Chapter 61: Dance Magic
It was a bright and sunny day at CHS after the battle with Daisy Charming and Devin, Sunset and the others were busy washing cars.
Sunset and Applejack put some sponges inside the bucket of soapy water and run to go wash the next car as Pinkie Pie was rhyming.
Pinkie Pie: "*Rhythming* To the right! To the right! To the left! To the left! Now up! Now up! Bring it down! Spit around! Was that car like you mean it! Come on!"
The Shimmers, Applejack and Aria scrub the red truck with soapy sponges. Then Fluttershy use the hose to soak down the truck until the soap is all gone. Rarity, Lizzie Hearts and Momo Yaoyorozu use hair dryers to dry up the truck. And for the finishing touch, Pinkie use hand scrubbers to put the shine on the red truck.
Inside the truck was Big Mac, and he hands out some money to Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash: "Hah! Thanks, Big Mac."
Big Mac: "Eeyup."
Then Big Mac drives away.
Rainbow Dash: "Sweet! More cash to add to the stash!"
Pinkie Pie: "Booyakasha!"
Rarity sighs in exhaustion.
Rarity: "How about a little break? All of this sunshine and suds are doing a number on my hair."
Everyone nods and they get a drink of apple juice and water from the ice cooler. They have been working hard, and think it will be a good idea for a break as the Sparkles went to the others.
Sci-Twi: "Hey guys."
Sunshine: "Hey Sci-Twi have you check the money?"
She open the box to take a look at the money.
Sci-Twi: "I was just going over the numbers again."
Sunset Shimmer: "Have we raised enough to make all the repairs to Camp Everfree?"
Twilight Sparkle: "We've only raised half. We counted the money four times just to be sure."
Everyone sigh in disappointment.
Loona: "Ah nuts!"
Akame: "You got that right Loona."
Draculaura: "By the way where's Kevin and the others?"
Raven Queen: "I'm not sure but why is Kevin ask Poppy with them?"
Holly O'hair: "Maybe she needs some help or something?"
Kevin: "Hey guys."
They turn to the direction and saw Kevin and others and they saw something new, Izuku, Todoroki, Kirishma and Tetsutetsu got themselves a haircut.
As for Mirio's hair it was yellow and dyed purple.
Ochako Uraraka: "Wow, you boys got yourselves a haircut."
Izuku Midoriya: T-T-Thank you Uraraka."
Nejire Hado: "Hey, Hey Mirio how did you dyed your hair purple?"
Kai'sa: "I did I made his hair even better."
Mirio Togata: "Uh-huh thanks for dyed my hair Kai'sa."
Kai'sa: "Anytime Mirio."
Applejack: "Well anyway, it's all right. We can just wash more cars there's gotta be some we missed."
They look at the parking lot that there's nobody and it's empty.
Sunset Shimmer: "I, uh, think we're gonna have to come up with a new plan."
Tracer: "I agree with you luv."
Rainbow Dash: "But we're running out of time the camp fundraising deadline is next week. And Pinkie Pie, Sonata and Ginger hosted a bake sale, Sci-Twi, Twilight and Fluttershy had that doggie day care and Sunset, Sunshine, Daydream and I planned this car wash."
Rarity: "Not to worry, darlings. It's my turn to devise a plan, and I already have something amazing in mind It will be the most profitable of all of our fundraising events. The piece de resistance."
Applejack: "Hee-yoo! Now we're talkin what's your idea?"
Rarity: "Meet me in the music room later this afternoon and I will explain everything."
Rainbow Dash: "Uh-huh!"
Pinkie Pie: "Hee-hee!"
As the group went inside the school except for Rarity who is still waving and grinning and Sci-Spike.
Sci-Spike: "You got nothin, huh?"
Rarity: "How did you know?!"
Sci-Spike: "I don't know maybe Kevin will help you out."
Rarity: "That's a great idea Sci-Spike, hey Kevin."
Kevin: "Yeah Rarity?"
Rarity: "Can you help out."
Kevin: "Sure I would love to help with you Rarity after all your my girlfriend dattebayo."
Rarity: "Heheh arigato (thank you) Kevin."
Kevin smile and chuckle.
(At the mall)
Rarity and Kevin were walking around the mall.
Rarity: "Oh, rats. Three hours and still no ideas for a lucrative last-minute fundraiser usually, window-shopping inspires me."
Kevin: "Don't worry Rarity you'll find an idea."
Rarity: "Thanks Kevin."
As they continue walking the TV announce.
TV announcer: "Are you a musician?"
Rarity and Kevin look at the TV.
Rarity: "Hmm?"
TV announcer: "Do you and your friends love to dance?"
Rarity: "Yes."
TV announcer: "Are you unique, cool, stylish?"
Rarity: "Yes, yes, yes and... obviously!"
TV announcer: "Do you want to win a cash prize?"
Rarity: "Yes!"
TV announcer: "Then enter the Canterlot Mall Chance to Prance Competition! All you need is a music music of your own original song and dance. Then you could be prancing your way to first prize! Sign up now at the booth near the Aunt Orange smoothie kiosk."
Kevin: "Well what do you know you got yourself an idea your better sign in."
Rarity: "What about you?"
Kevin: "Nah I'm good."
