Ch14: The Ninth Inheritor
(Izuku POV - Aldera Junior High - 3 days later)
Just another day here at school, although people were starting to stare at me more and more. It was getting harder to hide the changes caused by the last transfusion.
And as I thought, the changes from the last transfusion had come in faster than last time and they were more difficult to hide or explain.
My skin and hair have gone paler, more so my hair is starting to take a shade of color that could best be described as a mix of green and charcoal grey. That and my hair has elongated as it matted. Might need to get a hair cut soon as I kept having to move a bang from blocking my right eye every now and again.
That and I have gotten taller in the past few days, growing a centimeter per day since the transfusion. No telling when that is going to stop at this rate, but thankfully it is not too noticeable so far.
Finally my vertebrae had elongated a little more and we're now quite physical, I had had to constantly hide my back to avoid any questions about that.
Besides that the rest of the changes had been more subtle, besides more of my teeth turning into fangs.
My sense of hearing and smell have improved, I keep finding my training to be easier each day, and I could feel more bone plates through my skin and the ones I already know about have grown bigger. That and it seems like I have developed night vision as of yesterday, at least in low light conditions.
That would be useful for heroics and rescues at night or in locations with very little light.
But besides that the rest of the changes to my body it would take some more time to get used to everything.
Yet besides that I am more worried about Erika's condition. There has been no change in her at all since the last transfusion for the past three days. There was still less than half a week before Monarch will be forced to move out and if Erika's condition didn't improve than there was the possibility that we would have to undergo another transfusion.
Still there was some time left and hopefully plenty of time for a change to occur in Erika's condition.
But for right now all I could do is wait while continuing my training, schooling. And being monster by Monarch for any negative changes to my body.
"Out of the way Deku!" Kachin shouted at me, breaking me from my thoughts.
"S-Sorry Kaachan." I said as I stepped out of his way, only for him to pause as he walked past me briefly before shaking his head growling.
"And don't think that a growth spurt or growing your hair longer with make you anything less than a shitty Deku!" He growled out while waking away. I just let out a sigh of relief as he did so.
At least it seems Kaachan was noticing the changes and disregarding them, so that was a good sign at least.
I don't really know.
But I suppose if he was disregarding them than most of my classmates was as well. So this was a good sign for now if there isn't anymore drastic changes in the near future.
Anyway I better head home soon, All Might was picking me up in a little bit for training and being checked up by Monarch.
Though I will have to be careful, especially with Shiten confirmed to still be on the run according to All Might.
Still I know I could walk home in peace at least, All Might had called in a favor from Tsukauchi for a while that would act as a deterrent for Shiten if he does come back after me. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case...but after this past month it was probably for the best to be a little cautious just in case.
(3rd POV - Same location)
As Midoriya was walking out of the school gates, he missed Bakugou step out from behind them. He stared at Izuku with a huff before following him for a little bit, at least for the small part of the same route they shared on their way home.
He's been doing so for the past few days when that blonde haired skeletal man hadn't driven him back away from school.
According to the old hag he had been training Midoriya for the U.A. Entrance Exams for the past 9 and a half months.
Lot of good that it would do for the Deku, he would let the exams themselves just show for how useless he really was when he failed.
In the end, he was just another pebble that he needed to kick alongside on his journey to being the number one hero.
Still Midoriya had been the one that Shiten had been targeting and had done some serious damage to him. Although that crook had done it too himself.
Fucking idiot, couldn't even handle Deku.
Still Bakugou did hope for Shiten to show up if possible, he had a score to settle with him and he wanted a crack at the crook himself anyway. He had threatened him and went after Deku and Tsurugi after he specifically told him not too.
Bakugou was elated that Shiten's rep was in tatters like the crook he was and is considered a villain. So taking Shiten down and knocking him down even further was a bonus to be considered a hero.
Although Shiten was a secondary objective to getting into U.A..
Yet considering his need to get payback on Midoriya had done him in, Bakugou knew that Deku alone would make excellent bait to draw out Shiten. Although that seemed no longer possible today as they had reached where their paths diverged.
Midoriya waved to an car that was driving by, it's occupants an unassuming looking extra and an extra with cat's head.
Bakugou clicked his tongue as he saw Midoriya walk away while being followed what he figured to be undercover officers. He had no idea how Deku could have gotten their support or if they were just patrolling the area for Shiten, but it was no skin off his back.
Except for maybe losing another chance at Shiten, but Bakugou couldn't care less.
One way or another that crook would be caught and he would laugh if it involved Deku in some way again.
(Izuku POV - U.A. Training Grounds - An hour later)
It wasn't long after that I got home that All Might picked me up for training, right now just working on defeating both one pointers as usual.
There had been no sign of any changes in Erika once again, which I had kind of expected but was hoping for otherwise. I only stayed long enough to say hello to Erika and to get some blood drawn to be tested.
All Might currently having me train against the one pointers for just to stretch myself a little bit before Monarch could run their tests on me.
I just managed to shut one of them down, just need to focus on the other.
It wheeled over to me and I stepped away from it's fist, before bring both of my arms to block another strike. Wincing in pain from the force behind the hit before ducking down and striking it's off switch.
Letting out a sigh of relief as the one pointer sagged before hearing All Might clapping.
"Congratulations Young Midoriya, you beat your last record by 34.8 seconds. Take a break while the one pointers reset in a minute." All Might said with a grin, getting me to nod.
"All right." I said with a smile of my own, feeling the pain in my arms quickly fading away.
I have been getting a lot better with this exercise lately, which I can mainly attest to all the training and experiences fighting for my life I have had over the past month and a half. Although for the later that might count more or less for my sparring against Agent Dupre than the Kaiju and Shiten, but they are still a close second...
That and my body has been enhanced by the changes a little, but I have been barely able to tell the difference.
Still training with the one pointers have been becoming relatively easier for me lately and was considered light training considering how much I have going against them these past weeks after each transfusion.
"Why isn't this remote working. I thought Aoki said he fixed this." All Might said, messing with a small remote that Agent Aoki had created for these one pointers.
Not wanting for them to activate on their own again...or for Erika to have reduced them to scrap again.
Didn't he said he made two remotes?
"Sorry but you two will have cut your training short for now Midoriya. You two need to get back to the lab right now." Agent Aoki said from above, looking up to see the Monarch agent flying towards us before landing. "Also where is your phone, we had been trying to call you for the past three minutes?"
"It's being charged in the meeting room, I was just about to check it after setting up the one pointers for Young Midoriya. Now what is happening, did you find something in Young Midoriya's blood or something with Erika?" All Might asked.
"Both, but what we found in his blood isn't all that much. It is what is happening with Erika that you need to see." Aoki said with a smile, shocking me.
W-Wait a minute, he couldn't mean that it was finally happening.
"S-So is the cure starting to work on Erika than?" I asked him hopefully, getting Agent Aoki to nod.
"Finally it is, they can't stop peeling chunks off of Erika and according to Dr. Tōga the process is already affecting her on a cellular level. And the lab reeks of rose petals, gasoline, and rotten meat far more than it has since we first found out how to cure her. They don't believe that that it will happen today and it is too soon to tell when, but we should be soon...Midoriya are you alright?" Agent Aoki asked as I sunk to my knees.
It was finally happening. It was finally happening.
"Young Midoriya why are you crying?" All Might asked me as the tears flowed down my cheeks.
It was finally happening!
"I-I'm just so relieved." I said while choking back a sob, smiling a little as tears streamed down from my face. "T-That everything and all this time Erika will finally have a human form again soon."
After so many years for her and everything dealing with the Kaiju Erika would soon receive a human form once again. That the process to cure her and that the transfusions worked. That the weeks of waiting for this to finally happen and noting bad to happen for Erika.
All this time being poking and prodded while worrying that there was still a chance for Erika to die throughout these past few weeks. I might have accepted that it could be possible. Hoping that it was wrong and that it will all be alright.
I-I was so happy that this was happening.
Yet like Agent Aoki said the process was just starting, but this was just the final step for Erika to regain her human form. And all we can do now is wait.
"You are right about that Young Midoriya, but Erika wouldn't want you to fall apart like this." All Might said in his heroic form, breaking me from my thoughts as he picked me up from my knees and stood me straight up as I began to wipe my tears away from my face.
H-He was right on that, but I am just so relieved.
"I-I know, but I am just so happy and relieved to hear about this. For weeks I was worried about Erika and her current state. I was just worried for Erika, maybe more so than I originally thought." I said, the tears starting to dry up as my smile grew even more.
"That I can see, anyway perhaps you should just walk back. Anyway I came to tell you that Dr. Mifune and Dr. Tōga should have to run the same tests as usual alongside Erika's blood, but I'll tell them to wait a few minutes." Aoki said as his wings began to flap and rise into the air before flying away. "Here's hoping that everything will be alright with her soon."
I hoped so as well...
"If you don't feel like we can stay here for a little while longer Yong Midoriya?" All Might said as he changed back into his normal form coughing up blood.
"N-No it's alright." I said while raising my hands before sighing. "I just needed to get all of my worries for her out of my system. Though it was much worse than I had originally thought."
"And that is a good thing, at least partially anyway. It just shows how much you cared about her safety, an important aspect of being a hero and rescuing someone. But it can be equally as dangerous, especially in the field if you allow them to get to you." All Might said while wiping his mouth. "I know I do at times and had struggled with those worries, but in the future Young Midoriya I suggest that you should talk about them more with others in the future. We just saw what could happen if you did so."
"I-I will." I said a little shakily to All Might, getting him to stare at me for a moment before nodding.
"You can tell anyone that you are close too about your worries at anytime Young Midoriya." All Might said with a small smile. I looked at him for a few moments before nodding. "I want you to promise me that Young Midoriya."
"I promise I will." I said honestly before smiling. "Still I can't believe Erika is close to becoming regaining her human again."
"Seems so long ago, just another sign at far we've come since than Young Midoriya. You've been with her every step of the way. Just a few steps more, but than the real struggle begins." All Might said with a smile.
"And I promised that I would help her all along the way." I said with a wide smile of my own.
Once she regained a human form Erika will need help adjusting to a world she hasn't lived in for centuries, and I will be sure to help her however I can.
"I think I'm ready to go back to the base now." I said to All Might, getting him to nod.
"Good, than what are we waiting for!" All Might said as he changed into his heroic form and grabbed me before I could protest, rushing towards Monarch's base.
C-Could have done without being grabbed like that, but I was still smiling all along the way. I was just so happy about Erika's condition that I didn't mind it at all.
(Temporary Monarch Base - An hour and a half later.)
After we had arrived back at the base I immediately wished to see Erika...that turned out to be a bad idea as Agent Aoki wasn't lying about the smell from the chemical reaction. Factoring a more developed sense of smell, the pungent scent produced made my feel like my head was spinning for a few minutes. But it was worth it to see what was happening to Erika.
Even now with the scent from the Shirigami Compound still bothering me.
Erika was still in the same position, but looked slimmer and slightly smaller. With ever now and again a spore emerging from her body before dissipating, with the scientists being able to safely remove chunks of petrified flesh from her body or they would fall onto the ground.
According to Dr. Mifune that was what was happening on just the surface of her body, the real change was what was happening inside. Comparing the changes going on to be akin to a flower maturing and growing in it's bud before blooming.
W-While the description was rather apt given part of Erika's DNA, it also made it difficult to extract any new material from further inside her body without potentially disrupting the process unless from an area on the surface that had just fallen off.
Right now I was waiting to hear the results for both Erika's current condition and my latest sets of test from Dr. Mifune and Dr. Tōga waiting next to All Might in his regular form at a table not that far from Erika. Across from us was Nezu, Director Serizawa, and Vice Director Graham.
We have been waiting for a few minutes now and the smell was starting to get to me again...
"Having difficulties handing the smell Midoriya?" Nezu inquired with a grin and a small gleam in his eye.
"Y-Yes, still getting used to it. How can you handle this scent, isn't your sense of smell better than mine?" I asked Nezu, getting him to cackle a little.
"Normally you would be right, but fortunately I have years of experience compared to your past few weeks. So I know when to block out my scent of smell, sadly I can't say the same for hearing." Nezu said with a grin as I struggled to get used to the smell before Dr. Mifune and Dr. Tōga entered the lab.
"Sorry we are a little late, just had to double check each and every sample we had for traces of micro oxygen and we are finally done." Yujiro said before looking at the table next to Erika. "At least every sample as of 10 minutes ago."
"And what would have you found so far?" Serizawa asked them.
"No signs of micro oxygen or cellular degeneration yet. But what we have found that Erika's cellular structure is definitely changing is quite rapidly. Comparing samples from a hour and a half ago and ten minutes ago have revealed their structure while still more plant like is starting to taking characteristics like a human blood cell with those who poses a plant like physiology quirk." Dr. Mifune said with a smile. "In all honestly with what we could find so far it looks like Erika will survive the process."
I smiled at that and wiped a rear from my eye at hearing that while All Might placed a hand on my shoulder.
"What are the chances that the process being finished before we will have to relocate in four days." Graham said, getting Yujiro to shrug.
"Unknown but very likely. Looking at her blood and with no way of knowing exactly when she would re-emerge the results are most likely whenever Erika is ready. Hell it could very well be within the next few minutes or the next few weeks. It is very much a case where the process could be complete at any time." Yujiro said.
"Meaning all we will have to do is wait to see when that is?" I asked, getting Yujiro to nod.
"Correct, at least on the bright side you will not have to worry about anymore transfusions." He said, getting me to nod at that with a sigh.
At least I wouldn't have to worry about that, but the effects they had on my body are permanent. Add in my body was still changing than it could very well extend weeks after Erika could wake up. While they have either been beneficial or bothersome to adjust too, I am lucky that nothing that has negatively affected me occurred so far.
