Today was a rainy day, clouds were certainly there, but the rain itself could barely be noticed just yet
The streets were alive, people walking in both directions, all of them living their own lives
Among them was Jennifer Hill herself, who was just returning from a coffee shop, drink in hand and a slight smile across her face
The former artist had found a much quieter way to live since she became your apprentice in the way of the mystical
Of course, she had to change her appearance to not be so recognizable
She had a somewhat stable life now, but the problem is that once you become involved with the occult, there is no such thing as "stable"
Jen was reminded about it when she was pulled into an alleyway by someone
That someone had the appearance of a homeless man, which confused the girl even more
Jen: Can I help you, sir?
???: You of all people could have lived a normal life after being saved by Constantine's kid, but you just had to intervene
Her eyes went wide once she heard that, immediately changing her attitude towards the man
Jen: Who are you?
???: The guy that put's you in place
She was thrown into the wall, not breaking it but surely hurting her in the process, a pained sound leaving her lips gave it away
???: You can change your appearance all you want, but the scent is the same
She tried to escape, the "man" restrained her by grabbing her wrists, holding her in place and with her back against the wall
???: You should have stayed away
Suddenly, his mouth opened more than anything natural, inside it were rows of teeth and a green gas slowly coming out of it
The now-discovered demon was about to take her soul away, but Jen was too stubborn to die just yet
She kicked her aggressor between his legs, this was effective due to the demon having a body in his possession, and that was arguably the worst spot to be hit in
With this, Jennifer freed herself before pushing the demon away, her resistance to being killed only got the demon angrier
And so, he got back up and with less thinking in his actions, he lashed out at her
But this time, the necklace she had begun to glow with force
This glow proved itself to be too much for the demon, who hissed as he raised his arms to protect his eyes
Jen took the advantage and punched the demon three times, with that last one finally tossing him out of the alleyway and into the sunlight yet again
This caught people's attention, some were already close to the scene. Seeing as he was surrounded by people, the demon ran away from the scene, forced to retreat by this
Jennifer was finally given the chance to breathe again and once she told the crowds that she was okay, the girl took out her phone to assess the situation with someone she could trust:
Titans Tower, 1:54 p.m
A phone rang in your room, being the only source of noise in it and at the same time, the source of your annoyance
You were currently sleeping, the song played by the device forced you to open your eyes and get up from the bed, despite your many attempts to do otherwise
Without much of a choice, you finally grabbed the device and tiredly inlocked it
You: Jen? What now?...
You muttered, yawning shortly after you did. You had a missing call from Jennifer and were about to call back when suddenly, something else came to your attention: The time
You: Bloody hell I'm late for this shit!!
You stated out loud, trying to get out of bed but ended up falling due to the aggressive way you did it
Apparently, you overslept by just six hours, no doubt you were exhausted
Once out of bed, you proceeded to stand up and get dressed with the same speed, but without losing your "style", you did have priorities after all
It didn't take long for you to get ready, but there was no time to do anything else, including answering Jen's call
You: Can't waste any time now...
Using your hands, you opened a portal inside your room that led to an empty alleyway and crossed it immediately
And now, you were no longer in the tower, but in the streets of Manhattan
However, this act cost you some energy, you leaned on a nearby wall as soon as you came out of the portal
About a minute later, you regained your breath and walked out of the alleyway and into a nearby dinner
Once there, you recognized the girl you were looking for: Artemis
She was the Amazon that became your best friend when you lived in Themyscira
It was discovered not long ago that she too left the island about two years ago and have been in touch with you ever since
You spotted her near a window enjoying something to drink while looking outside
She looked so...different, mainly because she was not wearing her usual armor, but perhaps her own experiences in this world have changed her as well
Without giving much thought about it, you walked towards her table and sat in front of her, sighing
You: Sorry I showed up late, Artemis, had a rough night
You put your hands on the sides of your head, looking down. You heard a chuckle coming from her
Artemis: I supposed you would...what happened?- That sounded off
The girl's words changed as well as her expression, she had a smile when she heard your voice, but now she was visibly concerned
Artemis: You're pale
This was not what you were expecting to hear, you grabbed a silver napkin holder and saw our reflection, you were still healing
You: *Sigh* Yes...That's what I want to talk about
She nodded before she took a bite out of her meal, unconsciously, this made your stomach growl in response. Needless to say, it was awkward
Artemis: Have...Have you eaten something yet?
