The dark god: Void (Finale)
En eternal demon, an ally to absolute chaos, a name powerful enough to raze complete realities
The Enchantress had lived through many things. Plagues, wars, and even apocalypses, none of them were enough to take her down or extinguish her green flame
Such a powerful being had never felt the need to experience such a thing as fear
But now? Now was different
She was broken, lacking a host and losing her grip on reality. Not only that, but she was face to face with the embodiment of God's vengeance, a being that could destroy her even in her prime
Spectre: The time for your judgment has come, Enchantress
This agent of God had come to tip the scales, coming in the aid of Constantine's child, a renegade Amazon, a chaotic witch, and one of her own previous hosts
They were all there to stop her, not even knowing what she had planned, but it didn't matter
She had come so close, she could even feel the dark energy flowing through her. There was no going back for her
Just as she was getting ready to fight, another key portal appeared, something that made you look at Alice, who wad previously impersonating Doctor Fate's powers
You: Is this your doing?
Alice: I wish
That could only mean one thing
From the portal, the real Doctor Fate, followed by Zatanna, Deadman, Etrigan, and Constantine appeared. Vines started to move next to them to form Swamp Thing as well
Doctor Fate: You shall not succeed in this or any other reality
A black portal opened beside them, it was Raven this time and with her was the entire Shazam family as well as Wonder Girl, all of them ready to deal with this threat for good
Enchantress's eyes went wide when she saw the growing threat in front of her. The entire magical community had come together to stop her and just kept adding numbers to their ranks while she kept being only one
Especially since you had freed her only ally
But that would have to suffice
You, on the other hand, were speechless to see so many people coming to your aid. Friends and family banding together to stop this multiversal threat
You approached your friend and Titan colleague, Rachel, taking the opportunity to talk
You: Raven? You up so soon?
Raven: I wasn't going to let you have all the fun
You two smiled at each other, but the reunion was cut short when you started to hear increasing laughter coming from Enchantress herself
Enchantress: It doesn't matter if you gathered all the power in this world, child
She looked directly at you when she said that. Her green energy surrounded her claws as she raised them in the air
She started to claw away at something, but the moment a small hole appeared in the middle of the air, it became clear what she was doing
Doctor Fate: Do not let her tear reality apart!
You all started blasting her with magic, making her movements even more erratic despite the pain she felt from the attacks. You could see the magic hitting and harming her, but she just wouldn't stop
Then, the skies grew darker without losing its ominous color. From the small hole Enchantress had made, a small piece of stone emerged
That's when you realized what she was doing. Her plan wasn't to destroy reality
It was to summon something even stronger
Right on cue, the hole grew wider, acting now as some sort of improvised portal as the stone proved to me only part of a colossal monolith that slowly made its way to reality
Five feet, ten feet, thirty, this thing continued to grow in size until it was the size of a skyscraper
Then, she turned to the gargantuan figure behind her and raised her hands
At first, there was no answer. None of you knew what to do without risking the destruction of reality itself
You had to wait until a better opportunity showed itself and most importantly, you had to close that forsaken portal before anything else happened
The monolith's eyes began to glow red and shot a beam to the hag, to which she started to laugh like an absolute maniac
Enchantress: Yes...YES!!!
Her wounds healed by themselves and the energy seemed to be running all over her body, slowly restoring itself...but it didn't stop there
The energy continued to bombard her until it proved itself to be far too much for her already unstable body. Her veins glowed red and energy poured through every orifice of the entity until it could no longer be contained by her
Zatanna: SHIELDS UP!!
Following her command, everyone capable of making a shield banned together and conjured a shield to keep all of you from burning along with the Enchantress, who had now turned into a bomb of dark energy
Letting out the most piercing and inhuman screech you would ever hear, the Enchantress finally gave up and disappeared into a massive burst of energy. One so vast that even the Spectre was forced to stand back
Your shields held up just barely, but it was difficult to hold your ground due to the sheer amount of kinetic energy.
