Ch11: A Hero's Mettle
(Izuku POV - 8 Days ago - U.A. Examination Grounds)
Alright...17 more minutes. 17 more minutes until this sparring session is over.
"I will give another 2 minutes string bean before we continue." Gordon gruffly said as stretched himself out. Minus a bruise or two on his face, but I know with the heal factor granted by his Quirk they should fade away completely within the half hour.
Or within the first minute of us resuming our spar.
I quickly downed the rest of my water bottle and tried to iron out any kinks in my body.
Currently I am undergoing another sparring session with Agent Gordon, and it is going about as well it has every other time.
With myself being bruised up and covered in cuts, scrapes, and sweat.
I may be improving quite a bit with every session, but the gap between me and Gordon is quite vast.
And all I needed to do is ring him out and it will be all over. While I kept getting him close to the line in our recent sparring sessions, he would always counter back with twice the effort.
At least I had a few good things things going on for me.
The first was that occasionally Gordon would give me a small break every now or then. Usually when he felt he roughed me up enough or if I was close to getting him a ring out like I had just done. It usually was only about two or three minutes, but it was enough to catch my breath.
The second was that Agent Gordon had more or less set up the field to give me an advantage. By having Cementoss creating a few cement pillars for me to use the environment to my advantage. Gordon never used them, but has continually smashed them every now and then. Leaving the sparring area littered with half smashed pillars. They still provided quite the advantage against him.
The final was pretty simple. Erika and All Might watching.
It helped knowing they where here...though it was only Erika today.
There had been quite a spike in crime today in Musutafu today, so All Might had been busy today.
Leaving Erika here...and she had her vines wrapped around me again, didn't she?
A quick roar quickly confirmed my thoughts as Erika reeled me back with her vines.
Only to back off with an irritated growl as Agent Aoki flew in close with a crowbar.
"Back off Erika, he still has a bit to go." Aoki said, trying his best to sound stern, but it was underscored with a hint of nervousness.
Considering the heated glare Erika was giving him, I do not blame him.
"Erika, he is right. Can you please wait a little longer?" I groaned out to her.
Erika paused for a bit before letting out a soft roar, gently lowering me back to the ground.
But not before letting out a growl at Aoki, getting him to hastily fly back.
Much to the amusement of the crowd around us.
"Yeah it must be humorous for you guys, but she has done it at least once to all of you." Aoki said, getting most of them to look away and anyone who would have complain was shut down with a simple glance from Agent Dupre.
Erika just smirked with their reaction before letting out a series of soft growls. I guess in her attempt to laugh.
"Alright then you are doing great Midoriya, I think you might be able to beat Gordon this time." Aoki said as he flew back to where he was sitting.
"Thanks." I groaned out as he sat back down, working on tinkering on some kind of machine.
It was nice to know he had some faith in me, though I wasn't sure if he was in the betting pool or not.
During the start of this match a few Monarch agents and scientists had decided to view the match on their brakes, Agent Dupre keeping them from getting out of hand. Although that didn't stop some of them from betting some yen or whatever currency they used.
Aoki meanwhile has been working on somekind of machine for awhile. Wouldn't say what exactly, but he said it was something incase Erika got possessed again.
Something we both hoped wouldn't happen, but it was better to be prepared. Especially since he finished making the transfusion device last night.
All we need to do now is wait until they find the best option for Erika and find a willing donor and Erika should soon be recovered.
Should be only a few days left, I could only hope that they find something sooner. Of course the week long wait was to determine the best variable for the cure, yet the more time the parasitic Kaiju could resurface and take control of Erika...
I felt something brush against my face, breaking me from my thoughts.
It was one of Erika's vines, she brushed it up against me while letting out a soft growl.
"I'm okay Erika, there is nothing to worry about." I said with an honest smile.
Despite my fears that there is still a good chance the parasitic Kaiju will take over Erika once again, I am confident that we could she would not allow such a thing to happen. Considering what happened last time, it wouldn't be too much of a surprise if she ripped herself apart to prevent it from coming after me again.
Something me and Monarch are also trying to prevent it from happening again.
And when they find the best chance for curing Erika, we shall be rid of it once and for all.
Although even after it has been a week, I still wonder why that Kaiju seemed to hate me on sight. Or enjoyed causing me pain...
Just thinking about it makes the scar on my shoulder ache a little.
I just hope never to encounter it again.
"Then if you are feeling that well string bean, then you have 20 seconds left on your break." Gordon said cooley.
I sighed at that as I brushed my hand against Erika's vine as she let out a soft growl.
"It's alright Erika, I got this." I said to her.
Erika just let out a small hiss before nodding and shakily pulling her vine back.
With that I gave her a brief nod and walked towards Gordon.
When the break was finished, he will not give me a second to catch up as he would rush forward at top speed to blindside me.
I have been fighting him long enough to get a general understanding of how he would attack and how to dodge.
Though admittedly I somewhat lacking in terms of dealing with the strength of his counter attacks.
But I do have a better understanding of how to last in these sparring sessions compared to a week ago.
Anyway I had about 14 minutes left, 14 minutes and this would be all over for today.
"Times up." Gordon said before he rushed forward.
Seeing a pillar of concrete, I rushed to it and barely dodged his fist. I ran up the pillar and jumped up just as Gordon tried to punch me again.
I jumped off it and managed to land a kick to the center of his face.
Honestly that surprised me, I didn't really expect that to work. Or causing his nose to bleed a little.
However I knew that it wouldn't last for long.
After making a rough landing I straightened myself out as fast as I could and thew a quick punch to his face, only for Agent Gordon to block it with his right arm.
With his left arm he quickly wiped away the blood before taking a step back.
And immediately trying to punch me, which I barely had time to duck out of the way as it literally was within a hair of striking me.
Gordon quickly followed up with a quick jab that I could barely dodge. Followed soon by a left cross while I tried to counter by throwing a kick to his kidney.
The Monarch agent took a step back and that thankfully seemed to divert his fit enough that it barely missed me once again.
And fractured the top of the concrete pillar next to me.
O-Okay might be a good to put some distance between myself and Agent Gordon for a bit.
I rushed back as Gordon tried to uppercut me, barely missing my chin.
I managed to clear a few steps between us before Gordon quickly closed the distance.
Before I could take another step back, Gordon stepped on my foot to prevent my escape. I winced in pain and brought both of my arms to block a punch from Gordon that would have struck me in the chest. I struggled to block his attack for another moment or two before managing to free my foot and started to backpedal.
Yet Agent Gordon wouldn't let up as he quickly caught up to me. He threw a punch at me which I barely dodged, follow soon after by another one and another one soon after.
However he didn't miss with the fourth punch.
It landed straight in my gut and I found myself hard of breath as I was sent at least a meter back.
Quickly I tried to regain my breath as Agent Gordon rushed towards me once again.
In an attempt to defend myself I three a punch.
And managed to slug him in the throat.
Seeing my chance I quickly ran away, my breath hitching as I hid behind a concrete pillar.
I stayed there for a few moments as I regained my breathing and prepared for when Gordon would retaliate.
Judging by the sound o his footsteps I did not have to wait long for Gordon to rush forward. I stepped back from behind the pillar and took a step on it.
As Agent Gordon got close I jumped off the pillar and punched him in the face, right into his cheek.
