Ch5: First Steps
(Izuku POV - Present Day)
After that day things seemed to pass along with my usual activities being visiting Erika at U.A., training, cleaning debris off of Dagobah Municipal Park, or school.
But there were a few events that I can remember fondly. Starting with the 2nd day of going back to school after meeting Erika.
Kaachan actually defending his own way of course.
(Day 28 - Aldera Junior High)
It was the end of the day for school, I was outside the entrance and getting ready to be picked up by All Might for some light training for the day when I stumbled onto something I never thought I'd I see.
"For the last fucking time, I am not going to the arcade or anywhere else with you two!" Kacchan shouted at his 'friends'.
Kaachan used to had three, but he washed his hands off of the damned coward for running away during the Slime villain incident. In his own words of course.
"Now, now Bakugou. If you do not want to go to the arcade, we can accept that. Just hang out with us, mess around with some losers like before, and have some fun. We haven't really had any in months." Said a tall boy around our age with brownish red hair and amber eyes.
That was Shiten, Someone who had befriended Kaachan during his first year at Aldera out of tormenting me. But he tormented anyone he didn't call a friend or someone he deemed useful to him. He enabled most of Kaachan's bad habits, but luckily for once his stubborn streak seemed to have been to his benefit.
It only not to be caught and get in trouble to risk his chances of going to U.A..
That and the friendship has strain significantly once he realized what Shiten truly was.
A trouble maker, a massive jerk to everyone, and a possible criminal.
He was once suspended from school for allegedly cheating on and selling test answers at school. He was never caught, no evidence was found, they supposedly caught the real culprit, and it was all swept under the rug when it was clearly Shiten. The later due to his quirk.
Like the same way they the teachers tended to cover for Kaachan when he got extra rough with anyone.
"Seriously Bakugou, all you do now brood and keep to yourself out of school. So why don't we go out and do something like mess with Deku for old times sake." Said the other boy, who had long brown hair and sunken looking eyes.
That was Tsurugi, another friend of Kaachan and a former friend of mine before he awoke his quirk. He was the only one of Kaachan's friends to have stuck with him for so long as Tsubasa mysteriously disappeared years ago.
He also tended to pick on me, less so then the others do but he was still a jerk.
Less so then Kaachan or Shiten though as tended to be pushed around by them as well.
"And I keep telling you idiots that Deku is beneath me now, nothing more then a pebble on my road to become the number 1 hero! If by some divine miracle he does get into the entrance exam, he will finally realizable what he is. A quirkless loser!" Katsuki shouted, getting me to sigh at that.
Months ago, those words would have hurt more then anything.
But now, they hardly mean anything to me.
"Really now, is that the reason you chose to ignore him now and it isn't because he saved you from that villain months ago?" Shiten said, causing Tsurugi to back off and Kaachan to fume.
"What did you say, you fucking crook!" Bakugou snapped at him.
If Shiten was offended by that notion, then he didn't show it.
"You heard what I said, sure you were saved by All Might so your ego can excuse that. But Deku, that quirkless loser he was the first one there wasn't he? Your living punching back was the first one there to save you even after all the stuff you things that you and Tsurugi said to him and that oh so wonderful commit about him committing suicide via swan dive." Shiten said with a grin at the end, unnerving both me and Tsurugi and causing Kaachan to flinch.
I try my best not to think about what he said that day, those words had hurt me greatly. Still do kind of, but I am on my way to becoming a hero and proving Kaachan's words wrong.
Speaking with which, he began to generate sparks in his hand as Shiten continued to speak.
"Wish I was there that day to have seen Deku's expression when you told him that. It would have been glorious. Still he was the first one to rush to save you, like a fucking idiot. So what are you leaving him alone for, out of your pride refusing to acknowledge that you needed help or out of guilt for-" Whatever Shiten was going to say was cut off by Kaachan discharging a small explosion in his hand.
"Listen here you damned crook, whatever I do to that quirkless loser is none of your damned business. He is nothing but a pebble to me on the road on the way to becoming a hero." Bakugou said, before saying something through gritted teeth. "But there is one thing about Deku that I can say that he has you beat."
This surprised all three of us, but especially myself.
Kaachan hasn't even said anything that was the least bit nice about me in about...well forever.
"Really now, and pray tell how does the quirkless loser beat me." Shiten spat out venomously.
