The dark god: Disenchantment
"Kori? What are you doing?"
Perplexed, you stood in front of an enraged Koriand'r. The energy from her hands running frantically as she threatened to burn you to a crisp
She came to alert you of something but instead ended up losing control. Now, it was up to Tim and you
You: I don't think that's her, mate
He gave you a confused look before realizing what you meant. The rage, the glowing eyes
Tim: The Inner beast...
The Tamaranean threw a bolt of lightning straight at you, something that you had barely dodged. Tim threw a small sphere at her that released a powerful glue
The substance latched on to her hands and kept her from doing anything
You took the chance and aimed your hands at the unconscious Rachel
You: Non poteris videre
With that, she faded away from harm
Tim: We gotta get out of here!
He grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the medbay with him, then he looked at the camera located near the entrance
Tim: Seal access 39. User code 002
Computer: Confirmed, sealing...
The door to the medbay was tightly sealed, with layers of reinforced steel keeping you away from the enraged Kori. It wouldn't last, but it would buy you time
Tim: What did you do to Rachel?
You: I made her invisible to them. Only works once
Tim: Right, are you sure this is what we're dealing with?
You: No doubt about it. Did you make the antidote?
Tim: Yeah, but it's not enough
With furrowed brows, you turned back at him
You: What do you mean by that?
Tim: I've managed to produce enough antidote for one person. There's no telling who else got infected
As if on cue, a monstrous roar was heard from across the hall. Guess Beast Boy was back to being an actual beast
You groaned in annoyance to this and with a reluctant sigh, you stepped up
You: Alright, get back to it. I'll keep them off your back
The former Robin tossed you a small metal cylinder. This was the same one that formed a staff
Tim: I'm going to call Wally, we'll get this done in no time
You: Good luck to you too
With that, he rushed off to the laboratories while you went straight to the wolves, more specifically, a green wolf
Before doing so, you turned towards the other side of the hall, where Tim headed off to and raised both hands
You: Occultes eum
A transparent wall briefly appeared, shielding that side of the hall while you lock yourself with the infected Titans
While running, however, you heard loud thuds coming from the infirmary and managed to duck just in time before an intense barrage of green energy burst through, cutting a good chunk of metal
Immediately after that, you were abruptly picked from the ground by Starfire herself. She was about to blast you with her lasers until you headbutted her, forcing her to stop
You: Take that, you-
Before you could even finish, she threw you through a window and into a lower floor and straight to the concrete. As soon as you did, you felt two ribs breaking
That was one way to start a fight
You tried to get back up, only to be tackled by this rabid green wolf. You kept its jaws from reaching you by using the staff
When looking up, you were immediately tackled by this rabid wolf. Using your legs, you managed to kick it away, using its own weight against it
You got up but were met with an energy blast coming from Cyborg's cannon. You were able to shield yourself by conjuring some protection
There was this flash of light when you deflected it, but that's when you met the one thing you couldn't protect from in time:
A Kryptonian's fist coming at you at incredible speeds. This was enough to not only break the shield but send you flying against the nearest wall
The pain, it rushed through your entire body. It wasn't going to be able to keep going, but you had to
Robin, Raven, everyone on the team depended on you
But you couldn't just keep hurling yourself at them like that. You needed anew strategy
Your body fell from the wall and back to the ground. In front of you, the corrupted Titans awaited your move
Peeking behind Conner, you put your Amazon training to use. Studied the space between the opponents and found a way to use it against them...Bingo
Spitting some blood, you looked up at the Kryptonian
You: What's the matter? Am I really that pretty that you can't punch me again?
