The Titans
Darkness had long taken over the room almost entirely, with digital screens being the only source of light
This room housed one of the most promising people of his generation. His name was Tim Drake
But as capable as he was, right now he found himself confused, even a little frustrated
"... Are you sure about this, Bruce?"
He asked the image of his mentor, who was at the other side of the screen. His mentor was none other than the world's greatest detective, the Batman
Or as Tim knew him, Bruce Wayne
Bruce: I am, Tim, if one of these creatures manages to slip through the league's defenses, it's the Titans' job to intercept it the moment it steps on Earth
The Justice League found a crucial threat in space, something that could very well lead to an invasion. With something like that happening in space, it was only natural that Tim wanted to help
But the bat was right, if the League were to somehow fail, the Teen Titans where the planet's first line of defense
Tim: *Sigh* Right... Just call if you need something
Bruce: I believe you will be busy by then, you do have a new team member after all
This statement made the young man's eyes widen slightly as the reminder hit his mind. From his desk, Tim picked up a folder with information labeled "Y/N Constantine"
Tim: Right, why did you brought him in, anyway? And so suddenly?
Bruce: Constantine is one of, if not the hardest man to locate, his "House of Mystery" has an energy signature that changes very frequently. I invited his son to your team because of his skill using "magic" as people call it.
Tim: I don't mean to be rude, but we already have Raven
Bruce: That's the thing. Y/N was suggested by Raven
This statement made the young man look back at Bruce with surprise written all over his face
Bruce: I believe he could help you see things from a different angle when working on a case
Tim sighed, proceeding to walk to the wall. It opened, revealing a window that gave him a clear view of the front of the tower he was living in
Tim: I just hope he doesn't turn out to be as much of a jerk as his father
Just as he said that he spotted something in the distance, a door appearing out of nowhere and from it, three subjects came out
Bruce: That remains to be seen. Good luck, Tim
And with that, the hologram disappeared, leaving him alone in the room as he kept watching the scene from afar the window. The first thing Tim did was ask the computer to enlarge the image he was seeking through the cameras they had installed
On the other hand, the door remained open as Zatanna, Deadman, and Constantine himself stood there, talking to the one person they all had in common, you
Constantine: Alright, kid, this is it
He nodded with a small hint of a smile, not much could be asked from him. Zatanna, on the other hand, leaned closer and gave you a peck on the forehead like a proud mother
Zatanna: I'm so glad you heard me out, Y/N. I promise you won't regret it
Lastly, the spirit, Boston approached you with a clear smile on his pale face
Deadman: Knock 'em dead, buddy
You couldn't help but chuckle at that particular comment, especially because he was the one who said that
You: Thank you guys, I'll do my best
Zatanna: If you need anything, you know what to do
She gave you a quick hug before walking inside the portal
Deadman: Promise to tell me any awesome stuff you do
You: You bet, Boston
The two of you fist-bumped... If that was even possible since he was a ghost. He floated back to the portal
And now, Constantine himself was the only one left with you
Constantine: I... I'm proud of you, glad you took my-Zee's advice.
He was quick to correct his statement to avoid any conflict with you, something that you actually appreciated
You: I won't let you down, old man.
He chuckled lightly at this before patting you on the shoulder
Constantine: I know you won't, Y/N
He lighted up a cigarette and turned around to the door, one foot already on the portal when he stopped to look back at you
Constantine: See you around, kid
Then, he went through the portal, of course, it disappeared as soon as he did. And now, it was you and the giant tower in front of you
You: *Sigh* Well... Here goes nothing.
Your feet began to move, one after the other as you approached the building.
Odd to admit, but it was very nicely designed
However, not long after you started to walk towards the tower, something started to surround you. Someone running circles around you by the looks of it
???: Ooh! A new face!
After a while, the person stopped revealing a young man with red spiky hair and green eyes
He extended a hand to you as he showed you a smile. Under absolutely no circumstances should this person be allowed to eat sugar, none
???: The name's Wally West, what's yours?