Rarity: "Okay then."
As Rarity start running to the kiosk as Kevin follow her but she stop as she saw a red ruffled dress in the window.
Rarity: "Oh, I'm certain to win!"
As they went to the smoothie kiosk and sign the Rainboom Fury up.
Then Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare are behind them calmly.
Sour Sweet: *Sweetly* Rarity! What a nice surprise! *Sour* Not."
Rarity and Kevin turn and saw the girls.
Rarity: "Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare!"
Kevin: "Hey girls."
Shadow 4: "Hi Kevin."
They kiss him both of his cheeks and back away for a bit.
Kevin: "So did you girls take Indigo Zap to the airport?"
Lemon Zest: "Uh-huh and Indigo told me that she's gonna give you a call."
Kevin: "That's good."
Rarity: "Oh I forgot to tell you girls."
Sour Sweet: "What is it?"
Rarity: "Izuku and the others got themselves a haircut."
Sunny Flare: "Really?"
Kevin: "Yeah I took them a picture with them with there new hair style."
Kevin pulled out his phone and click the photo app as the four girls look at the screen and saw his brothers with there new hair style.
Sunny Flare: "Wow they had new hair style."
Lemon Zest: "Hey dude how did Mirio's hair dyed purple?"
Kevin: "Kai'sa did she help Mirio to dyed his hair purple."
Sunny Flare: "Amazing."
Lemon Zest: "Are you singing up for the "Chance to Prance " contest, too?"
Rarity: "I am heh-heh."
Sugarcoat: "What about you Kevin are gonna sign in too?"
Kevin: "Nah I'm good."
Sugarcoat: "Alright then."
Rarity: "Are you girls here to sign up for the competition as well?"
Sugarcoat: "We definitely aren't here because we like standing in lines."
Sour Sweet: "I assume you already have a video concept figured out the competition's going to be pret-ty fierce."
Rarity: "Yes, it came to us as soon as I saw that gorgeous red ruffled ensembles on the way over here."
Sour Sweet: "Oh. Tell me more."
Rarity: "Oh well, each member of the Rainboom Fury is going to dance in a different style like flamenco, hip-hop, or street ballet and we'll wear costumes to match each genre designed by yours truly of course."
Sugarcoat: "That sounds like a very good concept."
Sour Sweet: "Yeah heh, I guess it's okay if you're going for way too over the top."
Rarity: "Thanks so what's your concept?"
Sugarcoat: "Nothing we don't have one yet."
Sour Sweet: "What they mean is it's a surprise but it's amazing so original."
Rarity: "Oh well, we can't wait to see it good luck."
Sour Sweet: "You too."
Kevin: "See ya girls."
Shadow 4: "Bye Kevin."
At the band room of CHS Rarity explaining the plan.
Rarity: "See it's a wonderful plan we'll write some lyrics for our new song and we'll choreograph some dance moves then our video will win a cash prize and voila."
Applejack: "You make it sound simple as pie."
Rarity: "That's because it is the Sour Sweet and the others even agree they're making a video too."
Sci-Twi: "They are?"
Kevin: "Yeah and Lemon Zest told me that Indigo Zap will give me a call when she's on her vacation."
Toru Hagakure: "That's great to hear Kevin."
Genji: "She really needs a long vacation after all that fight with Daisy and Devin."
Noctis Lucis Caelum: "You got that right Genji."
Rarity: "Okay, before we get started with the choreographing of our dance moves and there's just one tiny, teeny-weensey little thing I forgot to mention."
Sunset Shimmer: "What's that?"
Rarity: "Uhhhh... I would need to use our fundraiser money to buy costume materials for the video."
Sunset Shimmer: "Hmm. How much is the grand prize worth?"
Rarity: "More than double what we need to fix up Camp Everfree!"
Rainbow Dash: "Hah then of course you guys can use the money for costumes."
Applejack: "Oh what the hay why not sweet."
Pinkie Pie: "Whee-hee!"
Kevin: "YA-HA!"
Applejack: "Uh did you say Yeehaa Kevin?"
Kevin: "It's a different one I said YA-HA I use that catchphrase when I play football not the soccer one."
Applejack: "Oh."
D'va: "Hey Rarity."
Rarity: "Yes darling?"
D'va: "Me and the others will do the lights."
Tetsutetsu: "And Me, Tanjiro and Nezuko will do the cameras."
Rarity: "Thanks for the help Tetsutetsu."
Tetsutetsu: "No problem Rarity."
Sci-Twi: "According to my calculations if we lend Rarity the funds we've already raised we stand to gain four times as much money as we have now.:
Everyone cheered.
Twilight Sparkle: "But if we lose the video contest we'll be completely back to square one and zero dollars."
Everyone stop cheering as they look at the Sparkles.
Midnight: "Anyone else think this is an awfully risky endeavor. I mean, um, heh..
Us neither."
Rarity: "Alright everyone who's ready to shoot our winning dance music video?"
Everyone cheered as Applejack handed Rarity the money box.
Rarity: "Looks like I have some fabric shopping to do."
In the gym Rarity are directing while Tetsutetsu, Tanjiro, Nezuko and Photo Finish are on camera and D'va and the others are on the lights and Vinyl, Melody and Jet black are on music while the others are in their costumes.