"I hate to say it, but he has more guts then you fucking do you damned crook!" Bakugou spat out through gritted teeth. "Hell even Tsurugi has more guts then you do. That fucking extra ran away at the sight of that fucking slimeball. But Tsuguri and fucking Deku, they were fools and foolishly tried to help me. More then what I could say about you! You probably would have just let me get possessed or let me died if you were to have made it out unscathed!"
Shiten didn't deny his claims and only scowled at them, getting me to have a bad feeling at that.
But Tsurugi, he looked almost stupefied at what Kaachan admitted, especially about himself.
"Bakugou-" "Don't think anything about it Tsurugi, you are nothing more then an extra to me. Just one that is just a bit more important then the rest of them." Bakugou interrupted him, getting Tsurugi to look dejected at that and causing myself to sigh.
Seriously, why couldn't Kaachan be honest with his feels and admit that he appreciates that he has stuck around all these years.
Oh right, it was his pride.
"And what about me then, you were the only one sought me ought two years ago." Shiten said.
"Only because unlike everyone else here you aren't an useless extra or a kiss ass." Bakugou said, getting Shiten to shrug at that.
"Fair enough, but that hasn't stopped the two of us have fun together tormenting others in the past. Still why have you given me the cold shoulder then these past few months, was it getting suspended?" Shiten said, his tone turning to mockery at the last part.
Getting Kaachan to growl at that.
"No it is because I found out what you truly do you damned crook. That fucking test scandal and that fucking little side business of yours! How the hell it hasn't been found yet is beyond me! I was going to wait until going to U.A., but I might have to cut ties with you sooner and I will be fucking glad to do so!" Bakugou shouted at him, getting Shiten to frown.
"And what are you going to do, tell on me. Your not a saint yourself, spill everything and your precious record will tarnished by myself." Shiten said.
"At least I won't end up in a juvenile training school or worse with your record! So I will say this once, continue to fuck with me or if I catch you messing with anyone including Deku and I will be spilling everything about you. Ya fucking crook!" Bakugou shouted, before stomping off.
I followed Kaachan's example and continued onto were All Might would be picking me up.
Not wanting to deal with Kaachan when he was this steamed up or whatever Shiten would do in retaliation.
Also still in shock that Kaachan complimented me or even defended me like that. Sure it wasn't much and the later practically meant nothing to him.
But to me it meant something.
He had acknowledged me as someone else besides a quirkless loser in his own words.
It wasn't much, but it was a sign to me.
A sign threat meant Kaachan was changing, if just a little bit and that he wouldn't admit it.
(Present day)
After that day I made sure to keep an eye out for both Kaachan and Shiten. The two of them now wouldn't stop glaring at the other.
It had gotten so bad that everyone at school was giving them a wide berth from the two with Tsurugi stuck in the middle.
Through I came prepared incase anyone of the two tried anything, hoping that I didn't need to.
Sadly I did, twice in fact.
But thankfully I was ready for both of those times.
Anyway the rest of the day continued as normal, though I found myself starting to loath dodge practice with each session with the robots.
But as another part of training I got used to it.
Still I didn't know at the time, but I was being watched during those sessions.
Though I had a feeling that I was being watched, I first noticed the day after overhearing Kaachan's and Shiten's spat.
The day that Monarch truly began to develop their cure for Erika.
And the day All Might added a hellish new part to my training regiment.
(Day 27 - U.A. Training Grounds/ Temporary Monarch Headquarters)
I could only stare in amazement in the HQ's lab as it was bustling with activity. There were more scientists working on all facilities of the lab and all of them were for one purpose.
To study Erika and develop her cure.
Speaking of which, Erika growled at a few scientists who got a little to curious with her. Causing them to run away in fright.
I just sighed at that and placed a reassuring hand on her vines, getting the Venus flytrap like apendench to nuzzle against me and causing her to calm down,
This was the fifth time in the past hour and I believe that I was starting to get a little too good at this.
Still it was better to do that then to have her lash out at someone.
"Rookies, you would think that working in an organization based on studying Kaiju they would know better then to approache an awake one. Especially if that one is irritable if they aren't you Midoriya." Yujiro said with a sigh, approaching us from behind and whooping away the rookies so they would leave Erika alone.
"Thank you for that Yujiro, wasn't sure how long that I could continue to hold her off like that." I said, removing my hand from her vine. Getting an annoyed roar from her.
