Chapter XIII - Under the shadow of day
The soft light of the twin stars bathes the serene morning caressed by a cool breeze. The inviting weather, which is more cosy than a mother's, paves the way for a grand agreement between the Okeanós and Yokai houses, which the most dramatic person would say would forever change their history.
Daisuke walks solemnly up to the beautiful table, which is in the style of the most refined Greek architecture and is positioned in a vivid garden of great beauty, adorned with countless colourful plants that exude a pleasant smell that seems to come from a dreamlike delirium. The space is vast and many absconditus are present to witness the first duke to commit the folly of publicly submitting to the king. Just not getting in the way of his reign is enough for Damon, however, when loyalty is sworn, it is demanded and the orders to come will not be pleasant.
He sits down in front of the king, who is already waiting for him, even though he wasn't late. They greet each other with a courtesy worthy of their titles of nobility and get down to business.
— We, the Yokai house, are here to serve you, Your Majesty. No matter what you wish, we will obey no matter what you order — he says with his head bowed, with an irreproachable reverence.
— Daisuke — he speaks as if to call him and the yokai answers, raising his head in a way that shows a subtle shyness, which increases when he notices Ulloriak standing next to Damon with an impassive posture — just sign the Treaty of Aphosíosi²⁶ — he hands Daisuke a sheet of paper — I have already clarified all the terms in the letter I sent to invite you to this meeting — he is direct and has a bored look on his face, but he remains attentive, as always.
— Of course — he takes out his pen and, before signing, waits for a second for a possible sign of objection from Ulloriak; as he doesn't receive one, he continues.
The meeting doesn't last more than a few moments. The king is always objective and direct, not out of disinterest, as some absconditus often say who complain that he has usurped the throne even though he "hates" the job of king; that's just his personality.
Damon gets up and leaves the garden, without any servants accompanying him, as ordered. This is the opportunity that Viy and Diarmuid have been waiting for — the druid has come to the garden in the guise of an absconditus traveller, using his human form and for the "first" time showing his jovial face that nobody knows belongs to him, with his hair tied up and wearing simple clothes. Ulloriak, the general mentioned by Ifritte, is finally away from the king.
The anxious duke hurries towards his friend and is followed by the white-haired gnome with giant eyelids, Viy, who dodges through the crowd, trying not to lose Diarmuid from his tiny field of vision covered by beings much taller than him.
— Ulloriak — he touches his shoulder, slightly out of breath, and his voice is recognisable.
— Hi — he turns to Diarmuid with a serene smile.
— Good morning — he smiles — We need to talk... or rather, Viy will talk to you for both of us... perhaps a private place would be appropriate, could you leave your post or are you on guard here?
— Who would have thought that an important conversation would take place in a public place where there's a crowd around? We just have to be careful that nobody hears and there's nowhere safer than here.
— It makes sense, but what if we're not cautious enough?
— Good morning, how much free time do you have, Duke of Nanook? — asks Viy, who has just arrived.
— Good morning, Viy. I have orders to stay until everyone leaves and then return to the palace.
— Good, that's enough.
The absconditus are polite and leave calmly, respecting others because they have a reputation for kindness and refinement to maintain and differentiate them from the "coarse peasants", although if their subjects receive an education of deplorable quality, it would be due to the incompetence of these nobles. They pass close to the dukes, without paying attention to their superiors, perhaps because they don't care about a matter that is none of their business or perhaps because they have such a fragile ego that they would bother to offer their precious attention to someone as if they were a fan because only "an admirer, that is, a being who considers himself inferior to his idol and therefore appreciates him" could commit such an act.
Under the gaze of these absconditus, some sluggish, and others idealists who are excited by the childish dream of saving the world, the three nobles discuss matters concerning the safety of three families. Only Daisuke observes them, but he is too far away to hear anything and the movement of the nobles doesn't allow him to read their lips. After waiting for a calculated moment, the kitsune approaches the three.
— Good morning — his childish face has an innocence like any other child's and the reflection of the sun shines in his black eyes.
— Hi, Daisuke — says Ulloriak, who smiles — your help would be invaluable, could you join us?
— Of course, I'd offer my support, after all, I'm already here.
— So — says Diarmuid — we really need another brain here... when do we have to kidnap Orion Okeanós? I still don't get it... or maybe I do and I think it's a terrible idea! — he speaks frantically, and it's impossible to interrupt him.
— These details are up to Ulloriak, not us — says Viy, also changing the subject to disguise it.
— Is it to protect Elin's elite assassins?
— Yes — says Ulloriak, who pretends to be fooling the little yokai.
