Chapter 30
We walk back inside the hive, not having shared any words since. There is a shadow beside me, and no matter what I do, I can't bring myself to speak to the person that owns it. It's not like Fiona won't talk to me. It's just that, I feel she's organising her thoughts. Because what happened earlier was quite a tough blow to her, and I don't think she was ready for that. Heck, even I wasn't.
As her steps patter out in my vicinity, I realise she's walking away from me. I turn around to see her walking in a different direction. One not in line with the noodle slide. In fact, quite frankly the opposite direction. I open my mouth to question her, raise my hand. But, I end up curling my fingers and pressing my lips closed. Guess I'll just tag along.
As I do, I can't help but ask, "Um, are the others the same way?"
She glances at my feet, then nods her head, her lips pressed into a thin line. Then, for some reason she smiles. It's a pained one, but nonetheless. I feel a tightness inside my stomach. I wish I could read her mind, thinking that I sigh.
Well, you could.
There's a pang in my chest, that causes me to look at her in bewilderment. Huh? What do you mean? I can read her mind? How so?
Space buddy grows mute, as if collecting his thoughts. Or perhaps recollecting some forgotten fact. Billy...couldn't... His voice trails off. He's trying hard; I can tell.
Hmm, what about Billy... If I remember correctly, earlier you said you can't detect each other. You'd only realise it's one of your kind if you see the mutated part on the host's body. Then what else is there?
His voice changes, to a much serious one. But not solemn. It's connected. Entwined. Perhaps too much for you, right now. But... maybe you could master it, sometime. You could connect with another, of my kind. Another host. You have to have a great mastery of Yttr for that.
I frown, still walking where Fiona takes me. Your cryptic words make little sense to me sometimes. But, I guess I understand.
And if it is like that, then maybe...
I ball my right palm into a fist tightly. Holding onto hope. I hope it's not only me and Billy who are special.
I gasp, taking in my surroundings. "I didn't know there was a place like this!" I've been missing out on so much. This isn't fair!
It's a huge space, with the familiar pillars. There's a golden aura to it as well. I think this is a sort of common room for recreational activities. It's about the same size as the dining hall, or probably a bit larger.
It's larger.
Yeah, and they also seem to have some stuff here that the kids are playing with, and are those three drawing? So they do take into account our mental health after all.
As I continue to gape at my surroundings, I feel someone's gaze on me. Noticing my astounded expression, Fiona smiles wryly.
"If it isn't Jordan!" Someone yips then runs towards me. A feminine voice brimming with youth. It's Bethany. She notices me having come in with Fiona. Blinks for a moment. Then her eyes open wide. "Hey, you sorted things out? Tell me about it! Diana won't say a word," She whispers to my ear, standing on tiptoes.
"I'd explain it to you," Fiona says to her gently. "Meanwhile, I think Jordan has some announcements to make. He can prepare for those as we clear the misunderstanding." With that, she guides Beth along further. But Beth being confused keeps looking at me and Fiona in a back and forth motion, resisting against Fiona's feeble force. "Hey, come on. What's with you two?" she says, noticing our solemn expressions.
I narrow my eyes, puckering my eyebrows in the process. "Um, hey. Listen."
Fiona stops. They both look my way.
"I think it would be best if Beth doesn't hear my announcements."
"Huh? Why!" says Beth, in protest.
"It's a sensitive topic," I hear Diana say, her arms crossed, emerging from the crowd. "It's best if you leave it to your seniors, Beth." Her tone is grave, weak and doesn't hold it's usual charisma. She couldn't quite look her in the eyes.
Good work, Diana. I'm glad she was the one to stumble on the godforsaken tunnel. She's sensible to handle the situation so well and in sync with me. She made all the right decisions now that I see everything in retrospect.
Beth wants to rebel further but, no words come out of her, instead there's a pleading look in her eyes, that glimmers in defeat.
"I hope you understand. This is not going to be easy on us either. Take care of Kevin. We'd go to rescue Billy shortly after this. And I'd only be taking a few along with me. I don't even know what we'd do after we go inside, how we'd go inside... but I'm sure the aliens are familiar with the sticks of darkness." I turn out the palm of my hand. "But I doubt they'd allow much of us in."
Both Fiona and Diana look my way, then they nod in sync. "He's right," they say. "I'd go get the others to gather the kids separately," Diana decides.
"And while you're at it," I begin, "could you also inform Sally of what's going to happen? She doesn't know everything surrounding what happened to Billy, and I don't think there's enough time for me to explain to her in detail from the very beginning."
Diana gives me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. She already knows." With that, she walks away.
I feel a different set of eyes set on me. I turn a little to spot Rocky staring at me. But, he looks away the moment our eyes meet. I inhale deeply. Okay... I swallow hard, then walk in his direction.
He acts as if he wants to avoid me, beginning to walk in the opposite direction. But then for some reason, he stops.
And then out of nowhere, he faces me and says, "I'm sorry."
My lips part in awe as I look at him. But the more I stare into his eyes, the more resolute he grows. "I'm sorry I acted out. That was...irrational of me."
My face brightens instantly. "Ha! That's so much like you." I grin. "I'm glad you're back to normal, buddy," I pull him into a manly hug. He hugs me back.
"Sweet. Now, what do you think, we go and get that bastard out of the mess he's got himself in?"
"I'm all in. Gonna give him a piece of my mind while I'm at it," he smirks.
"That's the spirit!"
Once everyone is gathered and the children have been kept out, or it's more like we left the common room, me and Diana stand in the centre, preparing for the most difficult speech in our lives.