"Considering that it is you, you could probably hold her off all week and she still would be putty in your hands." Yujiro said with a teasing smirk, getting my own face and Erika's face to dust red a little bit.
D-Did he really had to say it like that!
"Still." Yujiro said, lowering his tone to a whisper and leaning towards me. "By the way where is All Might? Director Serizawa did say you were training under him to enter U.A., an admirable goal. Especially with one without a quirk, at least for now anyway."
At those words, my mind stopped for a second, before rebooting.
He knew All Might's secret!
"How?" I asked in a whispered tone, trying my best to contain my shock.
"Simple Director Serizawa told me as Dr. Mifune and Agent Gordon already knew from personal reasons and whatever they didn't know was debriefed to the three of us. So don't worry about it, I know how to keep a secret and besides Dr. Graham and Agent Dupre only we know about it in Monarch at least." He whispered, getting me to breath out a sigh of relief. "So do you know where he is?"
"Resting for now, waiting to hear back from him to go into training." I replied getting Yujiro to nod.
There was a lot of villain activity out today while I was out at school and according to All Might he had nearly reached his limit for the day by the time he came to get me.
So he was currently resting in U.A.'s break room for now, ready to come out when it was time for us to continue my training.
Erika let out a small growl as another scientist got too close to her, getting me to sigh out and reach out my hand towards one of her vines.
The affect was instantaneous and she proceeded to cease her growling.
"You heard what I told the others, now please head back to your station before she potentially snaps at you." Yujiro warned, getting to scientist to nod nervously before bolting.
"Is she like this when I am not around?" I asked hoping that I was wrong.
Sadly my hopes were dashed when Yujiro shook his head.
"No, she is unpredictable when you are not around. Erika can go from silently sulking to snapping at the slightest movement. You are the only one who can calm her down when she gets agitated without having to get physical with her. So much so Serizawa is planning on sending another of our top agents from Antarctica in order to have some extra muscle here if Erika continues to act this way. Speaking of which we also have something being sent here from Antarctica. Something you are familiar with." Yujiro said before waving over to a nearby scientist. "Can you please call some agents bring us a fold up table into the lab please?"
"On it sir!" He called out, before fulfilling Dr. Yujiro's orders.
I wonder what thing he is talking about when said something familiar to me is coming from Antarctica. There is one-
Wait did he said Antarctica?
They have a base in Antarctica, the place where one of the three dost dangerous Kaiju was frozen!
Please tell me what I think is their isn't there!
If it is and it awakens then we are all going to die!
Before I could get into a panic attack or possibly faint, Erika wrapped me in her vines and held me close. Evidently trying to sooth me, her face expressing concern...well as best he could anyway.
Erika was trying her best to calm me down.
Well her concern was touching, it wasn't working because of one reason.
"Erika, I can't breathe!" I gasped out as one of her vines was starting to crush my rib cage.
She promptly released me and I started to refill my lungs with air.
Erika started to let out a sorrowful growl as I rose back to my feet.
"I'm alright Erika, but please do not grab me like that again. I appreciate your concern but I would appreciate it more if ai was able to breath, okay?" I said, getting Erika to let out another soft roar. "Well you did manage to snap me out of it, next time try a gentler way okay?"
Erika let out an soft growl as she nuzzled one of her vines against my arm, seeming to understand.
"Never a dull moment with you two is it." Dr. Mifune said as he walked towards us with a metal briefcase in his hands.
"Dr. Mifune there you are, you are a little late." Yujiro said as two agents set up the table and promptly left as Erika growled at them.
"Had lunch with catching up with my daughter and son in law, it's not often I am back in Japan after all." Dr. Mifune said as placed the suitcase on the table before turning to me. "So you figured out what is Antarctica?"
"Wait there is another Ghidora down there!" I shouted in fear, looking about ready to faint.
The world barely survived one of them, another one would be a world ending nightmare if it awoke!
"Not quite, a distant ancestor if the blood sample we got and compared were of any indication along with appearance. Once we took the blood, we sealed it up air tight and prepared arguably the most defensive stronghold on the planet where it remains sleeping. At the slightest hint that if it were to awake, we are prepared to hit it with enough fire power to level a country. So far nothing yet and we hope that it never awakens. So we leave it alone as trying to kill it might risk waking it and unleash another Ghidora onto the world." Yujiro said harshly, not that I blame him.