Yet there was still a very good chance of that changing in the near future, but considering the transfusion was needed to restore her human form it was worth it.
"We will proceed with our current plans for relocation in the event that Erika wakes up earlier." Serizawa said.
"And in the case she does than I am certain we can accommodate her in U.A. and observe her condition with some of your personal for a short amount of time before the exams." Nezu said, getting both the director and vice director to nod.
"That would be an ideal solution." Graham said.
"And I volunteer to stay here just incase." Yujiro said.
"But that is enough about Erika's condition. As we have said it is just a waiting game for when she awakens. There is still plenty of time to try and figure out when, but with her current condition it is mainly guess work without potentially risking Erika if we are not careful." Dr. Mifune said as he looked over to Erika's body as another spore rose from it.
It floated over her body for a moment before disappearing. A scientist immediately pulling away a small chunk of flesh that began to fall away, getting me to wince.
I could never get used to seeing that...
"Than what about Young Midoriya's own condition? Agent Aoki said that you found something in his blood? What exactly did you find?" All Might asked, getting the two doctors to look between myself and Erika for a minute...
Wait a minute.
"Y-You don't mean..." I stuttered out as Yujiro grinned.
"That's right Midoriya, we found chloroplasts developing in your cell's mitochondria. Nothing like what you would see in Erika's own cells or any plant really. No traces of a quirk, meaning this is something entirely else. This besides your white blood cell count returning to normal levels are the only changes we can find from yesterday's tests." Yujiro said, shocking me.
"Congratulations are in order I suppose Midoriya, you are the first singular vertebrate that can photosynthetic that doesn't have a quirk or is a Kaiju. Well technically mostly a Kaiju. Still we can actually compare this newest development to the only other non quirked or Kaiju that can photosynthetic." Mifune said.
And I immediately knew what it was.
"So the yellow spotted salamanders from the United State, their embryos have algae in their cells to photosynthesis in low oxygen ponds where they were born. Forming a symbiotic relationship with the embryo and being found in their cells next to mitochondria. Although it is rare to find algae in the cells of adults after they have grown except for the female salamanders which pass the algae to their children. This symbiotic relationship was first used to study the effects of photosynthesis on those whose quirks gave them chloroplasts in their cells when quirks began to appear. That would mean that my cells have developed a similar adaption that, but it isn't a symbiotic relationship." I said looking down at my own arms.
Given that the salamanders would eventually grow past the symbiosis than the chloroplasts in my cells could probably offer only so much nutrients and energy through photosynthesis. With their placement could further enhance my body or is a direct cause for the changes that already occurred. Similar effects had been noticed in plant like quirks before and more activity in sunlight so that is a possibility. Will have to remember to refresh my knowledge with quirks that give a similar effects once I get home later on tonight.
"I suggest you do so Midoriya." Serizawa said, breaking me from my thoughts and closing my notebook as I look at the table around me.
Nezu and Yujiro looking amused, Serizawa's and Mifune's expressions were eve, and All Mighjt and Graham were looking confused.
"I-I was muttering again." I said while closing up my notebook.
"Where did you get that notebook?" Dr. Graham asked.
"I brought it with me." I said simply before putting back in my back pack.
"Believe me it is better not to ask." All Might said while shaking his head. "And I expected nothing less from you Young Midoriya."
"He has quite the knowledge and analytics of Quirks that is for sure." Nezu said with a grin.
"And as you said the photosynthesis won't benefit you much in the short term, but it probably will in the long term. But for now we will have to continue researching on both this and any other changes in both Midoriya and Erika. Going to need to draw out a little more blood from Midoriya to study overnight for more potential effects and compare it with other similar blood types I have on file." Yujiro stated getting myself to nod.
That was a good idea, especially with my body is still in the middle of changing there was no telling if this could develope even further than we thought.
"Then when that is done Young Midoriya we are leaving for the day to continue your training. It is about time to finish what we started so many months ago!" All Might said with a wide grin shocking me for a moment, before I smiled recalling what he said on the same day when the transfusions began.
Erika will soon be getting a human form and her condition has stabilized. Although my body was still changing and I don't exactly know One for All would effect them.
But it will still take at most a few days to finish clearing up the trash at Dagobah Municipal Park, so hopefully by then the rate at which my body was changing would slow down. Yet that was not going to slow me down at all.
I was going to give it my all until the very end.
"O-Of course!" I said, trying to contain my excitement.
"That should be enough for you right now Midoriya, there are a few more details to discuss Monarch's relocation." Nezu said, getting me to nod.
"It should not be too long Young Midoriya, and I believe there is someone who might need now anyway." All Might said with a wide grin, to which I nodded and excused myself from the meeting.
As they resumed their discussion I walked over to where Erika was.
Another spore emerged from her body and floated away from it, and to my surprise it didn't dissipate like all the others. Instead it floated towards me, brushing against my hand briefly before it dissipated.
"Just a little longer Erika, soon I will keep my promise and show you what you have missed. You will no longer have to suffer like you had again. I can not wait to see you again." I said with a small smile as I watched a few more spores rise up from Erika before they dissipated.
It will only be just a little while longer until everything will be alright.
(3rd POV - Dagobah Beach Municipal Park - 3 and a half hours later)
"And that should be the last of this load." All Might said as he placed a muffler into the back of his truck. "You alright Inko?"
"Give me a minute..." She panted out as she leaned against his truck.
After Izuku had his blood drawn All Might had stopped by the Midoriya family apartment real quick as Inko had joined them in cleaning up the beach over the past few weeks. She had gotten better at it and taking less breaks between moving so much debris.
Not that All Might could say as much himself given he always did as much in his true form to keep up the ruse, something the he planned on ending soon enough.
As for Izuku...
"He is certainly going at it today, I guess hearing about Erika's condition improving and her treatments almost being finished really lit a fire in him." Inko said as she and All Might looked towards the beach.
There Izuku was gathering heaps of trash, quickly organizing and moving them into place in a pile, and then moving on to another trash laden section of the beach. Which admittedly wasn't that many places left on the beach.
Ever since they had started today Izuku had given it his all and beyond in picking up the trash on the beach. Knowing that Erika could regain a human form at literally any minute now had driven him to go all out.
All Might had originally figured that it would take his protégée a few days to finish everything, but at this rate he suspected it would only be about two more days for Izuku to finish clearing out the beach. He wouldn't be surprised if Izuku finished clearing it up earlier.
Izuku was really going Plus Ultra.
"It is the best news he has gotten this week, that and he has been waiting weeks to hear about Erika's condition improving. That was the final push he needed." All Might said with a smile while Inko nodded.
"I would think so, I just really wish to meet Erika soon. I haven't seen Izuku so happy for something since you started training him Toshinori." Inko said while shaking her head.
"Considering everything that very well may happen soon. Though I believe that you just wish to meet the girl that considers your son to be her hero." All Might said with a knowing grin.
Inko just smiled at his remark.
"Maybe, but I do wish to thank her. Both you and her were able to support his dream and helping to make it a reality." Inko said a little sadly.
"Inko, we have been over this. You have gone up and beyond to raise Young Midoriya into the upstanding young man he is." All Might sighed out.
"I know, I just can't help but feel like it sometimes. I still wish to support Izuku becoming a hero, but I can not help but worry about him. Especially since he seems to have been hiding what has been happening to his body." Inuko sighed out, getting All Might to look at her.
"So you noticed it as well than." All Might sighed out.
"I didn't really notice it to be about a week ago. I had thought that Izuku was going through a growth spurt at first. But his hair and skin has grown paler, his pupils are dilated, and he his teeth are starting to grow into fangs." Inko said worriedly. "Toshinori do you know what is happening to him. From the sounds of it you have some idea of what is going on and Izuku is trying to hide it not to worry me. So if do, than please tell me."
All Might sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew that she was going to ask about that sooner or later. It was getting harder and harder for Young Midoriya to hide how the changes had been affecting his body.
With Erika close to regaining a human form and Izuku on the cusp of receiving One for All they wouldn't have to keep anything from her anymore. Not that All Might wished to do so anyway.
Inko deserved to know everything, but it would just have to last a little bit longer...
"I don't know the exact details, but these changes have been relatively harmless to Young Midoriya so far. I do have someone looking after them and any other effects it could have on him. We should now everything that is happening to him soon enough through her." All Might said trying to ease Inko's worries.
"And do you trust who is checking up on this?" Inko asked pointedly.
"She is a licensed medical professional and the same reason why I was able to survive my 'accident' five years ago." All Might said before coughing up a little blood, wiping it away from his mouth.
At this Inko looks at him for a few moments before sighing.
"I suppose you would know someone like that considering how you had Detective Naomasa keeping an eye on Izuku leaving from school." Inko sighed out.
"Speaking of which tomorrow will be the last he will be able to patrol around Young Midoriya's school before moving to more of the surrounding areas. So he won't be able to keep an eye on him, but I should be able to pick him the next day." All Might said.
"That is good to hear, Mitsuki has been wishing to come over again." Inko muttered out. "Still I do hope that they catch Shiten again. He's already caused enough trouble for Izuku already."
"It is only a matter of time." All Might said while putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Besides Young Midoriya should be ready enough to handle him, but I hope that it doesn't have to come to it."
"Same." Inko said, shaking her head before facing All Might. "When do you think we should tell Izuku about us Toshinori?"
All Might coughed some blood and separated himself from Inko before wiping the blood from his mouth.
"When he is finished cleaning the beach, so soon enough. Young Midoriya already has enough on his mind already. Though I do wonder how he will take it." All Might said.
"Probably like I did when you first asked me to a date." Inko said with a smile while All Might sighed. "But I know Izuku will accept it without much trouble."
"Hopefully." All Might said with a smile, before both him and Inko jumped as a loud crashing sound rang out from the beach.
The both of them look and Inko sighed out in relief once she saw that some of the trash pile had collapsed while her son was gathering some more on the other side of the beach.
"I think it is time for him to take a break." Inko said.
"Agreed." All Might said before running off to Izuku. "Young Midoriya take a break, we need to take care of this current load!"
Inko smiled at the two while shaking her head. She could only hope that Izuku wouldn't freak out too much when he learned the truth. But with how much he seems to admire Toshinori, Inko thought that everything would be alright in the end.
(3rd POV - Dagobah Beach Municipal Park - Next Morning- 6 am)
"I wonder just how much Young Midoriya has managed to get done. We only have enough time to take a load or two before he needs to get ready for school." All Might muttered as he stepped out of his truck.
Izuku had once again surprised him with how much he had managed to clean up the beach yesterday afternoon. The news about Erika was definitely the final push he needed.
Still All Might expected that Izuku would probably be done with the beach by tomorrow. Even with the early start he got this morning he would be-
All Might was broken from his thoughts as he heard someone yelling.
Looking for the source All Might was shocked to see Izuku on top a massive pile of trash on the sidewalk, yelling as the sun began to rise. All Might looked at him in shock before sprinting to get a better look at the beach.
"Hey, hey, hey..." He said in surprise at seeing it's state. "He seriously cleaned up everything. There is not even a spec of dust left!"
True to his words there wasn't a single spec of trash lying on the beach. The pro hero even admiring the way the sun's rays were reflecting off of the sand and the water as it continued to rise.
For the first time in years, Dagobah Beach Municipal Park was returned to it's former splendor.
"He finished it all in just under a single day!" All Might said with a grin. "Oh my...Oh my...goodness!"
In his heroic form he noticed that Izuku began to sway before falling off the trash pile. All Might caught him in a burst of speed before the teen could crash into the beach. Briefly wincing at feeling Izuku's spines before his grin returned.
(Izuku POV)
I finally did it...
After Nine and a half months of training I finally managed to finally completely clean the beach.
I could have done without nearly passing out from exhaustion again, but it was worth it...
"Good work!" All Might said, getting me to smile weakly.
"All Might...I did it..." I groaned out. "I did it..."
"Yeah, you surprised me you entertainer!" All Might said as he lowered me to the ground and stood me up. "You certainly are amazing Young Midoriya, you went above and beyond my expectations!"
I couldn't help but feel happy as his words as I struggled to stand up for a few moments before All Might pulled out his phone. He scrolled through it for a few moments before turning it around to show me something.
Wait wasn't that...
"This was you nearly nine and a half months ago Young Midoriya. You did good, you really did!" All Might said as he put the phone away and spread his arms out wide. "The mirage of it is barely visiable, but you have finally done it! You have grown quite a lot Young Midoriya both physically and mentally especially these past few weeks. But your body is finally now a suitable vessel!"
At his words I smiled as tears began to stream down from my eyes.
I finally did it, I could finally inherit One for All...
"I-It feels like I am cheating..." I said, surprising All Might while down at my hands. "You did all of this for me. I could have only gotten this far this soon with you help and the changes Erika's blood have done to me. I-I am truly blessed, but I don't feel like it..."
All Might sighed and shook his head, before to my surprise embracing me in a hug.
"We really need to work on your self confidence Young Midoriya." All Might said before separating from me. "What got you this far was your own hard work and your drive to become a hero. The changes might have helped a little, but what really sped up your training this past month was the desire to save Erika. To be the hero she thinks you are, the hero I know you will become one day, a hero your mother could be proud of no matter what, and the hero you have always wished to be. You are all that and more Izuku, you have built the foundation for your future with your own two hands and a little help. There is no shame in admitting that, but you are worth it Young Midoriya. I chose you as my successor and you have time and time again surpassed my expectations. You have earned One for All, never think otherwise. Alright?"
I struggled for a few moments before I began to sob a little, trying to maintain a smile on my face.