You: ...No
She facepalmed at this and raised her hand for the waitress to come and ordered something for you
Artemis: And why is that? You are usually not this reckless
The waitress came and Artemis asked for a meal for you. She knew just what you liked, she was like a big sister, but one that could tear your head off if you pissed her off
You: I used a lot of magic last night, or more like was drained of it by a crazy robot and an even ghastlier woman
Artemis: How so?
You: The bloody tin can wouldn't stop until it was scrap, but what I want to talk about is the woman, she calls herself "Kalli"
Artemis: And judging by what you texted me, you believe her to be an Amazon, right?
You: I don't suspect, I know it. There aren't many people wearing leather bracers nowadays, you know
She gave you a face that was practically asking "seriously"?
You:...That and also the way she fought me, she used the same moves as our sisters back at Themyscira
This time she had a more appropriate reaction, now you had her curiosity
The waiter soon arrived with your food, you thanked her for it and once she left, you returned your serious gaze o the woman in front of you
You: Here, I captured the memory into this crystal, see it for yourself
From your pocket, you took out a crystal and handed it to the girl, who wasted no time and inspected the memory while you finally got the chance to eat something
Without further due, you started to eat the dish. It turned out to be surprisingly good, it tasted like the food they did back at Themyscira (but not as good) no wonder why Artemis chose this place and considering how much hunger you had, you finished it rather quickly
However, your attention was brought back to your friend because of a gasp coming from her, she had a shocked expression, even lightly saddened
Artemis: No, not you...
You took a sip of your drink and then decided to talk
You: You recognized her already?
Artemis: I...I do, but barely
She put the crystal down and looked at you straight in the eyes
Artemis: Her name is Kalliope, she had a sister named Alexa, they used to be inseparable but...something went wrong
You: How so?
Artemis: Nobody knows, she just left one night while nobody was watching, she disappeared...until now
You: And why did she attacked me, then?
Artemis: I don't know, Kalliope didn't even like to fight, she preferred to sing and write
You: And what about the whole "blood reading" thing?
Artemis: *Sigh* I wish I had the answers, Y/N, I do...by the goddess, what happened to her?...
She put her hands on the sides of her head, looking down in defeat but soon returned her attention to you once you talked again
You: Don't worry Artemis, I'll bring her back, alive
Now her face denoted genuine curiosity, intrigue
Artemis: How?
You: I'll find a way. Besides, if she is the saint you describe, then there might be a reason behind her... "Sudden changes"
Artemis: She's under the influence of someone
You: Or something, whatever it is, I'll find a way to fix it, promise
Your words reached her, a smile slowly appeared back on her face. Artemis was not the most expressive of people, but with you, she was different
And if this "Kalliope" girl meant that much for her, you would bring her back, not only for Artemis but for your Amazon family as well
Artemis: Thank you, I mean it
You: No, thank you Arty, a pleasure as always
Both of you stood up and hugged each other, a brief sense of relief made itself present as a result
Artemis: Don't get yourself killed, Y/N
This earned a chuckle from you in acknowledgment of her normal attitude coming back
You: Same for you, sis
And so, you walked out of the place after saying your goodbyes to Artemis, but it was then that your mind reminded you of something else
You: Right, call Jen
You took out your phone and started to dial her number, but before you could finish, you got a call from Timothy himself, the leader of the Titans
You:...Or maybe not
Without thinking it twice, you answered the call
You: So, what can I do for you, mate?
Tim: There is something we need your help with, Y/N. I went to your room to ask you but you weren't there anymore
You: Yes, portals are a real charm, aren't they?
Tim: Good to know your sense of humor is still intact, come to the tower as soon as you can
You: Alright, on my way
The call ended, you put the device away and sighed in anticipation, this would probably take the rest of the day, but if Tim says they need your help is because they genuinely do
And so, with the help of a portal, you returned to the tower with the rest of the group
This time, however, using a portal was not as draining, that food did help
Soon enough you entered that special room they used to plan their missions, in it, were Rachel, Wally, and Tim, all of them looked at you when you entered the place
Rachel: You're here, good- You could see a hint of a smile once she said that
Tim: That was quick
You: Told you portals make wonders, so what do you have for us today?