I pulled back as he spit out a small wad of blood, before smirking.
"There was some real force in that punch string bean I will give you that. But let's see if you can keep it up." Gordon said as he cracked his neck and the smirk vanished.
The next instant he rushed towards and I was blindsided by him punching me in the head.
My ears were ringing from the blow and I could feel something warm at the corner of my eye.
But I didn't have much time to dwell on it as Gordon punched me in the gut and I was pushed back once again.
This time grunting in pain as my back was slammed into a half broken concrete pillar.
Groaning out in pain I picked myself back up and brushed my hand just below the corner of my eye.
Gordon's punch did manage to break the skin, but thankfully it was comparable to a small paper cut.
I didn't have anytime to wipe it away as Gordon quickly ran towards me, ready to attack.
There was no where for me to back up, so I climbed onto the broken half of the pillar.
Agent Gordon threw a punch that I barely dodged and I launched myself into the air.
He threw another punch and I aimed a kick at him. He punched my in the left side of my body and I barely held back from screaming as pain coursed throughout my body. But I managed to at least bury my foot into his kidney.
Gordon quickly pulled back as I collapsed onto the ground, clutching my side in pain.
It hurt a lot, more so then another blow I had gotten from Agent Gordon during our session. Although it was quickly fading, it still hurt trying to move or to stand back up.
But I couldn't let myself fall yet.
A hero could endure more then this on a daily basis, that and Agent Gordon hadn't called this round off yet.
Meaning that he believed that I still had some strength left in me.
As I struggled to stand up I could hear Erika roaring at me to continue. Though I thought I could hear someone calling out for me through the roaring.
"Come on Midoriya you can still do it!"
W-Wait somone actually was?
Looking over to the crowd I could see Yujiro was sitting next to Erika.
"You can do it Midoriya!' He called out, Erika letting out a roar in agreement.
When did he get here? And how did Erika not have that much of a problem with him?
Any of the other guards or Aoki and she would growl at them or whack them with a vine I she annoyed at them at first sight or scent if they got too close.
But then again they were technically coworkers at this point and he was helping to spearhead to cure her. Along with cheering me on.
Either way he was showing enough faith in me that Erika was all that bothered by his presence.
So it would be a shame to go down as soon as he got here if he had so much faith in me.
I tried to rise once again, only to be forced back onto my knees as I caught a punch from Agent Gordon. The strength of his blow causing me to grit my teeth as I struggled to hold it back.
"Almost had me there for a moment string bean, thought that this match would have ended. Now let's see how far this second wind if yours takes you." Gordon said as he pulled his fist back.
Seeing an opportunity, I took off.
Getting onto my feet and started to sprint off. Albeit a little wobbly.
And narrowly ducking away from another of Gordon's punches.
I ran towards a half fallen concrete pillar as he was quickly catching up to me.
I barely managed to reach and climb it as Gordon threw another punch at me. I scrambled out of the way as his fist took out a small chunk of concrete.
Using the pillar as a launch pad and jumped off it, making sure to kick him in the back while I took off.
And wincing as I saw him slam into the pillar face first.
If it wasn't for his quirk nullifying the pain, that would have hurt a lot.
Yet Gordon quickly recovered and quickly caught up. I threw a punch, but he blocked it with his arm. Right before he threw a punch into my chest and pushed me back a little bit.
I tried to recover, but he threw a quick jab at my face and dazed me for a quick second. Before I quickly recovered and ducked under another punch.
And countered with one of my own, hitting him square in the eye.
Gordon pulled back and I followed up with a quick punch to his gut and took off once again.
That bought me a few moments to run before Agent Gordon took off after me.
Once again he quickly caught up to me and I had to block his attempt to punch me. The force behind it sending me back about half a meter.
He rushed forward and I threw a punch that connected to his forehead, but it didn't even phase him. Gordon batted my arm aside and I took a few steps back to put some more distance between us.
Once again this proved fruitless as Gordon quickly caught up and threw a punch that I backpedaled from.
I spotted a nearby pillar and ran towards it, climbing the pillar as Gordon rushed forwards.
At the top I jumped off as Gordon got close and kicked him directly in the chest. It did little to phase him as I landed and ducked under his punch. From there I saw an opportunity to land two quick punches to his chest before I was forced to block another punch with both of my arms.
I bit back a scream of pain as my arms from the strain if holding Gordon back before he broke through my arms. His fist connected with my gut and I was sent flying and crashing into the ground.
With a groan I picked myself back up to continue the fight.
However Agent Gordon rushed forwards and I narrowly dodged a punch by a hair.
But he quickly followed up by a jab to the chest, along with another punch that sent me crashing back to the ground.
I groaned out as I tried to get back up, only to bite back a yell of pain as Gordon slammed his boot onto my chest.
"This was a good round string bean, but it is time to end this." Gordon said with a small grin as he pulled his fist back to attack.
If that attack hits me it is all over.
But I was not going to let that happen!
With all the strength I could muster I pushed myself off the ground and rolled out of the way just as Gordon brought his fist down where I had been.
Quickly I picked myself up as Gordon rushed forward, barely dodging a cross that would have struck me in the head.
Followed soon after by another one which I dodged once again. And a punch that I narrowly ducked away from.
That had hit the concrete pillar behind me and shattered the top part of it!
Calm down, that could've been me if I hadn't moved. But it provided to be a big opportunity for me.
We had moved to the boundary line, with it being right behind Agent Gordon.
This was the closest I have ever managed to bring him there. If he takes one step away, it will be all over.
This was possibly the only opportunity I would actually be able to win against Gordon. I just needed to push him over the boundary line and these sparring sessions would all be over.
Gordon made an attempt to step forward, but I dashed towards him and delivered a quick uppercut to his jaw.
Before he could retaliate I threw a jab to his gut and a hard left hook that struck Gordon upside of the head and directly at his ear.
Agent Gordon's quirk might give him an insane pain resistance and healing factor, he could still be disoriented.
Blows aimed to the ears and eyes while help disoriented Gordon enough that I could be able to push him back out of bounds. There is also the fact I will have to endure his counter attacks, but looks I will just have to power through whatever he can throw at me. Though with my current condition I am not exactly sure how many of his blows I would be able to withstand. So I guess I will have to-
"Quite your muttering string bean and-" Agent Gordon tried to say, before I punched him in the throat once again.
Alright new plan, just continue to hit him and dodge or take his punches. But no matter what I must not give Gordon back a single millimeter as I push him back or I will most likely lose.
Well, here goes nothing.
Gordon retaliated by throwing a punch that would have struck me in the head if I didn't duck out of the way.
I retaliated by throwing a punch square to his eye and one followed up to his jaw.
I tried to land another punch, but Gordon dodged that one and the one after.
And quickly landed a blow to my gut.
I faltered a bit before powering through the pain and throwing a punch to his jaw.
Which he returned with one of his own.
Dazed for a moment or two, I tried to throw a punch so that I would not lose the momentum I had gained.
And I managed to hit him in the eye.
Gordon tried to punch, but I ducked under his fist. But his next hit connected with my chest, but I managed to slug him in the cheek at the same time.
Not giving Gordon anytime to recover I rushed forward to punch him, but pulled back as I narrowly dodged an uppercut. Before I took the chance to land a punch on Gordon's kidney.