H-He was right...
I have known since a young age not Everyman was created equally. I have had to work harder than almost everyone else to get where I am at today in order to inherit One for All and become a hero.
To become a hero to save everyone I can like Erika. That people can put their fait into like All Might and Mom have. I couldn't have done this without their support and Monarch what what they have done for Erika...
All Might was right, I might have built the foundation for this day. But I couldn't have gotten this far without their support.
I truly am blessed...
"Alright..." I said with a smile as I regained my composure. All Might just smiled and nodded before patting my back.
Before wincing as he pulled his hand back.
"All Might?" I asked as he shook his hand.
"Nothing Young Midoriya, just some static electricity. Still enough with the water works, it is time for the award ceremony! Are you ready Izuku Midoriya!" All Might said as I wiped away my tears.
"Yes sir!" I said while All Might reached into one of his tufts of hair, pulling out a strand.
Wait a minute, don't tell me...
"This is something I was once told. 'Something that you receive because you were lucky and something you are given because you are recognized are different in essence.' Make sure to take that to heart. This is the power you have earned because of your own effort." All Might said as he thrust his hand forward with the strand of hair in it. "Now eat this!"
That was not what I was expecting at all...
"So I take it you figured out how One for All is transferred." All Might, getting me to nod.
"I just need to digest part of your DNA...This is way too different than what I first thought..." I muttered out.
"Believe me this is the safest and easiest way to inherit One for All. My master did it for me, the same way they got it from their inheritor before. No idea about about before them though." All Might said with a shrug before handing me the hair. "Now eat this Young Midoriya, you should be done digesting it by the time school ends and then we will test what you can do with One for All at U.A.."
"Is it because as you put it, I am barely a vessel." I said looking the strand of hair in my hands.
This is going to be strange and disgusting to do, but it literally won't be the worst or riskiest thing put into my body these past few weeks.
"That is correct, honestly I do it what it will do for you Young Midoriya. When I first inherited One for All I had a few years of training and I could use 100% of it from the start. I had to learn how to hold back and apply my strength with necessary. But for you it could be very different, especially with the changes your body has undergone. At the very least we could expect some broken bones." All Might said, getting the both of us to wince.
"So we would have Recovery Girl on hand, setting a baseline on what I have to work on. A-And to expect some broken bones and bruised shins." I said.
"Believe me she will going after me today, can't promise how much in the future though." All Might said with a shudder. "Now go ahead and take your prize, I'll start to load the truck."
"Alright." I said looking at the hair apprehensively, before my eyes widened in realization.
If I ate this then-
"Young Midoriya cease your mumbling, I have been preparing for this day for 5 years and had 10 months to come to terms with this!" All Might said, startling me before he sighed. "I have a few months to years at most before I lose One for All, I always knew it could come down to this one day. I'm going to use what remaining time I have to remain as the Symbol of Peace and make the transition for when my time has come as smooth as possible. I have already achieved my dream Young Midoriya, it is about time I pass this torch to someone who can make their own a reality as well."
"I-I see..." I muttered out sadly before All Might placed a hand on my shoulder.
"As I said Izuku, you built the foundation with your own hard work. Now it is time to build from from there with One for All. I want you to promise me two things Young Midoriya." All Might said, getting me to nod shakily. "The first is that I want you to train at your own pace no matter what. I know that you will push yourself harder than everyone else, just try not rush through it otherwise you might push yourself too hard that you might break. The other thing is that I want you to find your own way to be a hero. I decided and dreamed of becoming the Symbol of Peace, but I don't expect that from you Young Midoriya. I want you to find your own path and meaning for what it means to become the greatest hero."
"I-I promise All Might, though I am still unsure about your second promise." I muttered out.
"Take your time Young Midoriya, it will come to you in time. But I know that you will make the right choice." All Might said proudly, getting myself to smile. "Now what are you waiting for?"
I briefly looked down at the strand of hair in my hands.
The moment I eat this I will inherit One for All and All Might's time as the Symbol of Peace and as a hero will come to an end. Here lied the legacy of a number of heros before me and power that I could probably barely handle now.
But here was also the opportunity to achieve my dreams and the legacy All Might has passed onto me. There was no turning back now, to do so would effectively spit on my own dream and tarnish the faith of everyone that has supported my dream.
As All Might said, it is time to find my own path. With this being the first step.
One disquieting step that is...
J-Just get it over with and eat it before the taste sets in...
I shoved the strand of hair into my mouth and quickly slowed it, gagging after wards while All Might grinned at me.
That was so disgusting, but no turning back now...
All I could do now was wait for the hair to digest, and when it did I will have both a Quirk and the first way to achieve my dream.
(Aldera Junior High - Early Afternoon)
I stood at the gates to school effectively bouncing on my feet waiting for All Might to come while keeping one of my hands in the shade and the other in sunlight for about ten minutes. Testing for any possible effects of my now photosynthetic blood...that was going to take some more time to get used to.
Taking my hands outside of the sun I immediately began touching fingers to my thumb, trying to noticing any difference in reaction or movement in between both hands. There was a slight slowness in the hand that rested in the shade compared to the other one for a few moments in the sun.
It could be due to my blood or just in my head but it could use more studying to truly test it out. Alongside more tests from Monarch to determine what else my blood could affect for my body. As they put it probably wasn't much, but I have been doing a lot of research on Quirks with similar blood during my spare time today in school.
Mainly to keep my excitement in check that I've gained One for All!
I-I mean I am excited to have gained it, but I haven't really felt anything different yet.
Than again considering All Might's strength, it was probably a good idea that I didn't try to use One for All anyway...much less accidentally being expelled for destroying the school...
Okay maybe I should try to focus on something else...
Maybe on Erika, I know they said that she would regain a human form anytime now yet I haven't heard anything yet. Than again it was probably a good idea Monarch hadn't tried to reach me at school, though they probably would have texted if something did happen.
Still knowing that I couldn't help but feel a little happy knowing that she could regain a semblance of the life she lost centuries ago. And that I will be there to help see just how much this world has changed.
I widened my eyes as I felt my spins seemed to twitch underneath the skin as I felt something seemed to pulse inside me before vanishing.
W-Wait was that...One for All...
Quickly looking around I took a few steps away from the school's gate and looked at the skyline for any buildings before taking a few deep breaths.
D-Don't focus on trying us it's power at all, save that for U.A.. I-Instead just try to get a feel of it instead...
Easier said than done...
Taking a few more breaths I tried to focus on the same sensation again...
For a few moments there was nothing, so I continued to try and feel for One for All.
Before I felt my spins seem to twitch once again and I felt another pulse, fainter than the one before.
T-This was good, I just need to keep focusing on it!
So I did, feeling the pulse getting stronger and stronger until eventually I felt something different. The best way to describe it was putting my hand on the surface of the ocean, only it felt like it was a whole lot warmer and electricity was coursing through it.
It was One for All, at least the surface of it. Probably a good idea to pull back from it.
Now how do I that?
"Sorry I'm a little late Young Midoriya, just had to deal with a villain who thought he could jay walk after attacking an officer and burning their car. The nerve of some people, at least everyone was all right." All Might said, breaking me from my focus and I could no longer feel it anymore.
I let out a sigh of relief as a grin spread across my face before getting All Might's truck.
"All Might I did it, I could access One for All!" I said, getting him to cough up blood while he looked shocked. "A-At least I could manage to get a feel of it, I tried not to tap into the full power of it."
All Might wiped the blood away before he grinned and shook his head.
"I really should not be surprised by anything that you do anymore Young Midoriya, but you keep doing so. At least you figured that out on your own, but you will still need to test out it's full power." All Might said while shaking his head. "I bought you a change of plain clothes in the back for when you test One for All, better than you regular clothes or uniform.
"P-Probably for the best." I said as All Might drove away.
While I pulled news concerning the incident All Might mentioned, I noticed something about him.
It seemed that as he was driving to U.A. it was like he was more focused and tired looking.
I am pretty sure that looking through the news and social media All Might hadn't reached his limit today.
P-Please tell me it held nothing to do with me inheriting One for All...I don't know how I would react if that was the case...
Only one way of finding out.
"Is there something wrong All Might?" I asked, praying in the inside it was nothing like I thought it was.
He raised a eye in questing before shaking his head with a small smile.
"Nothing to worry about Midoriya, it's just something that I should have told you a long while ago." All Might said, getting me to sigh in relief.
That alleviated me worries a little, but what could he wish to tell me?
"And what is it?" I asked All Might, getting him to shake his head.
"Nothing that you have to worry about Young Midoriya, well except for maybe on thing but it is relatively harmless..." All Might said while his face seem to redden a little before returning to normal. "But it is best left said for when we get to U.A."
To this I just nodded, while wondering just what was it that All Might wanted to tell me?
(U.A. Training Grounds - Half an hour later)
The rest of the ride to U.A. was relatively silent before arriving at the school.
We haven't gone to the Monarch base yet as All Might said it would be for the best to be tested for any changes after testing the full power of One for All. Which I can see the benefit off, although I dread having to see Recovery Girl after this.
Currently I had finished changing into the clothes All Might had bought, a long long sleeved shirt that held the kanji for Test written across the pants and dark green track pants.
I found him sitting on an overturn concrete pillar next to a one pointer robot. With him gesturing to a spot right next to him. Which I can guess is for what he wants to tell me. I took a deep breath before approaching him.
Ever since he said that on the ride here I have been both curious and more than a little nervous about what All Might could have to say. Those feeling had been bubbling up with each passing minute sine we arrived at U.A..
So I did my best to push them down as I took a seat next to All Might.
"I believe that might have a ton of questions Young Midoriya and I'll answer all I can time, but's let's start out with one of my own. Have I ever told you anything about my master?" All Might asked.
I tried to think if he mentioned anything about who their master was over the past ten months. Nothing came to mind except what they believed in what it truly meant to save someone and the reason why All Might smiled while being a hero. Nothing else.
"Nothing much about your master, what was he like?" I said shaking my head.
Instead of responding to my surprise All Might went deathly pale as he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing and shuddering in fear!
J-Just what could cause that type of reaction from All Might of all people.
"If he learned about this I would never hear the end of it." All Might, his tone filled with dread as he coughed up some blood. While I wondered who could cause such a reaction from him, All Might wiped the blood from his mouth and smiled. "Sorry about that, anyway my master's name was Nana Shimura. She was a registered hero when I was but a young child, since you are such a hero fanboy perhaps you have heard of her?"
So that explains part of why All Might reacted like that, but not what scared him. Maybe from what he said and how he reacted to Dr. Mifune said he knew someone close him and how he hadn't contacted him in a while. I could assume that whoever All Might is afraid of must of been connected to Nana Shimura in some way. ThoughI still don't know why he would be afraid of them, neither do I want too...
Still the name Nana Shimura didn't sound familiar, but narrowing down just a name for licensed heros of that era was going to be extremely difficult. The time All Might was talking about was the most chaotic in Japan since the days of Destro's failed revolution, the crime rate of the time was absolutely insane compared to when he became the Symbol of Peace. There we're a lot more villains and heros eventually turning to become criminals than then it was now. So without much details it would be difficult to narrow down a hero from that era...
"And you would be right on that regard Young Midoriya, at least for the half of what I could decipher." All Might said, getting me to look at him sheepishly.
Really needed to get a handle on my muttering...
"So what was she like?" I asked All Might, getting him to smile.
"She was amazing, although she wasn't regarded as one of the best heros of the era Nana truly cared for saving people. She was who I modeled my career after and why I saved people with a smile. Nana was kind and probably the most open hearted person I ever met. She was more than just my master to me, Nana was the only person I could ever consider a mother." All Might said with a small smile.
Getting me to nod and wondering what that would have been like to him.
All Might had admitted that he was an orphan before, his parents having been one of many casualties from the chaos of the era at a young age. He had long come to terms with it from when he told me about it.
So his praise for her is quite high indeed.
"Officially her Quirk was recorded as Float and would have been recorded as working similar to Captain Celberty's Flight Quirk, but that was only half of the story." All Might said, breaking me out of my thoughts.
He briefly looked down at my notebook and shook his head before continuing.
"Float only allowed Nana to levitate and suspend herself mid air, the other half of it as you could possibly guess was because she was the seventh inheritor of One for All as a secondary Quirk. She cultivated that power before I inherited that power as One for All's eighth inheritor." All Might said with a grin as I stopped writing in my notebook.
"T-Then that would would make me the ninth inheritor than..." I said in awe as I looked down at my own hands. Feeling One for All to pulse briefly before fading.
No wonder it felt like touching the surface of the ocean, I was just activating the barest minimum of it! A power that was built over nine generations now!
It cultivated in power to allow All Might to change the weather with a single punch!
A-And it definitely would have torn me limb from limb if I hadn't undergone All Might's training!
It was kind of hard to believe that I had something like that inside of me right now...
"That is true Young Midoriya...and once again I can not apologize enough for what I said on the day we met." All Might said, breaking me from my thoughts and causing me to wince.
Even though he apologized more than enough times since that day and I have forgiven still stung to think about it.
"Especially since I was previously Quirkless like yourself before I was given One for All." All Might said, getting my eyes to widen surprise.
"It was not as rare as your generation Young Midoriya, but it was still pretty uncommon. I too wanted to become a become a hero, a 'Symbol of Peace' that could bring an end to that era and bring about the end of that era and bring about an era of harmony where the people could live in peace. I met my master and told her that dream one day, and despite the fact I was Quirkless she raised and believed that I could be a hero." All Might said with a smile while I tried to regain my thoughts.
All Might was Quirkless!