He turned back to the screen and pressed a few buttons, showing holographic displays of the city, some photos, news and even a marked route
Tim: Two days ago, something was discovered, the people who found it refuse to say what it is, but they insist that it has some "special properties"
Knowing where this was heading, you decided to speak up
You: So it's magic, then
Tim: Exactly
Rachel: The news said it can make people insane just by looking at it, I think we both know what kind of magic is that
You: The type that should remain buried forever
Tim: Not quite, an organization going by the Department of Extranormal Operations needs our help us to escort the package to a safe laboratory with experts in both science and magic. We can trust them, I've seen them work before
Wally: So, you up for the task?
You: Transporting a potentially world-ending relic to a lab where some plonkers could potentially bring Armageddon is not my cup of tea
Rachel: I understand why are you so skeptical, but believe me, they are better than that
They all went silent, waiting for your answer. Of course, you wouldn't leave a "magical" artifact with normal people, but Rachel says they can be trusted...still, even if they screw up, you would have an eye out for them, if something happens, that way you could be the first to respond
You: *Sigh*...Damnit, they better be good
Tim: Then it's settled, meet me at the roof in ten minutes
With that said, everyone left the room to gather their gear and everything needed for the mission, as for you, you went to the kitchen for some tea, not only did it taste good, it also helped restore some of your energy.
???: ...Tea?
You turned to find Rachel looking at you with curiosity
You: Yeah, a little boost for magic, want some?
She nodded and you poured some into a cup before handing it over to her
Rachel: So I take it you haven't fully recovered?
You: Yes, that struggle from yesterday left me drained...literally
Rachel: Thought so, you were still asleep at midday, usually you're the first of us to wake up
You: See? Tired- You drank your tea after saying that
She took a sip of her drink too, she was visibly charmed with the taste
Rachel: Where did you learn to make it? It's very good!
You: It's my recipe- You stated proudly
Rachel: Really? What did you use?
You: I'll tell you when we get back, if you wish I could even teach you how to do it
She smiled at that part, it was a rare sight that you couldn't help but enjoy
Rachel: I would like that
After that, Rachel took a sip, but her expression changed
Rachel: But seriously, try not to use magic too much in this mission, I don't want you to get hurt again
You: Alright, alright, fine
Rachel: From what I've heard you were trained by Amazons, right?
You: Not to brag, but yes. I do enjoy surprising people with magic, though
Rachel: Like that time with the fanatic old man?- She asked with a smirk
You: Exactly "Offsprings of Satan!" I still remember that
You chuckled at it, and so did her
Rachel: Or his face when you summoned the spider
You two shared a laugh at this memory, recalling that incident with Deacon Blackfire and how shocked he was when you used magic to foil his plans
After that, there was a brief moment of silence between you two, just staring at each other with a smile present. You didn't know what to say, but you didn't say anything in fear you might ruin the moment
You: So...- You said trying to keep the conversation going
Rachel: We should get going now, come on
She placed the cup on a table and proceeded to walk away, but stopped once she saw you were not there with her
Rachel: Aren't you coming?
You: I'll catch up, I have to deal with something first- You motioned at a phone in your hand
She nodded and left the room. These moments were very rare around this place, but that only made them more enjoyable, Rachel was your favorite person to be around, she was just so charming...wait, what?
Trying to shake those thoughts off, you started to dial a number, one that you should have called about an hour ago
Wonder how she is doing...
Harlem, 2:30 p.m
A silenced phone had received a call, it was lying on a nightstand, in a room with lit candles and in the middle of the area, some runes and glyphs surrounded a young woman meditating, with her being Jennifer herself
She has been meditating since she got back from the streets. This, however, was not her house, but her father's, and because of it, she would have to deal with the man's curiosity over the unusual things Jen would often do because of what she had been taught by both you and Zatanna
In fact, there was a knock on her door just then, breaking her concentration and earning a frustrated sigh from her
???: Sweetie, you in there?
Jen: *Sigh* Goddamnit...- She whispered
Then she stood up and walked up to the door, opening it to reveal her father. Ever since she came back to Manhattan, she pretty much refused to live alone after what happened to her, even if she had your protection, she still felt safer with someone she could trust, and that's where her father comes in
The man is a police officer, a respected one at that, and her mother is in Paris ina business trip, her family is not an ordinary one, but they are all but arrogant, a trait so uncommon nowadays
Jen: Yes?