Then, Doctor Fate brought out a small metal object
Doctor Fate: Contain the Enchantress, now!
Zatanna, Constantine, and Fate himself conjured some sort of lasso that wrapped itself around the dispersing cloud that was previously the Enchantress
With enough force, they pulled her into the magical container and sealed immediately with an overwhelming amount of spells. It was the Enchantress after all
But at least, she was dealt with
Shazam: Heads up! The monolith's breaking!
Billy pointed at the giant piece of stone now floating in the sky and you confirmed what he was saying. There were cracks all over this thing
In fact, it didn't take long for the monolith to actually break down until it was nothing but a pile of rubble. From the dust it raised, however, a figure was now standing
It was a glowing man dressed in white, with a tattered cape and hands stained with both red and black and on top of that, a tender smile
???: Yes, I believe that will suffice
He levitated, just barely so that his feet wouldn't touch the ground and then he turned to meet the crowd of magic users
???: I am Silverheart, the god of victory
Shazam: Victory? You just destroyed that freaky old lady!!
???: Yet she succeeded in summoning me
Doctor Fate looked at him, even the Spectre fixed his gaze on the being. Both of them coming to the same conclusion
Spectre: You are not welcome
Doctor Fate: Your existence here endangers all
That was all you needed to hear to know that this being was bad. As if making the Enchantress herself explode wasn't bad enough.
Silverheart: This multiverse will serve my brothers and sisters, but before they are brought here, you are to be dealt with
With a single gesture of his hand, all fo you were swept away, pushed back by an unknown force
There was the first aggression
Shazam: Alright, that's it!
Mary: Billy, don't!
The good captain flew straight towards the god, preparing a punch that was stopped by his palm, creating a shockwave of its own
Silverheart then pulled him closer and quickly grabbed him by the neck, choking him
Silverheart: You are one peculiar child
You: Leave him alone you wanker
With the help of Cassie, her lasso wrapped around his arm and both of you pulled away, combined with the vines provided by Swamp Thing forced Silverheart to release Shazam
Immediately after that, he actually landed a punch that didn't touch him but was enough to force him back
Now that Billy was out of harm's way, Silverheart was bombarded with magical projectiles and blasts coming from all directions
Blazing fire, mystical thunder, and ice from other dimensions all rained down upon the being, even making it hard to see what was even going on
With this kind of barrage, you would think that it would stay down but when your eyes finally landed on him, your heart sank when you saw him stand up with little effort
Things got worse when he lifted his arm, pointing his hand at you when--
Zatanna: Evig su emit
Suddenly, the being stopped moving, and so did the sky, the energy being blasted, even most of the people present at the assault
Then, you were grabbed by Constantine himself, who was already pulling you towards another portal
Constantine: Tower of Fate. Now
There wasn't even time to ask as he took you straight to the portal and into a room in the Tower of Fate. It seems that Zatanna had stopped time, but it wouldn't hold long enough
And so you were taken to a meeting room inside the ancient building. With you were Doctor Fate, Constantine, Shazam, Raven, Zatanna herself, and even the Spectre
Zatanna: I know what it is, we won't defeat it by just combining power and blast it
Shazam: You sure? Because it seemed to be working so far
You: I saw it, it was about to hit us, mate
Shazam: ...Oh
Then, your father turned to Zatanna
Constantine: Wait, how do you know what it is?
Zatanna: Diana told me about them when she fought them. They are the gods of the dark multiverse, re-presenting some twisted aspect of life
She then placed her hands on the table that divides you with a serious look to her.
Zatanna: But more importantly, the longer they spent on Earth, the more powerful they became
Doctor Fate: This being, it's own presence was disturbing reality
Raven: Yes, I couldn't even look at it without shivering
Spectre: We have to take action immediately. It must not leave the park
You: Then we need to send him back right now
Constantine: How?
