Chapter VII - Save your people, King
From the first step Adriel takes on Russian soil, after descending from the stairs of the plane, he feels an icy breeze that dances gracefully through the air, announcing that autumn has just arrived and contrasting with the scorching heat of the desert that seems to live in an infinite summer. The leaves are coloured with the hues of dusk, as if they were consumed by burning flames, and gradually they fall from the trees, heralding the transformation of a once verdant lawn into the ruins of something that holds the memories of life that once existed.
Adriel wears a coat similar in colour to the diamonds of the deepest unknown caves, to disguise the fact that he doesn't feel cold and doesn't need such warm clothing, unlike the humans, avoiding standing out unnecessarily. All the caution that exists to the far reaches of the cosmos is necessary because Russian territory is not dominated by his home, unlike Israel, where he had a certain amount of freedom. However, in a territory dominated by potential enemies, any mistake — or perhaps a mistake isn't even necessary, but this fact is not known to Adriel — can reveal his presence to the Teniov. Still being cautious, he has already untied his long black hair before travelling to avoid being recognised and is no longer wearing his eye patch, instead his fringe covers the pearly iris and scar on his eyelid.
Adriel enters a temporarily rented house and leaves his suitcases lying around. He has no intention of wasting time organising them and leaves the house to start his adventure. As he walks through the door, he finds a residential street lit by the sun. Birds sing, trees adorn the road, a small animal wanders down the street, a group of beautiful young women pass by, and an old woman looks in all directions.
Interested in helping the old woman, Adriel walks up to her and tries to start a conversation in Russian, a language he clearly can't speak properly and only has a small knowledge of because he studied it on the plane with a book he had bought earlier.
— Привет.
— Привет, молодой человек, я потерялся из дома, не могли бы вы помочь мне найти мой адрес?
Hi I missed can you help me address? — that's what Adriel understands
— Да.
— Я живу в месте, полном деревьев. Я уже должен был видеть это на горизонте, но мое зрение затуманено.
I trees. I should see it, but vision...
Adriel glimpses the distant horizon partially hidden by grey houses and buildings that harbour no flame of vivacity, looking for a grove or forest, his gaze is a little lost until the little lady speaks again.
— Mой дом на северо-западе.
North-west. — he understands the direction and looks north-west, finding a forest.
— Я нашел
— Не могли бы вы помочь мне добраться туда?
You help me...
— Да.
— Спасибо.
Thank you.
The woman approaches Adriel and leans on his arm, because she realises the physical difficulties caused by age. And slowly, they start walking towards the forest that adorns the distant horizon. Adriel is too patient with the frail old woman because any "fast" step he takes would be enough to knock her off balance.
The leaves of the trees that once breathed life into them now breathe death, knocking them off the branches that were once their homes, falling to the ground and creating a beautiful amber carpet along the streets they both cross. Every time they walk, life diminishes. The number of houses gradually decreases and dry trees dominate the autumn landscape.
One step, two steps, five steps, ten steps, fifty steps, a hundred steps, five hundred steps, a thousand steps, five thousand steps, they keep walking for what seems like an eternity! The old woman is slow, too slow, the forest is still far away and the icy breeze whispers a freezing song, one of the few sounds that can still be heard. The road becomes lonely, the people in the streets have disappeared, the houses are gone, the birds no longer sing and the light decreases because soon the sun will be resting below the horizon.
Only after a whole hour of walking are they able to glimpse the entrance to the forest in front of them. A glistening way, as if covered in the liquids from the inside of a legendary forge, lies beneath their feet and between the presence of trees adorned with golden leaves. Meeting this sign that the old woman will soon be home makes Adriel sigh with relief, but the old woman asks him to stop for a moment because she's tired. She reclines her back on the brown trunk of a tree, with the wood splinters scratching her dense chalet, making it look a little dirty, and closes her little eyes. Adriel stays by her side, alert, because he has to protect the old woman from the possible dangers of the forest, like an animal sneaking through the bushes, ready to attack, or a criminal planning to commit an evil act against her.
Everything is quiet, peaceful, it's as if time has stopped. The silence is long and is later interrupted by the old woman walking back along the way. Adriel hurries so as not to leave her alone and takes her arm, allowing her to lean on him as she walks.
The gathered flora awaiting winter's fury is denser, dominating the way followed by the two of them more and more with each step. The sun has already gone down and the trees hide the remaining rays of light that insist on shining in the relentless darkness, bringing some of the colours found in the depths of a fierce volcano to the celestial painting. The shadows dance with the branches and leaves, embrace the trees and establish their empire.
Any breeze shatters the silence with its howling whispers and the way beneath their feet is hidden because darkness already dominates the entire forest. Adriel moves closer to the old woman, fearing that something might pose a danger to her, and continues walking. They continue slowly along the immense way with its unchanging scenery, but after a wait that has required extraordinary patience — uncommon among young people today — a clearing with a small house in its centre shines, bathed in delicate moonlight. Finally the little lady is at the door of her residence.
— Спасибо за терпение и доброту, молодой человек - she smiles.
Thank you patience kindness.
— Пожалуйста.
My pleasure.
The "Russian old woman" returns to her original body, becoming a graceful damsel with a long dress as white as her hair, a scarlet cape and gentle features. Yaga Teniova smiles at Adriel, who recognises her. Behind his trembling gaze, he tries — in vain — to disguise the fear that has struck his soul like an implacable sharp arrow.
— I'm happy to contemplate the fact that I still have the chance to hope in you, my king — and she lifts a parchment in her hands, offering it to him — This is the map that will guide you to the artefact.
Adriel hesitates to trust the Duchess Yaga Teniova, perhaps this woman of exceptional cunning is an ally of Damon Okeanós, and if that is the case, he has been heading for his own death ever since the glittering green of her irises met the bluish diamonds that reflect the loftiest purity in her gaze.
Understanding the situation after a brief moment's reflection, which was no longer than a sigh, Adriel decides to take a risk by accepting the scroll. If she were an enemy, accepting or refusing the map would have the same result: failure. He realised full well that he would never beat her. However, if she is an ally, the ordinary act of accepting a piece of paper would be the key to defeating his enemy.
— Thank you — he holds out his hand to take the parchment, and then the duchess disappears.
Adriel unrolls the paper, away from himself — what if it explodes? —. A soft bluish light that traces the thin lines of the map constitutes the design of the entire Russian soil and to the south-east there is a marking. He touches the x and a projection created by the blue lines rises into the air, composing a three-dimensional image of an ancient chamber in ruins. He seems to have forgotten he’s alone in a dense forest, focusing solely on exploring the technological map and studying the entire interior of the chamber and the way to reach it. After memorising this necessary information, he tucks it into his robes and leaves the forest.
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