He growled at you, raising his fist and aiming straight for your heart. You smirked at this and with the help of the staff, you jumped over him and blasted him away with magic
Shortly after that, you turned your attention to Cyborg, who was already pointing his cannon at you and focused on him
You: Rigescunt indutae
The man found himself frozen in place. He could not move a muscle nor a gear, but his cannon still fired at you
Fortunately, you sidestepped just in time for the blast to hit Conner once again. One down
The war cry of a certain alien came to your ears. You jumped back to avoid her crashing into you, but Starfire kept swinging wildly at you, she was so close that you could feel the heat coming from each attack
Eventually, you found an opening and swung the staff, uppercutting her and allowing you to thrust the pole into her stomach and then surround her neck with it to throw her away
It was a brilliant move... But she could float, so it didn't work
Instead, she was even madder at this and let out a powerful green blast that you avoided yet again, only for green tentacles to restrain your arms and even neck. Garfield transformed himself into an octopus to distract you
One would say that they are coordinated, but when Conner smashed you through one of the walls with Garfield still attached to you, that was proven wrong
At least Garfield wouldn't be attacking now either
Just when Superboy came flying at you, you propelled yourself into the air with the staff. Starfire saw this and quickly caught you, now holding you by the collar of your shirt
You used the staff to hit her face. She growled at you and melted the object with her hand, throwing you into the air before she punched you back down with even more force than before
With two of the most powerful members of the Titans throwing you around like a ragdoll, it was near impossible to keep your body going. Superboy came flying towards you and the only thing you could do was conjure another shield
Of course, he broke through it as he started punching away. However, you spotted a yellow blur entering the scene
This familiar streak of red and yellow was all you needed to keep fighting. You weren't alone anymore in an uphill battle
He shot Starfire down and injected her with something, then Cyborg and then Beast Boy
In one last trick, you caught Superboy' wrist and froze it with one spell to keep him away from your unexpected ally but he took a great dislike to this
Conner grabbed your arm and twisted it unnaturally. You cried in agony, feeling the pain shot through you like a lightning bolt at first
You saw bullets bouncing off him, that must've been Rose... Wait, Rose?
He was about to use his laser vision on her if not for you spitting at him. You would not let him hurt her, even if that implied getting the rest of your ribs broken
You: Oi, Superbastard, here I am!
He was effectively distracted and hit you yet again. First were your ribs, then your face and shoulder
Every hit was comparable to that of getting hit by a truck, again and again...
The pain started to become less and less intense, but then again, you were losing any sensation
You could see his knuckles getting bloodied and heard the muffled voices of the Titans in the background
Eventually, he dropped you on the floor while others tried to stop him. One figure came rushing at you
It was difficult to recognize, but you could sense her aura. It was Rose
Rose: Y/N!! Can you head me!?
You wanted to answer, but you couldn't, your body wouldn't stop screaming
Rose: Y/N, it's me, Rose!
Wakey wakey, Y/N!
C'mon, we have to get moving
Where...what happened?...
You woke up to find yourself laying on the floor. The problem is, the floor wasn't actually made of anything and yet it was perfectly capable to hold you
You had been taken away from the tower
When you sat up, you discovered that there were no walls either. It was as if you were in the middle of nowhere, quite literally, it was until-
???: There you are! You scared me for a second
You were too busy trying to make some sense of the place you were in that you didn't hear the voice
???: ...You alright?
This time, you were startled by the female voice that came next to you. She was... interesting
You: Who...Who are you?
Instead of answering, she smiled and offered you a hand
???: Consider me a friend
It took you a moment, but you eventually took her hand and got back up, now standing next to her
You didn't know why you accepted, but there was something to her, something so...friendly
You: Alright "friend", where are we?
???: You're not quite in the afterlife. Close, though
You: What is that supposed to mean?
She gave you a sympathetic look
???: You took a beating from that powerhouse just so that girl wouldn't. That's brave, Y/N, foolish, but brave
Like an old friend, the woman took your hand as she guided you through this enormous mass of nothingness
However, you were just trying to piece together what had taken place, where were you, and who even was this woman
And she picked up on that
???: Don't worry, you're not dead
You: That's... a relief
She giggled after that, looking forward as she continued to speak
???: But there's this one person that wants to talk to you. Better not keep them waiting
Nearby, a set of curtains materialized themselves out of nowhere. The lady gently made her way through them, dragging you with her into a suspiciously well-decorated room
???: Here, I brought the kid!
She raised her voice to announce it to someone who was presumably in another room
???: Please, come in
This time, a male voice responded, that belonging to an old man
???: Come on, Y/N
She took you to another room. This one had a library as well as fire and lots of ancient furniture, most importantly, it had this man:
???: Thank you Death, you can return to your duty
She waved you goodbye and...wait, did he just say Death?
Guess that was a thought for another time. Returning your attention to the being in front of him, you recalled what Lucifer had told you about him
This was the Presence, the being responsible for, well, everything in the multiverse. Some would go as far as to call him God
Needless to say, they don't get along all that well
The man kept his gaze fixed on you, but you were the first one to talk
You: Umm...thank you, for the save
He tipped his hat to you
Presence: Certainly
You: Can I ask why, though?