???: You sure you're alright? You haven't left your room since you returned
Jen: *Sigh* Yes dad...I'm alright, just got a lot to think about
???: Oh? Maybe I can help you with something?
She couldn't help but smile at her father's attempt to help her, even if he had just interrupted her mediation
Jen: I appreciate, dad, but I'm fine
???: Alright, if you say so, just don't be shy to ask for help if you need it, alright?
He extended his arms and she agreed to a hug, surprisingly, it did help her feel slightly better
Jen: Thanks, dad
???: Anytime, sweetie, would you like me to prepare some coffee for you before I leave?
A chuckle could be heard from the girl as a result of this idea
Jen: Yeah, I'd love to
The man nodded and then headed to the kitchen, leaving Jen alone once again, but by the time she closed her doors and turned around, she soon found out she was not alone anymore
???: Charming family you got there
Alarmed, Jennifer turned around and immediately adopted a defensive stance, much to the being's amusement
Jen: This place is supposed to be shielded, how did you get here?
???: You're good, but you still have much to learn, child
Those words only served to make the girl angrier, and her "visitor" noticed that
???: Oh don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you, Jennifer
Since the figure was in the shadows, it was difficult to tell who she was, aside from the fact that her voice made her sound like a woman
Jen: Then what do you want?
???: To help you, of course, don't you want to impress Y/N?
The girl's eyes went wide, she was done with the games
Jen: Who are you?
After letting out a chuckle, the figure walked out of the shadows and into the light to reveal this:
"Consider me a...friend"
New Jersey, 6:48 p.m
The weather turned more aggressive as time went on, currently, it was raining quite heavily, some of the street lights were having a difficult time trying to illuminate the streets themselves
This, however, didn't mean they were empty, on the contrary, people continued their routine despite the weather. It was pretty much a normal day
...Until an armored truck appeared on the streets, just roaming around without interacting with the citizens. In it, were a small group of soldiers accompanied by you
Next to the vehicle was the speedster Kid Flash, escorting it
The team and you headed to an agreed outpost where the D.E.O greeted you and informed you of the situation. They had secured the artifact in a metallic box and were going to transport it in an armored vehicle, two of them
One was a decoy, the other was not, to guard both of them you split into two teams, Raven and Red Robin were in the main vehicle while Kid Flash and you occupied the other
Both of you had a small squad of soldiers to help you out, they were somewhat skeptical about you accompanying them since you're like ten years younger than most of them but you have seen things none of them (Or no man) could stand, you were more than fine escorting this package.
You: You sure you're alright running in the rain?- You asked the speedster through your communicator
K.Flash: I'm fine, dude, I've literally run on oceans before, this is nothing compared to it
You: Alright, but if you trip it's on you, mate
The ginger chuckled at your statement. The lights of the city, while covered by the rain, still gave some color to the landscape, from pink to yellow, it was quite peaceful despite the storm, almost like one of those detective movies
To think of the beasts and demons this city houses, it just gives it a completely different perspective on the place
The trip itself was calm, just too damn calm aside from the storm outside, but it only helped mask the foes about to strike
When you reached about 75% of the trip, you started to sense something, a pattern in people's minds, this was not something common...unless they were being controlled
You used a spell to see through the walls of the vehicle and noticed that the people were indeed, reacting the same way to seeing the truck, as in, literally moving the same way. This only confirmed it
Without thinking it twice, you reached out to your earpiece and contacted the leader
You: Ummm... Robin, mate, do you know anyone that can mess with people's minds?
You asked the leader through the communicator, your question brought everyone's attention right away
R.Robin: A few, why?
You: I'm sensing a huge influence over the people here
Raven: He's right, Red Robin, something is going on in here
R.Robin: About time...Did you hear that, Kid Flash? Stay sharp
K.Flash: You got it, I'll keep an eye out for any-
An elderly woman walked slowly to the middle of the street, forcing the speedster to stop talking and run around the woman to not collide with her
K. Flash: Woah! Close call...
You: What was that?