Naturally, like a stream following the course of a river, they lie with the intention of concealing this information from Daisuke's knowledge and not even a cunning master of deception would realise any flaw in the narrative because the nobles are only speaking their own language. However, the child has access to what not even Ifritte or perhaps Yaga can imagine.
After supposedly finishing planning the kidnapping of Orion Okeanós to help the elves, Viy and Diarmuid say goodbye to Ulloriak and Daisuke, leaving the two of them alone in the garden. A refreshing breeze sways the dukes' long dark hair, this fresh wind is a herald of serenity, the same calm they both feel at the end of a successful mission.
— Did they become more cautious when I entered the conversation?
— They changed the subject.
— It's a shame, they found out about me quicker than expected, could that be a problem?
— No, they'll deduce that you were reckless and failed because you had too much self-confidence stemming from the pride of being a prodigy.
— What if Damon finds out? I'm sure he'll kill me immediately.
— I'll cover you, there's no risk, I'd never put you in danger — he strokes Daisuke's wavy hair between the kitsune's fluffy ears.
— Thank you, I'm very happy to have you around, father – he sighs, relieved.
— I have to get to the palace, if I take too long, the king will be annoyed — he puts his hand on Daisuke's shoulder and starts walking towards the exit with him.
— As if you didn't annoy him every day — he ironises and laughs.
— I'd rather do this publicly, after all, it would help my goal.
— I know I've already asked you this several times, but I'll ask you again... — he sighs — are you really all right? — incredulity dominates his tone.
— Yes, there's just a wound on my hand because they managed the incredible feat of overcoming my regeneration, but it's far from serious — he shows his right hand wrapped in some bandages.
— That's not what I'm asking. Are you all right in the head?
— What would you define as madness? — he asks Daisuke to reflect, who quiets down for a moment.
— Some say that eccentricity is synonymous with madness, but deep down everyone is unique and pretends they're not in order to fit into a homogenous society. Others say that madness is committing acts... how would I define them? Clearly harmful, perhaps to oneself or to society, without even realising it. I don't have a problem with weird people, we yokai hate it due to our history of rejecting humans because of our differences, however, I'd say you're more like the latter, I really doubt your sanity.
— Why do you doubt my sanity?
— That's exactly why your actions hurt you so much and that fact doesn't stop you from continuing.
— So why do you stick with me and trust me even though you think I'm crazy?
— You're a genius... they say all geniuses are crazy.
— Isn't it the less intelligent people who are crazy to think that those who have understood what is unknown to them are the wrong ones?
— Why do you have to go through all this? — Tears blurred Daisuke's eyes.
— Why does everyone care about these little things? I'm fine, I'm not unhappy at all.
— This whole plan of yours... aren't you overconfident in yourself?
— Many people agree with me and I didn't develop it on my own.
— Do I worry for nothing?
— Yes, if I didn't put up with these insignificant "sufferings" I wouldn't be strong enough to live, after all, I've been through enough terrible experiences to make this seem like paradise.
— You don't mind the circumstances?
— I don't mind, it's natural for every Nanook.
— That's a lot of stoicism for just one absconditus. What if you debated with the Meropes? They'd get to know a great philosopher.
— I prefer theology, it's more practical.
— And what was it like in the golden age of philosophy? — his countenance became radiant with curiosity.
— Amusingly, there were annual debates organised by House Olympus to which the whole kingdom was invited, just as today there are theology debates to which the whole kingdom is invited by House Hazael, or rather, as there were these theology debates until Damon usurped the throne.
— And was the whole kingdom really as well-behaved in the duchy ruled by House Olympus as the rumours say?
— There were never any problems over space, their territory was much larger than that dominated by House Okeanós, the Greeks lost almost everything in the civil war. Only Poseidon managed to preserve part of his aquatic domain and a little of his brothers' territory with Athena's help and founded House Okeanós as his last hope before the two, the last remaining members of House Olympus, died. The Greeks lost even more territory afterwards because the war wasn't over when Damon became duke and he was just a teenager who had to do what not even the three great dukes had been able to accomplish.
— Impressive — he sighs —it must be terrible the pressure Damon must be under to be as great as his predecessors — he says with the innocence of a child who empathises even with enemies —but how could just one being surpass Zeus, Hades and Poseidon? They are the legendary dukes!
— I'm sure he doesn't mind, Damon's personality resembles his father's, he just does what he wants, how he wants and is full of whims, to top it off, he's always successful in everything he does. He wasn't like that when he was younger... I don't know when things went off the rails.
— Really? — he laughs — The king and Poseidon are always described as super scary — he completes his speech with a childish mime to represent something hostile — however, according to your description, they are very spoilt.
— Don't say that around him — he laughs.
⁸ Loyalty in Greek, I know it's not creative, but it looks cool.
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