A chuckle left his lips before continuing to talk, walking in the room while you watched
Presence: You see, boy, I've been following your life on Earth from the minute you were conceived. It's not often that an angel and a human create life together
Then, he stopped to glance at you briefly
Presence: Especially not John Constantine
He...he had a point
You: And you were curious to see what a hybrid would do if you set him loose?
Presence: That is precisely the point I brought you here to remember. You are a being capable of so much, Y/N, yet you only use your father's gifts
Then, he approached you with the minimum hint of a smile
Presence: I believe it is time you do your mother's side some justice, don't you think?
You looked at your hands after he said that. You could feel the energy flowing through your body as if it were yet another system
It had always been there, but it was just so unstable, so scary whenever you tried...and painful
You clenched your hands into fists before looking at the man
You: I haven't exactly had the chance to train that side because of fear of blowing up the planet or something
Presence: Perhaps Lucifer would be able to assist you with that. Didn't he offer you to find her?
You: He...he did, actually
You received a nod from the Presence
Presence: Then you know what to do after defeating this succubus. Your mind and wits are some of your greatest weapons, but they are hardly the only ones
You started to glow white. At the same time, everything around you began to fade
Presence: Try and experiment with it, but complement with your mind, do the best of both worlds that form you
You are on the right path, Y/N, do keep it that way
...and good luck
And so, you felt your soul return to your body, forcing a sharp inhale as your eyes opened as well. This wasn't a smooth landing by any means, but it got you to wake up
Immediately after you did, so did the pain. A little reminder, your left arm was beyond broken
And so, after cursing to yourself while sitting up on the bed, you were able to see through the window
This wasn't right, the sky was still as red as it was when you left, didn't they destroy the book?
Looking around, you found yourself in your room this time, but there was nobody there to wait for you, not even Rose
Although that wasn't a surprise, the entire team had just taken a beating. Hopefully, Wally, Rose, and Tim managed to get a hold of the situation
And as much as your body begged for you to let it rest, you knew your part wasn't over just yet
You took a deep breath and managed to get out of bed. It still hurt like hell, but you were getting the hang of it
And so, you stumbled your way into the halls, holding your shoulder in a vain attempt to numb the pain
You recognized this area, it held the second infirmary, but most importantly, it was where the holographic map was located as well
It wasn't difficult to access and fortunately, power was still available, so you turned it on and saw the display of the tower
You focused on the heat signatures that were in the tower, particularly the one that was supposed to be in the containment block
It was impossible not to groan when you discovered that there was nobody there anymore. Of course, she would escape during this chaotic move, but that would also explain the sky
You changed the display so that it was now a map of the world and from the rubble, you picked up a small piece. You held it close as you whispered:
You: Viende slokas on Kalliope
A yellowish glow took over the object and made it levitate around the different continents the map showed
It was a locator spell Constantine had taught you when you were a kid, just in case you would somehow end up separated from him or the rest of the family
...of course, the last part of the spell was just the name of the subject
???: What are you doing?
???: And why the fuck are you not in bed?
You heard the voices of Tim and Rose respectively from the other side of the room. How did they find you so quickly was beyond you
However, it wasn't the time to fool around
You: I take it the other Titans are alright?
Rose nodded but glared at you the entire time
Rose: Your turn to answer
You: Look, I'm doing my part in this forsaken crisis
Tim: You already did a lot, Y/N
You: Is Rachel still out of commission?
You stopped looking at the map to look at them
Tim: Yes
Immediately after that answer, you returned to what you were doing
You: Then I'm the only one who can do this
The white-haired girl approached you with an enraged look to her, and not because of the ritual
Rose: You nearly died, for fuck's sake!
You: And you let her escape!
There was silence after this, both of you staring at each other hoping the other would pass out or something. That's when you realized what you were doing and more importantly, the fact that you may or may not be acting like a jackass
With a sigh, you put your hands on your forehead and leaned on the table
You: Look, I'm grateful for you looking out for me, but right now I have to stop this. There is no time to just wait for my body to mend itself
Rose: You don't have to do it alone, Y/N, you know that
Tim: Still, with your body broken like this, even if you give it your all you just won't hold up. Trust me on this
You: Bloody hell, you're right about that...
