Chapter 3
"D-Draco... P-Pansy," Blaise stuttered as he backed up and away from the wall when exiting the dungeons. They were now on the first floor of the castle, a few corridors away from the Great Hall and the Entrance Hall where if they needed to, they can escape and head to the Quidditch Stadium where they can get on their brooms and search the castle for Harry and the others by air.
Draco and Pansy looked behind them at Blaise who stared at a corridor wall with red stuff on it. Red words as they could see. They hoped that wasn't blood on the walls. It was the second year all over again.
"You're going to die alone, Purebloods," Draco read from the wall, and his nose crinkled. The blood looked fresh as it ran down the wall in droplets. "Pure-blooded blood is thicker than normal blood, and water, and much more "pure" than normal blood which attracts the ... slayers. So, you better run."
"Oh, I'm getting pre-second year episodes," said Blaise in a low voice, pinching the bridge of his nose then rubbing his face. He just wanted to rid the memories from his head but knew he couldn't.
Pansy shrieked and fell over, watching as a woman in a flowy white but bloody dress stared at her from a few meters away. She crawled backwards, swallowing repeatedly until she hit something hard. It was Blaise's legs she crawled into.
"MERLIN'S!" Yelled Blaise, who stared at the woman in a white dress. He whipped out his wand and pointed it at the woman. "I have had ENOUGH of these BLOODY scares. Whatever ghost you are, piss off!"
Hermione glared at him. At least she's found Draco so she can report this to Harry whenever she sees him next. With a small non-verbal levitation spell with her ring, she levitated herself up into the air until she was at least five feet up. With a non-verbal Expelliarmus, she threw Blaise's wand away from him.
"THE HELL!" Now Draco and Pansy whipped out their wands for defence. But Hermione threw them away with an Expelliarmus. She was glad professor McGonagall transformed her wand into a ring, so it makes this prank even better. She evilly smiled at them from in the air.
Hermione, as the dead bride, started to cackle, but not in her own voice. She used a spell to sound like Emily from the Corpse's Bride, but a broken Emily. "H-He k-killed me," she mumbled, improvising what to say. "M-My own husband!" She rubbed at her crossed arms. "We were supposed to marry, have children. BUT THEN HE KILLED ME!" she bellowed and flew right towards them.
"EEEK!" Pansy ducked, her arms over her head with fear. She didn't want to become possessed by this...this woman! Whatever woman this is. She just wanted to get out of here with her two best friends.
"SOD OFF, WOMAN!" shouted Blaise at her, his nostrils flaring with anger but also horror. "Nobody CARES about your dead life!"
The dead ghost bridge turned around and stared at Blaise. Then she began crying. Her tears increased in size as they dropped down on the floor, creating a large puddle (thanks to a non-verbal Aguamenti)
"Nice one Blaise," snarled Draco, who was slowly backing away from this scene. "You just upset her more!"
The ghost bride wailed, but then she stopped. Her eyes turned red and she raised her hands up over her head, then brought them down to her hips with great force. Blood started running down the top of the walls in the corridor they were in. Draco, Blaise, and Pansy all watched the blood run down the walls, slowly coming closer to them.
Hermione smirked while the three Slytherins were too distracted by the blood running down the walls and towards them, so she disappeared through the wall.
Pansy, Blaise, and Draco all walked to the centre of the corridor until their backs touched one another. The blood was closing in on them and they didn't want to get blood on their clothes at all. Their expensive, silky, clothes.
Ron and the other Gryffindors split up to look for their professors, Harry, and Dean. But, of course, because of what they saw, they had three people with them. Ron had Seamus and Neville with him, while the other girl's and guys of Gryffindor split up into their own groups.
"Where do ye think they are?" Seamus had to ask, suddenly fearing his dormmates lives. That Nun... That was nothing he's ever seen before. He hopes to never see a nun ever again. Not even a muggle one. Who knows if they turn out to be evil, biting neck nuns?
"Somewhere safe I hope," said Neville, shivering from how cold it had become. He rubbed at his arms, trying to warm himself up with the slightest gestures and staying as close as possible to his dormmates and best friends.
Ron just couldn't think straight. There was a killer in the castle called a 'Nun', and his little sister was out there in the corridors, alone, but thankfully with two other people. He hopes Parvati was taking care of her, and whoever else. But he just wanted to know where Hermione was.