While Kevin was watching next to Rarity as he drink a brownie milkshake.
Rarity: "Let's take it from the top one more time, Rainbow Dash don't forget your cue it's when Fluttershy do their triple pirouette okay?"
Kevin: "Okay hit it guys."
Tanjiro: "You got it Kevin."
Jet Black: "On it yo."
As they turn on the camera, music and lights.
Rarity: "And...action!"
Kevin: "Rollin."
As Sunset walk in a flamenco attire about to start doing the flamenco then Fluttershy walk out in street ballet clothes then she does a arabesque and accidentally kick Sunset who almost fall off the stage and Rainbow Dash comes in and start breakdancing.
Rarity: "Cut!"
As the music stop the girls look at her.
Rainbow Dash: "Hey what happened to the music?"
Rarity: "Fluttershy it's supposed to be a triple pirouette."
Fluttershy: "I know, it's just that... um... uh, I don't think I can do one of those."
Rarity: "Darling of course you can darling I believe in you."
Sci-Spike: "How about you try "jazz paws" instead?"
Sunset Shimmer: "Heh, thanks Sci-Spike but all these moves are pretty hard."
Rarity: "Oh I know but if we want to win we have to bring out our a game."
Sci-Twi: "Well Sour Sweet told me that Crystal Prep certainly well they're excellent dancers and you know how they love to compete."
Applejack: "How about we forget about the other teams and get back to dancin'."
Pinkie Pie: "Great idea Applejack."
They all look at Pinkie Pie who has dancin.
Rin Okumura: "Nice moves Pinkie."
Pinkie Pie: "Thanks Rin and it's really fun too Rarity I haven't stopped this whole time."
Rarity: "Let's take it from Rainbow entrance."
Then the others start the lights, cameras and music.
Rarity: "And... action!"
Kevin: "Rollin!"
As Rainbow Dash start freestyling Sunset raises her leg up to high and her heel tear in Rainbow's jacket as Rarity gasp and when to Rainbow Dash to take a look at the jacket.
Rarity: "This is a disaster!"
Sunset Shimmer: "Whoops, sorry Rarity."
Rarity: "I can fix it but I'll have to run to the fabric store before it closes keep practicing while I'm gone."
Then Rarity run off.
(In the mall)
Rarity run out of the fabric store as she a bag of fabric to fix Rainbow's jacket.
Rarity: "Oh thank goodness I budgeted for backup fabric."
Then she saw the shadow 4 were dancing as she look at their outfits as she gasp and wipe her right eye as she look at them.
Rarity: "Are those disco-inspired looks and street ballet tutus I don't believe it, they stole my brilliant idea!"
(In Rarity's room)
Rarity was sewing Rainbow's jacket as she heard knocking at her door as Rarity turn to see the others and Rainbow Dash open the door.
Pinkie Pie: "We're here!"
Sci-Twi: "We got your text. You said it was an emergency?"
Applejack: "Everythin' all right sugarcube?"
Rarity gets up and sit on her couch.
Rarity: "Well, since you asked (sobbing) the answer is now!"
Fluttershy: "Oh no what happened?"
Rarity: "Sour Sweet and the girls went ahead and stole our video concept (sniffs) I saw them filming at the mall they copied my design ideas and everything so of course they looked absolutely fabulous but the worst part is that they're all incredible dancers."
Then Kevin sit on Rarity's couch as he give Rarity a hug.
Kevin: "Shhh it's okay Rarity it's okay shh I'm here for you here let me make you feel better.
Kevin her a kiss on the lip to make her feel better then she blush from the kiss as he stop kissing her.
Kevin: "Feel better Rarity?"
Rarity: "Yeah thanks Kevin I needed that kiss."
Kevin: "Anytime Rarity I don't want to see my girlfriend crying."
Then Eri went to Rarity.
Eri: "My big brother is right Rarity don't be sad."
As Kevin pick her up and she give Rarity a hug.
Eri: "Everything's gonna be okay Rarity."
Rarity: "Thank you Eri."
Pinkie Pie: "Major bummer in the summer tissue for your issue?"
Rarity: "Ta."
Rarity wipe her eyes and blow her nose.
Rarity: "Everyone is counting on me on the video to win us the prize money for the camp. Oh how could I have been such fool of course the shadow 4 stole our concept we practically served it to them on a platter."
Sci-Twi: "Don't be too hard on yourselves it's gonna take more than one Friendship Games for those Crystal Prep students to learn that winning isn't everything."
Applejack: "Eh, maybe this was all for the best."
Rarity: "Hmm W-What do you mean?"
Applejack: "Uh, your concept and costumes are really awesome, but, uh...our dancin'..."
Sunshine: "Nnnot so much."
As Applejack giggle.
Applejack: "Heheh we could barely get in a two-step without trippin' over each other's boots."
Everyone laugh except for Rarity.
Pinkie Pie: "You can say that again."
Maddie Hatter: "Heheh yeah."
Rarity: "Nonsense you all look great, okay maybe not great but, but... but it was getting there and the point is we don't have to let them win that is our video concept and I'm going to find them to let them know that they have messed with the wrong girls, mmm who's with me?"
Everyone went silence as Rarity spoke again and clear her throat.