C-Considering he has One for All it was hard to imagine him without one, but with the knowledge that his master held a Quirk and it was also enhanced by One for All it certainly made sense. He even described his heroic form to be similar to someone flexing on the beach and Nana Shimura's usage of Float with One for All was fundamentally thought to work similarly to the Quirk Flight. So I can only assume that One for All functions differently depending on the user. And I never even considered for All Might to have a secondary Quirk due to this effect.
"Hit the nail right on the head Young Midoriya, that and you never asked." All Might said, breaking me from my mumbling. I face palmed at hearing that, getting him to chuckle.
I-I really should have asked him a long time ago.
But that does bring something into question.
"If you were Quirkless why did you say everything that you did the day we meant." I asked pointedly, getting All Might to sigh.
"Both seeing too much of my younger self in yourself upon meeting you Young Midoriya and having become jaded from my battle five years ago. I told you those things so you could still save people...but seeing that now was like spitting on the dreams I once held. You showed me that you had the heart of a true hero that day and reminded me of what it meant to become one." All Might said with sad sigh. "You have gone beyond what I had originally thought and continue to surprise me. I am proud to have chosen you as my successor, but the words of that day still must hurt to remember, don't they?"
That caused me to wince at his words before shaking my head to clear my thoughts.
While that did help put some emphasis into what he said and did still try to guide me down a path to helping other people, but it still felt cutting to be told I couldn't become a hero.
But that was seemed like such a long time ago now.
"Maybe it is true, but you have long since made up for it. That and your master probably would be proud of what you have done." I said, getting All Might to grin and laugh before cough up some blood.
"You are right Young Midoriya, although she would probably admonished me for it." All Might chuckled as he wiped away the blood.
Before he adopted a serious expression. In fact he looked like he had aged a few years as he sighed and looked me directly in the eyes. I felt a little nervous as his bright blue eyes seemed to pierce into me soul.
"Young Midoriya what I am about to tell you next is connected to One for All since it's very origins." All Might said grimly.
"W-What would that be?" I asked, dreading to know what he would say.
"All For One." He said grimly.
Although I had never heard of it, the way All Might said it made a shiver go down my spine and my body to feel cold.
"I've never heard of All For One, just what is it?" I asked, getting All Might to shake his head.
"Would be a surprise if you did, All For One was both a who and a what. The identity he went by and the name of his Quirk. The opposite of One for All." All Might said his tone filled with dread.
A name of a Quirk that is opposite for One for All and someone going by the same name...I could see a why All Might would say something while sounding so grime. And clutching his side while speaking...wait a minute.
It could not be.
"All For One was who you fought five years ago, wasn't he?" I asked, getting All Might to spit up blood with nodding. "How! If you said he is tied for One for All than-"
I cut myself off at the realization of what could the opposite One for All meant, and why All Might must have dreaded speaking it.
Even I felt myself sweating thinking about it.
"A-All For One could steal other people's Quirks and transfer them to others couldn't he?" I asked, getting All Might to nod grimly only filling me with dread. "H-He must have stolen at least one longevity Quirk in order to still be alive until than."
Quirks that could grant a longer lifespan were pretty rare, but Quirks that could steal another person's Quirk's were even rarer. Only a handful had ever been recorded and the only instance of someone who could steal another person's Quirk permanently was a serial killer who was accidentally killed during a shoot out in Europe nearly 50 years ago known as Swindle. Granted the Quirk could only permanently hold one Quirk at a time and had swap it with another person's Quirk when the user chose to steal it, but that was just a testament to how rare and dangerous those Quirks could be.
And to find out there has been a villain like that in Japan with a much stronger version for decades and was powerful enough to cripple All Might...
That was just too frightening to think about...
"That is correct All For One could permanently steal and transfer Quirks while also stockpiling the ones he stole similar to how One for All stockpiles power over each new inheritor. All For One was Japan's first true Great Supervillain, one of the first in all of Asia as well. I don't know his exact age but All For One was around during the tail end of the dawn of Quirks, making him at least half as old as Erika. He used his Quirk to build an empire that allowed him to rule Japan criminals from the shadows for decades, only for his control going dormant for periods of time when he felt the need to. He was a heartless monster, but the only person he held any sort of care for was the first inheritor for One for All." All Might said.
"And why would that be?" I asked, dreading that someone like that actually existed.
No one in the world who had held the title of Great Supervillain had appeared in over 20 years that wasn't still imprisoned, the title held for the worst of the worst villains in history. So for one and an ancient one that All For One that still existed and nearly killed All Might was a hard pill to swallow.
"The first inheritor was his frail younger brother, but I know that had been passed down is that he was thought to be born Quirkless. Wether through some twisted form of caring, desire to control him, or a mixture of both forced a power stockpiling Quirk onto him. Yet unknown to all the brother was born with a Quirk that allowed him to transfer it to others through DNA. Practically useless until both his Quirk and the power stockpiling Quirk merged, creating One for All. A Quirk All For One could not steal." All Might said with a smile.
"With All For One ended up creating the ultimate counter to himself unintentionally." I said, the irony of such a situation not lost on me. "And I take it that All For One-"
"Honestly I don't know, it would be a possibility for All For One to do so but that part hasn't been passed down all that well." All Might said while cutting me off. "It was either he killed or his brother or the brother's frail health finally got to him. But what is known was that he passed One for All and All For One had been hunting the inheritors for years afterwards. Killing them but not before One for All had already been passed." All Might sighed out sadly.
"A-And I can only assume that is what happened to your master?" I asked dreading the response. Which got worse when All Might nodded, confirming what I feared.
"She died nearly two and a half years fighting him after transferring One for All to me, she sacrificed herself so that I could live. There was barely anything of her to recover after the battle..." All Might said sadly before his expression hardened. "I returned the favor and put an end to All For One five years ago before he could kill a lot of people. I caved in his head with enough force to bring down a derelict building on top of the both of us, checking to make sure I had finished him off properly before collapsing due to the injuries he inflicted on me."
Hearing that I proceeded to feel like I was going to throw up picturing that.
I-I think I can understand why All Might would do such a thing to someone like All For One, to take such drastic actions. But I can barely imagine having to go through such a scenario...
And I hope I never have to...
"Without All For One all that remains of him is a dark legacy, remnants of his empire that have sprung up every now and then, and One for All. While he is gone that doesn't mean that new villains won't turned up. I hope that you never do what I had to Young Midoriya, but this possess a great opportunity for you." All Might said with a small smile.
"Because I will the first inheritor of One for All without having to worry about All For One. It could open up new opportunities than what came before." I surmised, getting All Might to nod.
"Exactly, I had to leave for the United States as his hold over crime there was almost non existent. I trained there until I was ready to become the Number 1 hero and the Symbol of Peace. I grew up in an era of lawlessness he created, you grew up in an era of peace I created. But now one without his influence. There will be other villains, none matching his level but will probably come close will threaten Japan in time. But as I said it is time to create your own way of being the greatest hero, which I am sure you will find soon enough. As for myself, well I suppose I will do what I can for my soon to be students." All Might said.
He was right.
Without the influence of a centuries old villain which I was still trying to wrap my head around, things would relatively more peaceful now. Granted as All Might said there were bound to remnants of All For One's empire through given how long he ruled in the shadows along with new villains constantly cropping up.
All Might was looking to the future and will be helping not just myself, but other students at U.A. once the school years started. To an era where he will no longer be the Symbol of Peace.
H-Honestly I still can't think of a way to become the greatest hero like All Might did, but that is the point isn't it. That right now I have the time to figure it out before he would have to retire. While he helped shape the next generation of heros including myself.
T-Then that is what I am going to do! Before All Might will have to step down I will find my answer and I will find a way to help bring about another age of peace when I do.
"I will All Might! And I am sure that you will be a good teacher if these past months have been of any indication." I said with a smile, while All Might sighed while looking a little flustered.
"Your giving me some high praise You g Midoriya, and that is because I know you. I'll probably won't be a good teacher at first, but I have been trying to learn since the day we found Erika. So I will not try to let you down." He said. "Besides there is one more thing I need to tell you."
"And that is?" I asked curiously.
All Might looked at the ground with his face aflame before looking me directly in the eyes.
"I have been dating your mother for other a month now." All Might said.
D-Did he just say that-
"Me and Inko have been seeing each other for around five weeks now. We are still testing the waters and looking for a time to tell you this Young Midoriya. Inko is such a wonderful woman and I haven't been this happy in a long time until I mustered the courage to ask her out." All Might said with the most sincere smile I had seen him while I tried to regain my composure.
A-All Might was dating my mom!
As multiple different scenarios began to roll through my head on how it happened I began to feel light headed.
(3rd POV)
Izuku froze up and opened his mouth to respond, only to faint and fall backwards.
All Might just sighed as he pulled something out of his pockets.
"Inko was right on how he would take the news." He sighed out as checked on his protégé. "Like mother, like son."
She had reacted the exact same way when he asked her out. Both Inko and Izuku were a lot a like, mainly personality wise now due to the changes Izuku had gone through altering his features a bit.
Still at this point All Might thought that his life would be a whole lot duller without them.
He placed the smelling salts beneath Izuku's noise and noticed he was starting to stir.
"She was right, these do work." All Might said as Izuku began to rub his eyes. "Honestly I was hoping for a better reaction."
(Izuku POV)
My head...I think that I just had a crazy dream...
That All Might said he was dating my mom...
As I rubbed my groggy eyes I thought that was crazy, only to see All Might smiling down on me.
"It wasn't a dream Young Midoriya." All Might said with a grin.
G-Great I was sleep muttering aging and All Might was dating my mom!
"H-How." I gasped out as I sat back up.
"Simple, it was you Young Midoriya." All Might said, shocking me even more.
M-Me! W-What did I do!
"W-What did I do?!" I exclaimed.
"You reminded me what it is to be a hero and give me and Inko cared through your well-being. Since the time we met we would talk about your training before it slowly grew to be more than that in a few months." All Might said with a smile. "And during that time it brought out something that I had nearly forgotten about."
"A-And what would that be?" I asked nervously.
"Living as Toshinori Yagi, not just the hero All Might or his secretary-manager as the public believes. Just as myself." He said, stunning me to my core
I did that... How did I do that...
That is something I can't wrap my head around...
"For years I had lived as the Symbol of Peace, especially these last few years. Not living for myself at all, I couldn't even imagine a world where I wasn't a hero. This life had given me plenty of those I call friends...and just as well torn them away. A life that if I continued would have been blind to where it was going. Meeting you was what turned that around Young Midoriya. It started small, but you and Inko have allowed me time that wasn't truly dedicated to heroics." All Might said before he looked embarrassed. "I felt happier than I have in a long time with the two of you, especially with Inko."
"And then you eventually fell for my mom, didn't you." I asked, giving him an inquisitive stare while All Might's face flushed.
I managed to regain my composure...more or less and was trying not to freak out.
Honestly I am happy for All Might, but this was still my mom here! I just needed to know how far this goes to make a proper judgement.
And All Might or not if he upsets my mom...well she could probably do more to him than I could or willing...
"Y-Yes, took me to around when Erika breached herself to actually start to work up the courage to do so...only it took me about 2 weeks to enact it. It made me so happy when she accepted...and so worried once she fainted...and even more so once she nearly flooded the truck with her tears on the way to our first date..." All Might said with a sigh. "We are still testing things out and would have you sooner or later. Not sure where this will go with Inko down the road, but I will at least be fine with no matter the outcome. I just want to make sure that your mother is happy as well."
After pondering what he said for a few moments, I could only sigh.
All Might does want mom to be happy as well...
"You need to tell her everything. About your true identity, One for All, Erika, everything. We have been delaying it for too long and mom deserves to know." I said seriously, getting All Might to nod.
"I will tell her everything tomorrow...although we are going to tell her about this aspect of the conversation later." All Might said, getting me to nod.
Fair enough.
"And-" "I have no intention of hurting your mother Young Midoriya. Even if I did so unintentionally I would rather take another such blow from All For One than allow that to happen." All Might said seriously while tapping his left side, coughing up blood.
I just shook my head with a smile knowing that he meant it.
"That's good to know, but what I was also going to say if you did do that I will finish whatever mom does to you All Might." I said with a smile, getting All Might to shudder.
Even Kacchan knows not to do so, he toned things down after one time caught him when we were five.
I-I don't know what happened but he was visibly scared of mom for about a year afterwards, nor do I want to know...
"Noted." All Might said with a shudder while I nodded.
"So where do we go from now that I know that?" I asked curiously, while All Might just smiled.
"Just as we have before, but as I said we'll see how things go from here. Sounds good Young Midoriya?" All Might asked with a grin.
To which I only smiled.
"Yeah it does sound good All Might." I said as All Might pulled something out of his pocket.
Wait wasn't that the one pointer...remote...
"Great, now dodge!" All Might yelled before he pressed the button and the one pointer speed towards where I had been much faster that I had been before.
Causing cracks to appear on the concrete pillar were it hit.
You have got to be kidding me!
"I had Power Loader create this one pointer to be much faster, durable, and stronger with no shut off switch Young Midoriya. Use One for All to blow it away!" All Might said with a grin trying to encourage me.
Yet with the speeding one pointer coming towards me, it wasn't actually encouraging!
Sidestepping out of the way as it's metallic fists slammed into the ground.
Okay just try to remember what it felt like try to focus on what was the cause of-
I was broken from my thoughts as I narrowly avoided being hit by the one pointer and running off in another direction.
A-Alright just try to focus while dodging!
Taking a few breaths and soon feeling a pulse throughout my body.
T-That's it!
The one pointer speed up to try and ram me, barely getting out of the way until I could feel the surface of One for All again. I could feel it's power as the robot rocketed towards me with the intent to strike.
