Chapter Five, Arrival of Moony and Lord Esposito
~ November 10th 1981, Potter Manor ~
"Everything's going to be alright, Siri." Regulus reassured his nervous brother as the elder Black brother paced up and down the family room, bouncing every other step, a crying Laufey on his hip as they awaited Remus's arrival. It was a bad morning for Laufey as the pain in her joints had caused her to be unable to settle. It had started in the early hours of the morning and nothing they did seemed to aid the poor one year old which left an anxious Sirius feeling rather helpless and useless as he couldn't help his daughter. It didn't help she was feeding off of his nervous and anxious aura either.
"I just want to help her, Reggie." Sirius cried. "I feel so useless."
"Lay sad." Freyr frowned, his silver eyes tracking his baby cousin (by a handful of months) sadly.
"It's okay baby." Petunia whispered to her son brushing back his dark curls to place a kiss to his forehead. "She'll be okay." But Freyr wasn't convinced if the frown was anything to go by, the next second Laufey's favourite stuffed toys a black Grim and a brown stag were floating in front of Sirius, small wet giggles fell from Laufey as tears still lingered on her cheeks.
"Thank you Freyr." Sirius smiled at his nephew who beamed happily at him as Sirius plucked the toys from the air and handed them to his daughter.
"I know Pads but Fey is strong." Regulus assured him, resting a hand on his brother's shoulder with his other hand rubbing Laufey's back gently. "Like you, James and Lily."
"Sirius." Charlus called entering the family room with a potion in his hands. A potion that has been freshly brewed by his brother just moments ago.
"Thank you Uncle Charlie." Sirius sighed relieved, accepting the potion and helping Laufey to drink it. "Here baby. Drink this, it'll help."
"Where's Mia, Monty and Dorea?" Caoimhe asked Charlus.
"Remus is here. Isn't he?" Ármann asked.
"He is." Charlus agreed. "They're talking to him in Monty's office and filling him in about the truth of everything. Monty thought that would be the best decision."
Sirius and Regulus sat mulling it over before they nodded conceding to the truth of that statement. Both of them, more so Sirius, were hot tempered and very overprotective of their loved ones. Especially their kids. They have calmed down as they aged and became fathers, but were still fiercely overprotective; they'd become papa bears.
"Plus if Remus got out of line both Dorea and Mia can easily put him in his place." Petunia added. She had - since meeting them and Cassiopeia - always looked up to the three witches. Their loyalty, fierce love, kindness and protectiveness always reminded her of her mother who had raised her and Lily to be just the same, a fact that now fell to Petunia and her mother to raise Laufey and Freyr the same way. Caoimhe shared a smile with her eldest daughter as she had an idea on what was going through her daughter's mind.
An hour later saw Remus with red and puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks entering the family room with Mia, Monty and Dorea.
"Sirius. Regulus. Petunia...I...I'm so sorry." Remus stuttered, his face downcast and his eyes filled with sorrow, pain and apologies. "I never should have taken those screwed up missions from the old fool than perhaps he wouldn't have tried to drive a wedge between us. I'm so sorry, but I never, not for one second, thought that you, Pads, betrayed Lily and James. Not for one second." It was silent, not even Laufey or Freyr making a noise, as they all sat taking in his sorrow filled words; he was genuine they could see it in his eyes. "Please say something." Remus begged.
"We believe you Moony." Sirius and Regulus stated together. "We can see it in your eyes."
"But don't you ever let anything come between you three again." Petunia warned the three men sternly. "You three are the last of the Marauders, apart from Freyr and Laufey, their last link to the fun they had with James. We need to bring that back more, despite everything that's happening. I don't want my son and niece to grow up without fun and happy times despite how much love we give them."
"You're right sweetheart." Caiomhe agreed, coming to sit beside her daughter wrapping her in her arms. "We will make sure that happens I promise."
"Thanks Mama." Petunia rested her head on her mother's shoulder while bouncing the knee Freyr was sitting on, smiling when Regulus came and sat on her other side resting a hand on the small of her back as he placed a kiss on her and Freyr's foreheads.
"Tunie." Laufey called for her aunt, turning her head away from Remus where she'd been staring at him with her head tilted to the side confused.
"Yes sweetie?" Petunia asked, smiling at her niece.
"Cat. Meow." Laufey stated pointing to the pink cat tracksuit she had on.
"That's right sweetheart that is a cat. You clever girl." Petunia praised earning herself a blinding smile from the little girl.
"Siri." Freyr called for his uncle at the same time as Laufey called for Petunia.