Rarity: "No, n-no seriously, who's with me I have no idea how to find them."
Kevin: "Maybe I can help."
Kevin press a button on his watch as it shows a screen and shows a map of Canterlot everyone were amazed then a keyboard appeared in the screen as he start typing to the shadow 4 and Kevin found them were they are then he press the button and the screen was off.
Kevin: "There at Crystal Prep."
Rarity: "Wow I never know your watch has a map darling."
Kevin: "I know."
Rarity: "Then I guess your coming with me."
Sci-Twi: "I'm going too."
Frankie Stein: "Are you sure Sci-Twi."
Sci-Twi: "Yeah I'm sure."
Rarity: "That's the spirit come on."
Kevin: "Let's head to my car."
The three of them head down stairs, went outside and head to Kevin's car as they get in they drove off to Crystal Prep.
As they arrive at Sci-Twi's old school Kevin pulled over his car and they get out.
Rarity: "Is this the school Darling?"
Sci-Twi: "Yeah it is."
Then one of Kevin's girlfriends Frosty Orange turns around and saw his boyfriend at the gate of Crystal Prep.
Frosty Orange: "Kevin?"
Kevin: "Hey Frosty."
Kevin open the gate as Frosty went to him and hug him.
Frosty Orange: "Is good to see you Kevin."
Kevin: "You too."
Cold Forecast: "Hi Kevin."
Kevin: "Hey there Cold good to see you."
Cold give him a quick kiss on the lips.
Frosty Orange: "So what are you and the others doing here at Crystal Prep?"
Kevin: "We're looking for Sour Sweet and the others have any of you seen them?"
Cold Forecast: "There inside the school."
Kevin: "Thanks Cold come on you two."
So they went inside the school to Sour Sweet and the others.
Rarity: "Okay where's the dance studio?"
Sci-Twi: "We had a dance studio?"
Rarity: "Didn't you go to this school?"
Sci-Twi: "Well I can show you where the library is."
Then Rarity heard a music.
Rarity: "Wait shhh, that's their music."
They saw a door open.
Rarity: "Bingo!"
Kevin: "Let's go."
They walk in to see the Shadow 4 finishing their routine then the shadow 4 saw them and smirk while Rarity mouth open in shock.
Sour Sweet: "Hey guys, so what did you think of our routine scared yet?"
Rarity: "Don't change the subject Sour Sweet."
Sugarcoat: "But you didn't bring up a subject."
Rarity: "You either."
Sour Sweet: "Ooookay..."
Rarity: "You know why we're here because you stole my music video idea, now... change your contact of else."
Sour Sweet: "Sorry, heh but we can't."
The shadow 4 laugh as Kevin was a little bit angry as he start growling like a tiger.
Kevin: *Tiger growled*
As Sci-Twi was calming him down.
Sci-Twi: "Kevin, don't attack them just calm down, (Looking at the Shadow 4) and why is that?"
Sunny Flare: "Because we care about winning duh."
Sour Sweet: "And we will because we're just about to submit our video."
They laugh again as Rarity was angry.
Rarity: "You're what? It doesn't matter because we are still doing our video the way we planned."
Sour Sweet: "Go ahead but there's just one flaw in your little plan."
Sunny Flare: "By the time you submit yours it'll just look like you copied us."
Sugarcoat: "Except the worst version."
Then Lemon Zest turn on the music as they look at them and Kevin was really angry as he spoke to Rarity and Sci-Twi.
Kevin: "Rarity, Sci-Twi go wait in the car I'll talk with them."
Sci-Twi: "O-Okay."
They leave the dance room as Kevin look at the Shadow 4.
Kevin: "What is wrong with you four Rarity is your friend and you girls care about winning."
Sour Sweet: "Well yeah because we're going to win the prize money."
Sunny Flare: "Yeah and her video is worst then ours."
They laugh and suddenly.
Kevin slap them in the cheek as the girls holding their cheek from Kevin's slap.
Kevin: "You girls are pathetic and worthless cowards."
Kevin walk out the room as he turn his to the Shadow 4.
Kevin: "And by the way you four are kicked out of my harem."
He walk away and the shadow 4 were in shock as Sour Sweet fell to her then tears came out of her eyes.
As her heart was broken that Kevin broke up with them and he was no longer his girlfriends then Sunny Flare hug her.
Sunny Flare: "It's okay dearie is going to be okay."
Sour Sweet: "*sniff* W-W-What have I done *sob* K-Kevin hate us *sob* and h-he kick u-u-us out of h-his harem *sniff*."
Then Lemon Zest was in tears too.
Lemon Zest: "*Sob* if h-he c-calls Indigo that she *sniff* f-find out that *sniff* we m-made K-Kevin angry she will *sob* hate us."
Sugarcoat: "Don't worry Lemon he won't call her."
(Meanwhile In the band room of CHS)
Rarity: "Oh this is all my fault all the money we raised is gone and now we have no music video I should never have convinced you all that we could pull this off in so little time."
Rainbow Dash: "Are you crazy we're great at doing stuff super fast, I mean look at Pinkie Pie she just built that castle made entirely out of chocolate bars while we were talking."
They look at Pinkie Pie making a castle made out of Chocolate bars.
Then Pinkie Pie grab one and ate it.
