Nezu's Plan And Constellations Redone
Kurano's parents:
Mother(s): Inko Midoriya and Nemuri Kayama.
Father(s): Hisashi Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi.
Kurano's Children:
Eldest: Faolán/Líadan, Mika, Kai, Lori-Anne, Malika, Maliki, Auki, Moana, Lola, Lolia, Lolita, Lolika, Lolito, Lolua, Lulu, Lukano, Holu Abdullah, Milo.
Middle: Rahul, Rahil, Suki, Heidi, Kelora, Michael, Miki, Noah, Chisel, Elijah, Eliza, Bethany, Elizabeth, Hekaterina.
Youngest: Kevin, Ken, Naneki, Ashura, Abdallah, Christopher, Gregory, Evan, Cassie, Lea, Eri, Helena, Elena.
Baby: Hinako, Hinato, Angel, Ashley, Aleah, Sei, Naruko, Lexar, Crystal, Draco, Kelanneo, Silver, Mimikins, Jinko, Sakura.
Nezu knows Kurano can't keep taking in children like this and she needs help making him to talk to Detective Tsukauchi and see if there's anything they can do to help making him to think of something as children being hurt like this is not right making some of the teachers here to adopt some if they see them which helps Kurano out a lot.
Nezu even started a elementary school for those kids and middle school and preschool making it to help many out and allow siblings or children of the staff to have them nearby making it to work as lots of teachers are there and Quirks are trained as well during Gym classes to help them out a bit which Nezu likes a lot really.
Nezu needs to get more off the streets or out of abusive households making it to be tough, but someone offered to help them and Nezu accepts making military families to take the child by force and place them in a orphanage called U.A Orphanage making Recovery Girl to be crazy busy with this as Kurano got wind of it and helped out.
Lori-Anne was one of the children and she has a Siren mutation with her Quirk being Storms making her to meditate a lot and have fun with her siblings making many to enjoy her being there. Kurano took her in on the same day as the wedding making it to be special twice over cause of this.
Her boyfriend accepts her and Kurano only gave him a simple warning to not hurt her as he has to deal with a lot of siblings if he does hurt her. Fredrick nods and managed to look after her as his parents were amazed and yet shocked at Kurano's duty as a mother making them to adopt some, but the government heard Nezu's plans.
They helped out as lots were in the U.A orphanage making so many children to be saved and find new homes as Pro-Heroes are adopting once they heard of this. Nezu's pleased with this as more children are being looked after and cared for making Kurano to have a break from taking them in all the time as Nezu knows.
'Kurano has something going on right now.' He thinks as Kurano does making her to be busy fixing the constellations as there's more than anyone knows really and she needs to fix that up and fast before it's forgotten all over again. Kurnao knows there's 88 constellations, then there's the 8 forgotten constellations and then the 50 "ancient" constellations.
"In total that's ninety-six plus the fifty, carry the one... One hundred and forty-six constellations in the sky with some being broken up into smaller ones. Damnna it! Humans are soo stupid!" Kurano said as she can't believe this and she's doing research to make a book about it to make sure everyone knows it.
She's going to be drained from this more than as a Vigilante nor a Hero nor a Mother making her to sigh as she needs to figure out how to do this making Tokoyami to help her out with their many children as this a family project to do as All Might and Midnight helps out making Kurnao to have the book done as the research for it was rougher.
Book publish and now they wait, but it's madness as the book was written in every language and many were freaking out making Kurano to hide in her room until it's all calms down making Nezu to even buy the book with eleven copies for the library making Kurano to blush as she fully didn't think this would happened when she published the book.
Kurano and her family has made two point two million in each country's currencies which's one hundred and ninety-five countries before transferring them into Japanese Yen and that makes them be four hundred and twenty-nine billion making them to have a whole lot of money cause of this which she didn't think was possible.
So many copies of the book were brought making her to shiver as she doesn't know if she can do that again, but she did and it was for each element she has making the same amount again for each book making her at least fifty centillion making that to be about twenty-one thousand, four hundred and fifty centillion making them all to be centillionaires.
Kurano can set aside money for each kid and grandchildren in her will and that also includes even biological children and grandchildren. Tokoyami agrees with her as this si enough for them to live off of for who knows how long making Kurano to shiver as that's for a long time really and not need to worry about money.
Kurano figures out the children needs to learn how to buy stuff and will get allowances for chores which makes them keep their rooms clean, but Milo couldn't cause of how his room looks which's understandable as he already gets allowances for his bats making Milo to look after them very well as they came to him on their own.
Kurano then sensed that something's happening to Ashido and she doesn't know what it is making her to keep an eye on her, but it's tough as Villains are going nuts making her to worry as this is not making sense for there to be fifty times the villains in Japan which even All Might's worried about as this is not going to be a good thing at all ever.
Kurano thinks as she created the Vigilante line for many Vigilantes and there's already a Hero line making them to wonder as civilians should have a way to tell Heroes things without being caught making it to be the prefect place as Kurano makes it and many civilians report a whole lot of things making Heroes to get more cases solved.
'Didn't think it would work really.'
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