"This is really difficult for me to say boldly, but I'd try my best. I'd start with what Diana and I found earlier."
Diana steps forward, keeping her hands behind her back, her head hanging low. "So, people, I need you to stay strong because," her voice shakes a little. "The world we all knew is gone. Earth is gone." She closes her eyes. "It's destroyed."
Their eyes turn wild. "What do you mean.. ", " What are you saying?!", "How... ", their voices swathed in disbelief all conglomerate into budding unrest.
"NOW," I raise my voice, silencing their panic a little, "we don't want us to break. I know it's difficult." I grit my teeth and look at my feet, my fingers growing numb. "But, we must stay strong, unified. See, they don't want to hide the truth from us. But they don't want a mass commotion either which could lead to chaos. So they weren't too up and front with it. See, there's nothing we can do. We have no home to go back to. We are weak, here. We are under their watch. And from what I have gathered, they are not the ones, who are to blame for the deed."
They continue to look at me, aghast. Some start choking on dry sobs. "Most likely, they anticipated the destruction of our planet. And, " I look at them, "they saved us from complete annihilation. See, they are up against something powerful. They have suffered from that cause as well. And, they saved us from sure extinction. So now, they want us to fight as a whole, prepare for war, all races combined against a powerful enemy, to have a chance at defeating this absolute nemesis."
"I know," Diana says, "that the Earth is no longer there. Our home is lost, forever. We'd never see our familiar cities again, the nature, the animals... But, we all are here," she projects her voice, "we are here, living, breathing still carrying on. We have survived as a species. Maybe there's no more Earth, but, there's still us. I am sure one day, we'd find a planet we can rebuild our civilisation on. Because it's not the end for us. It's just the largest migration in human history. Maybe most of us don't have too fond ideas of the aliens, but, they did save us, they continue to provide us with shelter. I'm sure we can find our footing back in the world, when all of this is over. Maybe then, we'd have a home to look forward to. I... believe so. I want you all to believe it as well! You can cry, you can break down. It's natural. But stay strong, unified! For there is a home out there, somewhere. And there's a home, in unity. We are what makes our home."
It takes time for her words to truly sink in, and we let them properly grasp what this suggests for our future as a race. Only after it settles in can we move forward. I don't want it to, honestly I just want them all to take it all in and stay by each other's side, until maybe sometime they can find it in themselves to move on, but the situation is demanding; it just won't allow us.
"Having said that, there's a predicament that needs dealing with immediately," I say, beckoning their attention back at us. "Right now, we are going for a rescue mission. That's right, Billy may still be out there. We know where he ended up in. But we don't know what state he's in."
"So, um, now the aliens shall accompany Jordan and a few others to go for his rescue." She takes in a deep breath. "From what I've been told," she turns her face towards me, "he's in another dimension right now, one that the black sticks lead to, one we have no idea of, what it's like."
I nod. "It seems however, that the aliens do." I clear my throat. "What I'm trying to say is, I need volunteers. Not many, no. Maybe about four, or five? Rocky is coming so, he's already accounted for. But, as for the others, you need to be aware of the risks. This is uncharted territory, for mankind. So, in a way, we are pioneers. But that also means that we won't know what dangers we need to stay on alert for."
"And, I know all of us who have interacted with him, most haven't the fondest of impressions of him, but, morally we should think of him as a person, more than an individual. So, we request, anyone who's had interactions with him, and wants to join in, please do. But, please be very very careful. As a matter of fact, I think I'll come along as well."
I turn her way. "You sure?"
"It only seems fair."
I can't help but smile. "Alright then." I turn towards them. "So, who's coming with us?"
I look at all of the crowd. But, I see no hands. A moment passes, and it only grows longer. I can't help but sigh deeply. First bombarding them with world-shattering news, then asking them to come along for such a dangerous mission. Not to mention for someone like Billy, what did I expect.
I notice something in my peripheral vision.
I focus.
And then, my face brightens up.
I see six, uncertain hands raise up.
"Truly admirable," I mutter. My hands automatically come together, and I clap for them.
"Okay people, gather up, we need to think of a strategy to get him back. The others may disperse. And be sure! Don't tell about any of this to the kids. They'd surely be briefed, when the time comes. They don't need to face the trauma. Not right now."
With that, the crowd thins, and six new faces come forward. Well, not quite.
Because heading that group are two whom I know quite well.
"He was under my watch after all," says Sally, her arms crossed.
"And we trained together... I'm not totally apathetic," admits Samantha. "Because he was the best, cruelly enough."
Hearing that last sentence, something flicks inside me. My eyes narrow. I'm about to find out why, and how- I mentally resolve, looking at my black hand now squelching with what I presume, is excitement.
And then I hear the voice.
–You're near. Progressing. It's all going to come together. You shall see, and be an active part of it.
I gasp. Who are you!
–Me? I'm the catalyst.
There's laughter. Bone chilling laughter.
–And I pose to be, what you name yourself, oh Lost Eternal. You've yet to realise, what it actually means. What it stands for. And I, shall help you see it, chase that dream of yours and realise it.
My breathing hitches to a stop, and the voice recedes back into the recesses of my mind, to wherever it originated from.
When I find my breath back, I pant. You heard that, right?
Space buddy's grave voice returns with an affirmative Yeah.
Then he adds: Be careful, brother. Something big is coming.
Cold sweat forms at the sides of my forehead.
This chilling sense of foreboding... I don't like this. Not one bit!
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