"Yes little man?" Sirius asked, smiling at his nephew.
"Bear. Roar." Freyr stated pointing to his bear tracksuit.
"Clever boy, Freyr. That is a bear." Sirius praised, everyone laughing and praising the eighteen and nineteen month old babies as the tension broke within the room.
"Remus, come and meet our son, Freyr Tyr Caolan Black." Regulus introduced.
"Finally got the courage then." Remus teased, a smirk on his lips.
"Congratulations." He beamed hugging both Petunia and Regulus tightly before he crouched down in front of Caoimhe who now held her grandson, offering the little boy a soft smile.
'Cub. He is Cub much like other Cub.' Moony spoke within Remus's mind, his voice firm and gruff.
'That is something else we can agree on.' Remus told his wolf side, feeling much better and looking so now that he was connected and had accepted his wolf side.
"Hello Freyr. It's nice to see you again. I'm your Uncle Moony." Remus spoke softly, his voice comforting and reassuring. At that Laufey's eyes lit up, quickly turning towards Remus as her mind registered the name and voice with his healthier and younger face. No longer was Remus prematurely aging, a symptom of denying his wolf and taking the Wolfsbane made by Potion Master Belby (which he had cut corners on) as both facts had been killing him.
Remus had been lost for words when he had been informed as such by the Alpha and Healer of the Luna Pack, and since he had stopped doing either and become healthier Remus was no longer dying and now looked his age of twenty-one.
"Unca Moony." Laufey cried ecstatic to see her uncle again. He was much like her Uncle Regulus and would sit for hours reading her and Freyr stories, he was always calming and she loved that. Remus beamed with relief that his little cub remembered him.
"Unca Moony!" Freyr cheered, he now remembered the man much like La-La did.
If possible, an either wider grin stole across Remus's face as a heavy weight fell from his shoulders; this time happy tears tumbled down his cheeks in a waterfall as he kissed and cuddled with both his cubs in one of the remaining armchairs.
"Oh you missed some great Accidental Magics from both Freyr and Laufey by the way, Remus." Ármann stated, a mischievous Cheshire Cat grin stole across his lips looking at Monty, Sirius and Regulus before he passed a cup of tea over to his wife from the tray that had just appeared on the coffee table. "Thank you Bobby." He thanked the Head House-Elf for them all (one of them would always thank the house-elves for all of them as it saved a round of thanks going around the room and overwhelming the small but powerful beings).
"Oh really?" Remus asked intrigued, catching the look Ármann threw at Monty, Sirius and Regulus a smirk appeared on his face as he looked at his two best friends before turning back to Lily and Petunia's father. "Do tell." A groan fell from the lips of the three aforementioned men as they desperately tried to change the direction of the conversation but neither Remus nor Ármann were having it.
"Come now boys," Dorea intoned, her silver eyes sparkling like stars with her laughter.
"You know it's a great story." Mia added, her dark eyes gleaming like pools of melted chocolate with light and laughter.
"One you were so very proud of." Petunia added, laughing at them.
"In fact I strictly remember the three of you boasting about it the other day to the family a few days ago." Caoimhe finished nailing the coffin in as she reminded them of when they boasted about it a few days ago when the whole family was over as Freyr and Laufey played with Nymphadora, Draco and Blaise.
"Why!!!" Monty, Sirius and Regulus moaned dramatically slumping backwards in their seat with an arm thrown across their eyes; as Freyr and Laufey giggled on his lap a sharp pain went through Remus's heart as Monty could almost pass for James as he dramatically wailed with the Black brothers much like his son had done more times than Remus could count.
"Now I must know." Remus sat forwards, but made sure both Freyr and Laufey were safe on his lap with an arm around them securely, staring from the trio to Ármann whose only answer was a widening of his grin.
* * *
~ November 11th 1981, Potter Manor ~
The next day as twelve in the afternoon was quickly approaching Mia could be found flitting through the formal dining room making sure everything was tidy and there was a tray of freshly baked cookies and biscuits with a tea pot of piping hot tea, and a pot of coffee under a constant warming charm with several cups and saucers, a bowl of sugar, a large mug milk under a cooling charm to keep it fresh, several spoons and a jar of honey. Around the room were vases of beautiful flowers cut fresh from the garden by Dorea that morning, the sweet aroma adding to the atmosphere of the freshly aired room.