Options were running out. Time was definitely not an ally, and there wasn't any miraculous spell that would get you back on your feet without requiring all your energy in the process
But that's when a certain set of words came back to you, the Presence's words
"Your mind and wits are some of your greatest weapons, but they are hardly the only ones"
Perhaps it was time to repeat what you did back when you needed to heal your body after fighting that A.M.A.Z.O android...and you hated just how necessary it was
You: Stand back, this one's painful
You took off the shirt that was covering your chest and with a deep breath, you cleared your mind and concentrated purely on good things. the purest you could until you felt something in your back
Tim: Has...has that been there this whole time?
Rose: Holy shit, you're an angel!? Since when?
That's how you knew it worked. You had called out the "other" side of you. You looked behind you to see a set of white, feathered wings
You: I'm not an angel, not purely at least
Then, you looked at Rose
You: I know this must be awkward, but I need you to take one of the feathers
Rose: What? Why?
You: it
Reluctantly, she approached you and took a feather in a swift motion, it still stung
Tim: Why do you need your own feather?
You: Angel feathers are some of the strongest healing items in existence, mate. There is just one downside to it
Now that it was in your hand, you crushed the object with all your might until it began to glow white and soon enough, so did you
On one hand, your wounds, broken bones, and bruises started to heal as if they were never there. On the other, the feeling of your bones and tissue moving was not only disgusting, but it felt like being burned alive
You fell to your knees while trying to hold on to the table, but when the others tried to approach you, you motioned them to stop
As if it the beating you toon wasn't enough, getting yourself healed required even more pain. No wonder Constantine was such a jerk most of the time
Once the pain subsided, you felt your ribs back in place and were finally allowed a chance to breathe. This time, Rose rushed in to help you back on your feet
Rose: So all healed?
You: Yeah, thanks...
Tim: Why haven't you done that before?
You: You just saw how painful it is. Do you think I like this, mate?
Tim: ...Fair enough
You grabbed your shirt and looked at it. It was stained with blood and even tattered, guess you had to do it one last time
And so, you stepped back and snapped your fingers. Polished shoes, dressing pants, and even your vest was back on
The wings weren't all that necessary, plus you hadn't actually trained how to fly either
With the piece of rubble pointing out that Kalliope was in Central Park and you back in good condition to fight, you walked out of the room with the other two following you
Rose: But you're still on your own
???: We might be able to help with that
A giant portal in the shape of a key appeared in front of you. The shape reminded you of Doctor Fate, but the people that stepped out were two completely different people
The first and the one impersonating Fate himself was Lori Zechlin, also known as Black Alice. She was a girl with the ability to absorb the magic powers from others for a short time
You had saved her from Psymon's influence and stayed in touch. She was always doing her own thing, so it wasn't often that you got to see each other
The second one was a much more familiar face, Jennifer Hill, the former singer and the girl who followed your teachings for a while before recently deciding to quit
Rose: Who are you?
You: Scratch that, what are you two doing together?
Alice: We were both looking for ya, we just met along the way
Jen: Yeah, I don't know if you noticed but the world is kinda ending
You: Noted, thanks, Luv
You looked at the other two heroes behind you. Tim took off his utility belt and tossed it at you
This gesture was enough to tell he was okay to let you go. Rose took a bit more convincing, though
She walked up to you with a softened gaze but didn't say anything, instead, she hugged you
Rose: Don't die, okay?
It took a couple of seconds to react, but you returned the hug with a smile. This was unexpected, but a welcome change
You: Right back at you
The embrace ended shortly after and you were allowed to walk with the girls. Alice approached you first
Alice: Where to?
You: Central Park
"It's time to end this"
The key-shaped portal opened, taking the three of you to a city destroyed by too much fighting. The skies were getting red once again and the wind was as ominous as ever
There were no monsters in the area, which made everything much easier. Of course, that would be because Rachel pretty much erased the previous army, but it also gave you time to go over the recent events one more time
Everything was just so sudden that you had never stopped to ask if you were even on the right track
As soon as you approached the barrier of trees that led to the interior, however, you asked your companions to stop
You: Wait, I have to continue alone
Jen: What? Why?
You: Kalliope is a ruthless warrior, but that's the thing, she's a warrior, not a planner
Alice: So you think there's someone else involved?
