A Very Merry Visit
Stringer had sent Rav to Afterdeath's Abyss. However, if someone were to come into Rav's room, they would just see him sleeping, passed out on the floor. That's what happened to Mint.
Mint walked into Rav's room, to offer him a snack. Seeing Rav on the floor, Mint picked him up, and placed him on his bed. When he was putting him down, though, he noticed Rav was oddly warm.
"Hm.. You might have a fever. I'll just let you sleep."
Mint put down the chip bowl and glass of water, which he shot a couple ice cubes into, on Rav's side table and let him rest. Walking out of Rav's room, Mint noticed Rav's calendar. The Sundays were oddly circled in blue marker, with the only exception being the 25th. Mint thought nothing of it as he left Rav's room.
Rav was warm because his body was making the very hot transfer between realms. His body heat transferred, and made his vessel body heat up.
/Afterdeath's Abyss was a cold place. The only true heat was artificial, but every person's Abyss was different. Rav had entered in his usual spot, a pricker bush behind a tree, in front of an ocean. Rav was glad he had worn his winter cloak, it was cold. Rav believed Stringer sent him in the bush to start every time just to annoy him with a recurring practical joke. Although, Rav was fine with it, as it meant he could always sneak up on Net, who was, most of the time, sitting underneath the tree having his face in that odd book of his. Rav teleported behind the tree, and hid from Net, who was lying down with his book hovering above him. Rav took a breath and teleported right next to Net, forming a T formation with his head on Net's chest. Net jumped, with the book almost dropping from the air, but he quickly calmed down once he saw Rav. "You gotta stop doing that.. Please?" Rav, who couldn't speak as he wasn't a part of the dead, responded by sitting up to hold Net in his arms. Net also sat up and whispered something to the book. Rav swore he saw multiple floating eyes, that all rolled their eye after Net had finished speaking. The eyes dissapeared, and the book fell, with Net catching it and putting it in a bag. Rav only saw the title, which was an acronym, with it being 'B.O.O.K'. Net turned around as he put the book inside his bag, and rubbed his face into Rav's shoulder. "Aw, why you crying, R?" Rav smiled, or at least smiled with his eye. It was a running joke between Net and Rav, that because in Afterdeath's Abyss they were both stuck looking like Voidmage and Darkness Overseer respectively, the Abyss dripping from one of their eyes was like them crying. They both stood up and walked towards the little beach area. While they were walking, Net took notice of a miniscule detail about Rav. "Wow, you've grown a bit." Rav and Net now almost stood head-and-head. Rav put his hand to his mouth, as if to chuckle, then squeezed Net tight to his body. <...> Rav and Net were sitting together on the beach area. "..Say, you never showed me how you even got here." Rav looked away. He didn't want Net to know that he had essentially sold most of his soul to a demon that had tortured them both, just to see him again. "Rav.. What did you do..?" Net didn't hear anything in his mind, and Rav didn't budge. "Will this change your mind?" Net put his hands on Rav's shoulders, which made him turn around, and kissed him. Rav went red. "Please tell me.." Rav in a way, fell over onto Net and hugged him tight. And then, Net heard one sound out of Rav. A tiny sniffle. Rav was litterally crying. Rav sat up, and rubbed his eye, smudging Abyss all over his hand. Rav took a breath, and showed Net his Soul of Creation. Net recoiled once he saw that five-eighths of it was missing. He put two and two together, and "Rav.. Did you give it to Stringer..?" Rav nodded his head, and curled into a ball. Net came close and tried to console Rav as he continued sobbing./
/"I'm a monster."/
/"I've done horrible things."/
/"Why am I even alive?"/
/"Why hasn't anyone tried to kill me?"/
/"I deserve it.."/
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