No time for hesitation!
I plunged deeper into the feeling of One for All, raising my arm's to block the one pointer's attack.
It's metallic fist crashed into my right arm and hand...yet I felt no pain.
Instead all I felt was a massive surge throughout my body and right arm as it was destroyed and covered in red vein like markings! With a yell I pushed the one pointer back, denting it's plating and pushing it a good few meters back!
T-This was it...One for All!
It felt amazing, but no time to get lost in the feeling! The one pointer was still functional.
"Your doing it Young Midoriya, blow it away!" All Might shouted as the one pointer charged at me.
I gained a determined look as I pulled my right arm back with One for All still channeling in it. As the one pointer got especially close I cried one thing out with my very being. Something that I have only dreamed of achieving since I first saw All Might when I was four.
"Smash!" I yelled as I punched the one pointer.
And as All Might told me to do, the one pointer was blown away. Far more then that exploded by the shockwave of it all, parts scattering and being blown away!
T-This was the power of One for All-
I screamed out in pain as I clutched my right shoulder as I felt One for All die down. Seeing most of my right arm hanging limply, feeling nothing but pain from it as it was now entirely purple and swollen with the knuckles on my hand broken.
R-Right I could barely contain it's power at the moment.I-I am so glad that I managed to inherit it now, with my body as it is I only earned the right to stand at the starting line with everyone else.
I-I can work on it later...right now I was just in so much pain...
P-Probably need to lie down now...
"Young Midoriya this is worse than I thought." All Might said in his heroic form as tears began to flow freely out of my eyes. "I really shouldn't have done this, I'm so sorry Izuku."
"I-It's alright." I groaned out as he shook his head.
"It's not alright, we will discuss that later. For now let's get you back to Recovery Girl and Monarch. They will probably be checking out what just happened anyway." All Might said as he went to pick me up.
I felt something pulse through my bones and my spines twitch as All Might touched me.
Only to remove his hands as green sparks appeared where they were.
W-What was that?
"Okay that was new, felt like a nasty static shock." All Might said as he shook his hands before trying to touch me once again. When no sparks or I didn't feel any pulse he picked me up and adjust my position in his arms. "Any idea what that was Young Midoriya."
"N-N idea..." I groaned out, getting him to sigh.
"Well that certainly wasn't One for All, at least what I haven't experienced." All Might said, surprising me as he shook his head. "We will find out later, right now we need to get your arm healed up."
"T-That would be preferable..." I groaned out as All Might ran towards the Monarch base, wondering just what was that.
(Monarch Temporary Base - 2 hours later)
"Well Midoriya I will say that besides the true nature of the reason for All Might's blood during the trials passed onto you now, One for All clearly accelerated all of the changes in your body to some degree." Yujiro said excitedly, with him excitedly going through the new information they got through my tests today after my arm was healed.
Still feeling quite tired after my arm was healed I just nodded groggily while I sat on the medical bed.
Currently in the room with myself and All Might was Dr. Tōga, Dr. Mifune, Director Serizawa, and Recovery Girl. The later of which would not stop hitting All Might in the shins with her cane every now and then.
After what happened earlier and after getting my arm healed Vice Director Graham and Principal Nezu were busy keeping explaining what happened while I was undergoing the standard tests, alongside figuring out what happened with All Might earlier.
Since than I haven't accidentally shocked anyone else since than...and tried to call up One for All without risking diving into the full force of it. What ever happened didn't feel like using the Quirk, so just what was it?
Whatever it was, hopefully either Yujiro or Dr. Mifune could find out.
"In what ways has Midoriya changed now?" Serizawa inquired.
"Mainly on a physical level he has grown a whole three centimeters since his last test yesterday, the deformation of his spines increased in length, and the bone plating has now covered over 19% of his total skeletal structure compared to the 15% observed yesterday." Dr. Mifune said as he pulled out two scans representing what they found and handing one to me. "Something that should have taken about two to three weeks to grow from our previous observations."
True to what he said there were multiple new spots appearing on my bones and most of the ones I previously knew about had grown to cover more areas.
"And from what we have seen the only place to fully be covered in plating are your spines." Recovery Girl said, getting my eyes to widen as the scans showed that it was true.
"As for your blood, besides seeing similar markers matching All Might's cells there is a who lot of minor changes not matching his or even Erika's cells not sure where it could lead, but what I do know is they are overall harmless to Midoriya. But there is one thing that we noticed later yesterday have greatly changed." Yujiro said as he began to approach me.
"W-What would that be?" I asked, getting a bad feeling about this.
"Dr. Tōga here discovered that your cells now bare some similarities to Electrophorus genus, Malapterurus family, and several Kaiju." Dr. Mifune said.
"Along with myself and Dr. Mifune discovering that your bone plating seems somewhat metallic in nature through what we could find in the X-ray scans." Recovery Girl said, both their responses getting my eyes to widen.
W-wait my cells are similar to those of electric eels and electric catfish and the bony plating is metallic! Honestly that would explain why I shocked All Might!
Some Kaiju where found to produce electric shocks due to electroplaques. The most famous being King Ghidorah whose presence when he awakened caused storms capable of terraforming the planet due to shear size and voltage produced. So does that mean...
"Yup capable of producing bio electricity or more specifically-" I heard Yujiro say, breaking my thoughts.
Only to see him swing a scalpel at my arm!
I barely had anytime to react when I felt my spines twitch and green sparks appeared where it would have touched the skin, getting the hematologist to drop it to the floor as he shook his hand.
"A bio electric permeable shield as a defense mechanism." Yujiro said as I tried to calm down while All Might got between us in his heroic form.
"If you even think of trying another stunt like that." All Might threatened as Yujiro pulled the scalpel off the floor to reveal that the blade was still covered.
To which I just released a sigh of relief and stopped shaking.
Although it was still covered, that didn't mean that it wasn't terrifying!
"Midoriya just needed the right kind of stimulus to activate it, from what we can observe so far it probably isn't something he could consciously activate at this time. Sorry about the scare by the way." Yujiro said as he put the scalpel away.
"N-Never again." I stuttered out as All Might turned into his true form, still between us.
"And a bad way to check for such a thing in general." Recovery Girl said as she smacked him in the shins, getting Yujiro to howl in pain.
"We will be having words about this later Dr. Tōga." Serizawa said with a pointed glare.
"Figured and I kind of deserved it. Mifune why don't you start the rest." Yujiro said.
"Certainly, anyway the electroplaques in Midoriya's blood are weak compared what is usually found in nature for now, but with the bone plating semi metallic in nature amplifies the charge greatly into an electromagnetic shield." Mifune explained.
"Definitely that, it took more than shock in my hand to repeal the scalpel. Not sure if it is constantly active or a recharge time, but I aimed to strike at where a bone plating was. Anywhere else on your body would have just been given a small static shock, and that was anything other than a small shock." Yujiro said, getting me to nod.
"Than if what you said is true than it only activates to what I perceive as a danger, my body is under enough stress, or in extreme pain. That it is an unconscious reaction, perhaps it will only work against skin or something that can conduct electricity." I theorized as All Might widened his eyes.
"Young Midoriya remember earlier that I thought that it was just a static shock, that was possibly your barrier. You were exhausted enough to possible activate it unconsciously activate it. But the shock was a lot less compared to earlier." All Might said, getting me to nod.
Than it had already developed inside my body at that point, than One for All only supercharged it once I activated it fully along with the other changes. It did gain power from being passed down from past users...wait if using One for All supercharged some of my changes maybe I could possibly channel part of it!
Will have to ask to test that out in a minute, there is something that I need to figure out first...
"Just because you have that as a defense mechanism Young Midoriya doesn't mean it will be always be effective. I have fought villains with similar Quirks to what you just did." All Might said, breaking me from my thoughts while I nodded.
So if someone does get shocked, they could bypass it or ignore it past the initial shock if they figure out that it is a defense mechanism...
"Wait didn't you say that I can't consciously activate it yet? So I might be able to do so in the future" I asked Yujiro and Mifune, getting them to nod.
"I mean it is possible, but you will have to find a way to do so. Now tell me what did you fell before the barrier activated." Mifune asked.
Wait wasn't it that I felt my spines twitch every time it activated. Only way to test it out.
I reached behind my back and traced against my spine feeling one of the curved growths-
I-I just felt it move, that shouldn't be possible! Than again we are still figuring out just how much of me is still changing due to Erika's blood.
Moving it with my hand, it felt like the bone could move very little up and down without any discomfort. I stretched my fingers along it's length until my thumb accidentally struck my spine.
A wave of discomfort flashed over me as green sparks covered my vision for a second before they died down, but not the discomfort...
"Young Midoriya!" All Might yelled as he got close to me.
"I-I'm fine, but it seems to be triggered by my back. Touching the base of my spine caused it to discharge and some discomfort." I groaned out.
"Then there could be electric organs located along your back developing among the spines. You are very lucky you only got discomfort." Recovery Girl said, before smacking my shin and getting me to wince in pain. "Seems to shorted out the barrier too. Should be back up sooner or later."
Going to need to figure out to prevent such a thing from happening again.
At least the discomfort is going away...
"Is there anything else that you have discovered about Midoriya than?" Serizawa asked, only for both Monarch doctors to look at each other.
"Nothing else really, but we going to need DNA samples of a certain Kaiju from the archives. Honestly we weren't too sure what we saw something in Erika's cells for the past week and a half, but Midoriya's latest developments and the Shiragami compound have shown traces of something else in Erika's blood." Yujiro said, shocking us all.
Was he suggesting what I think he was suggesting!
"Your saying Erika might have encountered a Ghidora!" All Might said while coughing up blood.
"The signs are there and she was in space for nearly three hundred years, her cells are chimeric in nature and the traits even from fresh cells being removed have some similarities exactly to the dead cells of Ghidora. Can't tell with more research, but whatever it may be there are traces of electroplaques that are for a better term dormant." Mifune said getting me to shudder.
The thought of another Ghidora was terrifying enough, there was already a more primitive branch of the species in Antarctica under ice and fully willing to nuke it oblivion at the slightest sign that it would awaken!
We already had one Kaiju follow after Erika from space, I don't the Earth would exactly be ready for another Ghidora!
B-But wait Erika was out in space for a long time and the traits they found were dormant than there was a chance that it could have been a long time ago.
Serizawa considered what to do for a few moments before nodding.
"Fine then, Dr. Ashford is currently studying them but I can have some of them brought to Japan in a few days." Serizawa said, getting both scientists to pale for a second. "The father not the daughter."
"Oh thank god." Yujiro exclaimed as both he and Mifune let out a sigh of relief before looking at me. "You do not want to know."
I-Is it bad that I kind of do.
"Not at all Midoriya, curiosity in moderation is not wrong. That and after seeing their reactions I do want to know myself." Nezu said with a cackle as he entered the room, hearing my muttering. "I'll take things from here Serizawa."
"Certainly, Dr. Mifune and Dr. Tōga we will continue our discussion in another room. Especially about conduct with scalpels." Serizawa said seriously as both doctors nodded and followed him out of the room.
"There must be an interesting story behind that?" Nezu noted as they left.
"Not really, I'm pretty sure you could easily peace together what happened." Recovery Girl huffed out, getting the principal to nod.
"So what does the staff believe?" All Might inquired.
"That Young Midoriya's quirk seemed to have awakened, although those more used to him and Erika figure that something is amiss. Toshinori when before the entrance exam starts we will need to tell them the true nature of what is going on." Nezu said, raising a paw as All Might was about to interject. "After I vet a few of them I know who can keep the secret, but given everything this past month and a half do you really believe you can hide this for long. Better to have of them know to prevent any possible leakage."
With that All Might sighed and nodded as the principal turned towards me.
"Congratulations Midoriya, though I wished the results were different from what I initially calculated." He said, getting me to wince.
"So did I, but all of this was to get to the starting line." I said honestly.
"Indeed, you still have sometime to train before the entrance exams to gain control. But you already have the next step planned to do so." Nezu said, to which I nodded before turning to face Recovery Girl.
Who seemed to get what was planning.
"Even after breaking your arm like that you are still planning to do so again." Recovery Girl said sternly.
Normally I would have flinched at her tone and hoped that she wouldn't smack my shins...okay I still did. But I was not backing down.
"I do have an idea that should probably not break anything. A-And I promise to cancel it if I start to feel anything to break along with stopping for today if anything else breaks." I said as Recovery Girl gave me a stern glance before sighing and facing All Might.
"He at least has some form of self preservation." She sighed out before facing me. "I hope you know what you are doing Midoriya."
"I am, mostly." I admitted honestly, getting her to nod as she walked towards the door.
"Than I will be waiting out front than incase you break anything, which you better not." Recovery Girl said as she walked out the door.
"And I'll get one of the one pointers, I have always wanted to directly control one of them." Nezu said, getting me to shudder as he exited the room.
Hopefully I will not break anything, but something tells me I might be in for some bruising...
"You continue to surprise me Young Midoriya!" All Might said with a grin. "So you found another way to channel One for All through your body already"
"More or less, but it will be nowhere close to the full output." I said, getting All Might to shake his head.
"As long as you don't break your bones that is all that matters, it still shows you are making incredible progress either way." All Might said, getting me to nod with a smile.
That is true, but hopefully this idea will work...
(In front of Temporary Monarch Base -10 minutes later)
A short distance away from the base Nezu stood on a pillar with the remote with both Recovery Girl and All Might on the sides while I stood some distance from the deactivated one pointer.
"Now Young Midoriya feel free to take your time!" All Might called out to which I nodded and took a deep breath.
Here goes nothing...
I took a deep breath and focused on the pulse of One for All before feeling the surface of the ocean of power within.