You: Umm... Y/N L/N... You alright, mate?
He was intrigued by your question, implying that that could very well be his normal self
Wally: Why do you ask?
You: You tell me, you look like you drank the entire coffee supply or something
Wally: Oh? That's just my awesome nature, dude!
While you weren't the biggest fan of hyperactivity, you still tried your best to not sound rude to the teen
You: Huh, well, that's a charmer
Wally: So, what can we do for you?
Deciding to have a normal conversation, you chose to move on with a different topic, the most obvious one
You: Apparently, I'm here to join the team
His already happy face turned even happier after hearing that statement
Wally: Seriously? Then you'll need to meet them!
On the other side of the scene, in the entrance of the Tower were some of the members of the Teen Titans, looking over the scene and specifically, Wally's first impression
"Guys? Who's Wally talking to?"
Asked one of them, easily recognized by the color of his skin, with it being green
"Is that our new teammate?"
Followed a girl with white hair and an eye patch, still not believing the news of someone joining their ranks
"Yep, that's him. I do wonder who of you brought him here, though"
That voice belonged to Tim, whose statement was just waiting for an answer from his teammates despite having it already revealed by Bruce
"I did"
A calm, female voice answered. They turned around to find a pale goth girl approach the room, floating. Her participation was surprising, to say the least
"Wait, you suggested someone join us?"
Pointed the white-haired girl, finding an even bigger surprise in those news
"He does possess many skills the Titans could use"
Before any more arguments could be made, another pair of footsteps could be heard, yours among them
When you entered the tower, you found out that the team was already waiting for your arrival and needless to say, they made quite a colorful group with their appearances combined
"You must be Y/N Constantine" A voice addressed you, Tim being the first one to talk to you
You: Ummm... Hi
The redhead entered the conversation, pointing out something that was not particularly your favorite topic of discussion
Wally: Wait, you said your last name was L/N
You: Well, ain't too fond of that one
Even if you were still in not good terms with your last name, everyone would still be using it anyway, so why even try?
You: *Sigh* Anyway, I was sent to join your group, if that's alright with you
The group sensed your change in attitude and just decided to roll with it for the sake of conversation
Tim: I am Tim Drake, also known as Red Robin, leader of the team
He shook your hand before motioning to the others present
These are Victor
A tall person with obvious metallic parts approached you with a smile
Victor: Always glad to meet a new team member
Tim: That's Garfield
The kid was green, strange. You leaned in to shake his hand too, but he ended up high-fiving you
Garfield: S'up dude! You can call me Beast Boy
This one was just as energetic as the redheaded speedster as if one wasn't enough
Tim: She's Rose
He motioned to a girl with medium-length white hair and an eye patch on her left eye, definitely a standout from the group mainly due to how different her aura was from the others, always alert, even when in presence of friendlies
Perhaps she was the "tough one" of the team, every group had one, right?
Rose: Welcome aboard, Y/N
You: Thank you, Rose
You actually chose to speak back to her instead of nodding or smiling like with the others. She noticed this and gave you a brief smile as a result
Tim: And Rachel, who I assume you already know
The next person indeed was familiar to you, Trigon's daughter and the girl that you had previously saved a few months ago
Once you recognized her, the surprised expression on your face turned into a smirk
You: Indeed I do, Mr. Robin
Your positive attitude towards seeing Raven again caught her off-guard, but it helped make her smile as well, that being if you could call that a smile
Tim: Well that's good to know. Superboy and Starfire are on a mission, but they should be back soon
This statement made you look back at the leader, taken back by their sheer number
You: How many of you are there?
Garfield: Quite a few, but you'll be seeing like... 7 of us, dude
And you thought the Justice league already had enough members as it was
You: Well, it is a pleasure
Tim: With that said, I welcome you to the Titans
That felt different, not like a usual, cold and robotic welcoming, but an actual invitation to stay
Rose: So, Y/N, what did you do to impress Raven so much?
