorknob and twisted it until it opened. It was a bathroom. A normal bathroom with a shower, a toilet, a sink, and a mirror.
"Is that blood!" Pansy asked loudly, her mouth agape when staring at the mirror in front of them. She backed away from the mirror and hid behind Draco and Blaise.
"Bloody Marry x3?" Blaise said, he touched the base of his neck, wondering whose blood that could be.
On the other side of the mirror, more red writing was displayed. Draco read what's on the mirror in blood, "Say it three times."
"Um... no," said Blaise, shaking his head, hoping he is in some nightmare. He just hopes this is a nightmare and that he'll wake up to any minute soon. He just wants to be in his bed, sleeping, or eating at the Great Hall.
Like someone heard Blaise reject the offer, a presence that they couldn't see began to write on the mirror. 'Say it or she comes for you'.
"Bloody-" Pansy began, but the door that they just came through began to shake. No, it was the doorknob. Someone was coming in. The door opened. The three Slytherin teenagers whimpered and backed away.
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