Alright instead of taking the plunge straight in, just dip below the surface.
Just like the changes that had been happening to my body, One for All was a part of me now that I would have to get used to it. And my new 'permeable barrier' gave me an idea on how to us it...might need to think of a better name for it honestly.
My spines twitching were it's trigger before the electricity flowed through my entire body and among the bone plating. The field covered my whole body, so the principal would be somewhat similar I hoped with the trigger being activating One for All. Allowing it to flow through my body evenly without putting too much pressure at minimum anyway.
In theory though...time to put it into practice.
J-Just hope that nothing breaks!
I braced myself as I dipped into One for All and felt it wash over me. I didn't feel much of a difference, but that didn't mean that I was going to slip up on it's control just yet. I made sure to keep my focus on feeling One for All's energy flowing throughout my body all along the plating.
After a few moments I felt it covered my whole body, but nothing breaking or any pain.
I-It was working, just only one way to tell.
I opened my eyes to see my hands and arm covered in the vein like markings. I flexed my fingers and moved my limbs, seeing arcs of green energy surrounding me. It didn't feel like electricity so maybe an effect of One for All.
Either way still no pain and bone breaking!
"It worked, it worked!" I said excitedly before a wind blew past me to reveal All Might in his heroic form.
"Glad to hear that Young Midoriya!" All Might said with a grin, but that faltered a little once he noticed the energy arcing off of me. "Is that One for All or..."
I couldn't help but laugh a little at that.
"It's One for All, although the coloring is similar. Could apply it as a faux shield." I said thinking of the possibilities.
"It definitely fooled me." All Might said looking a little sheepish as Recovery Girl walked up to us.
"Honestly considering how stubborn you are I should have figured you could do it. So no pain or anything at all?" She said with a smile while I nodded.
"Then can you see if you can pour any more into your body." All Might said as Recovery Girl gave him a stern glance. "If you feel even the slightest bit of pain once you up the power, cut it off."
"I-I'll see what I can do." I said, once again focusing and dipping into One for All.
I dipped in a little more. If what I was using the bare minimum was 1%...then let's try pushing for 2%.
I felt a brief pulse and I felt a slight increase in the flow of my body. I moved my arm and winced as a small flash of pain flashed through my arm. While it did hurt, it was somewhat manageable.
Yet All Might did say to cut it off, so I dialed it back down to 1% and feeling the pain fade.
"I think that I can only use about 1% of One for All like this. Maybe push it to 2% but there was some pain. But it was somewhat manageable." I said, a little disappointed.
"It's still good progress Young Midoriya, while you still have a long ways to go it's a decent start. And with your training there will definitely be an improvement by the time of the entrance exam!" All Might said with a grin, to which I smiled as he did have a point.
"Just be sure to have make a better understanding of your limits in the future. From this oaf I can tell there will be plenty of broken bones in the future. Just try to minimize the possibility of that happening in the future, alright?" Recovery Girl said with nodding.
"I will." I said and I meant it. Although I probably not sure how well I can keep it up though...
"Now than, let's see how much you have improved with this then!" Nezu called out as he pulled out the remote.
"If you start that thing up before I get back there I will cut down your supply of keratin and convince Lunch Rush to do the same with pork until the school year starts!" Recovery Girl said as she walked over to Nezu, waving one hand to him each time her cane hit the ground.
I haven't seen him this nervous since whenever Erika tried to eat him.
"After you disable the one pointer we will head back to your apartment and tell your mother you completed your training on the beach. I'll tell her everything tomorrow after school. Until then just be careful Nezu might be a little too...eager for this." All Might said, getting me to nod before he rushed off towards Nezu and Recovery Girl.
With that I took a deep breath and eyes the one pointer with a smile.
While I was happy to have One for All now, I suppose that I am happier that I will not have to worry about keep all of this a secret from her anymore.
Just wish the said could be said for Erika. It will be any day now they had said, but I could only hope that it would happen before Monarch is forced to leave U.A..
(3rd POV - 2 minutes later)
"See I told you that he would make it. Even with just awakening a Quirk he is making progress at getting a handle on it." Kayama said with a while giving Aizawa a side eye as the two of them observed Izuku fighting the one pointer through a window in the base.
"Still has a long ways to go, but he has some potential. At least he understands what could be a liability in the field and working to correct it." Aizawa said, watching the boy dodging the machine and pushing it back.
When he heard about Izuku awakening a power stockpiling Quirk he had his suspicions, even after seeing the footage Nezu had shown him. It did make sense on why the problem child was training so much especially under All Might.
Supposedly the two of them had similar Quirks and after seeing the footage Aizawa could understand why.
If that was all of his power than the problem child certainly needed that training otherwise he was sure he would have blown that arm clean off.
Still his suspicions were proven somewhat correct once Nezu admitted there was more to it than that directly, saying he needed to properly vetted a few of the teachers to discuss the truth with in general. Something Aizawa could understand somewhat and why the principal told him as much due to his work as an underground hero, but didn't satisfy him overall.
He was on his way the problem child himself to at least gleam some answers and how breaking their limbs like that could be a liability. But it seems like at least the later wasn't needed.
That and Kayama intercepted him before he could get the chance, something Aizawa would never admit to but was probably for the best.
"Of course, I can't to see how much he has grown he first arrived at the entrance exams. And judging by that smile so can't you!" Kayama said with a smirk, to which Aizawa hide his mouth beneath his scarf and stared at her.
"Perhaps not, at least if you don't scare him off." Aizawa said, getting Kayam to roll her eyes.
"He is quite the cinnamon roll, besides I seem to be right about these things. You are still a teacher her after all." She said as Izuku hit the switch, deactivating the one pointer.
"Not that it helps that I had to expel most of my students." Aizawa shot back tiredly.
"Yet you seem to have a knack for preparing them for heroics, even if you are not that good of a teacher." Kayama said with a smirk as Izuku took a few steps back.
Aizawa did not dignify a response to her as he observed the problem child bracing himself while Nezu looked gleeful at the prospect. Even with his suspicions he held, the problem child did held potential to be a hero.
Only time will tell if he could pass during the entrance exam. If not than he was sure he would get his chance during the U.A. Sports Festival.
Cause he was sure that the problem child would settle for nothing more than going to U.A. even if it was the general course.
He was the same way back when he was that age...except more inverted, composed, and evidently not a colossal trouble magnet.
(Somewhere in Mustafa - Night time)
Among the shadows at night, something dragged a few seagull carcasses on top of a small building. Devouring one of their wings and roasting it before looking down on the crowd below, hoping to find something promising from this new spot. At least anything at all really.
Mainly something to stabilize itself, and no standards on whatever it takes.
This body had grown considerably in a few days, but it felt like it was in a constant state of agony and repair. But it was not going to Monarch, not like they would help it out anyway...
This body was unstable and held back from groaning as it felt it's arms tearing open, changing, and closing once again.
It devoured a seagull carcass before continuing it's search.
Nothing of interest except for mainly scumbags in this area, mainly thugs without much brainpower compared to instincts. Not much, but the perfect muscle for lab rats for whatever abomination someone might come up with.
After all it knew better than most what monstrosities science can create. Just needed to wait until someone tried to abduct one of them.
This was one amongst a number of areas across the city with a number of disappearances of such criminals over the past few years, one spot was bound to be good after gleaming the information about a number of cops.
So it waited...
And waited...
And waited...
It waited for a good while, only getting more of the same thing. Running out of seagulls and tossing bones that weren't eaten at those whose thoughts disturbed it down below. There was nothing from this spot this time, but it could be promising later.
Right now it needed to find more-
Wait there was something along that alleyway.
Moving closer it felt a mixture of annoyance and lingering hatred from scraggly looking thug in the alleyway. Their thought's weren't all that coherent on the surface, it was targeted at that blond hair lout All Might. At least what he represents.
That wasn't too strange, but what it did detect made it grin.
It finally found a link, and a proposal that whoever was behind him would find beneficial. Hopefully mutually beneficial.
If not...beggars can't be choosers.
(Unknown POV - A minute later)
I hate recruitment missions. Sensei says they are beneficial for building up The League of Villains.
Nothing more than trash tier mobs unworthy of being members of the party, the lot of them. A number of them were tempted to answer the call when the time came to bring down the Symbol of Peace, some pointed out by Sensei to recruit for scenarios to deal the most damage to All Might if he was at U.A..
Some of them thought different and laughed it off, good riddance. The less said of those fools the better. Less trash mobs to recruit.
Some tried to resist or take me down to take control of the League.
Either they were too under leveled or I was too over leveled...huh...
I scratched my neck as I briefly pondered which of those variables before shrugging and waiting for Kurogiri to open a gateway. I just wanted to play some games tonight...
It will still be awhile to take care of the final boss and for Sensei's Nomu to be ready to deploy...
That brainless brute was supposed to be the ultimate Anti-Symbol of Peace, yet needs time to stabilize...well I suppose that is beneficial with All Might getting weaker by the day. Better opportunity to face him while suffering a severe de-buff.
Still the Nomu is nothing more than a high level tank that dish out whatever it could take...
Anyway what was taking Kurogiri so-
I was broken from my thoughts as I caught something in my hand and promptly disintegrated it.
"Whoever you are come out and leave before this gets ugly!" I growled out.
I'm in no mood for a surprise encounter tonight!
Yet my attacker didn't have the same regards as another projectile came from a different direction before catching it in my hand, keeping my pinky off of it.
Some kind of crystal Quirk than, should be simple enough to deal with.
I saw Kurogiri's portal opened and I kept my back to it incase the attacker got any bright ideas.
Finally now-
I was cut off from my thoughts as something rammed into me and I found myself in Kurogiri's bar. Black mist quickly surrounding me, but it seemed to being repealed around my body by something along with myself feeling lighter almost weightless.
With that I finally managed to get a good look at my attacker-
What the hell! Either this thing was an escaped Nomu or someone managed to summon a demon!
Cause there was no way this thing had a singular Quirk or could make this abomination!
It looked like a horrendous cross between a human and lizard about the size of a large dog on all form legs, crystal spines jutting everywhere, it's heart half outside of it's body, and it's head half human and half lizard with a pair of fangs on it's cheek and two crystal horns poking out a mane of wild green hair.
Even more disturbing was that it's body seemed to pulsate constantly, it's limbs and body constantly trembling and shifting in size haphazardly.
I reached forward to grab it, only to grab my head and scratch my neck as I felt my head splitting open!
The pain was getting worse by the second! Especially when I felt something washing through my whole brain!
It was too much! Too much!
Make it stop!
Make it stop!
Make it-
...So that is what it wants...
Oh Sensei is going to love and hate this!
"You idiot stand down!" I shouted as the pain started to fade. Thank goodness too.
The black mist receded as the Kaiju lifted me up while I grinned, before looking down at my neck to noticed I had broken the skin around it again. I'll deal with it later.
"Are you certain about this Shirigaki?" Kurogiri asked while I grinned as the Kaiju came to rest around my feet.
"Oh no doubt, this thing here started a new quest line. One that Sensei would love to hear about, especially concerning Monarch and All Might!" I announced with a grin as the Kaiju glared at Kurogiri.
"Well that is a name I haven't heard of in over 20 years." Sensei's voice said from a monitor on the wall, getting the Kaiju and Kurogiri to flinch. "How exactly do you know this information? It is that creature isn't it."
"Kaiju actually, an off shoot of one Biollante. Got quite the lore dump just now Sensei. They are actually almost curing her in a human form right now." I said, smirking as Kurogiri's eyes widen and a sound of stunned silence from Sensei's monitor. "From what the Kaiju just did it managed to give them trouble for quite a while. The information it gave me included that your rumors were true about All Might and where they are, though they will probably move the base soon. Along with information on what genetic traits to look for to bond Biollante's blood and it's blood to successfully enhance people! It's still a risk, but the chances of survival increase exponentially. Even the traits for the perfect candidate, that's how they cured Biollante and a name for another such candidate we can use!"
The line went silent until I could hear Sensei laughing from the monitor and I could almost picture him grinning from the other side.
"Excellent work Tomura! I have tried and failed to do so for decades. Might be able to finish Project Shin in time..." Sensei muttered out, getting me to tilt my head.
"Project Shin Sensei?" I asked, never hearing of this before.
"Nothing more than a pipe dream I have wished to complete for almost four decades now. But the prospect could apply to another project. Yet there will be no going after All Might or Monarch at U.A. at this time. Even than they will most likely move Biollante's location to somewhere else." Sensei said, getting the Kaiju to growl at him as I felt my head split on pain for a second, before growling myself.
Well that solves that problem, it would only make sense that he would do so.
"The perfect candidate to cure Biollante is a applicant to U.A. and All Might's student! It's short on details, but the Kaiju is sure the original won't stray too far from them. It won't give out the details of the student, I take it this thing want payback." I said, the Kaiju letting out a huff that I took as a 'yes'. "Still it is willing to provide all the necessary blood and assistance we could need as long as it's body is stabilized and the chance for payback on both of them."
The Symbol of Peace's de-buff must be worse than I imagined if they had resorted to picking a student finally. Best to find this new boss leveled enemy before can grow in power.
"It was only a matter of time." Sensei said after a few moments of silence. "You have exceeded my expectations today Tomura, I take it the Kaiju is unwilling to share this information."
The way it growled at the monitor and backed behind me was a good indicator of it's answer.
"Seems that way, but I remember everything it showed me. Can't understand half of it, but you would have much better us of it than I do" I said.
"Very well, Kurogiri bring both the Kaiju and Tomura to my location in a few minutes. Allow me to prepare for such an occasion." Sensei said, getting Kurogiri to nod.
