My greatest accident
Reality, a construct made from what the senses can tell, but, what happens when there is something else? Something beyond the senses, the mind of even comprehension
With a force so chaotic in play, how could you possibly hope to deal with it?
Why, with the Occult, of course
The people involved in this dark area of knowledge are bound to a life of strangeness and magic, hidden from public knowledge. Hardly suitable for raising a family
...Especially if that wasn't your plan, to begin with
So was the case of John Constantine, an infamous occult detective, and con-artist residing in London. A man sometimes involved with superheroes, sometimes not, but one thing was for certain, his intentions were always a mystery as he was not one to follow rules
That included sometimes getting carried away with someone. However, no action was without consequences, and he would soon understand that lesson
It started as a regular day, nice enough for the con-artist to be spending on a couch, asleep without a care in the world
Unfortunately for him, this changed the moment the doorbell rang. Groaning in annoyance, he decided to ignore it at first
Then, it rang again and again and there was even knocking, making it almost impossible to avoid
Constantine: Alright I bloody heard! For fuck's sake...
He insulted in a low voice as he slowly walked towards the door, but the moment he opened it, he found himself alone in the hallway
Not even magic could tell him if there was truly someone there
Constantine: Huh, alright then
The blond was going to close the door when he heard a noise, an innocent cry for help
Recognizing the source of said noise, Constantine's eyes widened fearing the worst and when he looked down, it was confirmed
There was a small baby boy recently awake, with small h/c colored hair. Definitely not a newborn
The little one was residing in a basket in front of him, with a white, shining feather resting by his side
He reluctantly picked him up and spotted a note left beside him that said:
"The name's Y/N, don't screw up"
Inspecting the feather, John was able to figure out who left the baby at his doorstep
Constantine: Fantastic... now what?
Without much of an option, he picked up the basket and walked back inside his place, which now looked in terrible shape
And all it took to realize it was the arrival of a baby
John dragged a chair nearby and sat on it, just thinking about what to do about the new person in his life
This lasted for a few seconds until the baby started to look around with his e/c orbs and stopped on his father, sensing something about him
The man couldn't help but smile at the little boy, who was curious about where he was
Constantine: He's surprisingly quiet for his age
Then, his little stomach growled and the baby immediately began to cry as a reaction, much to his annoyance
The detective used magic to get his "son" something to eat, keeping him quiet for now, at least until he figured out his next step
John: This ain't my cup of tea, I even needed magic to keep the little man quiet, what-
He stopped talking when a big idea came to mind, something so good, John didn't even think it twice
With a newfound smirk, he grabbed the little boy, still drinking from a feeding bottle and cast a spell that made them both disappear
The house of mystery
A place for few men and women rich in the way of the unknown and its powers, now serving as a base of operations for a certain group of people
Someone knocked at the door and it was answered shortly after since only certain individuals know their way in
Two people opened the door. One of them was a woman with black hair as well as beautiful blue eyes while the other was pale, with white eyes and had no hair with him
The woman went by the name Zatanna, and she was a famous magician as well, seen with much better light than John due to the way she used her magic in stage performances, magic acts publicly just for the sake of it
As for the other man, he was called Deadman, a spirit who could possess others at will. He was an aerialist turned superhero, associated with their team
And the man at the door was Constantine himself
He smiled when he saw his comrades
Constantine: Allo, Z, Boston
He greeted them casually, much to their surprise
Zatanna: John? What do you- Oh my God
While she was stern at first, Zatanna's gaze softened immediately when she saw the infant in John's arms, who returned the stare and gave her a small giggle
The stage magician allowed him to step in and closed the door, still in shock by what she was seeing
Zatanna: What happened? Is the baby-
Constantine: Yes, yes he is mine
He walked inside but did not look back at them as he answered
Deadman: How did that happen?
Constantine: Long story
Then, he turned around to see the others, doubt written all over his face
Constantine: Any ideas on how to deal with the little brat?