You: Most likely. There's an endgame to all of this, and we might just see it right now, so if I can't stop it now
Alice: We beat the everliving shit out of it together
Her attitude earned a smirk from you, followed by a nod
You: Exactly, but for now, you have to be the surprise element
Jen: We'll wait for your signal
You smiled at her before turning your attention to the next area. It was nice of them to trust you like this, but now it was time to prove it was well-placed
From Tim's utility belt, you took out one of his special boomerang things, you never bothered to ask their name
The place where a lake was supposed to be was frozen solid, an odd thing considering it wasn't the time for it. On the bridge above it, though, was the person you were looking for
Kalliope had the cursed book in one hand and the hilt of the other. She raised the hilt and was about to twist it too
That's when a certain boomerang knocked it out of her hand
Shocked by this, she looked at the direction the gadget came from, finding you standing in the distance with a huge smirk on your face that only grew when you saw that shocked expression of hers.
Kalliope: You...I thought you were dead!
You: I get that a lot, don't worry about it, Luv
She hissed at you, attaching the hilt to her hip and instead getting out her own daggers. You could tell this was personal
Kalliope: Then I guess I'll have to fix it myself
You taunted her by motioning her to approach you and she quite easily fell for it. That or she wanted you dead before attempting to raise the damned once again
While you didn't have a sword with you, you did use those boomerangs of Robin's as counters to the daggers. In one decisive strike, the blades collided with the gadgets
You took advantage of this clash to set in motion your actual strategy
You: You know, I used to think that you were just a blood-crazed girl that just wanted to watch the world burn
Kalliope: So what? I am
You smiled at her, almost a petty smile
You: No you're not
Making a risky move, you leaned close enough to whisper in her ear
You: You're trapped inside yourself
Her red eyes grew wide before she shot you a huge glare, such hatred could be felt when she kicked you away a few meters
Kalliope: THAT IS NOT TRUE!!
She jumped at you, only to be stopped by a smoke bomb that exploded in her face. While she recovered, your silhouette toyed around with her
You: Enchantress took a hold of yourself
Kalliope: Shut up...
You: She took you and twisted you into a crazed killer
She got on her knees, trying her best to ignore it
Kalliope: Shut up
You: She imprisoned the real you, didn't she?
Kalliope: I SAID SHUT UP!!
She lunged at the silhouette she spotted in the smoke, only for a tree to be cut down, but the dagger got stuck as well. During this brief second of exposure, a rope was shot and quickly tied to her wrist, from the other side, you were there
You: Gotcha
Your own wrist was tied on to the other side of the rope. This connection served as a bridge for the next part of the plan
You: Volo enim videre vos, Kalliope
Pointing your hand towards the Amazon, your eyes glowed yellow for a quick second followed by a blinding light and the woman's own pained cries
Suddenly you were no longer in Central Park fighting an insane warrior but in a rather dark mindscape
Different voices cursed at you. You conjured a small flame to serve as your torch, you could see an ancient wooden door in the distance
As you approached it, however, you saw tendrils, more in number as you kept walking
???: LEAVE
The ground below you started to shift its density, getting more viscous until...yes, now would be a good time to stop
Getting ahead of whatever lurked there, you stopped walking just in time for a tendril to emerge in a vain attempt to impale you. However, it was cut down by magic projectiles
This set the creature into a frenzy as more and more tendrils emerged, accompanied by inhuman roars. Your instinct told you that you had to fight this creature, but you knew a better way to get rid of it without risking as much
You made it come out so that the door would be unprotected. With the help of a magic disk, you soared your way through the tendrils, dodging every single one of them that tried to get you off the floating platform
When you reached the door, there was no time to do anything else other than open it and immediately shut it behind you
The tendrils threatened to push through, but this door was not even bulging, because as powerful as this creature was, there was no getting to hurt the essence of a soul
And right in front of you, was Kalliope's. The door took you to an old Amazon room, with the younger woman, a brunette this time holding her knees in fear
She didn't even look at you when you entered the room. It was like a child, so you treated her like one
Gently, you walked up to her and sat in front of her
You: Do you know who I am?
She just nodded without looking up. You couldn't even see her face, just the hair
Kalliope: I do...and I am so sorry
You: For what?
The question made her sob, just thinking about everything she had done and was still doing
Kalliope: For ruining... everything...I didn't mean to take any lives
You: You didn't kill anyone, Luv, that was whoever imprisoned you like this
Kalliope: Enchantress...