"As you wish." He said.
"Tomura you a responsible for the Kaiju." Sensei said, getting me to nod before the monitor went silent.
Before I slammed my hand down on the Kaiju's neck and into the floor. Keeping my pinky raised off of it.
"While I appreciate you leveling up my wisdom stats and the rewards this will bring, try another stunt like that and there won't be a fourth life for you! Or a sixth life, whichever you prefer!" I threatened, getting the Kaiju to look at me unflinchingly.
As it looked at me unafraid and calm I suddenly felt my head split open a little, putting my free hand to it. But the pain faded quickly.
There was nothing there like what the Kaiju did earlier, and there was new to gleam.
But something about it's look was familiar to me...
Probably nothing, but it seems like I got my message across.
"Good, welcome to the League of Villains than." I said moving my hand from it's neck as the Kaiju seemed to let out a soft growl before curling around my feet.
"Are you sure this is a good idea Shirigaki?" Kurogiri said as I nodded looking between the Kaiju and Sensei's monitor.
"Certainly, I can't wait to see how this plays out." I said with a grin.
(3rd POV - Temporary Monarch Base- U.A. Exam Grounds - Afternoon)
"This will be the second bay for testing, I know we said any time now but aren't you getting sick of waiting." Yujiro said as he and Mifune looked over new samples of Erika's flesh not that far from her now much slimmer form.
"Not at all, if I didn't have the patience I have I wouldn't have found that Kaiju currently asleep in the middle of the Pacific. Or possibly reacted terribly cause no one wished to believe there were still other Kaiju out there." Mifune said, getting the hematologist to wince.
"Fair enough." He muttered.
"Still any word on getting those samples soon?" Mifune asked, getting Yujiro to nod.
"Alexander said he should have them shipped here by tomorrow. So glad it was him studying those samples." Yujiro said, getting Mifune to shudder.
"Agreed, do not want another Meganulon incident. I mean it was impressive, but years later not even she could figure out how that worked in the first place." Mifune said, glad that no one else did as well.
"Too true, too true." Yujiro said before hearing a buzzing from his pocket.
He pulling out his phone and promptly paled.
"You have got to be kidding me." He groaned out before he began to tidying up his station. "I have to go."
"What is going on Tōga?" Mifune asked.
"It's mother, her cat got out again. She always worries that if it gets out that someone will pick it up to the pound." Yujiro groaned out.
"Are you sure you have to go than?" Mifune asked.
"Certainly that cat loves me and always seems to get out of the house more often when I'm back in Japan. And has a nasty habit of scratching strangers it likes, so that's why the urgency." Yujiro said.
Hoping to leave both his niece potentially stabs someone again.
"Than go on than, just be sure to tell Serizawa the reason then before you have to leave. I'll cover your work as best I can, you would do the same for me if anything happened to Katsura. Just make it make it back quickly." Mifune said, getting Yujiro to nod with a grin.
"Thanks Shinzo, remind me to take you out to drink sometime soon." Yujiro said, getting Mifune to shake his head.
"It had better be some pretty good whiskey than." Mifune said with a smile.
The hematologist nodded before he, Mifune, and practically everyone else in the lab began to gag as a familiar yet overpowering scent began to fill the lab.
"Oh that is the worst one yet..." Yujiro gagged as he covered his nose and turned towards the source.
Only to widened his eyes to see scientists scrambling to catch parts of Erika's body as the began to peel of rapidly and spores began to release into the air, hanging around the roof of the lab.
"Somebody get me Director Serizawa, Vice Director Graham, Agents Gordon and Aoki, and Principal Nezu! They need to get down here immediately!" Mifune ordered as Yujiro rushed red to his side.
"And somebody get the necessities, we at least have a hospital gown prepared somewhere in here people!" Yujiro said while looking at the spores in awe.
"You can head out if you wish Tōga." Mifune said, getting his friend to shake his head.
"I can spare a few minutes, this is more important." Yujiro said.
Silently sending a prayer to anyone unfortunate enough to cross Himiko's path during the next few minutes.
Mifune just nodded before Erika's body stopped peeling and the smell started to die down. For a about a minute silence ruled the room as the scientists hurriedly began to pick up the fallen pieces. The spores above began to drift away out of the room or through the vents outside.
For another minute the silence continued before Erika's body began to open up, revealing a putrid smell caused those closest to her body to either drop to the floor or faint while the rest of the room gagged.
Before the smell dissipated including the one produced from the Shiragami Compound, it faded just leaving the faint smell of roses in the air.
Multiple vines burst out from Erika's body stretching out all over the lab, some of them snapping at people before they slowly began to retreat back into the body.
A clawed hand shot out of the remains of the body before the claws began to rescind, resembling a human hand except the skin coloration was a a very pale greenish white.
"Alright enough gawking people break out the equipment and the gown it's showtime!" Yujiro yelled snapping the scientists into attention. "And somebody grab those who passed out around her and make sure they are alright."
"It worked, it actually worked." Mifune said in awe as another arm and dark green hair with red streaks poked out of the remains.
"That it did, should we tell Izuku about this now?" Yujiro asked, getting Mifune to shake his head.
"Give it a few minutes, Dr. Shiragami has been without a human body for centuries and we need to run some tests first. Just give her some time to adjust and for Director Serizawa to get here, than we contact him. She would want to tell him herself." Mifune said with a knowing grin.
"Too true, too true." Yujiro said with a grin as more of Erika emerged from her old body.
Both scientists quickly avoided looking at her while Yujiro's face turned blood red.
"How?" Yujiro asked.
"Probably the same with those with Quirks with fat reserves or in this case mass." Mifune muttered.
Even in her previous form Erika was deceptively heavy and that was already saying something considering she was the heaviest known kaiju.
The sound of someone got scent flying both Yujiro and Mifune saw someone got sent flying as Erika was putting on the hospital gown, a vine emerged from an opening on her back. Snarling before retreating back into the opening. Vanishing into spores before the opening sealed itself.
"Okay save testing her biology for when Izuku is around. Seems like she still has her temperament." Yujiro said, getting Mifune to nod. Only to flinch as a vine snapped at them before retreating back towards her. "Yup same temperament."
As the vine retreated back towards her, a pair of amber eyes peered through her hair as she looked at her hands and flexed her fingers almost disbelieving it.
Holding back tears at regaining a human form after so many years...
(Dagobah Beach Municipal Park - 15 minutes later)
"I still can't believe that he managed to finish all of this in a single day." Inko muttered as she stared at the massive pile of trash on the sidewalk and the clear beach.
She and All Might were here cause he had promised her answers to every question she had for the past few days surrounding Izuku. Including what she had found out last night.
"Quit the magnificent view isn't it though. I have only seen pictures of this place in it's hay day. I knew that Young Midoriya would complete it, but this better than I could have expected. Than again since we did help him finish this, it only enhances the view." Toshinori said with a smile.
"I suppose you are right on that." Inko said with a smile before she sighed. "Toshinori please be honest with me, what is truly going on with Izuku? First the changes to his body and now he has a Quirk of all things! I mean I am happy that he does have one now, but where did it come from!"
She nearly had a heart attack when Izuku revealed he had a Quirk last night! She was shocked to be sure but she was happy her son. The promise from Toshinori to reveal everything was the only reason why she didn't faint at all yesterday.
And Inko was going to make sure that no matter what that she was going to get the truth from him.
Toshinori sighed at that before smiling.
"Half the truth in that lies with something that I have been keeping from you." Toshinori sighed out as he stood in front of the trash pile. "I do work for All Might's agency, but I am not his manager/secretary."
"Yet why does that have to do with Izuku?" Inko questioned pointedly to which All Might just grinned.
"Simple." Toshinori said before there was a burst of smoke. "Because I am here!"
Inko only gaped in shock as in Toshinori's place was All Might! At first she though that it was an imitation before he easily lifted the entire trash pile and moved it a few steps without breaking a sweat!
"Y-Your All Might!" Inko said in shock as All Might placed the trash pile down and turned into his true form coughing up blood.
It was surreal to imagine between seeing him for the man who trained her son for months and his idol. Still the reveal that he was All Might made perfect sense to her...
Oh dear God, she was dating All Might.
"Toshinori is my real name, I just use it as a workaround. I have mainly be honest with you Inko, especially with why I started to train Young Midoriya albeit from a different perspective. That and the accident I had five years ago, although it should be nearing six years in a month." Toshinori said as Inko tried to regain her composure.
"I-It was a villain attack wasn't it?" Inko asked, getting All Might to nod. "H-How could such a villain be able to do something like that..."
The thought of a villain that could injure him like that was just hard and terrifying to think about.
"Has long since left this world and I told Young Midoriya everything about that yesterday. The injuries prevent me from doing hero work for more than a few hours a day besides all the detractors from my health. And the reason why Izuku has a Quirk, I was born Quirkless." Toshinori said, shocking Inko even more.
She wasn't sure how much more she could take...
"T-Then your Quirk is it one that can be transferred from person to person? It should be impossible but if you were Quirkless than it would make sense, maybe something to do with passing one's strength as well. That would explain your feats of strength." Inko muttered out, getting All Might shaking his head with a smile.
So that was were Young Midoriya got it from.
"Got it correct although One for All transfers stockpiled power from new inheritors, with Young Midoriya having to train for all this time to inherit the power safely with blowing his limbs off. I considered him ready to inherit it for a while but with Erika's condition held it off until than along with clearing the beach." Toshinori said, getting Inko to wince and shudder at the thought of that happening to her son. "Probably for the best as he surprised me with discovering a way to bring out a small percentage of it's power without straining himself with a few hours."
"He calls it Full Cowling." Inko said, getting Toshinori to snort at that.
"Of course I would expect nothing less from him, still it is a good name." Toshinori said while shaking his head.
"At least he discovered it without breaking anything." Inko sighed out, only to notice him looking a little nervous. "He broke something didn't he?"
"His arm, but he was quickly treated by Recovery Girl afterwards! She is the one who treated me after my battle!" Toshinori said, getting Inko's glare to soften.
She like her son was something of a hero fan and recognized the name of the Youthful Heroine. At least she knew that her son was in good hands medically.
Although how for the nurse of U.A. was helping with healing her son was a question she would focus on later, there was one thing that she needed to know.
"Than what about the changes to his body, they days before you gave him your Quirk?" Inko asked sternly, getting Toshinori to sigh as he pulled out his phone.
"The changes were because for the past three weeks Young Midoriya has been undergoing blood transfusions with Erika's blood. Which is chimeric in nature despite what measures we had taken to prevent such a thing." Toshinori said, shocking and enraging Inko.
"What! Why didn't you tell me this before?" She asked heatedly.
"It was literally going to be life or death at that point for Erika and Izuku's blood type and genetics literally made him the best possible candidate that wasn't too old or a villain.." Toshinori said, getting Inko to pause. "It's no excuse, you should have known considering everything and we were going to tell you. But when it got to that point. Midoriya especially since he didn't want you to worry."
"I would have either way." Inko said shaking her head, that was something her son would have done alright.
She would have worried about him either way no matter what.
"You better explain everything about this Toshinori, but kind of Quirk does Erika have that can affect someone like this?" Inko inquired, to which Toshinori just sighed and passed her his phone.
"Technically she is Quirkless as well, but it is just better that you see this for yourself." Toshinori said as Inko looked at the screen. Her eyes widening and blood going cold as she start to flip through the photo album he opened up.
At first she though these were faked, but as she continued to look through the photos and what she saw a name came to the forefront of her mind to what she was seeing.
"Biollante...aka Erika Shiragami..." Inko said with tears in her eyes as she faced Toshinori. "Izuku now has Kaiju blood in his veins..."
That was the final straw as Inko promptly fainted, with Toshinori catching her.
"Honestly I was expecting her to take this way worse than she has." Toshinori said as she laid her down and brought out the smelling salts. "Might not be that way for long..."
Perhaps he should call Serizawa or Gordon to help better explain everything when she wakes up, he is probably going to need all the help that he could get.
Though he hoped Young Midoriya was alright.
With getting One for All he was continuing his training, with Young Midoriya currently out on a jog not that far from his apartment.
On the condition that he calls Inko when he started, if he encountered any trouble, when he got back home, to call the police for trouble, ect...
Given that Shiten was still on the lose and Izuku seemingly a trouble magnet of the highest order they had several precautions in case something happened..
Toshinori was hoping that he really didn't invoke Murphy right now...he'll give Izuku five minutes before calling him just incase.
(Izuku POV - Musutafu - Same Time)
I was out jogging when I noticed someone calling me on my phone. I stopped in my tracks before looking around to see that I was in a crowded area and seeing who it was.
Couldn't be too careful now, and I was staying away from areas where I could be ambushed.
Wait this was Director Serizawa's number? Why would he be calling me-
I-It couldn't be!
I instantly answered his call, tears starting to stream from my eyes.
Please tell me that it was true!
"Midoriya where are you right now?" Serizawa asked me.
"Kuregā Street not that far from home? Has Erika finally woken up?" I asked hoping for it to be true.
The other end of the phone was silent for a minute before I heard what sounded like shuffling on the other side.
"It is better that you hear this for yourself." Serizawa said. "He's there, waiting for you."
"Izu...ku..." A woman's voice said on the phone, getting my blood to run cold and my tears to start pouring from my eyes.
I-It worked...
"E-Erika?" I asked hoping it to be true.
"'" She said, getting me to crying while trying not to sob. "You...kept your...promise..."
It worked, it really worked!
"I-It seems so, I'm so happy that you are alright now!" I cried out, uncaring if anyone was seeing trying not to break down.
Erika was restored to a human form for the first time in centuries! I was just so happy that after all this time and everything over this past month and a half that she was cured!