"Perfect." Mia smiled to herself and just in time as she felt the wards to the Floo Network in her office flare meaning Arcturus and Melania, Cassiopeia, her brother Jabari - as the Potter solicitor and lawyer, and Andromeda as the Black solicitor and lawyer had arrived. Sirius, Petunia and Regulus had taken Freyr and Laufey to Malfoy Manor to have a play date with Draco and would be joined by Blaise and Neville so his grandparents could go visit Alice and Frank. Caoimhe and Ármann had a late shift at the hospital nearby after transferring from the hospital in Wales when they moved into Potter Manor.
She didn't have to worry too much as Dorea and Charlus were waiting to greet the family while Monty was waiting in his office for Lord Esposito to arrive. Not a moment after she had greeted the family and served them all either tea or coffee she felt the wards flare again meaning Lord Esposito had arrived and been greeted by her husband.
"Bobby, could you bring the folder from the safe, please." Mia requested. "Thank you." She said graciously as the folder appeared on the end table beside the loveseat she was sitting on that she would share with her husband once he arrived with Lord Jamal Esposito. "Lord Esposito, thank you for agreeing to this meeting." She said graciously, standing to greet the Lord as he entered the formal seating room with Monty.
"The pleasure is all mine Lady Potter." Lord Esposito greeted. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you and please call me Jamal."
"Would you like something to drink?" Mia asked her guest.
"Black coffee please. As I understand it, you have some evidence that will help with the case against Albus Dumbledore." Jamal stated, asking the room at large as he took the seat Mia showed him to. "Thank you." He accepted the cup and took a hearty sip of the hot beverage letting out a satisfied sigh.
"Yes. We have a folder here with all the information." Mia confirmed, handing over the folder that had all of the information with results from Hibernia Magnus Memor Hospital showing the curses Dumbledore had used on Bellatrix, Barty Crouch Jr and Rabastan as well as notes from Cassiopeia and Head Healer Morag.
There were also results from Gringotts showing what had been done to Laufey, Sirius, Lucius and Narcissa. Plus showing how he had thrown Sirius unlawfully into Azkaban as Dumbledore had known that Pettigrew was the Secret Keeper and that he knew Pettigrew was a spy for the Dark side but did nothing about it but pit Sirius, James, Regulus and Remus against each other but most especially Regulus all because he was a Slytherin and nothing more. In the folder from Gringotts there were forms to show and prove the negligence, Inheritance Theft (Sirius's imprisonment due to lying over who was Secret Keeper, as well as trying to take Laufey away from the Potters claiming nonsense about Blood Wards despite Laufey living with Petunia, Sirius and the elder Potters), along with embezzlement.
Finally, the last thing in the folder were reports from Remus from his time with the Luna Pack where he was ordered by Dumbledore to infiltrate the pack, detailing their extremely poor living conditions due to Umbridge (the laws she was passing and trying to pass), and Dumbledore (promising to fix things but never actually doing so) and the fact it was becoming increasingly more difficult to live and work if you were a werewolf. There were even statements from the Alpha of the pack where he promised to show his memories to back up his claims but in the statement he says he saw Dumbledore ordering the angriest of the young wolves to attack other Wixens so it looked like Greyback was at fault.
After reading through the very extensive and unsettling forms Jamal was left speechless at what has been happening beneath everyone's noses. He never trusted or believed anything the man said and was among the minority of the I.C.W sadly and he knew he would have his work cut out for him and others but he knew they would join him and they would do all they could to oust Dumbledore and is ilk from all positions of power within the Wizarding world's government, starting with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he knew important classes and holidays celebrating Mother Magic had been abolished when Albus became Headmaster.
"I am quite frankly horrified by what I've just learned and have the feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg of his crimes." Jamal brought his hand down his face in clear distress and anger. "All I can say is I apologise for all that has been done to you and your family, and I swear upon my magic that I will do my all to make sure he pays for his crimes against you and yours and you all get the justice you so rightly deserve." Jamal promised, drawing his wand as he held true to his word and swore on his magic, the light above his wand shining gold as Mother Magic had accepted and held him to his promise.
'Dumbledore your days are numbered.' Was the thought that rang through everyone's minds as smiles crept onto their faces.
Author's note: DO NOT ask me to update in any way shape or form. There are other ways of telling me what you thought of this.
Also to avoid any confusion Arcturus's little brother is called Regulus Sirius Black I and Sirius's brother and Freyr's father is Regulus Arcturus Black. Both names are canon but in this Regulus I will be called Uncle Regulus or Great-Uncle Regulus.
Regulus Arcturus Black will be called either Regulus or Reggie or Uncle Reggie depending on who's speaking.
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