You: Well, I kept the scroll of Adapa as you told me. Maybe it can bind it for long enough
Upon hearing your proposal, the magician smirked at you
Constantine: Well thought, kid
Shazam: Whatever the scroll does, are you sure it's gonna work? If it took our attacks as good as you say, there's no telling what could work!
Zatanna: Billy has a point, it could work but maybe not for long enough
Shortly after that, Rachel put her hand on your shoulder
Raven: Wait, didn't you have a pocket watch that meddled with time?
You: Kalliope has it, but maybe we can retrieve it to extend the time
You thought about it and then looked at the rest of the team
You: It may break too, but if it can give us the edge we need, then it's worth a try
Doctor Fate: The boy is up to something
Constantine: Alright, so we bind it, and then what?
Raven: Isn't there a portal behind it? We can push it back after binding it. Y'know, to make sure it doesn't drain us to death too
Spectre: Then we'll divide our forces
The stage magician shifted her attention to Billy, ready to start the planning thanks to her time serving along with the Justice League
Zatanna: Shazam, take your gang, Jennifer, Wonder Girl, Swamp Thing, and Deadman. You'll be the keep him busy
Shazam: Right!... who's Jennifer?
...right, Jennifer only knew Zatanna, and you
You: Sorry, it's the blonde one, mate
Raven: This portal is reeking of chaotic energy, I can try to contain
Zee: John and I will help you, Alice too
She was not expecting this gesture of them, but she appreciated it, then the doctor stepped up
Doctor Fate: The rest of us will wait for Y/N to bind it and push it back to the darkness it came from
They all looked at you after that. It was honestly terrifying, but now was no time to even think about failing
Instead, you nodded, fully aware that you carried their hope in this plan
Spectre: Then it's settled
Zatanna: Go to your teams and make sure they know what to do, we only gave one shot at this
With that, the room around you started to fade as the meeting came to an end and you were all taken back to Central Park
Exactly like the moment you left, which reminded you
You: LEFT, NOW!!
Your warning gave your allies nearby enough time to avoid the blast from Silverheart. All the plant life in that way, however, died as soon as it came in contact with it
Doing as instructed, the Shazam Family and their new allies started randomly throwing attacks in an attempt to keep Silverheart distracted
You had to do something, now. So you ran towards the redheaded Amazon
You: Kalliope! Do you still have my pocket watch?
Kalliope: I... Think so, yes
She checked her own pockets and found the gadget, mostly intact. Once retrieved, she handed it to you
Kalliope: Do you think it will help?
You: We have to try, but first I need you to gain his attention
Kalliope: How so?
You: As soon as you see people attacking Silverheart, help them
She nodded before heading back to the battlefield while you alerted your final teammate
You: Rachel, it's time
She nodded and hurried over to her own team. Together, Constantine, Zatanna, Alice, and Rachel herself redirected their energy to keep open the void of darkness that was behind Silverheart
It wasn't stable, but it would have to hold
And so, you let a deep breath
You: Here goes nothing...
You conjured a blue flame and from it, you pulled the scroll of Adapa and held it in the air
As soon as those words left your mouth, Silverheart stopped floating and fell to the ground. He couldn't even react when Shazam's lightning struck him down
Silverheart: YOU DARE!?
Raven: The portal, it is open!
Screaming, the god plunged his hands into the grass and drained it from its life, but that wasn't all of it, every hero present suddenly felt their very soul being attacked
Cassie: What the hell is happening!?
You could feel it too, the life-threatening to leave your body and instead replenish the fallen god. While you took away his invulnerability, it wasn't enough to make him powerless
But it was enough for you to grab the pocket watch. Not a single second could pass when everyone was being drained like that
You: H-Heads...Up!
With all your might, you pushed the button and a giant field covered the scene, depriving it of real color, but not because of the absence of energy this time
Time had stopped for everyone but Shazam, Doctor Fate, and the Spectre were affected by this
Everyone had done their part, now it was time to do yours
Just as this happened, you felt part of your strength returning to you
Spectre: It is our time to vanish this monster
That was something that you could all agree on
Shazam was the first to shoot his lightning at Silverheart, followed by multiple yellow beams coming from Fate
Shazam had the lightning of an ancient wizard, Doctor Fate had the power of the Lords of Order and the Spectre had the wrath from God himself
...what did you have?