Which was followed suite by him punching me in the face. And once again countering by punching him in the chest in a slightly dazed state.
I quickly regained my composure and realized that he was just a few centimeters from the boundary line.
Just a little more, just a few moments more and it will all be over. All I needed to do is power through for a few more moments and these grueling sparring sessions will all be over.
I threw a punch at Gordon that he dodged and threw a quick jab and my side.
It took everything I had from screaming out in pain as he hit me in the same spot as before. But I fought through it and threw the hardest punch I could at his face.
Causing his lips to bleed and him to step back a little, but not enough to cross the line.
I just needed to land one more hit.
Gordon pulled his fist back and I did the same, putting everything I could into this last punch.
If I miss or get hit then it will probably be all over, so this better work!
With everything I had I threw my punch at Gordon while he did the same.
And I hit him square in the face, Gordon's punch narrowly missing my face.
He took a step back as he wiped the blood off of his face before looking down at the ground.
"Looks like you won." Gordon said with a smirk. "Not bad Midoriya, that was actually kind of fun. You did good this time, need so some work on your technique. But you are getting there. Your training with me is over for now, but expect me to spar with you when you improve quite a bit. You got it bean sprout."
"I-I got it." I said with my tone a mixture of relief, exhaustion, and dread at facing Gordon again one day.
But it was all over come by elation and exhaustion. After a few days of enduring such a grueling sparring session daily, it was all over.
Though now I found myself struggling to stand as the exhaustion set in.
I fell back, only to find myself surround by Erika's spores and found myself wrapped in her vines.
She leaned over me and began nuzzle me while letting out a series of soft growls.
"Thank you Erika." I said as she let a soft roar as she continued to nuzzle me.
"Well I have got to say Midoriya it was quite a match, though I kind of wished there was more blood though." Yujiro said as he and Aoki approached us.
"Figured you would say that, still got to say I knew you could do it Midoriya. It came rather close though. Though it certainly made a lot of people upset though." Aoki said as he gestured with his wing towards the agents and researchers.
Looking over I can see some of them looking satisfied or disappointed as various forms of currency traded hands. More people looking disappointed though.
So I guess that Aoki didn't bet on me after all.
"I guess that they didn't think I could make it." I groaned out.
"Of course, Gordon is one of the best agents in Monarch. Even if he was holding back quite a bit it is not every day you get to see him lose even on a technicality." Yujiro said with a shrug
"Speaking of which, I believe some of you agents have overstayed your breaks. Make contact with your commanding officers and follow me, you all are going to be running drills with me for the next hour." Gordon called out to them.
A good part of the Monarch personal scattered at his words while a few hung their heads in resignation.
Gordon looked back at me and gave me a small nod before walking over to deal with the agents.
"Perhaps I should have taken up on some of that action then again I did arrive here in the middle of your last bout." Yujiro said with a shrug. "Anyway I came out here to inform both you and Erika of you something, Midoriya. It is about the Shiragami Compound."
Erika stopped nuzzling me as she let out a small growl as I straightened myself out and separated myself from her vines.
They were already making progress for the transfusion, but it has already been only 2 days. They said they were just going to monitor the blood samples for a week.
Maybe he had made some good progress...or more then likely Yujiro only had bad news.
"What did Monarch find?" I asked, hoping that there was some good news.
"Just some bad news and some surprising finds actually." Yujiro said with a grin.
So I was partially right than, still from his tone whatever was surprising seemed to excite him a little.
"Anyway the bad news is that two days in around a quarter of the thousands of blood samples we have collected has calcified or become too degraded due to micro oxygen for the donor to survive without excessive medical treatment. Even then I would doubt they could survive for long." Yujiro said, getting me to pale and nod in clear horror.
Considering no one has created micro oxygen until now since the Age of Kaiju ended due to the affects it had. Along with nobody wanted to accidentally create a second Destroya or something just as bad.
And considering the fact it painfully stripped flesh from bones and survivors of it confirming multiple accounts of the chemical burns never healed up, I could scarcely imagine someone living with it inside them.
"While it it is bad new, from the destroyed and degrades blood samples it proved some interesting results. Around 70% of those blood samples were from people who were confirmed fourth generation Quirk users or higher." Yujiro said with a grin.
"So you are saying that more the Quirk factor is passed down through the generations, the more likely it for Erika's cells and the Shiragami Compound to reject the donor's cells and could cause irreversible damage to the donor." I said, getting Yujiro to nod excitedly.
"Exactly and the opposite is true on the samples that show the most promising results, but it has also revealed an exception. Something that no one else has uncovered before." Yujiro said with a grin. "It turns out some of the best results we have gotten so far was from a sort of mutation in the genetic code no one has documented before."
A new mutation?
Even in this day and age of Quirks there were still quite a few genetic mutations like it was back before they appear.
In fact it is one of the best ways to tell someone if they have a Quirk or Quirkless through some genetic traits within one's cell through a blood test. Although with the toe joint method is the most widespread and least expensive way to tell someone if they had a Quirk. And there are a few out liners as there were cases of someone having a Quirk with the extra toe joint or the changes within their cells. You have to either have one of those traits or both to posses a Quirk. The former being something especially rare.
I should know, when I found about it a few years after that faithful day I asked my mother about it.
Turned out she had a similar thought and had conducted the blood test without my knowledge...only to turn up with the same results.
I don't blame her for keeping it hidden from me, I was four years old at the time and the results still would have been the same either way...
Why do my shoulders feel so heavy now?
I was broken from my thoughts to see Erika wrapping one of her vines wrapping around me. She let out a small growl as nuzzled against me.
"I'm alright Erika, I was just thinking of something. But thanks for the concern" I said, though she continued to nuzzle against me. Though she did let out a soft roar and tightened the vine around me gently.
"Be careful with him Erika or else I will bring out the crowbar." Aoki said, backing down slightly as Erika let out a loud roar. "Okay message received. Anyway Dr. Tōga, what was this mutation you were talking about?"
"Right anyway the mutation is something we didn't notice until the Shiragami Compound took effect. It revealed a condition in the genetic code having both traits of someone with and without a Quirk. There have been similar instances in the past, but they have never appeared in such a documented scale. Or a similar pattern to each other. All the results show that they have a similar genetic structure to Erika's genetic code. Minus the rose DNA, Gojira DNA, infected DNA strands, and a few odds and ends in her cell structure." Yujiro said, getting Erika to stop nuzzling me.
Wait they had a similar similar cell structure to Erika, does that mean?
"Does that mean-" "Unfortunately Midoriya it is too soon to cell and what we do know of Erika's DNA before her death it is highly unlikely that she had this mutation. It has appeared only in samples third generation Quirk users and beyond. What happened with her was something no one could have accounted for. But the similarities in blood has shown great promise and could open a window or two in genetics and possibly an easier way to conceal Erika's condition as a Quirk once cured. We are still studying the samples, but what we do know is that we have already found two potential donors here, but honestly they are not the most suitable." Yujiro said with a sigh, getting me to look surprised at that.
T-There was already two potential donors on site.
That was good news, but it sounds like the donor's might not be the best candidates.
But there was a twinge of sadness in his tone, so maybe...
"You are a potential donor, then. Your cells are one of the few that holds this mutation." I said, getting Yujiro to nod.
