Calamity Strikes part 2
Hosu-5:25 AM
Dawn had summoned itself for all to see. Rays of sunlight hit Izuku's face like hot bath water splashing in his eyes. He was blinded for a few seconds.
The patrol was tough, more intense than usual. Going into a dense population in an urban area was challenging, but the black market which in this case was underground. There were too many close calls.
Security was lacking in members but those few numbers were dangerous enough. Professionals that Stain connected with. Years of experience through the protection of the illegal market. Izuku wasn't going to brush off that fact anytime soon.
Once the patrol was done, the trio backtracked to the apartment, making sure that they weren't seen in the public eyes. At least that was easy enough.
Having been dismissed, Stain retreated back into his room to make more plans than rest. Izuku opened the door to his and Toga's room, letting them both inside.
Immediately, Toga shedding her top, leaving her exposed breast in full view. She got a nearby fan inside the room and turned it on. The steady but mild gust of wind cooling off her sweat. Izuku was tempted on joining her, but that thought completely was thrown aside upon remembering what had transpired last night.
Sitting down on the edges of the bed, he too shredded his top. The criminal underworld was fucking toasty. Really toasty. Only a few buildings had AC and the lack of ventilation really made the whole place like an underground steam room.
He was tired. Physically no, it would be impossible to be fatigued in that regard. Mentally, he was distressed sure, with all the intense espionage happing the last several hours. Emotionally? Yes. His mind was full of emotions that he didn't want to bother with.
It also didn't help that the source of his problems was right in that same room. Himself and somebody else.
Turning his head to glance at Toga, he saw her undoing her buns, letting the golden blonde hair fall down. The half-naked girl covered in sweat was really alluring, to be frank, if none of the news last night ever happen, Izuku would indulge himself once more. He won't really worry but Toga always welcomes that sort of affection.
However, the sight only made Izuku more and more anxious. He needs to sleep it off and think it out more clearly. Something was holding himself back and he knew it.
It was an old Izuku. His previous personality would be extremely happy yet nervous always trying to plan it out.
While Smear, the current him, wanted nothing more than to be shackled due to the conceiving lover.
A tug-of-war raged between his logic and emotions.
Sadly his logic was insisting staying close to being a family man than an Assassin of heroes.
Shaking his head, he was about to get up and train his healing some more before Toga spoke up.
"Izu? Do you have a moment?"
Izuku shook his head before giving his girlfriend his attention. He saw her pulling out some scissors and her comb. "Can I cut your hair? It's gotten really long." She leaned forward grasping the ends of his curls. Izuku never really paid any attention to his hair after training with Stain. It's just one of those things when you dedicate yourself to something for so long, you lose track of the small things. There were times he went a couple of weeks without bathing. Months without even eating or drinking. Every day was a training session resulting in him getting killed in a new way. Thanks to his regeneration, he wouldn't worry so much about his basic needs. The world around him dulled down to two different feelings.
Pain and Pleasure.
The pain of any physical kind while being thick skin towards his mind. No kind of psychology could affect him during training. Yet, for some reason Toga broke through his shell.
Then came pleasure. It wasn't unknown to Izuku that he lusts for killing those who deserve it. The spill of blood and screams of pain of his enemies gave him ecstasy. That's what he was looking forward to every night patrol. Killing thugs and side-kicks in cold blood. It made his bloodlust all the tastier.
Although, that feeling had subsided when he met her. The night when he ditched the normal girls of Class 1A for some alone time. That was cut short by blonde streaks, pupils, crazed smile, and mad blushing. The knife fight was cut short. It was odd though, having a blade piercing his throat. Izuku had experience curiosity before Toga boldly and shamelessly expressed her devotion and loyalty to each other. That was then when the passion was ignited.
The girl loved blood a lot, so much so that during sex, she left no skin on him without a flesh wound. All the while having an audience of dead corpses.
Izuku or better yet Smear felt a newfound lust for this girl. So it was a mutual feeling to have. He became her boyfriend.
It was different, his world was slowly shifting down a spiral of mess-torn ideas and beliefs.
"Izu?" The voice had taken him out from his mind.
Looking at Toga who had a curious look on her face, she made the scissors snip twice before Izuku answered.
"Sure, go ahead." Izuku nodded. He pulled up a chair and sat on it. Toga didn't bother with any clothing to protect Izuku from his strands of hair once they had been snipped.
The hair cut wasn't really a long session in reality. Just the way Toga cut his hair, it was almost sensual, all the way to the end. The way she would cut and comb his hair, those slender fingers, her touch was cold but refreshing. When was the last time Izuku ever really enjoyed the little things? Those fifteen minutes of snips and cuts were the most easing sensation of his days by far.
He was closing his eyes to fall asleep but Toga woke him up once her touch had left his hair. Opening his eyes, he looked at a mirror with Toga exclaiming "Tada!"
His hair cut looked like the one he had in middle school before his life changed. Not for better or for worse, just changed. He smiled at the nostalgia, it wasn't a psychotic or insane smile but a gentle and genuine one.
"I should really enjoy the little things."
Toga couldn't agree more. Wrapping her arms around his neck then kissing him on the cheek. She got some of his hair on her face and arms but she didn't care because what she would suggest next would clean up the mess on their bodies.
"Let's take a bath." Her suggestion was affirmed by a nod. Toga then shedding her clothes before turning on the hot water in the tub. Both teens took off the rest of their gear and went into the tub. Considering the hotel was not that modest and leaner towards the poverty-side of things. The dirt marks on the wall and many other stains were all over the bathroom.