At first, the answer would be a bunch of tricks and illusions, but then you remembered, this other part aching to be set free, aching to help you
Perhaps it was time to let your mother finally help you
Out of instinct, you extended both hands, making a gesture that you had never seen before, but were confident enough in it
And so, an erratic blast of white energy came to the aid of your allies, combining itself with the slowly moving god and forcing him to step back into the portal, all while keeping him from harming anyone else
This combined assault, strong enough to topple mountains was actually pushing Silverheart back and barely giving him any time to react
An inch, three feet, five feet, it was working...or at least for a while
He set his foot deep in the soil, keeping himself planted in the ground as he was reaching out to you in order to deflect the attack
Three seconds had passed and the blast was losing its effect. None of the heroes stopped their attack, but you didn't have the strength to tell them
What if Silverheart takes the opportunity and erases all of you?
No, it wasn't working anymore, so you had to find another solution. You had come too far just to fail by an inch
Out of pure instinct, you stopped your attack to run towards Silverheart as fast you could
Shazam: What are you doing!?
The wings from your back returned to assist you. It was difficult at first, but with the clear intention of what you were doing, controlling them became a bit easier
By the time you knew it, you were flying straight to your objective
The field that your pocket watch had stopped working, but that didn't matter now since you were able to get your hands on the god and push him towards the portal with all your might
However, the strength you accumulated from this display was enough not only to push him, but you actually traveled through the portal...with him
As you finally got a hold of him, you felt both of you enter the portal and into a flash of blinding light and then
The trees and bridges were taken away, so was the sky, the heat, and even the people. There was nothing here
You found yourself floating away in what felt like a void of perpetual darkness, the same that Silverheart had just crawled out of
And speaking of which, where was he?...
???: You did it, you achieved the ultimate victory
You heard that same voice echoing. It was impossible to tell where it was coming from
You:...What are you talking about?
Silverheart: As I said, I am the god of victory, victory through sacrifice and you, you just made the ultimate sacrifice
An overwhelming cold washed over you, even the oxygen was threatening to leave. Your recent stunt had taken far more energy than you thought, you could even see feathers falling off into the abyss
Silverheart: You have earned your victory and now...
There was a source of light, a blue light. You turned around to discover a version of Earth, but something was wrong with it
Its oceans were blood red and the continents had been scorched, even chunks of it were missing and just floating around
Silverheart: ...I welcome you to the dark multiverse
Then, from the core of this dead planet, a purple surge of energy started to overtake it, causing a violent reaction that resulted in its destruction
But this wasn't the only Earth, as trillions more developed their own twisted stories before inevitably being destroyed because, by the looks of it, none of them were meant to be
It only took one gaze at the Earths to know why. The things that took place were far darker than how you lived them
However, it was near impossible to look away, not for lack of trying
All of these worlds were filled with sorrow, rage, and betrayal. Hell, in many of these you didn't even survive
Realities where the heroes lost and doomed everyone. Others where they became corrupted and turned on one another resulting in an even bigger crisis
So much brutality and bloodshed, countless death, and all you could do was watch
This... this was horrible, not, it was beyond that
You had seen Hell with your own eyes, were even stuck in it for a short while when you were younger
But this? This was just as bad or maybe even worse than that
As you watched your family die for the 36th time, you lost count of how much time had passed since you entered this forsaken space
The details of how you got there were a little blurry too
You were tired, cold, depressed...maybe if you closed your eyes for a bit
Maybe you could...yes
. . .
. . .
There was a light, but it wasn't coming from the exploding planets, but somewhere else
Is he there? Can you see him?
I...I do!
Quick, give me the lasso!