"Correct, although my blood sample shows the most signs of degradation among the cells. But the other is All Might, but given his... condition he might not make it through a single transfusion. His blood holds the most potential, but physically he is too frail to handle too much of Erika's blood." Yujiro said, with a sigh.
Which Erika followed with a soft growl and looked a little sullen.
While it was interesting to learn about this mutation and All Might possessing it, one thing took priority above all else.
"Don't worry Erika, I am sure that they will have something soon. Besides they are working on finding the best choice for a donor, they have other options right now so there is still hope. It might be a bit more difficult, but soon everything will be alright." I said trying to soothe Erika.
It seemed to be working as Erika let out a soft growl as she began to nuzzle against me once again.
And tighten her vines around me... considering I was covered with bruises and now the constricting vines it was getting painful.
And hard to breathe...
"I'll get the crowbar." Agent Aoki sighed out as he spread his wings to fly off.
Only to quickly pull them back as a speeding blur raced past them and ripped me out from Erika's vines.
Wait was that-
"Young Midoriya I heard that you managed to beat Gordon, that is quite the impressive feat." All Might said in his heroic form as he set me down before wincing. "Probably should have told him to go a little easier on you while I was gone."
"Probably." I said with a wince as Erika growled irritatedly at All Might.
Most likely from ripping her from her vines.
"Either way best to get you to Recovery Girl, it is about time for you to go." All Might said, getting me to nod as Erika let out a reluctant roar.
Mom wanted me home early from training today, so I only really had time for sparring with Gordon after school.
"Don't worry Erika, we will have more time tomorrow." I said brushing a hand against one of her vines inorder to reassure her.
She let out a loud huff before nodding.
I was relieved to see that Erika understood...until she started to let out a soft growl.
I grew worried for a few moments, until I saw that she was growling at a male Monarch agent who looked in his early 20's that was approaching Yujiro.
"Dr. Tōga, Dr. Mifune is requesting that you come back to continue work in about five minutes." The agent said, getting the hematologist to nod before looking at me and Erika.
And suddenly turned away...and did his face turned red?
"Well might as well head back. If we find anything else you will be the first to know Midoriya and I will see you at work in a few minutes Dr. Shiragami. So have a good rest of your day, Agent Fukuen let's head back to our post." Yujiro said as he waved us goodbye.
Agent Fukuen looked back for a moment and I swore I saw that he grinned at me, fangs poking out of his mouth as turned and followed after Yujiro.
That was kind of odd...
"Well better get back to work on my side project, anyway see you later Midoriya. Also good luck tomorrow, you are going to need it." Aoki said as he flew away.
"What did he mean by that?" I asked All Might and he gave me a sheepish look.
"Well you see-" "I will be taking Agent Gordon's place during your training at his request. It will not be as long, but I will make sure to make it just as grueling inorder to get results. I expect nothing less than your best, understood?" Agent Dupre said after cutting All Might off, getting me to pale.
"U-Understood?" I managed to sputtered out, getting her to nod.
Gordon was one thing, but considering that Agent Dupre was considered the best agent here and possibly all of Monarch...I am possibly going to die tomorrow...
"Anyway Midoriya it is best to get you to Recovery Girl now. I am not sure how much longer I can keep this up." All Might said as blood began to leak from his mouth.
I could only nod while dreading what tomorrow's sparring session would bring as he speed off, with Erika letting out a loud roar as I waved goodbye.
(3rd POV - same time)
"Who was that uncle." Agent Fukuen said giddily, much more so then a man his age should sound. Especially with a full face blush.
"That's the Midoriya boy I've mentioned Himi, have you developed an interest in him?" Yujiro asked, partially feeling a mix of curiosity and dread.
If she gained an interest in the boy, he knew what it would entail. And he would prefer that his niece did not kill anyone else during his time back in Japan. Or for her to suffer the wrath of a Kaiju.
"Maybe!" One Himiko Toga said with a grin. "He did look cool, but he would look even cooler with some more blood."
"That he would have." Yujiro said with a node as he slipped a vial full of blood to her. "But he is off limits while I am here."
"Uncle-" "There is no talking me out of this Himi. I already told you about my coworker and how dangerous she can be when pissed off. I already pulled in a lot of favors just to bring you on base in disguise and to leave early today. Besides you promised me that you would not to go after anyone while I was still here." Yujiro sighed out while cutting his niece off.
He loved his niece, moreso than anyone else in his family. But sometimes she was kind of a handful.
Not exactly her fault for most of it.
His asshole of a brother had decided to take her some second ratr Quirk councillar whose recommendation was to supress her desire for blood permanently as it was socially unacceptable and to fit in. As it was considered a villainous Quirk and didn't fit in the norm.
Which Yujiro thought it was idiocy of the highest level given the Quirks out there in the world.
Also that his brother was an idiot or just jealous of him, always calling him a freak for his Quirk.
Still Yujiro took some satisfaction in knowing that he was a hematologist with some international renown, employed by Monarch, was the formost authority of Kaiju blood alive, and was their mother's favorite. Something she constantly let his idiotic older brother know.
While he was nothing more then one of the thousands of cooperate office employees trying to live a 'normal life' in the city.
And what did this normal life cost him.
Repressing his eldest niece's urges from her Quirk, possible Redfield syndrome, or a possible combination of both had turned her into a borderline serial killer after suffering a psychotic break. She was still his favorite niece, just more psychotic in a sense to her usual mannerisms and something she doesn't fully understand.
And now his brother was known for fathering a villain and didn't understand what went wrong, until he and their mother gave him quite the lecture/caning.
Could have contacted him at anytime to help Himi learn to better control the nature of her Quirk, but no he would rather keep his freak of a brother away as much as possible jncase he corrupt his daughter.
They still weren't talking, nor was he telling him that he was sheltering Himiko while still in Japan and their mother was vacationing, who knew about her.
"Not to cut anyone up while you are still here." Himiko said with a whine.
"Exactly and you have been doing a good job at that....mostly. Besides it was hard to get enough of Agent Fukuen's blood to last you the day." Yujiro sighed out.
While the man was good at his good...he was incredibly lazy when given the chance.
So the option of a paid day off where he could not go to work in exchange was to keep quiet and some blood being extracted, the man took it.
Perhaps Yujiro should suggest to Serizawa to place the man in a more secure facility after everything with Erika was done.
The only reason he even brought Himiko here today was because his apartment was being sprayed for with bugs and if Himiko got loose she could mutilate and kill someone...again.
Didn't stop her from trying twice already.
Being the head of hematology of Monarch, he had the means to satisfy her desire for blood. But working on tempering her need to cut up people and sucking their blood...was a work in progress. At least she was making some progress.
"Uncle Yuji?" Himiko said sweetly.
"Yes Himi." Yujiro said, knowing that when she called him that it usually meant that she wanted something.
And he had a feeling of what she wanted.
"Can you please get me some of Izuku's blood?" Himiko asked with a blush and grin.
"I will see what I can do, but I make no promises." Yujiro said, getting Himiko to hug him.
"Thank you uncle~" Himiko said happily.
"Anyway Himi you have been handling yourself well, but we need to get back before Mifune suspects anything. Keep this up and I will order your favorites tonight, okay?" Yujiro said, getting his niece to nod eagerly.
"Okay. Your the best uncle ever!" Himiko said excitedly, getting Yujiro to shake his head with a grin.