???: John Constantine, you have finally met the child
From behind them, an echoing voice made its presence known. A key-shaped portal opened and a man in golden armor floated through
This man was the group's most unusual and powerful member, known as Dr. Fate
Zatanna: Hello Dr. Fate, I didn't expect you here
Dr. Fate: I sensed the child in the house, my presence here was needed
Constantine: What do you know about him?
The man took the baby in his arms with kindness, looking at him for a moment before he continued, his white eyes glowing as he spoke
Dr. Fate: Y/N L/N, later known as Y/N Constantine, the result of an affair between John Constantine and-
Constantine: That doesn't matter
The con-artist waved it off, a gesture that the doctor chose to ignore
Dr. Fate: He will be the one to take Constantine's mantle when the world needs it, a bridge between worlds
Fate returned the baby to Constantine and his eyes returned to their white color
Dr. Fate: Destined to be the best of us, Y/N can only accomplish this if we protect him now
Deadman: Who would've guessed? You will actually raise a child, and even someone important!
The spirit said trying to lighten up the mood, while Constantine just turned around and began to walk away with a sigh
Constantine: *sigh* Why did it had to be now?
The woman approached him by putting a hand on his shoulder, frowning
Zatanna: What do you mean?
Reacting to her touch, John turned around, visibly upset
Constantine: I'm in the middle of an important case! I can't be here playing dad!
Dr. Fate: This is beyond you, John Constantine
Zatanna: John, you HAVE to take care of him!
Constantine: I will! But not right now
As if he were a toy, Y/N was handed to Zatanna, who was angry at the gesture, but too stubborn to try and bring him to his senses
The woman took the infant into her own arms using her own magic and looked at the man with a pissed off expression
Zatanna: If you don't take care of him, I will
Constantine: Alright, luv, do your best, but I don't want to receive a call saying that you lost him an hour later
She scoffed, slightly tightening her grip on the child, clearly not appreciating those words
Zatanna: He will be fine, John
The detective took out a cigarette and lighted it up before walking out of the place, not even saying anything else before he left the enchanted building
Deadman: ...That was cold
Zatanna sighed and looked down at the baby, trying to reach her with his short arms, gaining a giggle from the magician while she lent her hand for him to touch playfully
Zatanna: I'm sorry you had to be his son, Y/N
She could really be all day paying attention to the infant, but Zatanna had her own agenda for the day, and it was calling her. Her ghost friend noticed her sudden movement and approached her
Deadman: What's wrong, Zee?
Zatanna: I have a show starting in a couple minutes, I need to go now
Dr. Fate: What about the child?
Zatanna: Don't worry, unlike John I don't think to leave the kid by himself. I'll have one of my trusty assistants to take care of him while I work
Deadman: I know, I'll go with them just to make sure everything goes alright
Dr. Fate: Then it is settled. Farewell
Deadman: He will be fine, isn't that right, little guy?
He looked at Y/N and played with him a little, gaining a laugh from the infant
And so, they left the house of mystery to attend Zatanna's show. Using portals, they were able to reach the place immediately and without wasting time, the magician left Y/N in Boston's care
And how could a spirit manage to babysit the kid? Simple, he possessed one of the staff members
The baby was allowed to experience the show in the first row. Coming from a family of magicians and sorceresses, it came as no surprise that he would enjoy the show so much
Of course, the mind of an infant was really impressionable, but magic could amaze anyone if performed correctly
And Zatanna being the stage magician she was, there was no room for disappointment in her spectacle
At some point of it, she even made elephants float in the air like if they weighed nothing and then made them disappear leaving only some kind of confetti falling from above, much to the public's amusement
Boston looked down to see the boy's expression of astonishment by the woman's abilities and couldn't help but smile at his reaction
Deadman: She's pretty good, ain't she?
The act was going excellently until the lights were abruptly cut off. For a moment, all Zatanna could hear were gasps, a monstrous growling and the cries of a baby
Everything was confusion
Deadman: Zatanna, the boy!
But that, that was everything she needed to hear to get her mind back together. The woman raised her hands and began chanting another spell
Zatanna: Evig su emit!