The light became brighter, adopting a yellow color to it. You managed to turn your head to see it was one of those key-shaped portals, barely stable by the looks of it
From it came the ghost of a man wearing a red suit, he seemed... familiar
This figure had a glowing rope with him
???: There you are. Hold on, Y/N, uncle Boston has your back
He quickly tied the rope around your waist as he put your arm around his shoulders
You: U-Uncle...Boston?...
The ghost smiled at you, nodding
???: C'mon buddy, we're gonna get you out of here
He pulled at the rope that was tied to him and both of you started to be pulled into the portal
were once again met with an overwhelming amount of light, to which you closed your eyes to protect yourself, but it at least got a reaction from you
The warmth returned, your eyes were met with the sky's returning color, the sound of many voices, and soon enough, the tender touch of someone else
You were pulled into a group, all of which immediately surrounded you with a hug when they could
They were Zatanna and Rose. All of them using Wonder Girl's lasso to pull you back while vines supported the weight so you wouldn't fall
The stage magician hugged you tightly like a mother whose son had been missing for years. The most you could do was to lean on her shoulder to return the gesture
Below you, you could see Constantine, Fate, Raven, and pretty much everyone who could help was keeping the portal open, something that they stopped doing upon your arrival
They had risked something crawling into their multiverse for the sake of bringing a single soul back
You: All...of this for...for me?
Zatanna: Yes, Y/N. You are worth it
She kneeled to look at you, cupping your face
Zatanna: You always have
Then, it was Rose who pulled you in for a hug...was she crying?
Guess she heard what happened
Rose: Don't do that shit again...without me
A barely audible chuckle left your lips and soon enough, your arms wrapped around her to return the embrace. It wasn't much, but it was better than just stand there
As you were slowly pulled down by the vine platform you were all using, the crowds rushed in to see how were you. Aside from using Rose's assistance to stand up, you presented no physical injuries, so there was that
Before you, everyone celebrated your victory over the twisted forces of chaos and even the Dark Multiverse. The Spectre had left, but aside from that everyone was smiling and even making jokes
The Justice League Dark, the Shazam Family, even the Titans, everyone was there
All those faces you had seen either turn insane or die by a greater catastrophe, all in front of you
There were no words to describe what you had experienced, but in a way, watching all of them die again and again helped you realize just how much you actually cared
And made it a priority to ensure that those crises would never take form
You leaned your head on Rose's shoulder and allowed a deep sigh to escape, but what followed, was a smile
You had seen the darkness in the eyes and were just about to be consumed by it but, perhaps, the light wasn't done with you yet
You would have to talk to Doctor Fate about it, but for now...
You could rest
2 months later
"Are you sure of that?"
"Man, I'm not sure what to say..."
"Are you sure you have to leave, friend Y/N?"
You stood in front of the Titans, bandaged and still a bit bruised, but mostly happy. By your side were your bags and Rose herself, with a leather jacket
After defeating Enchantress and nearly losing yourself to the Dark Multiverse, surviving thanks to your physiology and insane luck, a break was in order. But not just a vacation, but an actual search
Said search would help you understand better the other powers that you had never used till now, but first, you had to break it to the Titans and well, here we are
They were surprised to hear what you had to say, but they took it better than you'd hoped. It made sense, as all of them had gone through a journey at some point or would embark on one, so maybe it was just a matter of time
Although Kori was the saddest about it, not really wanting to let go of you and asking if it was really necessary. It was like a child not wanting to leave, just as innocent and heartwarming
But this decision of yours was taken the moment you stepped out of that portal again
You: Yes, Kori, I have to do this. I...I want to know what else I can do
Rose: And I'm coming with him. Y'know, to make sure he won't get himself killed
She pulled you closer to her, grabbing you by the waist and earning a chuckle from you
Rose was the first you told about this and she insisted on coming with you. There was no denying that the bond that you two had was...special, but who knows? Maybe it'll bloom into something even better if you allowed it
Koriand'r lifted you into a hug, trying her best not to crush you but wanting to express just how much she cared
Kori: Promise that you will keep yourself safe and learn as much you can! You will be greatly missed, Y/N
When the opportunity came, you patted her on the back, smiling
You: I promise, Kori. You too stay safe, alright?