"Me too..." Erika said.
"Those were the first words that she has been able to say that we could understand for the first time since her death over 280 years ago. Erika emerged over 15 minutes ago and she had refused to say anything until we got in contact with you." Serizawa said after presumably taking the phone back from her. "She is quite eager to see you, not that I can imagine why."
"S-Same here. I going to head home as soon as I can. Hopefully it won't be too long!" I said excitedly as I tried to regain my composure
Which was hard to do because I was too happy and relieved that Erika was finally cured.
"Agent Gordon is trying to contact Yagi right now. We know the both of you have been waiting for this day for a long time now." Serizawa said, getting me to nod before I began to head home right away.
"W-We have and I can hardly wait any-" I said, only to grunt in pain as something slammed into my gut and I fell backwards. Someone snatching my phone in the process!
I quickly recovered and wondered what had just hit me, only to widen my eyes at seeing who it is.
A-And wishing that the barrier triggered, because I recognized her face and it didn't spell anything good for me!
The one who attacked me was a woman in her early twenties with long black hair and piercing yellow eyes. She wore mainly black clothing with some streaks of red among her sleeves and pant legs. She wore gloves which I can assume were insulated and her arms were covered in the material except for the back of her forearms.
T-The scariest part about her were her eyes. Unlike the Kaiju which was mainly hate and envy shown through, here eyes were more serene and looking for the best way to cut me up along with something else I couldn't decipher.
A-And I couldn't tell which of them were scarier!
"Midoriya what is going on?" I heard Serizawa ask from my phone in my assaulter's hands.
Wait I could make this work!
"Y-You're Sumire Kokuyōsenki!." I cried out as loud as I can, getting the other possible perfect candidate for Erika to freeze up briefly.
U-Unlike the Slime villain or Shiten she was a dangerous villain with multiple cases of assault and mutilation alongside being muscle for hire! While she wasn't on the level of the Kaiju, this could turn very badly for me!
I just hope I managed to get someone's attention.
(3rd POV -Temporary Monarch Base - Same Time)
"Gordon tell All Might where he is now! And somebody get on the line with Detective Tsukauchi!" Serizawa ordered as he ducked under a snapping vine, scientists and agents including Aoki springing into action as Erika's vines started to writhed all over the place after hearing Midoriya was in danger.
Especially who it was from.
Serizawa had to admire Midoriya probably made the right course of action in saying that in a public area.
But probably not a good idea with Erika right next to him unless he planned that...
"So you know who I am, it makes not much of a difference." Kokuyōsenki said coldly. "Might make things a bit more interesting if I wasn't on a job."
At this Serizawa wondered just who Midoriya upset to sick her on him while Erika began to walk towards a wall, multiple agents struggling to hold her back without being whipped by her vines.
Also silently hoping the rumors surrounding her weren't true.
"Neither does it with who else is on the other end of the phone." She stated.
"Might have less time before the police and heros show up, but if it isn't All Might we'll take them on! Time to finally put you in your place Deku!" Someone else said.
Erika's eyes widened and Serizawa could guess who it was, but it was far too late.
She let out a loud roar and rushed to a wall, her fist shattering a hole into the wall before dispersing into spores! Floating through the wall and outside of the base.
Erika had breaker free once again.
(Izuku POV - Kuregā Street - Same Time)
"S-Shiten!" I gasped out as I stood back up as he stepped out from behind Kokuyōsenki!
He looked much better than the last time I saw him, which was a given it has been several weeks.
Instead of ragged clothing he was wearing a red and black t-shirt, jeans, and boots. Shiten looked more well kept while he still had that metal plate under his eye. But there were signs of his previous encounter with his right hand looking somewhat skeletal with his fingers twitching and his breathing still appearing ragged.
T-That didn't with the unease about the whole situation.
I knew he would probably be after me after he broke out, but I didn't expect for him to bring back up in the form of Kokuyōsenki!
"Been tailing you from school for two days now you Quirkless loser after healing up a bit. No cops, Bakugou, or that walking skeleton to help you now!" Shiten said with a grin, getting me to stand back up as the two of them approaching me.
With Kokuyōsenki hanging up my phone and putting it in her pocket.
Hopefully Monarch at least got my intent than. It doesn't seem like the people around us were catching on yet...
"S-So you brought someone else with you to finish what you started." I stated, getting him to grin.
"Technically my aunt hired her to break me out, I just hired her to help me deal with you after my aunt was caught!" Shiten said, getting my eyes to widen as he basically admitted that the Berusabisu Juvenile Detention Center breakout was for him! "This time you are finished you worthless Deku for ruining my life!"
(Temporary Monarch Base - Same Time)
"I'm heading off to Kuregā Street! If I leave now I can probably get there before Erika does!" Agent Aoki called out as he ran out of the lab.
While he was tempted for Erika breaking that bully's body again, there was still a very real possibility that she might kill him even for him doggedly going after Izuku for weeks.
"I'll drive you more towards that location, I need to leave anyway and keep an eye out for Erika!" Yujiro said, getting Aoki to nod as they both exited the lab.
Serizawa sighed as with those two they had a good chance of probably getting to Midoriya before Erika could. With her anger there was the probability she would kill both of them. It was just a probability and Izuku might be able to calm her down, but the Director of Monarch was not taking any chances.
"Director Yagi is on his way to the bean sprout right now." Agent Gordon said, getting Serizawa to let out a sigh of relief. "The bean sprout's mother is with him, she wants some answers."
"Very well than." Serizawa said as Gordon handed him his phone.
"I take it that you are Director Serizawa?" Inko asked over the phone, her tone bleeding with worry and concern.
"That is correct, I heard you have questions and I will answer them to the best of your ability. Right now we are contacting Detective Tsukauchi to assist with your son." Serizawa said, getting Inko to let out a small sigh of relief.
"Thank you, I've had a long day and hearing my son is being attacked by Shiten and hired muscle from Toshinori has me a little on edge." Inko sighed out.
"And Erika herself just broke out after hearing that." Serizawa sighed out.
"R-Really?" Inko said shocked. "Please tell me everything that has happened concerning her and Izuku."
"Certainly." Serizawa said, hoping that Izuku would be alright.
(Izuku POV - Same Time)
"A-Again Shiten you brought it on yourself instead you made things even worse now! You broke out of a juvenile detention center and you could have gone anywhere in Japan with yen to spare since you hired her! Instead you are coming after me again and probably spent most of your yen on hiring Kokuyōsenki!" I said trying to keep my composure while the people around us starting to stir.
He growled at me and tried to charge, but Kokuyōsenki raised an arm in front of him.
The back of her forearm opening up to reveal what appeared to be a long blade like bone and bone like pivot connecting it to the forearm with veins running along both. The blade like bone's edge having smaller serrated blades much like a saw with black tips.
With a click the pivot was pushed to her hand as the forearm closed up and the bone trained directly at Shiten's neck and chest.
"Don't get mad that he has a point. You hired me for a job, and remember what we agreed on." Kokuyōsenki said, getting him to flinch and back down.
Probably got on the wrong side of her Quirk once considering his reaction and personality. And I really hope not to be anyway especially after researching her.
Kokuyōsenki's Quirk Bonesaw was at the name applied, capable of mutilation with the pivot allowing it to have a better reach and a total radius of 180 degrees all along the length of her forearms. Capable of speeding up the cutting power to cut through materials such as a chain link fence at the risk of overheating them.
T-That was the only upside as that she held another one in her other arm!
B-Between her and Shiten's Mercury I wasn't sure how I could handle the both of them even with One for All...
"Fine, you know what you have a point Deku. I'm screwed either way you look at it." Shiten said, surprising me as Kokuyōsenki lowered her arm.
But I kept myself on guard as more people around us began to either film us or hopeful go and get help.
"So what are you getting at?" I asked, trying to focus on feeling for One for All.
"You ruined everything you Quirkless loser, but I only made things worse. Damaged up my hand on my own too. That's why after we reduce you to a pulp Kokuyōsenki can do whatever the hell she wants to you while I head on the run until the police catch me." Shiten said as he reached into his pocked while Kokuyōsenki brought out her second Bonesaw with a smirk.
I-I am really starting to not like where this is going.
"T-That will not change anything Shiten, so please just stop this. There is no need for this, just please turn yourself in." I said, braving myself. "But you will just ignore what I am going to say anyway..."
"Got it in one Deku! They branded my a villain, than let me be a villain! And I intend to make sure there is no chance of retaliation!" Shiten said as he removed his hand from his pocket to see a syringe filled with a green liquid. "And a little assurance from Kokuyōsenki!"
W-Wait he couldn't...
No if it meant breaking me at this point Shiten would be will to do anything, including Ideo Trigger!
"S-Shiten don't!" I called out, rushing towards him to stop himself, but ducked out of the way from Kokuyōsenki's blades as she swiped at me.
"Do not interfere." She said as the blades started to slowly rev as Shiten injected himself in the neck.
People started panicking as Shiten started laughing as his upper torso warped and gained an extra half meter in height as the Ideo Trigger warped his body.
His shoulders and arms grew in muscle and his head and neck grew slightly hunched over. The small of his back swelled and was covered with his Quirk before silver veins stretched over his arms. His right arm almost completely covered and his right hand turned into a metallic three fingered claw. The metallic plate under his eye turning it a spike as his Quirk bleed through his hair, hardening into five small horns pointing and curved in different direction.
Shiten what did you do to yourself...
"This is amazing! I feel invincible! Now no one will stop me from breaking you Deku!" Shiten yelled out as his now black tongue hung out from his mouth as he and began to generate his Quirk into his hands and Kokuyōsenki stalked at me, her blades reving even faster now.
S-So that was his plan for dealing with heros, using Ideo Trigger to enhance his Quirk while having Kokuyōsenki deal with me incase any kind of distraction happened.
This was bad, while on Trigger he is a a lot more volatile and is a danger to everyone around him!
I-I knew there was no way I could possibly beat either one of them like this, but I had to hold them off. Easier said than done for Kokuyōsenki but with Shiten on Trigger he will target anyone that can get in his way.
I just hope that either Monarch sends someone to help soon or a hero or the police arrives.
But until than I will make sure that he doesn't harm anyone else until they arrive!
Shiten looked behind me and launched a metallic blob that hardened into a spike midair.
I side stepped it, only to see that it was aimed at a woman behind me!
I felt One for All pulse and focused it on my entire body, rushing towards to grab the spike before it could hit her as the woman and several other people scattered back. Wincing a little as I tossed it to the ground and turning Full Cowl back down to 1%.
Yet it got the desired reaction from Shiten as he looked at the energy arcing off me in shock.
"W-What? What is this! You are just a Quirkless loser!" Shiten growled out, only to flinch as I gained a determined look.
I-I was still nervous about this, but I can not back down now.
"I gave you the chance to surrender Shiten and I did not want it to come to this." I said before adopting a smile. "But I will not allow you to harm anyone else while I am here!"
And I meant it, until and even when help arrives I will not allow anyone else to be harmed by him!
I just hoped that someone would arrive soon...
(Chapter 14 end)
Hey guys Mukuro7 here and I hoped that you all enjoyed this chapter. Cause this is the second longest chapter I have ever written from a story.
Quite a lot happening here including Izuku inheriting One for All along with learning some truths. With the changes happening to his body and everything that has happened here his body has grown strong enough and gained an understanding on how to use Full Cowling early. Still he can only manage it up to 1%-2% safely, but it is a much better alternative than potentially breaking his arm...again.
I did promise he would be a little stronger than in canon with One for All, so who knows where he would develop. Guess we will just have to wait and see.
As for his other changes they as stated in chapter similar to examples found in nature, with his photosynthetic blood similar to the yellow spotted salamander. It is minor compared to the likes of Erika but it does provide more energy in sunlight with a few other minor benefits that will be elaborated on later.
None of you guessed Godzilla Earth or Filius so no one get's a cookie like I promised last chapter.
But in all seriousness this is the change I promised, Izuku developing a much weaker version of the Asymmetrically Permeable Shield. With the plates acting as defense and conductor for the electroplaques Izuku has developed. The hints of the origin I did point out that in the Heisei manga Biollante intergraded Ghidora cells. Now on their own practically useless, but together they form a weak defense mechanism as for now that can protect Izuku from some attacks, but has the potential to control it in the future instead of just triggering it. He is already figuring out ways to use it and it's limitations to his advantage, which will be a bit more on display for future chapters. And before anyone asks the maximum voltage Izuku can produce is nowhere compared to even Kaminari. No definite limit but a maximum voltage in the future will be anywhere from 350 to 810 volts, possibly somewhere below 2,000 volts for total wattage in the future. Going to have to figure that out, but for now nothing more than a nasty static shock.
I did promise two major changes, as for the other one...I'll leave that for the Sports Festival but let's just say that it is going to be interesting.
We got a glimpse of what the future Symbol of Fear is doing and things growing in the shadows, with the Kaiju having a bit of an effect on him. We're that will lead we will see, but it will spill nothing but trouble in the future.
And finally what you have all been waiting for Erika has finally regained a human form. There will be more of her next chapter as she reunites with Izuku after nearly 4 weeks comatose. Mercy be on Shiten's and Kokuyōsenki's souls if she gets to them first. Hope you guys enjoy their reactions next chapter.
Speaking of which the next chapter will be shorter with Izuku doing his best to hold off Kokuyōsenki and a Trigger enhanced Shiten while acting as hero to keep the later from going after everyone else. Will he succeed before Erika arrives, will anyone else arrive to help him? We'll find out next chapter which won't be out for a while, but I hope that you all will enjoy next chapter.
Anyway that is all for now.
So until next time, ciao!
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