U.J.S's Under Attack
Kurano's Children:
Eldest: Mika, Kai, Malika, Maliki, Auki, Moana, Milo.
Middle: Suki, Kelora, Michael, Eliza, Bethany, Elizabeth.
Youngest: Kevin, Ken, Christopher, Gregory, Evan, Cassie, Lea, Eri, Helena, Elena.
Baby: Hinako, Hinato, Angel, Ashley, Aleah, Sei, Naruko, Lexar, Crystal, Draco, Kelanneo, Silver, Mimikins, Jinko, Sakura.
Kurano heads of to school and she managed to see All Might making her to use her Vines to take a lot of the Villains down making All Might to have her take the Might Express to school as she's using her vines to trap a lot of Villains that they met on the way there making many Villains to be arrested that day.
Kurano did that to have him coming to school on time, but something's telling her that she just shouldn't have done that making her to wonder why. All Might hears her out about this feeling and he promises to be very careful which's her healing him up even more as he looks much younger.
He still coughs blood up during it, but he's must better looking as he looks to be twenty-five years younger (AN: All Might's body when not using One For All is about the same as the age in My Hero Academia DJ - An Unexpected Love Story) making him to feel much more better and healthier making Kurano to smile as that's good making Recovery Girl to wonder how she does it as All Might's organs are returning to him fully.
"No clue. Just want to heal was damaged making me to just focus on that and that's it really." Kurano told Recovery Girl the first time she asked to see her healing in action making her to wonder if healing can also undo damage from aging on Recovery Girl which it does making her younger.
Recovery Girl looks to be in her mid-twenties making Nezu to ask about crippling injuries which Kurano said no matter how old, she can heal them making her to be busy for the past two weeks after that making many to go back into action including Gran Torino making him to go out of retirement.
All Might even got letchered for not seeing him, sending a letter nor phoning to ask how he was in his retirement making Kurano to whack him in the head and told him to stop scaring All Might or else she's going to heal him all the why to being a baby making him to back off and All Might shivers at that threat.
All Might was hiding his laughter at the threat to his teacher as Kurano's a girl to not mess with fully. Everyone's loaded up in the bus to U.S.J making her to think about what they're going to be doing inside as it's suppose to be recuse missions and in different situations as well, too also.
Kurano worries about the feeling she had as her helping All Might to school seems to be the wrong move for some reason making her to wonder why. Once they got to the building, villains broke in by a portal making Kurano to send a text about a Villain group called L.O.V has a portal man.
Kurano even warns about the purple tall creature with the brain exposed which she even took a picture of and sent with the text to look out for anymore of them as she calls it Project: Troll until she knows the proper name of it and this was to all Pro-Heroes and Vigilantes making them to be ready.
The portal man separated everyone, but some that Thirteen managed to saved as All Might and Aizawa are fighting Villains in the center plaza making her to stay hidden from everyone as they didn't see her cause of her trying to carefully work on a way to sneak Iida out of here and get more help.
Ashido was in the Mountain Zone as she's not close to any of her classmates and she's all alone before a huge Arctic Hare uses him making her to be jump away, but it's right paw caught her Hero suit and pulled it all down to the tops of her boots making Ashido to freak before she saw it's between her legs.
Ashido has spread her legs accidentally making the hare to be between them thanks to that as it's twice the size of a normal sized Arctic Hare before it starts to thrust into her making her to be stuck as it's front paws kept her hands pinned to the ground as Ashido's on the left side of the mountain.
No one can hear her as as the Arctic Hare mates with her making her to freak as the Arctic Hare keeps mating with her making her to feel the mountain rubbing against her backside. Ashido freaks even more as the Arctic Hare's big enough to reach her nipple and suckle onto it as it's moving it's head up and down.
Ashido moans as the Arctic Hare kept thrusting into her as as her hands are on her shoulders making the Arctic Hare to have leverage on her making her to hate this before the Arctic Hare cumpies her making her to gasp as it stays still while still moving it's head up and down on her breast.
Ashido's boots and suit was fully gone before the Arctic Hare stops cumpieing Ashido and then let's go of her nipple making her to pant before it left her and then a double sized Brown Hare shows up and went at it with her making Ashido to moan as it thrusts into her making her to be stuck badly.
She didn't have time to move as her legs were still spread wide open and her lower back's off the ground a bit making the European Brown Hare to enter her easily as it's thrusting is a bit faster making her to moan. It's suckling on her other nipple which has her moaning as the European Brown Hare kept trusting into her.
She then felt the Arctic Hare suckling onto her nipple again as she's stuck making her to be unable to move as her hands aren't pinned anymore making Ashido to be weak as she's mated with another Hare before she's cumpied again making her to still feel it moving inside of her.
Both were still suckling onto her nipples making Ashido to moan before the European Brown Hare leaves her, but didn't let go of her nipple as it's above her like the Arctic Hare before the Alaskan Hare thrusts into her making her to moan as all of the Hares has a cock that's twice the length and width.
Ashido can't stop them as after the Alaskan Hare, it's the White-Tailed Jackrabbit as the Alaskan Hare thrusts into her mouth making her to be really stuck before the next one to thrust into her and cumpie her was the Flemish Giant Rabbit making all three to leave and mate with a female version.
The Flemish Giant Rabbit had two heads making Ashido to still be suckled on as it's thrusting into her making her to moan as the White-Tailed Jackrabbit thrusts into her mouth making her to be almost unconscious as she's cumpied by the Flemish Giant Rabbit as the next one is the Antelope Jackrabbit.
Ashido's stuck as she's mated with three hares and three rabbits before the next one's the Arctic Hare all over again making her to be stuck in a pattern as she's unable to stop the six of them as it's repeated about nine more times making her to be mated to the six Leporidaes ten times really.