Straight to the point, as you would expect from Rose. Not only that, but her question seemed to embarrass the goth in question
Seeing as the entire group was eager to hear your answer, and it wouldn't be good to be on her bad side, you tried to answer without making it sound all that bad
You: We worked together on a case, burned down a circus
Wally: With demon clowns and everything?
Victor: Wait, the missing children case?
You: Exactly
From the corner of your eye you spotted Rachel, she was visibly relieved by your answer.
The thing is that it was you who solved the case quite easily, but left clues for her to follow you into the circus where the demons were luring children
And you were busy with other things, so you arrived late but just enough to end up saving her life. The thing is, magic-users had a bit of a fragile ego, and it wasn't polite at all to just brag about it
Rose: Huh, you sound like a detective when talking about it
And that's when your own ego kicked in
You: That's because I am one, luv, an Occult detective
Your answer impressed some of them but confused others like Garfield, who had to ask what even was that profession
Of course, judging by their reactions you could already tell who were more prone to accept magic as an actual thing, and who still refuses to believe it
The clock reminded them that the day was still going, and they had to as well. Tim placed a hand on your shoulder to gain your attention
Tim: I'll let you get used to this place, make yourself at home
You nodded in confirmation, then he looked at Garfield
Tim: Gar, could you please-
Garfield: Sure!
He didn't even get to finish his sentence when the green teenager agreed to be your guide. He was to give you a brief tour to get you familiarized with what would also become your new home
Surprisingly enough, Beast Boy wasn't as annoying as you initially thought. he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he sure was nice to have around
The tour was nice enough for you to not feel it heavy when you reached your destination, the rooms. When you did, he stopped walking
"...And this one is yours, next to Raven, she asked for this herself, you know?"
Garfield stated while pointing at your door. The sentence itself caught your attention, due to how unusual it was in the first place
You: Really?
Garfield: Yup, she said you would appreciate the "peace and quiet"
You: Well, that I can't deny.
You closed the distance with what would soon become your room, the doors opened by themselves to reveal an empty space aside from a closet and a bed, as well as a medium window that provided an amazing view of the world outside
Garfield: So... You didn't bring anything along?
His voice broke your train of thought but soon enough allowed you to focus on the next task
You: Oh, right, that
You stepped back and snapped your fingers. The moment you did, your room was already decorated with everything that you needed
There were numerous bookshelves, a desk with a notepad on it, some candles and on the wall, of course, was the sword that the Amazons had made for you
Once this process was done, you heard Garfield gasp in amazement by your actions, much to your own amusement
You: So, how you like my room?
Garfield: Dude, that was amazing! Oh, Oh! Tell me, when goblins wanna scare themselves, do they tell human stories?
His childish attitude sure made you smile. While he was very naive, it was not enough to be actually irritating
You: Not quite, they tell Batman stories
Garfield: Of course, it makes so much sense now!
You chuckled at this, then stepped closer to place a hand on his shoulder
You: Thanks for the tour, mate. If you don't mind, I would like to get to enjoy this new room of mine
Garfield: Of course, If you need anything just tell me!
You thanked him and the green boy took his leave, allowing you to enter the room. It was cozy, everything that you could possibly need was where it should thanks to your magic but still, this room felt nothing like the House of Mystery or even Themyscira
No, this place had a much different vibe to it. It was difficult to explain, but you would certainly get used to it
The rest of the way went rather smoothly. Raven was right about the peace and quiet in the ambient, it was relaxing and it even provided you enough time to practice all of your skills, from casting to your own abilities with the sword
Having time to spare didn't mean you were free all day. It was the moon who remembered you that, it's light sneaking through your window told you that it was time to move on
The thing is, as much as you "moved" to this place to join the Titans, there were other reasons as well, personal ones
Manhattan was as plagued with demons as any other city would be, and you had just received a call to deal with one in particular
This call came from the manager of a popular singer who apparently was kidnapped by a demonic entity. This kind of thing wasn't something you would hear every day, except in your line of work
And the good thing about it was that when you received a call for a job, it was always serious, not just a prank
So, time to work
You got your coat and headed for the outside, being stopped halfway through when you saw Tim himself and that girl with the eyepatch, Rose. Both curious as to what you were even doing
Tim: Y/N? Where are you going?