Pinkie Pie: "Wants some?"
Kurome & Akame: "We do."
They took a piece of chocolate bar from the castle and ate it then Sunset spoke to Kevin.
Sunset Shimmer: "And I can't believe that you Kevin just kick the shadow 4 out of your harem."
Fluttershy: "I fell really bad for them."
Kevin: "No it's okay Fluttershy I was angry at myself I will apologize to them for kicking them out of harem if I see them again."
Robecca Steam: "I hope so Luv."
Rarity: "What I want is a new video concept."
Pinkie Pie: "Eh (eating chocolate bar)."
Rainbow Dash: "So let's create one."
Shinra Kusakabe: "She's right Rarity."
Rarity: "Really?"
Everyone were agreed the idea.
Sunset Shimmer: "I'm sure if we all put our heads together we'll come up with something even better than before."
Rarity: "Okay I suppose it's worth a try."
Pinkie Pie, Sonata and Maddie grab everyone and bunches their heads together on a group huddle.
Pinkie Pie: "I think it's working."
Maddie Hatter: "Indeed it is Pinkie."
Sonata Dusk: "Uh-huh."
Applejack: "Yeah I got somethin' okay so we're in home-ec class."
Then every were in home-ec class in the kitchen in their cowboy outfits as Rarity look at her outfit.
Rarity: "Aah!"
Applejack: "Bakin' some apple fritters and then a fresh batch come outta the oven and everyone's havin' a great time."
Everyone were conversing and eating fritters happily then Kevin spoke to Applejack.
Kevin: "Hey Applejack."
Applejack: "Yeah sugarcube?"
Kevin: "Check this out."
He put a supertix on his mouth like a cigarette and use the hand mixer as a revolver and said.
Kevin: "It's high noon."
D'va: "Hey, you just like McCree."
Applejack: "Uh, who's McCree?"
Mercy: "His a cowboy in our world."
Applejack: "Oh well that's good if he was here I like to meet and we became friends."
Rarity: "Wait, so basically we are eating pastries at school in our music video?"
Applejack: "Uh, I guess I'm just kinda hungry."
Rarity: "Anyone have another idea?"
Rainbow Dash: "Oh, oh I do so we're in the middle of the jungle."
They all in the jungle and they're wearing safari and wilderness outfits.
Rainbow Dash: "And we're beging chased by henchmen who are shooting poison arrows at us."
They all screaming and running.
Rainbow Dash: "When suddenly, out of now where the shadow of a beast appears."
The shadow beast roar.
Sci-Twi: "Wait a second isn't this a scene from the latest Daring Do book?"
Rainbow Dash: "Oh yeah that's why it seemed so cool, never mind."
Weiss Schnee: "Your an idiot Rainbow."
Rainbow Dash: "Sorry Weiss."
Pinkie Pie: "Okay I got it
Rarity scream as an arrow almost hit them but Kevin grab the arrow.
Rarity: "Please do tell."
Then everyone appeared in the moon wearing space helmets and they were in drawing.
Pinkie Pie: "We'll start out on.. the moon and we'll be wearing really sparkly costumes now wait well be in spacesuits."
The Sparkles tap their mikes on their helmets and can't sing.
Pinkie Pie: "We're surrounded by gorgonzola cheese but then a space dog and space wolf walk over and start to eat the cheese."
Sci-Spike and Loona took a bite of the cheese.
Sci-Spike: "Mmm rich with buttery undertones."
Loona: "Huh, it's not so bad."
Everyone start giggling and laughing except for Rarity.
Rarity: "Stop! This will never work!"
Pinkie Pie: "Aw, why not?"
Rarity: "Because the contest is for dance music videos and not one of your ideas included dancing at all!"
Pinkie Pie: "But they were pretty funny huh I liked you Rainbow Dash."
Rainbow Dash: "Thanks Pinkie."
Then Rarity growled angrily.
Fluttershy: "Are you okay?"
Rarity: "Okay? No I'm not okay the content deadline is tomorrow and we have just wasted time!"
She walk out the band room as the group were nervous but Kevin was a little bit upset as he spoke.
Kevin: "Well you guys need to think about this I'll go talk with Rarity."
The group: "Okay Kevin."
Kevin walk out of the band room to follow Rarity.
(In the Sweet Shoppe)
We see Rarity crying eating her ice cream and Kevin sit next to her.
Rarity: *Sobbing and eating ice cream*
Kevin stroke Rarity's hair to make her feel better.
Kevin: "Shhh, it's okay Rarity everything gonna be okay."
Rarity: *Sniff eating ice cream*
Then suddenly Rarity and Kevin heard Sunny Flare talking to Sour Sweet.
Sunny Flare: "It's no use, Sour Sweet why are we even still trying?"
Sour Sweet: "Because the deadline hasn't passed (sadly sigh) but I'm still sad that Kevin kick us out of his harem we can still come up with an original song to replace the Sapphire Shores one we've been practicingour choreography with."
Sugarcoat: "That's highly unlikely."
Lemon Zest: "Why did we tell Rarity that we already submitted our video?"
Sour Sweet: "So that we can still use her concept, Rarity is creative she'll come up with something else but if we don't we have nothing and imagine what our friends would say."