She whispered something, barely audible
You: Pardon?
This time, she raised her gaze to meet yours. Her eyes red with all the tears that had dropped and some that were even dried
Kalliope: Enchantress did this to me
Gently as to not startle her, you placed a hand on her shoulder
You: Then we know who to get now
Fear returned to her as soon as you said that, she backed away
Kalliope: I-I can't, I am no warrior
You: Yes you are, Kalli, even braver and stronger than you think, and it's not because of Enchantress
Her brown eyes met yours while you continued to reassure her
You: But because you dared to get here on your own, to risk everything just to see this world and earn your freedom
Kalliope: And that did not work as intended...
You: This just means that you have to fight for your freedom, to get it back
Confident in your words, you approached her yet again, but this time she didn't flinch
You: Amazons stick together, Kalliope, and you have my word that I shall not leave your side, should you chose to fight this
You stood up and offered your hand to her. She looked at it and then at you, finding no room for doubt or fear in your words, nor your eyes
Kalliope: I ... I do not know why did you go through all of this just for me when you could have killed me so easily
You: As I said, Amazons stick together, and there are still people looking out for you. Let's not disappoint them, shall we?
She smiled at this and got a hold of your hand, standing up with some trouble, but finally getting on her feet after decades
You: Wise choice
Then, you grabbed her hand and got a hold of the door
You: Now we ought to actually set you free
Kalliope: I'm ready. Let's do this
With her newfound courage, Kalliope was looking at the door the same way she would an enemy because she knew what you were about to do
Without further due, you opened the door and immediately set fire to everything that tried to touch you. Thanks to another magical platform, none of you ran the risk of getting hit from below
Inspired by the way you destroyed this parasite, Kalliope raised her hand as well. The tendrils acted more desperate than before but found it next to impossible getting close to her without ending vaporized entirely
Together, you laid waste to every single tendril and sign of that monster that you could find. As you did, you saw your ally fighting with courage and the same ruthlessness as before, but aimed at the right enemy
This one-sided conflict ended when the mindscape abandoned its black coloration and in turn illuminated itself with a pure white. The sign of a mind free of trouble
Kalliope let go of your hand to walk around her own place and admired the beauty of it
Kalliope: I've dreamt of this for so long...
Then, she shifted her attention to you
Kalliope: I am forever in debt to you, Y/N L/N
You: Let's survive this crisis first, shall we?
She nodded as soon as she remembered the cataclysm that was happening outside of her.
You asked her to take your hand and she complied. Raising your other hand in the air, you chanted a quick spell that summoned a white portal in front of you
You: Time to go
Feeling her grip on your hand tighten, you gave the first step and went through the portal with your newfound ally
You found yourself back in Central Park, both Alice and Jennifer were mounting guard around you when one of them saw you slowly getting up
Jen: They're awake!
As soon as she said that, Alice turned to you and kneeled in front of you
Alice: What happened?
You: I helped her turn over a new leaf, ain't that right, Luv?
Shortly after this, Kalliope got up and as soon as she regained her breath, her eyes went wide
The rage, the voices... they're all gone!
She immediately hugged you, but it wasn't that would last long since-
Alice: We got contact!
A black cloud made its way to the scene, circling before slowly reaching down in a similar way a tornado would
All of you ran from the scene, keeping your guard up as you saw the cloud adopt a shade of green. A piercing scream followed, a sound that found its way to your very heart
Rage, fear, desperation, it was all there
Kalliope gulped at this, her eyes filled with horror until she felt your hand on her shoulder
You: Remember, we fight this together
She turned to look at you, discovering the other girls just as determined. She wasn't sure if the four of you would be enough, but she had come so far thanks to you, it was worth trying
Kalliope: True
She took the hilt of her sword and ignited it, freeing the flaming sword
From the tornado, a hand reached out, decrepit, and with claws, it nailed itself to the ground. You knew at this point who was that
Soon enough, the tornado would dissipate to reveal the giant, decaying form that the Enchantress had. No longer a young, beautiful woman but instead a hag that was rotting with each passing day
She pointed at Kalliope, only for Black Alice to step in
Alice: You wish, bitch
The entity screamed at her and rose her hand to let out a gigantic blast of green energy
You: Shields up!