"I'm your only uncle Himi, but come on let's go." Yujiro said with a smile enjoying this moment with his niece.
Although silently hoping that her interest in Izuku would fade in time before he leaves. Not that he minded it, but the boy already had enough on his plate as it was with everything concerning Erika.
But he doubted it, the boy seemed to a trouble magnet of the highest caliber.
(Izuku POV - 2 hours later - 2 blocks from Midoriya Family Apartment)
Almost done, a little bit more and I will be back home.
Currently I was on my way home from a quick jog.
Despite the grueling sparring session with Agent Gordon, and dreading what tomorrow was going to bring I still needed to continue exercising for my training.
I still had some energy left and I figured a quick jog would help.
Mom was still worried about me going out alone after what happened with Shiten, which I don't blame her.
But a promise to call her or All Might if I spotted the slightest sign of trouble. That All Might said he was going in the area already to talk with a friend of his managed to at least pacify mom and it wasn't going to be a long jog.
So I was nearly home, great conditions and a nice cool breeze on my jog, noting that the U.A. enterance exam was nearly a month away.
And given that Monarch is supposed to pack up and leave the grounds in about three weeks, with Erika having only about seven weeks left before the Kaiju fully takes over for good if we can not find the right donor.
Less so if it reappears once again.
If they can't find the right donor in time then they would have to take Erika with them.
Something which I hoped that it would not have to come down in the long run. But if it meant there was a better chance to save Erika then I would accept it.
But I would miss her...despite knowing her for nearly a month I could hardly imagine being apart from here for so long. So for to be sent somewhere else inorder to finish curing her is something I could hardly imagine. Yet if it increases the chances of Erika to regain a human form, then it might be the best option.
Hopefully we can find a donor soon so Erika can become human again, at least the closest thing to it.
Shaking my head if those thoughts I noticed that I was about a block away from home.
Alright just a few more minutes and-
"There you are you Quirkless bastard!"
I jumped back when I heard that voice.
And just in time as a metallic gray blob crashed into the wall of a building, right in the spot where I just was.
"S-Shiten." I stuttered out as I finally saw him.
He was wearing worn and ragged clothes, riding on a bike with what looked like a mass of his metallic slime covering a pipe.
And he was forming some more of his metallic slime and throwing it at me!
This isn't good!
I tried to run back, but the slime narrowly missed my head and impacted a wall to a nearby alleyway.
"There is no escaping me Deku!" Shiten bellowed out as I could hear him getting closer.
Seeing no choice I ducked into the alleyway and ran into it, quickly taking out my phone.
I was not going to let this go down like last time.
This alleyway lead to Gahen Blvd, a much more active street then this one. Where it should be easy enough for someone notice Shiten, along with hopefully a patrolling hero or police officer.
I was still plenty exhausted from the jog and my earlier sparring session, but given what Erika did to Shiten I doubt he healed properly if he has been out on his own avoiding heros and the police.
I might be able to stand a good chance against him, but I promised All Might and Mom that I would let them know.
But I need to get to Gehan Blvd and let someone know so that Shiten will not escape again.
If he could come after me, he could go after Tsurugi and I can not let that happen.
"Come on, come on." I said as I dialed All Might, hearing Shiten getting closer on his bike.
"Hello, Young Midoriya?" All Might said.
"It's Shiten, he found me and is currently chasing after me on a bike! I am in an alleyway that leads to Gehan Blvd about block from home!" I called out as I narrowly dodged a another projectile from Shiten.
Noticing a trashcan, I picked up the lid and threw it in the path of his bike.
I did not look back as I heard him crash to the ground and him cursing at me.
That should at least bought me a few seconds at least.
"He is, then you better get to that street or contact police if you can! Myself and a friend are nearby! We should be there soon! Just make sure to defend yourself until help arrives!" All Might said
"I-I know and that is what I plan on doing. If he escapes or is done with me he will come after Tsurugi and I know he will. I can not allow that to happen again." I said, seeing the end of the alleyway.
"Good, you are nearly the-"All Might said before one of Shiten's projectiles hit my phone and flung it to a nearby wall.
Along with one connecting with my foot to the roadway.
This was not good...
(3rd POV - Same Time - A few blocks away)
"Young Midoriya? Young Midoriya can you hear me?" All Might as the phone went silent.
He had been catching up with his friend Naomasa when his student called telling that he had been ambushed by Shiten while just going for a jog.
All Might was starting to think Aizawa was right about Midoriya being a problem child with the amount of trouble he's attracted these past few weeks...
"Shiten might already have him or Midoriya might be facing him right now. With the training you have been putting him through he should be able to handle himself until we arrive or any officers nearby." Detective Naomasa said as the two of them went to his police car.
"I know, but I can't help but worry despite knowing he should be able to handle himself." All Might said as he coughed up some blood before wiping it away. "You get a head start, I need to make a quick call to make."
"Alright, but how much time do you have left Yagi?" Naomasa said as he got into his car.
"I have two minutes before I reach my limit. More than enough to deal with some vengeful delinquent who thinks himself a villain and goes after Young Midoriya. Just perhaps also contact an ambulance for Shiten, I doubt he properly healed after that running with a villain and it might get worse after what happens next." All Might said, getting Naomasa to nod.
"All right, but try not to rough him up too much." Naomasa said as he got in his car and started to drive off.
"I'll end it with a mighty blow. Anything else with be Young Midoriya defending himself." All Might said as the detective drove off.
He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed the phone.
Into was not going to like this...
(Izuku POV - Same Time)
"You ruined my life you Quirkless loser! You and that villain! If you didn't have to resist and just learned to accept your place none of this would have ever happened! And since that horrid looking villain is gone, I will take it out in you!" Shiten said as he approached me.
Honestly I was a bit nervous as he continued to approach me, and with how he looked.
His appearance disheveled, wearing clothes torn at the ends, himself skinnier than when I last saw him, his face covered with several scratches from crashing face first into the pavement, the piece of metal still under his eye and missing several teeth from Erika, and the way he was banging his pipe against the wall was quite unnerving.
But then I noticed this breathing.
It was irregular, uneven so to speak. And during him banging the pipe against the wall I saw Shiten hold his side for a moment.
That was probably a good indicator that he truly hadn't healed properly, then I might stand a good chance against him.
But if he notices that I try to free myself or strike him he could easily counter with his Quirk...unless he is trying to limit himself in using it.
Given how skinny he is, probably not having eaten much during his days avoiding authority, and how much he had recently used his Quirk trying to hit me and using it again meant Shiten could be using it sparringly to inflict me even more pain when he had every chance to bind me up even more.
Though one quick movement and he could bind me.
So there is one option that I could use, and the most effective one to use against him.
And possibly the more painful one for him.
"D-Don't blame me for the problems you caused!" I shouted out, only angering him.
Just as I planned.
"What did you say you Quirkless loser! It is all your fault for my situation!" Shiten roared out as he got closer.