He sighed in relief when he managed to avoid herm but then more people stopped on their tracks and made the streets a much bigger obstacle for the ginger until eventually, he bumped into someone and fell to the ground
Your transport stopped, immediately alarmed by Wally's sudden pause but also because of the people getting in the street, walking right towards the truck
R. Robin: KF, everything alright there?
Before he could answer, he was picked up by someone and then punched again. More people joined into the conflict, from children to the elderly, all of them against Wally
K.Flash: D-Do people hate me that much!?
R.Robin: Y/N, what's happening?
You: Something's not right, the public is expressing their unconformity with the lad
R.Robin: Damnit, we have to-
The communication was abruptly cut, there was only static now, shortly after, thunder could be heard not so far from your location and to make things worse, you sensed that same influence crawling into the armored truck
You: Hey, get this thing moving!- You hit the wall, ordering the driver, but there was no response
You saw through the walls again and saw that more people were approaching the truck, all of them humming as they did. When they reached it, they started to shake it, slowly getting it to move from one side to the other,
The soldiers accompanying you tightened their grip on their guns, some of them were already looking at you
You: *Sigh* Bloody hell...
Before they even had the chance to do anything, you used your magic to conjure a magic bolt of lightning that bounced on the walls and managed to incapacitate only the soldiers
Now you were alone in that transport, but the truck was moving in a more violent wayt was getting difficult to stand and to make things worse people were humming even louder. One would think that hearing them over the rain would be difficult, apparently not this time
It was surprising just how quickly could things get out of hand
And so, you kicked the door open, the crowd stopped their actions and let the armored vehicle back on its wheels, you took the chance and immediately let out a small explosion that was effective enough to knock people out, certainly not killing them
Once that was dealt with, you saw Kid Flash being beaten by a bunch of people. He was one to overpower them, but he just didn't want to hurt them, and while he tried to find another way, the people made their move
You: Alright, KF, hold on to your-
There was a loud noise behind you. When you turned around, you found something landed behind you, it was a giant demon
You blasted the crowd off Wally to allow him to focus on the bigger threat, his reaction was exactly the one you would expect from him
The beast roared and picked up the truck, throwing it into a building still with the soldiers inside
Reacting immediately to it, you focused your energy into slowing time just enough before the truck exploded
You: K.F, t-there's still people inside-You stuttered due to the effort put into the spell
His reaction turned into a more serious one when he understood what you were doing
K.Flash: Got it
He ran into the direction of the truck and proceeded to get everyone out of there while you tried to maintain the spell.
The demon got mad at you and tried to hit you, he swung once but failed, then he threw a fireball that almost hit you, but gave him enough time to land a hit on you strong enough to send you crashing into a car
The impact was brutal, you could feel one of your arms was broken by it, you jumped out of the way just before he could finish the job, this time you extended your hand and summoned your weapon, going by the name of W/N
You: To me, Hunter
As soon as you chanted those words, the sharp object flew from the truck into your hand. Once it was in your grasp, you jumped at the beast and thrust the sword into the creature's chest, making it roar in pain
You kicked the sword in, forcing it to go even deeper into him, but taking advantage that the demon had its mouth open, using the same hand you threw a candy from your pocket and into it
Shortly after you did it, the head of the beast exploded, its body fell to the street. Wally rushed the last soldier out of the truck and motioned you to stop
You finally undid the spell and seconds after that, the vehicle finally exploded, but this time without anyone in it
K.Flash: It's done, now we could... Wait
He looked behind you and saw that the body of the creature was slowly rising back up, even if it lacked a head
K.Flash: How!?
You: Ever heard of cockroaches?
Wally rushed to attack it, immediately punching it time and time again. The monster swung down at him but he dodged and just as he did, you land another hit with your sword, nailing it right in the chest and going all the way to the neck
Your opponent fell again, this time he started to disintegrate
K.Flash: ...He's dead, right?
You: As dead as a soulless demon can be
He sighed in relief, taking your word for it. However, you were not amused at all, if anything you were worried, where did a demon this big come from? It was certainly not local, it had been summoned, but by who?
K.Flash: Now what?- You turned around and sternly stated:
You: Now we go save the others
K.Flash: What about your arm?
You: I appreciate the concern, mate, but I think we can agree that it's not the priority right now
The ginger nodded and grabbed your wrist, using his speed to get you to the other side of the city in time
After four more minutes, you finally reached the other vehicle, but their situation was much worse than yours.