While it was a little detail for Izuku, he didn't really care for it since he lived in an abandoned warehouse. With the water soaking his body and the girl who laid on top of him. They stayed still enjoying the warm bath.
Himiko was starting to clean the sewer water and scent off her. Izuku was more or less in a daze. Looking down at the girl who seems to involve with her bathing, Izuku reached around her waist and started cleaning himself.
Smooth soaked skin in between the body temperature and temperature of the water. Izuku felt erect. The magic stick of his poking lightly at her lower back. Toga feeling it leaned back letting the heat get to the both of them.
The teens were conflicted sure but for different reasons. Himiko wasn't really sure how Izuku felt about this relationship ever since the news of her conceptions. She won't push him away or pull him close. After all, they had each other, and he was hers to use.
Izuku on the other hand felt complicated. His need for sex was driving him to push out his original persona and enter as Smear but at the same time. He was sick to his mind for the fact that he wanted to take Toga again. Was it because he didn't care anymore or was it because part of him needed to relieve the mental stress on his mind.
The boy knew one thing. Emotions are the worst for meaningless intercourse.
Lemon time(skip if you don't want to read)
Izuku felt Toga's soft body as both hands traveled to her breast. His left hand grabbed hard while the right made a gentle grasp. He leaned down to kiss Toga's neck. Sucking on her skin that will obviously leave a mark if he decides not to use his quirk on her.
The blonde couldn't do anything but cry and moan. She loved and lusted for Izuku. He hands no problems being rough with her or gentle with her. It's what made her submissive to his complex touch. Instinctively, she held her hands on his arms, begging for those bloodshed hands to stay on her.
"Ah!" Toga felt her ear nibbled then a slick tongue trailed inside. Giggling before turning back into a breathless moan as the grip on her left breast became tighter. Leaning her hand back, Izuku bit down on her collar bone and shoulder.
He was oddly aggressive today.
The sensation left Toga crying her boyfriend's name. Izuku only responded by pinching her right nipple. Her grip on his arms became slippery. Ecstasy taking over.
"Izu! Ah!" Toga cried once more as Izuku performed a swift motion in the tub. The teens were facing each other now. Water had slashed and overflowed but there remain some inside.
"Ha..ha..." Izuku stares blankly at the breathless girl laying on his chest. Toga, with half-lidded eyes, pushed herself upwards. Regaining her breathing. She looked down with such pleasure that she was blinded to see Izuku's new current expression.
Feeling arms wrapping her, this time one arm stayed by the breast while the other decline. Blinded by a finger in her anus and fierce squeezing of her breast, Toga was helpless once more, screaming with the passion that Izuku was all too familiar with.
No restraint, with one breast free, Izuku chomp down on to Toga. By then her whole body was paralyzed with the intense pleasure and numbing pain. His tongue circled around racing against the perked nipple.
Meanwhile, his fingers dig deeper into the hole of the blonde's ass. Toga pulled Izuku closer, urging him to be as close as he can.
Once Izuku felt satisfied with fingering Toga's butt. He went for the next best thing. It was moist when he started thanks to the bathwater but that didn't mean he wouldn't take the time to indulge and pleasuring his girlfriend's special honey pot.
After a few more moments of moaning and lustful passion. Toga whispered to Izuku.
"I need you."
Those words made Izuku all the more irritated and thus he took charge. Placing his hands on her hips, guiding down steady. Even with the warm water drowning them in the tub, it could never beat the sensation that was which was him entering Toga.
Izuku and Toga kissed each other in two different places. What started as a sensual French kiss became a sloppy tongue lashing with a mix of biting. Bouncing up and down while being thrust in sync truly made the pining worth it.
Her gasp became wails. She couldn't hold it in any longer. With the ruthless slamming and rhythmic motion, her walls clenched Izuku's rod all the tighter. She felt herself about to come again before clawing at her boyfriend's pectorals.
"Izu! Ha...I'm...coming!" She screamed before leaning forward. Her forehead bumped against his. Toga couldn't help but feel at peace. Unlike all of the other times she had sex with her beloved, this felt oddly more romantic. It wasn't as bloody or even as painful. She got her pleasure out of this and was completely satisfied. Her closed eyes open to see Izuku with the same voided expression in his pupils. (Lemon end)
"Izu...what's the matter?" She said exhaustedly. Her face only mere inches from him.
" you love me or lust for me?" Was his question, depending on her answer, it would decide Izuku's next actions.
Taken back from this inquiry, Toga smiled, not the same crazed smile she carries when killing other victims but a genuine one. This smile was the second time Izuku had seen it. The first time was yesterday but today is now. Izuku felt his whole body being torn, he could guess what the girl's answer was but he didn't have to wait long.
"Both baby. I love you so much and I can't hold back my lust for you."
Izuku felt something hadn't felt in a long time. The need to cry. No matter how abnormal the affection he got from Toga he only reciprocated physically but now, with what's been happening lately, the boy's emotional state was unbalanced. He didn't think he long for affection at his age, but I guess it was hidden underneath the mask he has worn as Smear.
Yoga wrapped her arms around Izuku in an attempt to comfort the broken teen. Much like him, she cried too, as they were young, dumb, but at the very least now...hopeful teens in a dark future in them.
After the bathroom break, both teens got ready for the night once more...
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