You: For a walk around the city
While your answer was casual, none of them bought it, especially Rose
Rose: A walk? Really?
You: you know, to become familiar with the environment
There was a brief moment of silence, a detective trying to analyze another was something to behold indeed, and you could tell that they were up to something as well
Of course, they wouldn't just let you leave like that, you had just gotten there
Tim: Fair enough, tell me if you need anything
You nodded and proceeded to keep walking, leaving the scene in no time. As for the other two, they stayed in that same spot, changing their plans
Rose: You want me to follow him?
Red Robin: If you don't mind
Rose: Of course not, how hard can it be?
Without further do, Rose changed into something best suited for an urban mission, particularly a stealth one, so she didn't bring any weapon that wasn't portable
And so, Rose followed you around the city. Surprising to her, you moved around rather easily, in fact, it was hard for her to actually keep track of you sometimes
But things got interesting when she saw you enter an alleyway and stand in front of a back door of what appeared to be a bar. She hid behind a dumpster to get a better view of how what you were doing
The door was opened and a grown man asked you to enter, but before you, Rose saw as you sighed while looking down in frustration
You: For fuck's sake...
Then, you raised up your hand, which started glowing and shortly after, the dumpster that Rose was hiding in disappeared, almost making her fall down but most importantly, exposing her to you
Shocked by this, the girl chose to confront you immediately
Rose: W-What? How did you-
You: I'm constantly being stalked by demons, luv, dealing with a beautiful ninja-like broad such as yourself ain't that hard
You shrugged after saying that, a smirk appearing on your face as well while you helped her up
Rose: Hey! Wait, what?
You walked back to the door and stopped to look back at her
You: You coming or not? I mean, I don't think you came all this way to hide behind dumpsters
She let out an annoyed groan, but she entered the room anyway. Needless to say, the scene you were met with once inside, it wasn't pretty
The inside of the room was stained with blood almost everywhere, scratches on the wall and broken bottles as well as a man crying on a chair, but his expression changed the moment he saw you
Manager: Oh, finally you're here!
The man started to panic yet again. He required your help to it back down
You: Easy, there, have one
You made a cigarette appear out of nowhere and handed it to the man, which he accepted gladly as he lighted it up
Manager: Thank you, you don't know how much I needed that
Rose: The fuck happened here?
She asked before you could out of pure instinct, so you just told the man to answer the question
Manager: J-Jen's gone! Something dragged her away, but I don't know what it was!
Upon inspecting the room, you discovered that the blood was not human, and it could barely be considered blood. No, it was something demons used to mimic blood and scare the everliving hell out of people
However, the only object that was not stained was the mirror on the left. The case was getting so obvious for you now
Once the conclusion was made, you looked back at the man
You: Did "Jen" talked about demons or things like that? Y'know, like trying to soul her soul to become popular?
Manager: Not that I know of, why?
You: Because I think I know just where was she taken
The manager saw you staring at the mirror, but both he and Rose were extremely confused about it
Manager: W-Where is she?
You: The demon dragged her through the mirror, that's about it
Both the young woman and the man were shocked at this statement, especially the casual way you said it
Rose: ...Through the what?
You: Alright, then. No time to waste
Both your hands were aimed now at the mirror, making a circulatory motion on it and within seconds, a portal was opened
Rose was still trying to process what you said in a desperate attempt to keep up with you
Rose: Wait, you really mean to tell me that a demon just kidnapped a girl and escaped using a mirror?... really?
You: I know, what a novice
This statement only made it worse for her to the point of slight anger
Rose: And what' cha gonna do? Just walk in and take her out?
Her sarcasm backfired the moment you answered
You: Pretty much
Rose:... really?