Tim was on his own, with a crowd assaulting him and Raven unconscious. He had already knocked out a few enemies on his own but they just kept coming
Not only that, but there was something else against him, the shadow of a man you recognized as a minor villain. He was known by many as Shadow Thief
You: Take care of the crowd, I'll deal with the shadow
K.Flash: ...The what?
You: *Sigh* Just do it
Without hesitating, the speedster left your side and incapacitated the crowd as best he could. This distracted the Shadow Thief long enough for you to come in and attack him using a magic bolt that temporarily stunned him
You tried to hit him again but he became intangible and went back to the shadows of the street
S.Thief: Let's see how you do now, magic boy!
Recognizing the challenge, you took out a small bottle from one of your pockets and drank it. It reduced the damage to your arm just enough to conjure...or at least until the mission was over
You smirked and raised both hands, they started to glow red as you started to chant. Suddenly, there were more figures in the shadows other than Shadow Thief himself
The man got terrified of the monsters you summoned to your aid and he was forced to come out of hiding because of it, greatly reducing his opportunities to beat you
But he did not surrender, instead, he came out immediately lashing at you, only for you to sidestep and reveal Wally, who took the chance to hit him at superhuman speeds, seemingly knocking him out
Once he was dealt with, you helped the guys take down the last members of the crowd attacking him
And now, you focused on Raven, she was leaning on a wall, unconscious
You: How did this happen?
You asked while leaning down to gently put a hand on her cheek, checking her status. She was drained, her powers had been temporarily stolen, but by who?
Many questions were coming out of a "walk in the park" such as this case
R.Robin: I don't know, the people started to attack the vehicle and Raven was hit by something, I tried to reach out to her but the people wouldn't let me
K.Flash: How is she?- He asked you
You: She needs to rest now
Then, he directed his attention to Red Robin
K.Flash: Now what?
R.Robin: We have to inform the D.E.O, but we can't do it here, it's too dangerous
The two kept talking, but you didn't listen anymore, your attention was on the shadows, especially one that was just coming out of the truck with something in his hands
That very same item you had to escort
Without alerting anyone, you softly laid Raven to rest and started to run in the Thief's direction while casting a fireball
He spotted you once you were close enough and became intangible as fast as he could, using the shadows to move incredibly fast
R.Robin: Where are you going!?
You: To save the bloody package
You opened a portal and crossed it right away, leaving them alone
R.Robin: Follow him, I got this
The speedster ran in your direction in an attempt to catch up
You chased Shadow Thief through buildings, across rooftops and even bridges, using a portal to catch up to him every time he wanted to outrun you
Eventually, he led you to a parking lot, where two people were already waiting for you
One of them was a young man with part of his brain showing, but he had apparently no problems because of it
And next to him was a girl resembling Raven's outfit, but it was not her
You were soon joined by Kid Flash, who soon became aware of the situation, but was confused by the girl in front of him
Wally: Raven?
He was about to step closer, but you stopped him
You: It's not her, mate, I know this girl
Wally: What, really?
You: The one who I don't know is Mr. Magic ball over there
You motioned the guy next to the girl, K.F couldn't help but chuckle briefly at this
K.Flash: He's Psimon, he controls people's minds
You: That's it?
K.Flash: Pretty much
The villain himself walked towards you, grinning
Psimon: I've never seen someone use magic the way you do, I'm impressed
He kept walking towards you at a slow pace, raising his hand as well
Psimon: However, I'm afraid this is the end of the line for you
His grin became even more sinister when he said
"Drop dead"
...But nothing happened to any of you
Psimon was shocked by this, and now it was you who had a smirk on your face
You: Having trouble, mate?
Immediately, he turned to the people surrounding him and nervously ordered:
Psimon: KILL THEM!!
Both Shadow Thief and the girl violently acted against you, with the shadow focussing on the speedster
You: Use this
You tossed your sword to Wally, who agreed on using it against his foe
But then, you were suddenly thrown into another car by the girl. She cast a powerful attack on you, but you deflected it with your own magic
You didn't want to hurt her because she was one of the few people you could trust
Lori Zechlin, also known as Black Alice was a girl with the ability to absorb the magic powers from others for a short time
Her appearance suggested that she had messed with Raven, thus explaining the demon that came out of nowhere and Lori herself showed signs of being under Psimon's influence
Now all this attack made sense
Alice: Azarath Metrion Zinthos!