"N-No you got yourself into your situation. Y-You had everything Shiten, more then what most people could usually have. Your family was doing well off, you had a bunch of friends, and you have an amazing Quirk that could have been used for uses like adhesives or the capture of villains. Instead you bullied everyone you came across, ran a test scandle, and stole from your fellow students and up sold the items for a profit when you didn't even need the money! When you decided to get back at me and Tsurugi for Kaachan threatening to reveal the truth, what happened was your fault! You could have turned yourself in after what happened, gotten yourself in some trouble but you could have gone home to your family and been healed up properly! Instead you went on the run and had been labeled a villain and will be facing worse consiquences once you get apprehended! Just put down the pipe Shiten and please turn yourself in, otherwise if you go through with this it will only end worse for you!" I shouted out at him, getting Shiten to stop in his tracks. His expression a mixture of contiplation and anger.
T-That actually worked at least a little bit...I think I actually feel a little better to get some of that off of my chest.
But I did have a point that Shiten brought this onto himself, especially running away from the cops and gotten himself labelled a villain for what he did.
But given how Shiten acted in the past, what I said wouldn't get him for long.
I quickly reached into my pocket and reached for a lighter as Shiten started to laugh and approach me once again.
T-This isn't good.
"Well for once you Quirkless loser. I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I could have turned myself in. My friends have pretty much cut me out of their lives, my aunt got arrested for embezzlement cause of my crimes, and I refuse to cooperate with my folks no matter much they beg me. But unfortunately for you Deku there will be no such thing." Shiten said as he raised the pipe and swung it at me.
There was little I could do to dodge with my foot bound. So I ducked under his strike as best I could. The pipe still nicked my shoulder, but it hurt a little.
Yet knowing Shiten, I had an idea.
I clutched my shoulder and faked a scream of pain as I curled up onto the ground.
Come on Shiten, buy it.
"The only thing you will get for me is pain! But I do have to thank you for one thing Deku." Shiten said as I silently turned on the lighter and applied it to my foot.
That's right keep talking.
"My life will be ruined, but I am still young. I can bounce back from this. I'll turn myself in and accept the punishment. Only after I settle this matter. Cause this is just a matter of pride Deku, I have the best Quirk in our school behind that loudmouth Bakugou, but you. You are just a Quirkless loser whose dreams of becoming a hero, you belong in the dirt. But as a thanks I will not go after Tsurugi as while his Quirk is pathetic, he is still far more useful then you. Also I won't kill you, but I will just break your body till it is a useless as you are!" Shiten declared as he raised his pipe to bash my head in.
Only to be caught off guard when I blocked his attack with my arms and began to stand back up.
"I-I am not going to let that happen Shiten." I said, bring the lighter in my hand to the pipe and lit it.
He dropped the pipe as the metallic covering melted off to reveal a regular pvcp pipe. He tried to reach for it, but I punched him in jaw.
While that was slightly cathartic, but I need to focus on holding him off or making sure that he doesn't get away until help arrives.
It might be easier said then done, but if he gets away then he could come after me again or Shiten and only add more crimes to what he has already done.
This needs to end here.
Between all the noise and my call to All Might there should be someone to come around here soon.
Until then I need to hold Shiten off.
His advantage. A versatile Quirk and my exhaustion.
My advantage. His temper, malnourishment, and an improperly healed jaw and ribs.
Best course of action would be to disorient him and go for his jaw and ribs.
I feel bad about having to resort to this, but he was planning on killing or breaking me. So I needed to make sure he didn't leave run away once again.
"Damn it, die Deku!" Shiten said as he covered his fists in his Quirk as he charged forward in a rage.
He tried to swing at me, and ducked under his fist. Followed soon after by myself dodging Shiten throwing a wild haymaker.
Being hit by one of his metallic clad fists would hurt a lot, but he was much slower than Gordon.
Meaning I had a better chance of countering or striking Shiten, better make it count.
Shiten tried to punch me once again, but I blocked his strike with one hand. And punched him in the jaw.
He yelled out in pain as he tried to swing at me wildly. I managed to either block or evade his strikes. But when I tried to counter he did the same.
Until he managed to slug me in the gut, causing me to double over in pain. I looked up to notice he was bringing his fists together and I knew what he was going to do.
Shiten coated both of his knuckles in metallic spikes and tried to throw a punch with his left hand. It would have hit me square in the head if I didn't catch his wrist.
I immediately brought the lighter to it and melted the metallic slime covering his fist.
He immediately grabbed it and covered the lighter with his Quirk. But it didn't really matter to me. I had another one on me just in case.
That and him throwing the lighter away opened him up for me to deliver a hard jab to his ribs.
As he cried out in pain I slugged him in the jaw twice, causing him to cough up a little blood. Then landing a haymaker to his ribs, forcing Shiten back.
I-I didn't want to resort to this, but he had no problem wishing to kill me then or now.
"I will not be beaten by a Quirkless loser! You think that you can become a hero! You're just a waste of space who will never be able to save anyone, not even yourself! So just lie down and pray you can become a hero in your next life!" Shiten growled out as he tried to throw a punch towards my head with his spiked fist.
Only for me to catch his hand and threw a cross to his ribs, getting him to cough.
"You are wrong Shiten. I am on my way to become a hero. And I am getting close to saving someone I care about." I said, thinking about Erika.
"Oh, then how about you tell me about them so I can pay them a visit afterwards." Shiten said with a feral grin.
Only for it to be ruined by me delivering an uppercut to his jaw.
"I will not, because I know that she will beat you into a bloody pulp instead." I said with a frown.
Knowing that Erika could come after him again if she learned about this. Better make sure that doesn't become a reality.
Shiten took offense to that as he let out a growl as he coated his left hand in his Quirk and rushed forward to strike me.
I just ducked underneath his attack before throwing a punch to his ribs once again. Along with delivering a quick jab to his back.
That sent him crashing into the wall.
But it didn't seem to phase Shiten as he picked him self back up and ran towards me.
I tried to move out of the way, but Shiten tackled into me. Before I could pry myself from him, Shiten slammed my back into the opposing wall.
"Take that Deku!" Shiten shouted before slamming me into the wall again. I tried to regain my bearings and push myself away from Shiten, but he slugged me in the gut and back onto the wall.
Shiten raised his spiked fist to strike me, but I saw an opening and elbowed him in the gut. He backed off a bit, but still tried to punch me.
I just ducked out of the wall as his fist made a small crater in the wall, getting me to gulp at how close that was.
But I quickly recomposed myself as Shiten pulled his fist out of the wall and rushed towards me. He tried to punch me in the chest, but I caught his hand and pushed it back into him.
Shiten doubled over and I took no chances as I threw a punch to his jaw.
That disoriented him long enough for me to deliver a cross to his ribs before he slugged me upside the head and sent me to the ground.
"As much fun as it is beating you down Deku, you are starting to become a real pain." Shiten coughed out as the metal coating his right hand started to melt and form around his palm.
He was going to try and bind me once again. And with the some of the slime hardening he was intending to make sure it hurts.
But that also meant that I was wearing him down. Just need to continue to hold Shiten off until help arrives.
Which is easier said than done.
Shiten threw a blob of half liquid metallic slime that I barely ducked under that and crashed into a wall. He threw another one that narrowly missed my head and clattered against a nearby trashcan.
I got close to Shiten and tried to deliver an blow to his jaw again, but Shiten blocked my fist with his hand.
While in the other he covered it with his Quirk and tried to punch me in the gut.
Only for myself to break away and for his punch missed. But not for the one I delivered to his ribs soon afterwards.