"Hiya, Ronny!"
Scared out of their right minds, the three Gryffindor's turned around to face some weird tall guy in grey puffy clothes with red pom balls, orange hair, red lines on his white face and a red nose. The heck is this dude?
"H-How do you know my name...?" Ron asked him, backing away a little. This guy was just too creepy. Out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw spiders crawling on the walls. "And who the bloody hell are you?!"
"Oh," said John White, A Ravenclaw seventh year half-blood who was dressed up as Pennywise. "Well, I'm Pennywise the dancing clown!" He tried to sound exactly like Pennywise and did a little dance for them.
Seamus and Neville just kept taking a few steps back. That was until Seamus crashed into something behind him. Startled, he turned around and screamed at the little boy in a yellow raincoat. But then he realized it was just a third-year Hufflepuff muggle-born. "Merlin, Jacob! Don't do that!"
"S-Seamus," stuttered Neville, his face becoming pale as the clown guy opened its mouth, showing its sharp razor-like teeth.
Seamus let out a "Hmm?" and turned around, noticing the clown's mouth had millions of little teeth inside of it. It was like one of those plants with the tiny little thorns on the inside of it. "Merlin's FUCKING Beard!"
John only smirked at them. Then he gestured Jacob to come to him, "Come here, Georgie..."
"Georgie?" whispered Ron, furrowing his brows in confusion.
Jacob did what he was told and walked over to John, as Pennywise with a smile.
"No, Jacob!" bellowed Neville, trying to grab hold of the smaller boy. But it was just too late. Jacob had grabbed hold of the clown's hand.
John just loved magic and how it can make special effects seem so real. With a non-verbal spell, he lifted Jacob up in the air until directly under his chin. He opened his mouth and bit down onto the child's neck.
Ron and his dormmates screamed and backed up against the nearest wall, watching in horror as the clown just began to eat their fellow student with blood pouring out of his neck. Never once in their lifetime have, they ever seen so much blood in one day.
Pennywise made a red balloon appear in front of them, and as the boys in front of them were scared out of their right minds, he and Jacob made their escape with a silent disillusionment charm.
The next thing Ron knew, when the red balloon popped, was blood splattering on the corridor floor and Penny-what's-his-face is gone with Jacob. His lips and chin trembled in fear at what Penny could be doing to Jacob right now.
Ginny and Parvati, with their wands raised, walked through the corridors leading away from Gryffindor Tower. They keep hearing screams coming from all over Hogwarts that erupt ever ten seconds or so. But where were the professors? Wouldn't the corridors be swarming with professors from the screaming?
Parvati kept looking into the shadows, hoping to not see that Nun again. That bloody scary Nun. She'd hex the bloody thing if she ever finds it, no matter how scary it is.
Ginny kept her eyes to the front and back, making sure no Nun's going to sneak attack them. But she didn't see any Nun. She saw a thing in a black cloak with a long scary mask on. The eyes and mouth were blacked out. The heck was this thing, just staring at them, on the other side of the corridor.
Dean, doing his best Ghostface impression, held his bloody knife up. He smiled from underneath his mask and tilted his head to the side. This was just getting even more exciting.
"P-Parvati," Ginny said, her stuttering only getting worse, but she gained her bravery. She shakily pointed her finger towards the cloaked figure. "L-Look over there."
Parvati wanted to scream but thought that would just make things worse. "Let's run in three... two-."
Dean then ran after them, as fast as he could. He was gaining speed when the girls just took off into a run. Honestly? Don't these girls run at all? They're no better than Seamus when drunk on St Patrick's day. Boy, Seamus gets topsy when drunk and running around.
Parvati screamed as the cloaked figure began to gain speed and come up right behind her. Next thing she knew was falling and sliding across the floor. She knows she's a goner now.
"NO!" shouted Ginny, but she knew it was too late for Parvati as the cloaked figure had a knife at her throat. So, she quickly made a run for it.
"Sorry about this,"Dean whispered to her before slitting her throat and casting a non-verbalStupefy, which stunned her, leaving her limp. Now it's Ginny's turn. But he hadto catch up to her now, wherever she went to.
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