Perfectly synchronized, Alice, Jen, and you stepped up to create a barrier around the redhead and withstood the attack for long enough
The blast was brutal, though, you could tell that she would disintegrate you or spread your molecules across different dimensions as soon as she had the chance
But then, her giant hand came out of nowhere to crush the barrier, but as soon as that happened, Enchantress was met with a sword stabbing her hand
???: YOU DARE!?
Fire tore through the skin of this woman, making her even more unstable. A wind beyond aggressive started to form a green and black barrier around Central Park, now she had field advantage
Jen: Hold her down, I have an idea
This was unusual to hear, but you trusted your friend, so Alice and you conjured thousands of magical ropes that would keep the giant arm on the ground
Jennifer then took a scroll and walked towards the entity
Jennifer: This is for all the harm you've caused, to me, to Jamie, to everyone!
The hag was about to crush her with her other hand when a single word came from Jen's mouth
Jennifer: Enchantress
Hearing her name summoning her by a previous host, Enchantress's body threatened to merge with her, but the scroll kept her in place at the same time, resulting in her figure painfully distorting
She let out a monstrous scream as a result, even breaking free from her restraints
Immediately, you thought of using the scroll that nullified magic but found yourself unable to conjure the flame to your storage room as this place was far too unstable
But Jennifer, she seemed to know what she was doing. Relentless in her step, she chanted once again
Jennifer: Enchantress!
The being felt herself being torn apart between reality and the enchantment. You didn't know where did she get that scroll, but you could tell Jennifer had more than bone to pick with her and for good reason
She kept chanting the same word to harm her until Enchantress smashed the ground in fury. You tackled Jennifer out of the way safely, but it was here that green lightning struck the scroll she was using, setting it on fire
The barrier that was surrounding the area became thicker and pieces of the ground started floating, even trees were now in the air
Following suit, Jennifer was lifted into the air by your common enemy and was trapped in her claws. Her raging green eyes stared down at her
She tightened her grip on Jen, who cried in agony despite her best efforts not to. Fortunately, it came to a stop when another voice joined in
???: Hey! Down here!
Enchantress looked at the source of the voice and found herself shocked to see June Moon, her most treasured host right there in the middle of chaos
Enchantress: Moon...
The woman extender her arms to confirm that it was her, but also challenging her to come forth and get her
Jen was dropped and saved later by Kalliope while Enchantress turned into a cloud of corrupted smoke and energy that rushed to meet the human
It was when she was just inches away that June's eyes turned e/c colored
June(?): Gotcha
She moved both hands towards her and a bunch of glyphs appeared, casting a bright, white light that managed to hit most of the cloud for a few seconds before it ran back in fear
As it did, Enchantress's voice echoed through the area, sounding even less human than it did before
You: I can't even believe you actually fell for that
When she reformed, her body presented burn marks that turned some parts of her already rotting body black or bruised. That shot actually hurt her
But she was about to bite back and another green beam scorched its way to you, flying so low that the dirt was flung out of its way
Alice: Don't think so!
A key-shaped portal appeared in front of you and absorbed every bit of energy that went through, or most of it and through another portal was shot right back at its sender
She shrieked at the feeling of her own magic being used against her. Enchantress retaliated by swinging in the air, which caused a gigantic stone to emerge and knock Alice out of the sky
But she didn't stop there, as the hag's movements became more erratic, pieces of stone, chunks of dirt, trees, and even concrete flew in all directions
With so many things coming at you at the same time, it didn't take long for them to become too much. Everyone tried to regroup and along with Alice and Jen, you formed a shield
But Enchantress saw this opportunity and threw her gigantic hand at you, smashing the shield mere seconds after it was formed
It if weren't for the efforts of a certain Amazon using every ounce of strength she had, the group would've been crushed. And so, Kalliope pushed the hand away, coming face to dace with the hag one last time
Enchantress screamed as her eyes glowed to finish of the group while you recovered
Enchantress: DIE
And so, she let out this gigantic beam of energy directed at you. There was no time to react or even stand up
Kalliope stood in front of you as a way to protect you, everyone closed their eyes expecting this hit to be it
But it never came
Instead, when you opened your eyes, you saw that a white hand had stopped the attack in its entirety
But it wasn't just a hand, it belonged to
The Spectre
Spectre: These children are under my protection, succubus
"You are to be dealt with immediately"
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