One was enough, but two...I pray to whatever diety is listening that it stays under the ice.
We already had enough close to mass extinction events in the Era of Kaiju and I would prefer to live to never experience one myself.
...I am going to have nightmares tonight.
I felt a vine wrapped around me as Erika pulled myself close towards her and started to nuzzle herself against me. Letting out soft growls as nuzzled herself against me in another effort to comfort me.
This time working, if just a bit.
The thought of a possible apocalypse arriving in your lifetime will do that to you I suppose.
But right now Erika was trying her best to help me not to faint at this point, so I will do my best not to falter.
To not show my fear, and continue onwards just like All Might would.
Minus going home after everything today, eating dinner, and crashing straight into bed and into nightmares.
"The panic is settling in isn't, don't worry I had the same experience when I was first stationed there. It should pass within a day or two." Dr. Mifune said with a shiver. "At least you don't have to worry about it possibly waking up while your are asleep so close to it. Now that takes years to get used to."
I do not need that train of thought, thank you very much!
Okay just take a few breathes and then continue.
And that is what I did, trying to calm myself and not think of possible apocalypse to come.
"You calmed down enough?" Yujiro asked after a minute or two, getting my to nod shakily while Erika is still trying to comfort me. "Good. Now as you know, with that monstrosity locked in the ice, Antarctica is our most secure base. Along with the fact no one has dared approach that site and the fact most of Antarctica has been recognized as the world's largest natural reserve for the last century most people stay clear of the base. So we transport any Kaiju artifacts there for study before deciding which facility to transport it too. Unless it is deemed too dangerous and is stored in the facility."
Well that made perfect sense.
Anything that held and was ready to possibly be vaporized in order to hold back a Ghidora level Kaiju would have to be the most secure place on the planet. So it would be impossible for anyone to steal within that base. Unless someone steals it within transit too or from which is a good possibility. And then there is the objects in question. Kaiju DNA has been highly sought after, especially since after the Era of Kaiju ended. It is illegal to experiment with the DNA as not only what happened to Erika, but Kaiju DNA and people with quirks do not mix. Anything created from Kaiju DNA causes death from anywhere to radiation poisoning to long term cancer. Still hasn't prevented anyone from foolishly trying to experiment with it though.
"The number how people who has tried that has decreased significantly over the past 50 years thankfully. The number of Kaiju resources out in the open and the black market has decrease significantly. And thankfully no one has managed to steal from any of our transports. But our less secure facilities on the other hand, that is a different story. Also can you please quite your mumbling please?" Yujiro sighed out, getting me to freeze.
I did it again, didn't I.
"Sorry about that." I said, getting the doctors to wave it off. "So if you are bringing something here from Antarctica, then it must be related to Erika. But how would I be familiar with it unless it has something to do with her cure?" I asked, before I remembered something.
On the same day we found Erika, there was one thing else with her.
A crystal covered with her blood and emitting cosmic radiation.
"It's that crystal isn't it." I asked, getting the two doctors to nod.
"It is and the results were quite curious if I must say so myself." Dr. Mifune said as he opened the case.
At the sight of the exposed crystal, Erika's grip on me loosened up and she began to let out a menacing growl.
And her eyes glazed over, just like that time a few days ago.
With one of her vines starting to rise up, ready to impale the crystal and the table.
"Erika calm down." I said, grabbing her vine and snapping her out of her gaze. "It is just a crystal, whatever it is please calm down. I don't want the agents to have to hurt you." I said, pointing behind her.
Erika turned behind her to see a number of Monarch agents at the ready, tranquilizer guns and quirks trained on her.
With each tranq that I have been told we're packing enough dosage to knock out a bull with a single shot. Not sure how effective it would be against considering her regenerative capabilities would probably flush it out of her system, but it would most likely slow her down.
Not that I was willing to see that happen off course.
"So Erika, can you please calm down." I asked as Erika looked between the myself and the agents. She looked between the two of before letting out a soft growl and wrapped a vine around me
She was calming down a bit, but the crystal had her on edge.
Considering how Erika was bleeding out when she crashed into Dagobah Municipal Park, there was definitely a connection of some kind.