Shiten let out a pain filled cough before it turned into a growl as he grabbed my wrist and coated both of our hands with his Quirk before delivering a deadly haymaker to my elbow with his other hand.
I held back a scream of pain as Shiten pulled back his fist. I reached into my pocket with me free hand to grab the spare lighter.
This better work...
I began to flick the lighter as Shiten tried to punch me. I barely ducked under it as I managed to finally get the lighter to lit up.
Applying it to my wrist, it melted away the metal and caused the both of us to wince in pain.
But I took advantage of that by hooking my leg around his and pulled back.
Shiten started to fall back and tried to grab onto me, but I slammed my elbow into his ribs and pushed my hand against his face. Accelerating his fall and causing him to collapse onto the ground.
Shiten yelled out in pain as he clutch his ribs and now bloody, possibly broken nose as he tried to stand back up.
"I-I will ask you this one last time, Shiten please stop this. Just stop fighting, I do not want to hurt you anymore then I have to. I would prefer not to and continuing this fight will only make things worse for you. So Shiten, just stay down and stop fighting." I said, hoping that he would have enough or help would arrive here soon.
He was pretty banged up and I just wanted to end this before any of us got in any worse condition.
"Go to hell you Quirkless loser. After what you have done to me forget that!" Shiten said we he got back up and coated his hands in his Quirk.
"You only brought this on yourself Shiten." I said as he growled out and charged forward.
He lashed out wildly, trying to punch my head. I dodged the first two blows, but his third punch got my upside the head.
I felt my head get a little warm as I tried to compose himself.
But Shiten didn't give me time as he slammed a metallic class fist into my gut, getting me to double over.
While also opening himself up to myself to throw a cross to his ribs.
Shiten started to cough in pain and pulled himself back.
I took the time to straighten myself up and checking to see if-
"Just die you damned waste of space!" Shiten shouted as he rushed forward, creating metallic spikes.
So that's what he wants to do, I tried to warn him...
Shiten threw a wild right hook, I ducked under it before throwing a punch to his ribs. Followed suite by
an uppercut to his throat and jaw.
He let out a cough as he tried to throw a another punch. But I lands a cross to his face, getting him off balance. I hooked his leg again and knocked him off balance again.
And he crashed into the wall, screaming out in pain as a sickening crack rang out and he clutched his right arm.
Please don't tell me that I broke his arm!
"S-Shiten I'm sorry, just hold on I am sure the police will be here and get you some help." I said as I bent down to try and get a better look at his arm.
While also keeping an eye incase he retaliated, and I knew he would.
Just not in the way I expected.
Shiten cried out in pain as he removed his hand to show is right hand bent in an angle that wasn't natural unless they had a Quirk that allowed that.
I winced at how badly it was bent.
It only seemed like I had broken his hand and not his entire arm which was good.
But not the way his hand was starting to become skinnier and his bones more apparent as his hand righted himself with a crack! Covering it with his Quirk and morphing his broken hand into a weapon!
And considering that he reduced his broken hand to skin and bone into a weapon just showed how determined he was to cause me harm.
"Die!" He growled out, lunging forward with his broken hand in an attempt to main me.
I braced myself for what was to happen and defend myself.
But that never happened as something crashed down into the alleyway and grabbed Shiten's arm.
"That is quite enough of that." All Might said before he frowned. "I have heard quite a bit about you Shiten. Turn yourself in, there is no need to make it any harder for yourself."
"Damn it!" Shiten cried out in panic as he coated his free hand in his Quirk and tried to slug All Might.
But I knew he was defeated the moment All Might showed up.
All Might just blocked his attack with two fingers, before delivering a quick blow to his gut.
Shiten let out a loud, pain filled groan as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
It was over, it was finally over.
"Midoriya, you might want to use this." All Might said as he pulled out a napkin a from his pocket.
"Thank you." I said as I took it and wiped off the blood on my face.
This was the second time today and once again it wasn't more than a scratch hopefully.
Really hope it doesn't happen a third time as I might not be so lucky...
"Midoriya are you alright?" All Might asked me.
"Besides a few bruises and the scratch I am alright." I said with a sigh as All Might as lied Shiten down onto the ground. "But I am more worried about Shiten."
"Despite what he tried to do to you twice now?" All Might asked curiously, getting me to nod.
"He blamed and hated me for what happened to him despite it all being his fault in the first place. But he could have turned himself in and gotten himself healed up and a lot less trouble then he would now. Instead he was so focused on causing me harm that he spent nearly two weeks on the run, refusing his parents efforts to get him to stop, refused my attempts to get him to stop peacefully, and now has possibly done permanent damage to his hand inorder to get to me. And even if what he said earlier is true, I am sure he would have gone after Tsurugi after me. All because he couldn't handle that it was his fault in the first place or in his eyes 'losing to a Quirkless waste of space.'" I sighed out as I looked down at Shiten's unconscious form. "I just didn't wish that it come down to this."
"And that desire to do so only shows that you truly have the heart of a hero Young Midoriya." All Might said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Shiten is the first, but he will certainly not be the last villain that you will encounter with such intentions. There will always be villains willing to blame others for their problems. Some justified and some not. And despite this and what he has done to you, you still wished to save Shiten himself from any further trouble. To be able to recognize the possibility of reasoning with a villain is something even some proheros have trouble with. More often than not it will not work on villains like with Shiten, but being able to while you recognize that and attempting to reason with them is an important trait. Be sure to keep that in mind in the along with knowing if and when it is a good idea to try so."
"I will All Might." I said with a nod, making sure to memorize his words.
Sirens started to sound off in the distance and All Might let out a sigh of relief.
"That would be Detective Tsukauchi, he is the friend I told you about. He should be here soon along with medical help for Shiten. Along with your mother. Would have been here sooner, but it took quite a bit to reassure her that everything would be all right..." All Might said with a sigh, himself looking like he was starting to strain.
"I would imagine so." I said picturing mom was most likely crying a river in worry.
I should probably do something to make up for her worrying so much. It might be natural to do so, but I hate having to make her having to worry so much about me. But I do appreciate that she does worry about me so much.
Speaking of worrying.
"Are you almost out of time?" I asked All Might getting him to nod.
"I am at the fringes of my limit. I just have enough time to head back to my truck if I time this right." All Might said as he prepared to jump.
But not before turning back and giving me a genuine grin.
"You did a good job today Young Midoriya in handling Shiten. I'll see you again soon enough." He said with a smile before jumping off into the distance.
I smiled with a grin as I wiped some tears from my eyes...that and some more blood.
If All Might thought that I did a good job, then I might have done so.
Still I did not wish for things to have turned out like this, but there is no changing this now. But I do hope that Shiten will get treatment and will be able to turn things around in his life after everything is said and done.
Police cars park at the end of the alleyway as a crowd of onlookers watched everything happening, with the sound of an ambulance approaching in the distance.
The closest car opened up to reveal a tall man in a teal over coat and hat.
"Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, Musutafu Police Force." He said pulling out his badge before putting it away. "I take it that you are Izuku Midoriya, you are exactly like Yagi described. I am going to need you to answer some questions."
"I-I know. But can you please make sure Shiten is loaded onto the ambulance first? And that my mother is here as well, she should be here soon?" I asked, getting the detective to nod.
"That would be for the best, just stay right there for a moment." He said before going to talk with one of the paramedics.