Rarity look in concern.
Lemon Zest: "They'll say it's our fault the spring dance had to be held in the boring old auditorium instead of on a yacht like we promised."
Sour Sweet: "Exactly (sigh) I wish Kevin was here to apologize for what we did."
Rarity: "Oh they just don't want to disappoint our friends."
Kevin: "Yeah your right Rarity they don't to disappoint the others."
Rarity: "Yeah let's go talk to them."
Kevin: "Come on."
Sugarcoat: "But the Rainboom Fury have a band they'll surely have a killer original song and we don't."
Sour Sweet: "Yet."
Sunny Flare: "Face it Sour, we're doomed."
Rarity: "Ahem excuse us girls."
Sour Sweet: "Rarity uh how long have been over there?"
Rarity: "Long enough to hear that you have no original song."
Sugarcoat: "Like we said, doomed."
Rarity: "But we talk someone wants to talk the four of you."
She moved aside as the shadow 4 saw Kevin.
Shadow 4: "Kevin."
Kevin: "Hey girls, listen I just want to say that I'm sorry that I slap all of you in the cheek and I'm sorry for kick you girls out of my harem because I was angry at myself you girls are not pathetic and worthless cowards."
The shadow 4 had tears in their eyes and they went to him and hug him really tight.
Shadow 4: "We're so sorry Kevin."
Kevin: "Shhh it's okay girls it's okay shhh."
Kevin stroke their hair as Sour Sweet spoke.
Sour Sweet: "So are we still in your harem?"
Kevin: "Uh-huh."
Sour Sweet: "Thank you Kevin I love you (Kissing him)."
Kevin: "I love you too and you three as well."
Rarity: "Heheh, Maybe you're not look, we all know our teams haven't been getting along to well lately but I think I have a solution where everybody wins."
The Shadow 4 smile.
Sour Sweet: "We're listening."
(Back at CHS)
The group walk in the gym.
Applejack: "So what's the big plan you were exited about?"
They all look at the gym and gasp and awed at this the stage being crystal and rainbow.
Sunset Shimmer: "Aren't The Shadow 4 using this video idea now?"
Rarity: "They are yes, but so are we girls you come out now."
The group look in shock that the Shadow 4 come out.
Rarity: "I it's hard to believe but the Shadow 4 here helped us to realize that competing against one another was getting us nowhere."
Lemon Zest: "And Rarity help show us that winning was the only thing driving us we didn't even care if we had to steal to accomplish it."
Sour Sweet: "But that's not who we are, anymore."
Rarity: "The shadow 4 have offered to help with dance moves if we'll help them with an original song."
Sugarcoat: "Combining our talents is the most logical thing to do."
Sunny Flare: "We'll make one epic music video together."
Rarity: "So, what do you guys think are you in?"
They are look in concern as Pinkie Pie spoke.
Pinkie Pie: "Best, Music, Video, idea ever!"
Everyone is on stage in their outfits either practicing or relaxing as the others were ready for the lights, cameras and music and Kevin was directing as Fluttershy handed Sunny Flare a paper for the song and she spoke.
Fluttershy: "We can start by teaching you the words to our song."
Sunny Flare: "But this is just about the Rainboom Fury there's nothing about us on the lyrics."
Fluttershy: "Yet. Wanna help me make some changes?"
Rarity: "Anybody else care to work on some music?"
Sour Sweet: "We'll get to it after I teach you some dance moves."
Rarity: "Music first."
Sour Sweet: "Dance first."
Rarity: "Music first!"
Sour Sweet: "Dance first!"
Rarity: "Music first!"
Sour Sweet: "Dance first!"
Sugarcoat: "The order is irrelevant."
Rarity & Sour Sweet: "Oh, yeah."
Both girls laugh.
Kevin: "Okay everyone, let's do this!"
Rarity: "Lights!"
The others turn on the lights.
Sour Sweet: "Camera!"
Tetsutetsu, Tanjiro and Nezuko turn on the cameras.
Rarity & Sour Sweet: "Action!"
Kevin: "Rollin!"
Play Song: Dance Magic - Mlp Eg Song
The Shimmers (Singing):
I feel it strirrin' deep down inside our soul
The rhythm's talking hold, and it's about to roll
The Sparkles (Singing):
A million sparkles falling across the floor
So, DJ, give it more, it's what we're looking for
The Rainboom Fury & Shadow 4 (Singing):
Dance the night away all our friends right by our side
It doesn't matter what style you bring
We're about to go on that ride (Hey!)
It's dance magic, once you have it
Let your body move, step into the music
It's dance magic, and it's electric
Let your body move to the music
Pinkie Pie (Singing):
Doesn't matter what style you got
Just keep dancin' on that spot
Your friends like your for who you are
Dance queen, on the scene, superstar!
Crystal Prep, you got the moves
Rainboom bringin' all the grooves
Put it together and make it fit
Crystal Rainboom, dance magic
The Rainboom Fury & Shadow 4 (Singing):
Dance the night away
All our friends right by our side
It doesn't matter what style you bring
We're about to go on the ride (Hey!)