"Alright people stand back, but keep a few triggers aimed towards Erika and the crystal. If that thing can cause Erika to react like that, then that thing is bound to be nothing but trouble." Yujiro barked out, getting most of the agents to comply and to lower their arms and deactivate their quirks.
Crisis averted, for now.
"Alright that crystal has connect to Erika's condition when she crashed back to Earth, it seems whatever happened must have horrific considering what it is made of." Dr. Mifune sighed out. "The crystal is made from made from Erika's very cells."
Erika let out a rather loud roar at that, getting the agents to train on her once again before Yujiro signaled them, getting most of to back off.
Seems like Erika is just a shocked as me on this one.
What could cause something like that to form crystals from someone without a quirk!
Unless of course it was from the cosmic radiation that Director Serizawa detected off of it. Space was still mainly unknown to humanity due to being thrown back progress wise quiet a bit with the Era of Kaiju and the emergence of quirks, along with Erika having been in space for nearly 300 years at this point.
She could have picked up something up deep in space to cause something like this to happen with her cells.
"Is there anything else you know of the crystal or does it still effect Erika?" I asked, concerned for her.
Something that causes you to sprout crystals from one's cell was not good for anyone, even those with high regenerative capabilities like Erika.
"That while it is made from Erika's cells, the DNA match puts it at as 87.4% resemblance as Erika since nothing on earth has a similar cell structure to her. Though the crystal has cell walls more pronounced cell walls then Erika's own and lacks any chlorophyll and is much more like a mix of Gojira's and human cells then Erika's own. Other then that the crystal is more like dead skin and we have found no traces so far on Erika, but we are going to preform some more tests on Erika over the next few days in order to get a definitive answer." Dr. Yujiro said, getting Erika to release a loud roar of annoyance at that.
I feel sorry for anyone who will be checking up on Erika if that roar is of any indication,
That and various agents and scientists began shivering around us.
The next few days are probably going to be nothing but headaches for them.
Still no wonder Erika would react like that, whatever caused her cells to crystallize like that must have been extremely painful for her it as it temporally altered part of herself on the genetic level.
"Though this crystal does provides us with many unknowns, it does provide us with a little hope for Erika." Dr. Mifune said with a smile, stunning both me and Erika.
How does that provide any hope form Erika if the very sight of it caused her to lash out, unless.
"Didn't you said that the cells within the crystal were similar, yet different to Erika's own?" I asked Yujiro, getting him to nod. "So it shows that the cure would work after all."
"That is correct. What we are going to do for Erika has never been attempted on Earth before. But this crystal, it is prove that it is actually possible to pull this of if there if it is of any indication." He said, getting a rather loud and joyous roar from Erika.
I don't blame her, as a wide smile spread across my face.
There was actually proof that this cure would work. Sure it ultimately altered part of her genetics temporarily and apparently caused her severe pain, but it should that there was proof that Erika could be cured.
Everything before day was just hope.
But now, Erika and I had both hope and proof that this cure could work once it was done.
"Hate to break the mood, but string bean Yagi is waiting for you outside. And take Erika with you, can't have her scaring my agents shitless like that for the rest of the day." Agent Gordon called out, scaring me and a few agents around us.
"Of course sir!" I shouted out before waving goodbye to the agents as Erika broke up into spores, seemingly a little annoyed by what Gordon said.
"Thank you for everything!" I shouted at them before exiting the base, my spirts having been raised from the very depths after the reveal of what lies in Antarctica.
Thinking that nothing at the moment could go wrong.
(An hour later.)
I should probably seriously consider not tempting Murphy's law with my thoughts after today.
For All Might's newest form of training at first consisted of more dodging, but later on instead of sparring against robots now I was fighting against Erika herself!
Of course the goal was not fighting against her and winning, that was impossible as besides being borderline immortal Erika is still a Kaiju.
No, there was a focus mitt attached to one of her vines that I had to hit three times in order for my training to be done for the day. All while dodging Erika blasting her sap at me, dodging her sweeping vines, and having to deal with her breaking into spores and reforming away.
I managed to hit it many times, mainly because I believe that she was intentionally going easy on me. It was still difficult to hit, because once again Erika was still a Kaiju!
But that wasn't the worst part.
No the worst part that even if I had managed to land on the focus pad, All Might would have me repeat the process again unless I managed to hit the focus pad by throwing a punch or kick correctly.