You: Stay here, I'll need you to slaughter everything that is not human and makes the mistake of trying to escape
Her attitude changed then, showing that she was not prepared to slay a monster for the day, just following you around
Rose: Well, I'd love to, but y' know, my sword...
You: Say no more, luv
You put your fists together and as you separated them, her very own sword began to form. Yet another surprise you pulled
Rose: Woah, that's actually really useful
You handed it to her, she started to admire the detail in it, as if it were new
You: I know, right?
Then you walked up to the mirror and had half a leg in, something incredibly bizarre considering the size of that thing
Rose: W-Wait! How will I know that it's time?
You: Oh, you'll know alright
Without much of an answer, you stepped inside the portal and into the darkness that resided within the mirror itself. It was in fact so dark that you were barely able to see anything
You started walking, screaming in the distance, a sound that you have been gotten used to in that job
You (In mind): *Sigh* I bloody know you're a singer, no need to brag about it...
The more you walked, the clearer everything became, it was only a matter of time before you came across another scene. This time you saw the girl chained to what appeared to be a brick wall with bruises and cuts all over her
The demon was just playing with its food, how typical of them
She startled by your touch, gentle in comparison to her captor, but if she didn't cooperate, things would get complicated
You: Shh, Shh. I'm here, luv, don't you worry about a thing
Using magic, you dissolved the chains holding her prisoner and the first thing she did, was to hug you. Another part of the job, which honestly, you were not sure whether you liked it or not
Girl: T-Thank God you're here...
You: I wouldn't mention him on this occasion. Now come on, let's go
You put her arm around your shoulder and began to walk back to the mirror. As you did, you could hear something moving nearby
The demon was there, roaming around the room like a predator welcoming its new prey. The girl knew it too, her shaking and messy breathing told you
You: Calm down, if the demon senses your fear, it will only lash out even worse
???: Where are you going with my food, kid?
The sound of his monstrous voice scared the girl, whose face hid in your shoulder. You held her close to keep her calm but were already figuring out a way to get out of this situation
You: Anywhere but here, this ain't a way to treat a lady, you know?
The next thing you heard, was the monster's laughter. Determined to get over it, you proceeded to walk again
This time, by the time you got in range to get out, puppets came down. Wooden, lacking life and stained with blood, everywhere
???: You are funny, but this ends now
You: I couldn't agree more
You flicked your fingers, throwing something at them and the puppets were caught on fire as a result
You: Next time think of something that is not flammable, mate
Growling was heard across the hall, the room itself began to melt. That was the signal
Not wasting more time, you immediately picked up the girl bridal style and ran as fast as you could through the place, taking advantage of that momentary opportunity you made for yourself
Spikes emerged from different places, all threatening with taking your life. You sidestepped one, jumped another one and ducked under the last one, showing off just to make the demon even angrier at its own failure
You were right in front of the portal when suddenly, your legs were wrapped and forced you to fall down
Before that happened, you threw the girl to the portal, ensuring her safety first
You were now being dragged back into the darkness, giant teeth forming on the other side
You inspected the creature, finding more details to it, thus discovering your next move
You: Quite the contrary...
From your pocket, you grabbed a small candy, orange in color
You: I find it hilarious
With that, you threw it straight into the beast's jaws, sticking to its jaws and making it almost impossible for the demon to close them
Right away, you decided to cast a fireball that made a small explosion, earning a pained screech from the beast and a chuckle from you
You: That one never gets old
With the momentary advantage at hand once more, you rushed through the hall and in no time, jumped to the other side, landing on the wall, surprising everyone
Rose: Y/N? Wha-
Right away, black tentacles made their way out, trying an attempt to reach out and kill you, only for Rose to step in and dispatch them with ease the moment she spotted them
Or so it looked like it, they regenerated and kept their assault on you. Rose was trying her best, but it was not enough
Once you regained your breath, you rushed towards the mirror and immediately grabbed Rose's waist, pulling her away while raising one hand and yelling
You: "speculum clausa"
And with that, another layer of glass appeared on the mirror, not reflecting anything at all and not breaking because of the monster's actions either, in fact, it cut the tentacles that were leaking out
It was over, you could see the manager and the singer both terrified of this experience, even your fellow Titan was lost for words. Ironically, they were taking it surprisingly well for the occasion
Rose: I take it back... That's some messed up shit.