It's dance magic, once you have it
Let your body move, step into the music
It's dance magic, and it's electric
Let your body move to the music
Crystal Rainboom got a style that's all our own
Dancin' nonstop, body movin' in the zone
Bring whatever style you got
'Cause the party is goin' off
It's dance magic, and it's electric
Let your body move to the music
End Song.
Everyone look at the music video smiling at the mall.
Applejack: "Yee-hoo, we've enough to make Camp Everfree look just like new!"
Lemon Zest: "We're having the spring dance on a yacht!"
Both Applejack and Lemon Zest high five each other.
Sunset Shimmer: "It's kinda sad that Kevin wasn't in the video."
Kevin chuckle.
Kevin: "Actually Sunset your wrong."
Sunset Shimmer: "What do you mean?"
Ahri: "Look at the TV."
She pointed at the TV as the group look at it as the TV announcer spoke.
TV announcer: "And looks like we have a another winner for the music video and here they are."
Rainbow Dash: "I wonder who it is?"
then the music and video was on as the group look to see who It is making a another music video.
Play Song: Pop/Stars & Mic Drop - K/DA x BTS
The group were looking at the TV and Kevin, his bros and the K/DA group were performing a music video as they begin to sing.
K/DA (Singing):
You know who it is Coming round again
You want a dose of this right it is K/DA uh!
Izuku Midoriya (Singing):
Yeah nuga nae sujeo deoreobdae I do not care maikeu jabeum geumsujeo yeoreot pae
Beoreokhae jal mot igeun geotteul seutekki yeoreo gae
Geodeuphaeseo sshibeojulge seutaye jeonyeoge
Akali & Izuku Midoriya (Singing):
I am a goddess with a (Bang Bang)
Akali (Singing):
Sorichyeobwa nae ireum
Izuku Midoriya & Akali (Singing):
Seoboe ilsunwi
(Clap Clap) Loud loud loud loud
I could take it to the top jeoldae meomchuji mothae naega kkeutnaejuneun
Bal gal gal gal (Mic mic bunee)
Eijiro Kirishma (Singing):
Mic mic bungee Bright light jeonjin
Manghal geo gatatgetjiman I am feel, sorry
Mianhae Billboard mianhae worldwide
Adeuri neom jallagaseo mianhae eomma
Evelynn (Singing):
And when I start to talk like that (like that) Oh you will not know how to react
I am a picture face with that wild in my veins
You can hear it in my growl, growl, growl, growl
Shoto Todoroki (Singing):
Did you see my bag? Did you see my bag?
It is hella trophies and it is hella thick
Ahri (Singing):
Mueoseul bodeun joahal geoya
Mirio Togata (Singing):
What you think bout that? What you think bout that?
I bet it got my haters hella sick
Ahri (Singing):
Nawa daegyeol wonhan neol hwakshinhae
Rin Okumura & Ahri (Singing):
(Come and follow me follow me with your signs up) We got it all in our hands now
(I am so firin' firin' boy your time is up) So can you handle what we are all about
Shinra Kusakabe (Singing):
Keep on runnin' on runnin' until I catch up
Mirio Togata (Singing):
How you dare, how you dare, how you dare
Are not nobody bringing us
K/DA & Mirio Togata (Singing):
(Down down down down down down) Another trophy my hands carry em
Mirio Togata (Singing):
Too many that I cannot even count em
Kai'sa (Singing):
You could go another round
Kevin & K/DA (Singing):
(Mic drop mic drop) Round round round round round round
Eijiro Kirishma (Singing):
Bal bal joshim neone mal mal joshim
Kai'sa (Singing):
We go hard, till we get it get it, we go hard
Rin Okumura:
Too busy you know my body is not enough
Kai'sa & Kevin (Singing):
We POP/STARS only winning winning now (Mic drop mic drop)
Izuku Midoriya (Singing):
Bal bal joshim neone mal mal joshim
K/DA (Singing):
Down down down down
*Dance break*
K/DA (Singing):
Down down down down
Akali (Singing):
Hey? You ready for this? Let's go!
See enojedeunji nae moseub magic dac han beone naega jabeo jeoldae gijukji anchi uh!
Pow pow nega mwol ara gyeondil su eopseo, wonhaedo
Wonhaneun ge eolgure boyeo I am trouble and you are wanting it
I am so cold when I move that way
You gonna be so blown I am the realest in the game uh!
Evelynn (Singing):
Say I am on fire with a blade you are about to hear my name
Ringing in your head like ohhh
Kevin (Singing):
Baby watch your mouth it comes back around
Once upon a time we learnt how to fly
Go look at your mirror same damn clothes
You know how I feel gaehaengbok
Kai'sa & Kevin (Singing):
(Are not nobody bringing us) how many hours do we fly
I keep on dreamin' on the cloud (you could go another round)
Yeah I am on the mountain Yeah I am on the bay
Everyday we vibin' Mic drop bam
Mirio Togata (Singing):
Did you see my bag? Did you see my bag?
It is hella trophies and it is hella thick
Shoto Todoroki (Singing):
What you think bout that? What you think bout that?"
I bet it got my haters hella sick
Rin Okumura & Ahri (Singing):
(Come and follow me follow me with your signs up) So keep your eyes on me now
(I am so firin' firin' boy your time is up) mueoseul bodeun joahal geoya
Shinra Kusakabe & Ahri (Singing):
(Keep on runnin' on runnin' until I catch up) We are so tough not scared to show you up
Ahri (Singing):
Can you feel the rush now?