I have been doing this for an hour and I have managed to land two hits in, but considering that I managed to land three hits within the first five minutes it was getting increasingly difficult to land a correct hit.
Like just now as I managed to land a hit in, but All Might blew a whistle. Meaning that I had messed up the hit.
Erika pulled back with low growl before fixing All Might a small glare, just like every time I mess up a hit, or managed to land a hit. Which considering she did it whenever we trained the both of us had gotten used to her doing this.
"Wrong again Young Midoriya." All Might said, coughing up some blood before walking up to me. "You are getting better, but to throw a cross punch make sure that that your back foot is pivoted, that the hand opposite of the one you are using remains close to your face in order to block, and you strike with the first two knuckles. Like this."
All Might then proceeded to demonstrate it a few times, with myself trying my best to copy him. After a few tries he stopped and focus on helping me get the move right, like any other time I managed to hit the focus pad in correctly.
"I think that should be enough for now Midoriya, ready to try again?" All Might asked, getting Erika to once again growl at him.
"I am, but All Might I have something that I have been meaning to ask?" I asked. "How did you manage to convince to go along with this?"
I figured she would sooner try to eat Nezu or lash out at All Might then agree to this kind of training with the chance that she might critically injure me. Which thankfully hasn't happened yet and she was doing her best to not injure me deliberately.
"Honestly it was defficult, but Imanaged to convince her to do promising that you would stick with her for the rest of ypur stay here...with no protest from you of course." All Might said with a sigh.
Why would he have to promise her that, I could have done that without any question...unless
She wanted me to be wrapped in her vines and to not let go, didn't she.
The way Erika roared out only confirmed my suspisons.
This was notgoing tobe a fun experience for me after this, isn't it.
Keep it together Izuku, you are going to fiish this and take solice in the fact that you will be going home early. After all Mom wanted to spend somemore time with me after I had spent most ofthetime these past few weeks away from home and training while not in school.
So I would only have to do it for about an hour before he had to get home.
I can do this.
I rushed at Erika, who let out a rather loud roar before swipping a vine out towards me. I ducked under it before Erika swipped two more towards me.
After ducking under them, she spat out a few wads of sap and I barely dodged any of them. A moment later one of her vines wrapped around me and pushed me toward the ground.
Before picking back up and gently pushing me back towards the ground.
Well as gentily as a 12 foot Kaiju could be anyway, which wasn't that much at all.
Groaning out in pain, Erika picked me back up and leveled the vine with the focus pad towards my. While all her other vines raised behind her, sap building up in the ones ending in venus flytrap like mouths.
This is not going to end well.
Erika let lose the sap forcing me to dodge, though a few managed to hit me and I had to hold back a wince at the sting it brought upon contact. Then she started mixing in one or two of her vines swinging at me among the barrage of sap, making it even more difficult for me to make it to the focus pad.
After a few minutes and getting pelted by the barrage of sap I managed to make it to the focus pad and tried to hit it, but Erika wrapped one of her vines around my arms before more wrapped myself.
Erika then let out a soft roar as if to apologize for something. I had no idea what she was planning on doing, but I dreaded finding out.
I was proven right when Erika threw me high up into the air.
I resisted the urge scream out in freight as I fell back to the ground, with Erika reaching out reaching out multiple vines in order to catch me.
Including the one with the focus band on it.
In that moment an idea flashed through my mind. Something crazy that would result in myself possible injuring myself. But it will also end this session and Erika catching me.
Was it worth the risk maybe, but it was still worth a shot.
So as I descended towards the ground, I pivoted one of my feet mid air to shift my weight towards the target. Then I pulled the one leg back and straightened my other one to deliver a roundhouse kick to the focus band, figuring that the momentum of myself falling would increase the power of my kick and enable it to be even more likely to land the kick in.
And right I was, for my foot hit the target. But I had forgotten to calculate one thing.
The pain!
For both me and Erika!
Erika's vine let out a loud hiss as it wrapped around me and I let out a pain filled yell as the pain surged through my nervous system from my foot and the sound of static buzzed in my ears.!
I had miscalculated how hard my foot was going to hit the focus band!
Erika lowered me down to the ground while All Might checked my foot before letting out a sigh of relief.
"Nothing broken thankfully, looks like you just stubbed all of your toes though." All Might sighed out, getting me to calm down somewhat.