A crow made of energy appeared to attack you. You raised your hand and blasted the crow off into a small explosion that blinded Alice
Once she was able to see, she discovered that you were nowhere to be found
Alice: Huh? Where-
From a portal above her, you ambushed her and as soon as you were in range, you grabbed her shoulders
You: "liberal animam eius"
Her head began to glow red as a scream came out of her lips as she passed out. But before she reached the ground, you made sure she landed safely
You: Sorry, Lori
Was all you said to the unconscious girl before you rushed to help Wally by stunning Shadow Thief with a magic blast before he used the hilt of the sword to finally knock him out
K.Flash: Thanks, man
You gave him a thumbs up instead of an answer
Psimon was freaking out at seeing his impending defeat and decided to run away only to be stopped by a black portal and from it came Red Robin, who swung his staff at him, taking him out as well
The portal closed to reveal not only Red Robin but also Raven and a squad of soldiers, the same ones you saved
Now everyone was dealt with and the package was secured, it was done. They reunited to assess the situation and were soon joined by another squad of soldiers, the mission was finally over
But id didn't quite feel like it. If people like that tried to steal the artifact then it must have been really important.
You might as well see what is the fuss was all about
And so, once it was safe to do so, you walked towards the package and looked at the soldier guarding it
You: May I?
Soldier: I don't see why not, we owe you one
You nodded in agreement before putting a hand on the box, getting to see what was inside it. Your eyes went wide, your heart skipped a beat and your body sweated cold when you saw that the mysterious artifact that you spent the night guarding...
...Was a coin sprayed with holy water
Silently, you stood up and walked away from the scene, not making eye contact with anyone. This got Raven's attention right away
Raven: What's wrong?
You: A bloody coin, Rachel...- You whispered
Raven: That's what's inside?- She sounded just as surprised, but she soon calmed down
You screamed at the air, Raven made sure to silence our voice to everyone else so they wouldn't hear a thing about it, but you were right to be so angry at this situation
A blessed coin was so common when it came to magic that it was doubtful it was even magical to begin with, that combined with all the reports about this object causing people to lose their minds and whatnot, this was...disappointing to be honest
You put your hands on your face and let out a muffled scream in frustration
Raven: Calm down, we got the mission completed, didn't we? It's over now
This made you stop screaming, but your hands remained on your face. It was until you felt her soft hand on your shoulder that you reacted properly
Raven: Hey...Would you like some tea when we return to the tower? Would that help?
You looked at her eyes and found yourself getting calmed by the minute, her aura was so soothing sometimes, besides, you needed something else to concentrate in to forget...this
You: Yes, that would help, thanks, Rachel
She smiled at your positive attitude, acknowledging her victory
Rachel: Good, now come on, let's finish this
The goth grabbed your wrist and dragged you back to the scene to give closure to this case
The only good thing about the relic being a useless coin was that nobody would even try to use it for a diabolical purpose, not even the people that tried to steal it, they would have even returned it once they too discovered the truth
...Or so it was thought
For hours later
A figure came rushing into the open warehouse in the middle of the night carrying a metallic box. This figure was none other than Shadow Thief himself
During his fight with Wally, he duplicated himself before being knocked out just in case he lost
???: Oh? You made it, I thought I would have to do it myself
A hooded female taunted the thief. Once he reached her, he took the chance to regain his breath
S.Thief: It wasn't easy, those damn Titans and that freak using magic almost got me caught thrice
???: And yet, here you are
The man handed over the box, making the figure grin
S.Thief: Hey, I told you I would make it. Now, where's the money?
???: Oh, right, almost forgot
Without any warning, she took out a dagger made out of special metal and stabbed the Shadow Thief in the head, making him drop to the ground, lifeless
???: Your payment is death, thief
The figure couldn't help but laugh at this, then she chose to open the container, the same one you had to guard, but this time, its content was very different
The opened box revealed a book. Lined with flesh and blood being the source used to form each letter, this book was written in a strange language, it even emanated a strange, unsettling aura
As soon as she felt it, the woman let out another laugh
"Oh, this will be fun"
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