I let out a sigh of relief as I felt a little lighter now, knowing that with this I would not have to worry about Shiten possibly jumping me after school again.
But now I have to reassure mom that I am alright and everything will be alright, all with everything else concerning Shiten.
This was not going to be fun and I was possibly going to get soaked, but it was worth it for her to know that everything was going to be okay.
(The Next Day - Dagobah Municipal Park)
Things turned out exactly like I had predicted.
With mom arriving a few minutes later, squeezing the life out of me and soaking my shirt completely.
Along with telling me that I was not going anywhere outside of our apartment or school alone for a while due to how much trouble I have seemed to attract in the past month.
Something I was starting to agree with...
Detective Tsukauchi had questioned me greatly about Shiten and to get a better grasp on what happened. I had nothing to hide about and I was honest with him, though keeping what All Might said.
While he was a friend of All Might, there was still plenty of officers and onlookers around. So it was best not to slip up.
After that we were given the options to press charges against Shiten, but me and my mom declined.
Considering all of the crimes being added to what he was going to face and being injuries to such an extent we saw no need.
As long as he was far away from us and I no longer had to worry about him trying to jump me to and from school than it was alright.
After the questioning and the crowd started to disperse All Might met up with us and things afterwards started to become more of a blur for me.
But what was agreed upon was that I was excused from school today due to what happened.
Might be due to the fact I did survive against a former student yesterday or mom just wanting to make sure that I am alright, but I could care less about that.
Cause there was one thing that I needed to focus on right now.
"Are you okay mom?" I asked as I placed some more debris in the back of All Might's truck.
"I'm fine...just give me a second Izuku..." Mom wanted out as she leaned against the truck.
"Young Midoriya was like this the first time I had brought him here to begin his training. There is not much left in the given area for today. We'll finish it up and take care of this load. After that, lunch is on me." All Might said.
"Alright, but I am picking where we go..." Mom groaned out as I grabbed a water bottle and handed it too her. "Thank you Izuku."
I just nodded as I took the chance to appreciate the view of the beach, while also enjoying that mom and All Might were here.
After everything that happened yesterday, mom wanted to accompany us on my training, at least for the morning. So we headed to Dagobah Beach.
Although All Might did say we would head back to U.A., it was probably for the best to give Erika time to cool off.
When she heard about what happened, they had to put her on lockdown. She had tried to break out at least twice already. To either see me, finish what she did to Shiten, or both no one could say.
What I do know is that I need to brace myself to be squeezed in her death grip later on.
Anyway we got here and it was just myself starting with training and cleaning up the beach.
But after a while mom started to join in.
When I asked why, she just said that she wanted to wanted to help.
I appreciated that she wanted to help and I was going to gently remind her that I have been doing this for nearly 9 months now. However she also told me it had been sometime since we had done anything together and she thought that this was a good time and she just wanted to help me with this, even if it was a little bit.
There was no way I could refute mom after saying that.
Soon after All Might joined in as well and for the past hour and a half it had been all three of us cleaning the beach. Although mom had to take a break every now and again or All Might having to break down into a coughing fit if he strained himself to much in his true form.
Despite that it was quite nice to be able to do this with the both of them...maybe we could do the same thing again sometime in the future.
"Alright Young Midoriya, let's get back to work. And let your mother rest for a another minute or two. That is if she wishes too?" All Might said, breaking me from my musings.
"There will be no need for that." Mom groaned out before giving me a smile. "Let's finish this up Izuku."
"Of course mom." I said with a smile of my own and started to walk off to get started on what debris remained. Followed suite by mom and All Might.
Enjoying this time with them and hoping that it would continue on for a while.
(Modern Day)
That was a good day, just spending time with them and later with Erika....and having All Might and Agent Aoki having to pry me out off her vines.
After that day I returned to school and I was given a wide birth by a majority of students though some congratulated me. Word had gotten out about what happened to Shiten.
While it was acknowledged that All Might had defeated Shiten, I was known for breaking his nose and accidentally breaking his hand along with a fracture along his fore arm.
Though for him suffering three cracked ribs and four broken I couldn't tell if that was from All Might, myself, any remaining damage from Erika, or any other combination of the three.
Yet it was known that he reduced his right hand to an atrophied state and worsened his broken hand. Well most of the damage could be fixed, but from what I heard his hand will always remain skinner than his left one and suffered from permanent nerve damage. Losing some of the functionality in some of his fingers.
Minus his hand it was expected for him to recover in at least sis weeks. But he has already been discharged from the hospital and sent to a juvenile detention center as of three days ago. Where is expected to pay for his crimes with now an extra charge of theft, assualt, evasion, and Quirk abuse.
I do hope he can turn things around once he gets out, but considering how he behaved I doubt it. But I still hope there is a chance.
Besides that not much had changed at school except exams came later that week. That and Kaachan seemed a little more agitated then normal.
Along with for the rest of the days things seemed to have been following the same pattern as before. Except now the grueling sparring sessions were against Agent Dupre now. That and mom joining us on cleaning the beach a few times.
So the past week leading had mainly been pretty good all things considered. But there were two other things constant during the week that had me on edge.
The first was the progress of finding a potential donor. Besides what Yujiro told me they mainly quite about it. Along with taking a day longer than expected, but given this was something no one had dealt with before and running out of time for Erika it was to be expected.
The second one was something more personal and a question that rang through my mind.
Just why did the Kaiju hate me so much?
Now it is one that had been going in in my mind since I first saw the Kaiju. But the thoughts really started to increase after my encounter with Shiten.
While it was for being Quirkless and blaming me for the problems he brought upon himself, he was still a human. Someone who hated me enough to risk permanent damage and refute any attempt to stop so he could cause me harm.
So while he had a reason to hate me, why did a Kaiju that I had never meet before held a similar level hatred for me?
It was a question that had bothered me all throughout the weeks.
Until I learned it yesterday, right before learning that despite the deadline for the Kaiju's full takeover beginning it didn't matter.
For only minutes from now, the process to cure Erika will begin for real.
And I couldn't be any more anxious for what was going to happen next.
(Chapter 8 end)
Hey guys Mukuro7 here and I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter.
Normally I would have saved this chapter for August, but as Godzilla vs Kong came out I had to upload a chapter after watching the movie. And it was glorious.
Also watched and enjoyed Pacific Rim the Black, haven't seen Godzilla Singularity Point yet but should make some time soon.
Before we move on to the details, do you think I made a good title to this chapter? Personally I am unsure, so if anyone has any other options I am free to them.
Anyway as you can see here Izuku has come quite a long way since he began his training and becoming a hero. Both physically and mentally. But now he is truly starting to carve out his path to become a hero. That and some bonding time with Inko and All Might at the end.
And besides that and an appearance from one of the fandom's favorite character there has been an interesting revealtion this chapter.
One of great importance to the next chapter and the future of this story in general. How so besides being used to cure Erika...that would be telling wouldn't it.
Anyway next chapter will be the last one for this arc and after that it will only be a few more chapters to the U.A. entry exam. 2 or 3 perhaps, maybe 4. But it will be quite interesting to say the least.
With two best donor's being revealed, the Kaiju emerging once more to go after Izuku, and the procedure to cure Erika beginning. Along with a surprise or two.
I do hope that you all enjoy that chapter when it comes out.
So until next, ciao!
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