At least I should be able to walk fine sooner or later, but due to the foot being where a majority of nerve endings are located it is going to hurt like all Yomi for a while.
"Still while I will admit Young Midoriya that was impressive, that was a big risk you could have taken. If you had missed your target you could have token your leg or worse." All Might said.
"I know, but I trusted that no matter what Erika would catch me." I said, getting a loud roar of what I guess was appreciation before wrapping me up in her vines and began nuzzling against me.
She has been waiting for this for a while I suppose.
"Fair enough I suppose, but I have to admit I will have to rework your training once again...that and it look like my hopes may have been dashed a little bit." All Might sighed out, coughing up blood.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked, concern lacing my tone at why All Might would ask such a thing.
"I had hoped that I would train you to fight like myself, this recent training being a test to see how you would do. But in the end, it seems like if I had carried out with your original training, then by the time that you would inherit One For All it would have been more detrimental to you in the long run. Perhaps by the time either of us realized this then it would have taken longer for you to adjust yourself. But now while we are still conditioning your body for One For All it would best to find a fighting style that would suite you best. That way there would be less risk of long term damage for your body." All Might said seriously, getting Erika to let out a roar in agreement.
That was actually a good idea.
While I was sad that I wouldn't be able to learn how to fight like All Might, what he said makes sense.
If we kept going the same way with my training and had gotten One For All, then I might reach a point were I might risk injuring myself so far that it might cut my dreams of becoming a hero short for good.
So it was for the best we find something now in order for that not to happen.
Erika let out a loud roar, cutting me off from my thoughts before wrapping me tighter in her vines.
"You never change with your mumbling Midoriya, even after all these months of training." All Might said with a grin. "I will ask around and do some research in order to find a suitable style for you and plan for that. But for now, I believe that you should get some rest as you deserve it."
At that Erika let out a loud roar and proceeded to wrap around me tighter.
This was going to be a long hour...though I could do without the sound of static in my ears.
(Present day)
After that hour was up and All Might had to pry me off of Erika and he drove me home. He stayed with me and my mom for a bit and then it was me and her for the rest of the night.
Which was pretty uneventful...until I fell asleep and had nightmares of a three headed Kaiju breaking free and wrecking havoc on the Earth.
It was only that one night thankfully, which was a rarity according to Yujiro.
After that the next few days were the same, with All Might having me spar against Erika the same way once or twice in order to help determine a better style for myself.
While he was doing that I did a little looking up myself, but I didn't find much that could help out.
But it all cane to ahead about 18 days ago, when I had to put it into practice.
It was also the day things started to take a turn for the worst.
Something all off us should have noticed sooner.
All the signs where there, we just didn't notice it until it was almost too late.
(Chapter 5 end)
Hey guys Mukuro7 here and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.
Anyway the reason this chapter is called First Steps is it shows the first steps on the paths of three characters.
Katsuki, Erika, and Izuku.
For Katsuki it is mainly selfish, but his desire to become a hero and an event that hasn't happened in canon has changed him just a bit. Sure he is still a massive asshole at this point, but he is more then willing to cut away anything that would jeopardize his future chances of joining U.A.
As for that will be revealed next chapter.
For Erika it is simply that the cure is underway and with the crystal providing hope for her to be human, well as close to it for the first time centuries.
However whenever their is hope, there is also despair. And it is going to rear it's ugly head next chapter.
For Izuku, it is the chance for him to become a better hero then he was incanon.
With things only going to be both better and worst next chapter.
Anyway after that we have two more characters, Shiten and Tsuguri.
Shiten is my own and what Bakugou would be without at least having the desire to be a hero. Mainly a massive asshole with no morals whatsoever who likes to take advantage of others and loves to torment anyone. Tsuguri is Izuku's and Katsuki's childhood friend with the quirk that allows him to stretch his fingers. He doesn't have a name in canon unlike Tsubasa so I thought that I would give him one.
You would be seeing more of them soon enough.
Anyway with that out of the way next update is going to be either a harem update or the next chapter, most likely the former. Still I hope you all will enjoy it.
As for the next chapter, it will cover days 18-16. Featuring confrontations, Izuku unintentionally getting lucky, horrid truths, and a Kaiju making itself known, just not in the way anyone of you might think of it.
So I hope that you all will enjoy it when it comes out.
So until then remember to please leave a review and I will get back to you while I can.
See you all next time, ciao!
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