She put you down and gave you one last, warm smile before backing off
Then, with his mask off, the former Robin and leader of the group stepped up, offering his hand to you. His expression was almost unreadable as most of the bats, but you could tell he was proud, a little sad, but proud nonetheless
Tim: It was an honor to have you here
Returning the courtesy, you shook Tim's hand
You: It was quite a ride, mate. You can still call for help if you need it, alright?
He nodded in both acknowledgment and nostalgia for those times where you two had teamed up. Memories to be held dearly
Victor: You're still welcome here, Y/N
Conner: And you'll always have us by your side
Wally: Yeah! We'll kick ass like a team whenever you need it!
You chuckled at their statements. You might disagree every now and then, but they were still good friends to you and speaking of...
Lastly, Rachel was standing in front of you, nervous and failing to find anything to say until she finally sighed
Rachel: I...I'm not good with goodbyes, I-
You chose to spare her the suffering and just went for a hug, something that caught her by surprise but didn't hesitate at all to return. You knew that words were good, but in the case of you two, an action would always speak louder
And right now, nothing spoke louder than this pure hug. This small sign of reconciliation and actual friendship
What started as a failed romance became stronger through understanding and became what it was always meant to be, a brotherly bond that not even the Enchantress could break
You: I'll miss you too, Luv
When that was over, you then turned to look at Garfield and showed him what would be impossible before, a genuine smile
You: Take care of my best friend, will you, Beastie?
You raised your fist while saying that
Gar: You bet, dude
He did the same and you two fist-bumped one last time. It was true that he won Rachel's heart first, but he never had the intention of harming you, it would take a while to separate your emotions from those facts, but it felt like getting rid of a heavy weight
Once it was all said and done, a portal was conjured for you, your friends waved at you as you crossed it, this time, with Rose's hand holding yours
This portal took you to a field in the middle of nowhere, where only grass and a blue sky awaited you as far as the scenery went. This was also the place were Zatanna, Deadman and Constantine waited for you, as well as...someone else
Crossing the portal, you immediately caught their attention
Zatanna: You're here
Constantine: You ready, Y/N?
You squeezed Rose's hand lightly, making her give you a tender smile and you nodded at them
You: I am
You let go of the girl to be welcomed by a group hug, this time by all three of these people, the ones that you proudly called a family
Zatanna: I'm so proud of you
Deadman: Don't get into any trouble without us, kid
The hug ended and John ruffled your hair
Constantine: You may not have been in my plans, but I'm damn glad that you stuck around, son
He patted you in the back to follow that strange, but kind statement, then he looked at your companion
Constantine: Take care of 'im, Rose
Rose: I will...sir
It was a bit awkward for her to call him sir now, but it wasn't so bad
Without further due, Rose and you walked past the group to meet the man that was standing on the small hill in front of the portal
The man wearing a suit and luxurious rings
That same man who had saved you from a fake reality and helped you realize the truth
The man who had offered his help just to you
Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer: Well hello Y/N...
"Are you ready to meet mum?"
A/N: This concludes my second and probably final story here. I have to admit that I didn't really plan to finish this, but your support in my previous account just blew me away, I knew I had to give this one last thing to you guys, I hope it was as fun to read as it was to write
I also wanted to give a shout-out to the talented IvanBullock who made me fall in love again with writing comic stories. Check out his work! But seriously, reading those stories that made you crave more reminded me of the ones that I hadn't finished
Now, I don't know if I'll write something else here, but I want you guys to know that I seriously appreciate that you stood by me for so long, and for those who are new, I thank you for being interested in this!
I loved writing for you and hearing your feedback, it inspired me to keep going. I will be forever grateful for that
Until the next time, friends!
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