She said panting, using the sword to stand
You: You get...used to it
It took a while, but everyone was "okay" and able to function as a sane person again...almost
The manager stood up with his wallet in hand, he walked up to you. The girl was behind him as well
Manager: H-Here is your payment
He extended his hand, with money now in it, only to have it rejected by yourself
You: Nah, this one's on the house... you'll need it for therapy anyway
You opened up a portal and motioned Rose to follow you, which she reluctantly did and both of you got out of the scene without a trace
This case was quite peculiar, and you still had some questions as to what was even she doing with demons, but for now, the best thing would be to let them rest
You could consider it another day at work, but they surely could not
Titans Tower
The portal opened, allowing you two to walk out of it and being left in front of the tower, back home
Without further due, you entered the building and had some small talks with Rose every now and then, mainly answering her many questions on how magic even worked and its many implications
It was normal for someone who had just experienced their first contact with the Occult, after all
However, when you reached the main room, Tim and Victor were already there, waiting for you by the looks of it
You: Uhh... Am I in trouble?
Tim: Not at all, we actually want to talk to Rose, you can go Y/N
Victor: See you tomorrow for training
You: Sweet, guess I'll see you tomorrow
You didn't even wait for them to answer, just left the room and heading to yours, ready to call it a day while the other three discussed their issues
Victor: I don't think he's as bad as you thought, Tim
Tim: That remains to be seen
He turned his attention to the girl shortly after
Tim: How did his "walk" go?
Rose sat on the giant couch in the center of the room, exhausted. The others were intrigued by this behavior and followed her
Rose: *Sigh* Where to begin...
The doors to your room opened, allowing you to get in and hang your coat before falling on your bed and immediately after that, the sheets covered you, helping you to sleep by removing the need to actually cover yourself
Being a magic user had so many benefits
And of course, it had also many problems
The moment you got comfortable, claws emerged from under the bed, ironic. Turns out, the demon had followed you home
The monster made its way up until he was near your face, growling
???: That's how I wanted to see you, defenseless, with no escape...hopeless
You: Don't think too highly of yourself, mate
Completely unphased by its presence, you saw black tendrils emerge from behind the beast and drag it away from you and out of your room, trough the closed doors.
The next thing you heard was something devouring the demon mercilessly, hopefully, the others wouldn't hear a thing
After a short while, the door opened to reveal Raven herself standing on your doorstep, bringing a smile to your face
You: So that's why you wanted my room to be next to yours
She found it curious how easy you connected the dots
Raven: Consider it a "thank you" for what you did back then
You: Guess, this makes us even, then
Raven: I guess
An awkward silence was creeping into the place, but you chose to cut it on its tracks by just ending the chat
You: Well. have a good one, Raven
Raven: You too, see you tomorrow
She actually smiled at you, the first time you've seen her do that. You two didn't have much history, but Raven did not look like the type of girl who would be all about sunshine and rainbows
...But you weren't that normal either, so it made some sense
"... And that's pretty much what happened"
Rose reported to her leader, who was just as amazed as Cyborg was by hearing that strange event that had just taken place in the city
She was telling those two about her experience with you, and their reactions, while different, were as you would expect
Tim:...So Y/N can really sense danger when we can't, interesting...
Victor: Interesting? The guy just walked through a mirror! I believe that he is on another level entirely!
Tim nodded after that, with his hand on his chin, thinking about the situation of his newest team member, when he then noticed that despite being there, Rose herself didn't act as surprised as anybody else would
Tim: And what do you take from all this, Rose?
She looked out the window, admiring the city being shined upon by the moon itself, silent for a moment before she looked back at her leader, smirking
"I think he's gonna fit in just fine"
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