Gentle Criminal and La Brava captured and Sir Nighteyes visits U.A
Kurano's parents:
Mother(s): Inko Midoriya and Nemuri Kayama.
Father(s): Hisashi Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi.
Kurano's Children:
Eldest: Faolán/Líadan, Mika, Kai, Malika, Maliki, Auki, Moana, Milo.
Middle: Rahul, Rahil, Suki, Heidi, Kelora, Michael, Eliza, Bethany, Elizabeth.
Youngest: Kevin, Ken, Naneki, Ashura, Christopher, Gregory, Evan, Cassie, Lea, Eri, Helena, Elena.
Baby: Hinako, Hinato, Angel, Ashley, Aleah, Sei, Naruko, Lexar, Crystal, Draco, Kelanneo, Silver, Mimikins, Jinko, Sakura.
Kurano and everyone else's heads still hurts making Aizawa to still make them go to school to learn as Kurano hates this making All Might and Midnight to laugh a bit as Midnight shared this about Twilight to the Mid-Team making them to laugh as Ino, Milo, Elle, Cassie, Quill and Milo's brother Michael were laughing up a storm.
(AN: the five girls are like the ones from Crush Crush - Idle Dating Simulation and Michael's like a male version of Milo)
'Twilight's going to get us for this teasing material.' Michael think as he knows how she feels about it, but doesn't mind a little bit from Tokoyami it would seems. Shinso also laughs when he found out about that as that's too good to be true as Hatsume has it recorded for him as she did help him out with his Vigilante costume.
Kurano's napping on Tokoyami's lap under a tree for shade when Sir Nighteyes came over to U.A to meet All Might who looks better, married and has one adopted daughter who has adopted forty-four children with five grandchildren on the way making him to not see any of this and looks shocked at All Might's new look and he looks younger.
"Just do it." Sir Nighteyes saw the new future making him to shout how and All Might looks to Nezu who nods and had Sir Nighteyes sign a NDA making him to then get the whole story told to him shocking him as Kurano defeated Overhaul and now he's in the Villain Trade system with all, but one members joining him.
"From what Aizawa-kun can tell us, he explained what he said and as long as he stays away from Eri, Kurano won't go after him. Fatgum's watching him and he's doing alright, still needs to calm down on the excitement in the fights, but yeah. That's about it." All Might said as Midnight rubs her swollen belly as she's expecting her first child.
Kurano has Fuyumi to make it a field trip to U.A making the vehicles to be ready as they drive to U.A and All Might gets to be their tour guild making them to like it and Hatsume made a shrink ray and a reversal ray for some of them making them to enjoy being with their siblings as their grandpa All Might shows them around.
All forty-four were amazed and they got to see Kurano train as her and Tokoyami were against each other and it's a tie after thirty minutes making them to whine it wasn't longer and Kurano brought them all down by her wind element making everyone to be shocked she's raising them as her own making her to chuckle.
"I'm a magnet of them. That's all I can say really." Kurano said as she picks up Sakura and rubs their noses together making her to squeal.
"Did Hatsume make a shrink and reversal ray gun?" They nodded to her.
"Figures she wanted to make sure the super tall ones get to go into the school and not bump their heads." Kurano said as Hatsume's with them and shows what Kurano means freaking everyone out as Kurano's looking after GIANTS!
"And I'm going to be their father. Revelry in the darkness, I'm going to be tired after one week I bet."
"Naaa, just go slow and have a day with each one to make it fair. Malika and Maliki talks in your mind cause of their Quirks. They're the only ones to have this. Suki's blind cause of her Quirk, but Kelora has it covered for me." Kurano said as Sir Nighteyes shocked by this fully as he's not the only one.
"My Quirk is True Seer and Kelora's Quirk cancels out mine, so we share a bed, bedroom and I go everywhere with her." Kelora explains what she uses her Quirk for making many to be shocked at how many lives she has saved while Sir Nighteyes saw Eri which All Might explains and to not go near her.
"She's almost cleared of that man in her mind. Don't make her go trough any relapses or else Kurano's going to be very pissed off with you." All Might warns before Kurano growls and portals away and two people were kicked into the room making many to back off as an very outrage Kurano's not a good thing as they saw the two.
"Gentle Criminal and La Brava..." Kurano's now in her Twilight mood as she glares at the two.
"You DARE try to attack MY school while my CHILDREN are here on a home-school FIELD TRIP?!" Oh Kurano's going to be hurting them as Gentle Crinimal's attacks aren't hurting on her as she gained that element making her to go into the form she has gained from Ideo Trigger making her to beat Gentle Criminal making La Brava to hit her with her own fist.
She kept demeaning to let go of her Gentle and to let him go as the worlds not the same without him in it making Kurano to knock the two out and look at Hound Dog since he was here with the police. She went back into her civilian form before the police arrived making many to hide who she is fully.
All while All Might glares at Sir Nighteyes to keep him quiet while Nezu lies about their mother paying the field trip and the cost for their lunch plus information on what they eat to provide for them doing the trip. The police accepts it and leaves with the duo as Hound Dog knew how very protective Kurano can get with children.
They enjoyed the rest of the field trip and ate lunch with them making Dark Shadow to bottle feed Sakura making her to be asleep in his arms. They kept calling both Bakugou and Kirishima uncles, but Tetsutetsu uncle cause of Kendo was enough to know those two are dating which Kurano hides she told Tetsutetsu to make a move.
Uraraka's stomach was making her to feel sick and Kurano uses scan from her Heal element and was shocked that Uraraka's pregnant making her to hide it and just say it's a stomach flue and she'll be fine making her to talk to Recovery Girl as there's no way any of the males would do this as Uraraka's blood was also taken.
"Toga's the one who did this, but she's a female unless someone helped her with getting 'it'." Kurano's not going to say the work in front of Recovery Girl no matter how much she wanted to, she didn't as that making her to earn Recovery Girl's respects even more as you respect your elders and don't say anything naughty.
"I agree."
"Uraraka's two or three weeks long. She can still take the medication, but I don't think she'll go through with it." Recovery Girl knows what she means. Uraraka thinks Heroes don't kill, so she won't kill the baby.
"Mother. Elder." Both saw Suki at the door.
"Uraraka's going to be having sextuplets; boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl. One will have Zero Gravity, one will have Transformation, two will have a mix of both called Zero Transformation and Transform Gravity with the last two being new Quirks, but they follow the same powers as their mother and mather." Suki warns them both.
"Thanks for the warning, deary. Kurano, best to take her to her sister. She's probably wondering where she right now."
"I can call for my sister." Suki did that as Kelora came rushing over.
"My, my, my. That's a neat little trick you got there. I guess it's used for emergencies only?"
"Yes, ma'am." Kelora said as she holds her sister's hand blocking her Quirk.
"Kelora blocks Suki's Quirk with her own Quirk." Kurano explains as they leave to head back with the others as Recovery Girl knows that Kurano has a lot on her plate from her children, but it would seems she's very happy.
'Tokoyami's very good to the girl.' Recovery Girl thinks as she's very happy for the two of them.
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