During that time, Kurano had managed to get a opening for Iida to get out there and get the teachers as the Villains didn't see this as she needs to save her classmates making her to used underwater plants in the Flood Zone to save Asui and Mineta from the Villains making them to be safe.
The plants brought the up before she moved to the Conflagration Zone and save Ojirou making her to be upset that he's hurt making her to have a plant 'eat' him and get him out of there as he's beside her now with all injuries healed as he looks to her and her eyes were white as if she's focus on something.
The Downpour Zone has Tokoyami and Kuda were there making her to have the Villains tied down with ice making Tokoyami and Kuda to get into the plant and they found themselves with the rest of the class making them to see Kurano's state as the three guard her until she's done.
In the Mountain Zone, Kurano got Yaoyorozu, Jirou and Kaminari out of there and many were tied up and one was knocked out to undo his Quirk making her to miss Ashido during this time as she's not being attacked by Villains hence Kurano didn't save Ashido from the six Leporidaes.
Kurano got the three out of there as they help guard her while both of Yaoyorozu and Jirou has her in a sit down position to make it easier on her. In the Landslide Zone, Kurano wrapped vines around the Villains making Todoroki to look at them as he saw a plant opening up for him and he saw his classmates.
"She's getting everyone and we're guarding her until she's done. Three more are left." Jirou said as she wraps sweat off of Kurano's forehead as this is taking a whole lot out of her as she's looking for them. The Ruins Zone is where Bakugou and Kirishima is as both saw the Villains were tied.
"This has the nerd's name written all over it. Get into the plant, shitty hair." Kirishima didn't complain and di as he's told making them to see Kurano's white eyes.
"She's trying to find Her, but no luck. She must be not near Villains hence why she can't find Her." Yaoyorozu told the two as Kurano's still searching for Ashido. Bakugou moves clsoer to Kurano and talks to her.
"Listen good, nerd cause if you can't find ehr being attacked by Villains, doing in a different way. What if she's not being attack by a human, but something else. Thing and find her." Kurano's white eyes glowed blue making Bakugou to smirk.
"She's going to find her thanks to that." Bakugou said as everyone waits for her as Iida's coming back with the teachers to help fight the Villains. With Ashido, she's still conscious somehow as the three hares and three rabbits didn't suckle onto during the last nine mating turns with her.
Ashido was on her left side when the eight other mating turns showed up making her to have a large stomach from all of the sperm that's inside of her making her to worry before she's pushed over onto her back and two of the Rabbits pins her legs wide open making the Arctic Hare to see her clit.
Ashido moans as the Arctic Hare attacks her clit making her to be cumming continuously while the European Brown Hare and the Alaskan Hare suckles onto her nipples making her to have the White-Tailed Jackrabbit thrusts into her mouth again making her to be stuck as she's constantly cumming.
Ashido's stuck as she's made to cum constantly and continuously from the Arctic Hare attacking her clit making her to be weak from it all. Then plants shows up making the six to be scared as a huge plant shallows her up and got her outfit plus boots making many to freak out once they saw her.
"Not Homo, but Leporidaes." Kurano said as she slowly comes back making Yaoyorozu and Jirou to clean Ashido up as Hagakure and Aoyama were found before Kurano got to Ashido making Hagakure to help out while Aoyama blocks Mineta's eyes from looking at Ashido making him to pout.
Iida shows up with the teachers as Kurano heard the two Villains call that purple creature a Nomu making her to realized it's made out of a human's dead body with multiplying Quirks inside of them making her to have the text sent out to all Pro-Heroes and Vigilantes fast as this is bad.
All Might and Aizawa were fighting still and then Aizawa got badly hurt by the Nomu making Kurano to be upset as she had plants show up out of the blue and fired making the Nomu to be weak as it's like Trigger, but it's not as it weakens the Quirks making it to be called Trigush Drug.
The Villain was upset as she heard the portal man call him 'Young Master' and 'Shigaraki' making her to send this information out as well, too and that the portal man's a Nomu as well, but humanoid and can talk meaning he's was made like this to look after Shigaraki and to portal him around.
The teachers came in with Iida as they deal with the rest of the Villains making Kurano to sigh of relief as those two never saw her as she remembered hidden from them thanks to her many classmates as Ashido's going to be alright as the girls got to her in time before a pregnancy could happen.
But Kurano doesn't know is that some of Ashido's eggs were fertilized by the six Leporidaes making Ashido to be stuck as a mom to them making Kurano to noticed some baby Columbia Basin Pygmy which she took home with her as there's enough for her children's to raise, but Kai and Milo can't.
She knows this and doesn't plan to force them to as the others can do so as they'll have one each and she even gave one to Todoroki Fuyumi making her to love the little one as she went to a pet store for the stuff making Endeavor to shake his head as Fuyumi looks very happy as she's cooing the little one.
He even held out a small lettuce leaf making it to nibble on it as Todoroki came home before Fuyumi talks about her new baby which has him looking at it and looks confused as he had accidentally spoke up about a classmate name Midoriya Kurano finding some and taking them home.
Fuyumi flinches and Endeavor looks up at her as this person was paying her good money and it's a classmate of his 'Masterpiece' making him to be curious about her, but will leave it bit for now as Todoroki Natsuo came for dinner and saw the site of Endeavor feeding a baby Leporidae some lettuce.
"Fuyumi's baby.' Natsuo just nods as Fuyumi feeds them a little bit of cooked carrots after soaking them in icy cold water to make them a bit cold and to stop them from being hot.
"You go to work and I'll take the little one to the vets for a good check up. I'll even explain it's yours." Fuyumi agrees as she loves the little one.
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