Kai'sa (Singing):
Are not nobody bringing us
Shoto Todoroki & K/DA:
(Down down down down down down) Another trophy my hands carry em
K/DA (Singing):
They could try but we are gonna wear the crown
Kai'sa (Singing):
You could go another round
Kevin & K/DA (Singing):
(Mic drop mic drop) Round round round round round round
Eijiro Kirishma (Singing):
Bal bal joshim neone mal mal joshim
Mirio Togata (Singing):
Somebody stop me I am bouta pop off too busy you know my body are not enough
Kai'sa (Singing):
We POP/STARS only winning winning now
Izuku Midoriya & Kai'sa (Singing):
(Bal bal joshim neone mal mal joshim) Are not nobody bringing us
K/DA (Singing):
Down down down down
Kevin (Singing):
Haters gon' hate Players gon' play live a like a good luck
Shinra Kusakabe & Ahri (Singing):
Deo bol il eopseo majimak insaya (Ooh, mm, oh nan meomchuji ana Oh oh we go hard)
Shoto Todoroki & Ahri (Singing):
Hal maldo eopseo sagwado haji ma (Oh oh we POP/STARS, stars)
Shinra Kusakabe & Ahri (Singing):
Deo bol il eopseo majimak insaya (Ooh, mm, oh nan meomchuji ana Oh oh we go hard)
Mirio Togata & Ahri (Singing):
Hal maldo eopseo sagwado haji ma (Oh oh we POP/STARS, stars)
Shoto Todoroki (Singing):
Jal bwa neon geu kkol naji
Rin Okumura (Singing):
Urin tak sswa machi kollaji
Shinra Kusakabe (Singing):
Neoye gangmak kkamjjak nollaji
Rin Okumura & Mirio Togata (Singing):
Kkwae kkwae pomnaji po po pomonaji
Kai'sa (Singing):
Are not nobody bringing us
K/DA (Singing):
Round round round
Kai'sa (Singing):
You could go another round
K/DA (Singing):
Round round round
Kai'sa (Singing):
We go hard, till we get it get it
We go hard, so we in it in it
We POP/STARS only winning winning now
Are not nobody bringing us
K/DA (Singing):
Down down down down
In the end of the song Krishima drop the microphone and they turn around and walk away, and a title appered it has a Blazing Punch with B and F logo and it has the KDA word as well.
End Song.
The group except for the others were eyes widen as Kevin spoke to them.
Kevin: "What do you guys think?"
Rainbow Dash: "That...was...AWESOME!"
Rarity: "Oh my, all of your outfits in the video are marvelous!"
Fluttershy: *Squealed like a fangirl* "Oh my goodness, you boys are singing BTS's song and it was great."
Lemon Zest: "Hey Kev, it that your Kpop logo?"
Kevin: "Uh-Huh, we called ourselves, Blazing Fist, or BF for short."
Rainbow Dash: "Wow, that's a cool name Kev."
Kevin: "Heheh, glad you all like it."
Ochako Uraraka: "Wow Deku, your were great in that music video."
Midoriya's face was bright red.
Izuku Midoriya: "T-Thanks Uraraka."
Momo Yaoyorozu: "You were amazing Todoroki."
Shoto Todoroki: "Thanks Yaoyorozu."
Toru Hagakure: "Hey um, Kevin."
Kevin: "Yes Toru?"
Toru Hagakure: "Can we get your autograph?"
She held out a book to him then the ghouls and fairy tale girls held out some empty books his brothers and they want an autograph as well so Kevin and his bros start signing their books then Kevin's phone start ringing as he check his to see who It is ringing it was Indigo Zap calling and he answer the call.
Kevin: "Hello?"
Indigo Zap (On the phone): "Hey Kevin."
Kevin: "Hey Indigo how's your vacation with your parents?"
Indigo Zap (On the phone): "It was great and I saw both of your music videos it was great."
Kevin: "Thanks, so are you coming back to Canterlot?"
Indigo Zap (On the phone): "Yeah I'm coming back to Canterlot tomorrow."
Kevin: "Okay I hope you enjoy your vacation."
Indigo Zap (On the phone): "Thanks Kevin see ya."
Kevin: "Bye."
He hang up his phone as Sour Sweet spoke.
Sour Sweet: "Who's calling you Kevin?"
Kevin: "It was Indigo Zap she that our video was great."
Sunny Flare: "Oh that's great to hear."
Pinkie Pie Who's up for a celebratory Aunt Orange smoothie."
They walk except for Rarity and Sour Sweet as Rarity gasp.
Rarity: "Ohhh, ho, ho, ho, ho I have just had the most brilliant idea maybe the Crystal Prep students could use an award winning band to play their spring dance it'll be the perfect way to show off your new dance moves."
Sour Sweet: "That would be amazing of course then we'd have a new dilemma to deal with."
Rarity: "Oh no, what?"
Sour Sweet: "Figuring out what we're all gonna wear?"
Rarity: "Oh we already have some ideas that we'd be willing to share."
Sour Sweet: "Me too."
They both laugh as they follow the group to get a smoothie to celebrate their music videos.
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