Suddenly, everything began to move much slower, the time had been effectively slowed. She also made a spell to allow her to see in the dark
Upon inspecting the scene, Zatanna managed to spot a couple figures running away and she immediately rushed in to stop them, Deadman flew by her side
Zatanna: What happened!?
Deadman: I don't know! The lights were cut off and the next thing I knew was that the body I possessed was lying on the floor
Zatanna was closing the distance between them, until a massive figure emerged from the ground, smashing a club down to block their way. While time might have slowed down, there was no indication that demons were affected as well
Deadman caught up and began to attack the beast as best he could, but it was too strong
Deadman: This thing's tougher than it looks!
Zatanna (In mind): I don't have time for this
She turned towards the beast and began casting a spell as she avoided its attacks
Zatanna: Yortsed eht nomed!!
And with that, the beast exploded in front of them
Deadman: Good one!
Relieved to know it worked, she began running again, only to trip with a hand. What was wrong was that that hand wasn't there before
The magician looked back and saw the demon was rebuilding itself, and fast. She then turned towards her friend and ordered him to get the demons while she dealt with this new foe
Boston obeyed and flew past the scene to continue his pursuit, while Zatanna continued to fight this demon
The creature slammed Zatanna against the wall and threw its fist at her, only for it to dissolve the moment it touched her. Using this advantage, she moved to a different position and blasted the foe with an energy blast
To keep fighting would only waste more time, and the options were paper thin. That left her with only one option, it wasn't going to be good, but it was her only one
She took out a phone and dialed a number while attacking the beast blocking her path
"Not the right time, Zee"
The voice answered in annoyance. She had called the baby's father
Zatanna: John, they're taking your son away!!
She declared but got no answer. Instead, a portal opened and it began to drag the demon into it by force, taking it in no time
From it came a pissed Constantine, who immediately started to lash out at the woman the moment he laid eyes on her
Constantine: You said he would be okay!!
Zatanna: And now you care about him!?
Anger took over her as well due to the man's sudden change in attitude
Constantine: I was busy! Now thanks to you I'm even more!
Zatanna: Well I wasn't expecting demons to show up!!
Constantine: And at least do you know where they took him?
They tried their best to not tear each other apart and focus on the task at hand, one life was at great risk after all
Zatanna: Boston followed their trail, it leads there
She pointed at the building barely visible at the end of the hallway they were in
Constantine: Right, those bloody bastards love fancy buildings
They rushed towards the place as fast as they could, saving the magic for when they faced their enemies
However, a portal opened in front of them, with the symbol of some type of key in it, the same kind that appeared back at the house
Dr. Fate came out of the symbol and looked at them
Zatanna: Fate!
Constantine: Are you here to help or what?
Dr. Fate: Under normal circumstances, I would not interfere, but this baby will restore order, he must live to do so
Constantine: Then move your head from your arse and get us there!
With a gesture of his hand, Fate managed to teleport them inside of the building
Once they were, they saw multiple demons fighting against Deadman, who smiled when he saw his friends
Deadman: Hi guys! care to join?
Constantine: Well ain't that a welcome
The demons rushed to attack them as well. One of them alone was really hard to kill, but with three of the most powerful magic users and a spirit in the same room, it was impossible not to achieve victory
John left one alive and grabbed it by the throat, looking at it with anger in his eyes
Constantine: Where did they take him!?
Demon: Why should I tell you?
Constantine: Wrong answer
The detective burned one of the demon's legs using his magic, making it scream in pain
Demon: T-Top floor! Zuth on the top floor!!
This answer angered the detective, his gaze made it obvious
Constantine: Of course it was him
Zatanna: Who is Zuth?
Constantine: Just another soul claimer-wannabe
John let go of the demon. He turned around and began to walk away but he threw his cigarette towards the creature, setting it on fire as he kept walking
Constantine: Alright, let's keep moving, to the top floor
The sorcerers fought their way into the top floor, but it was guarded by the same kind of monster that attacked Zatanna, but more in number
Dr. Fate: I will deal with them, you go ahead
Dr. Fate rose his hands and began a barrage of mystical attacks so bright to the monsters, it distracted them from the others
Constantine burst open the door to reveal what looked like an altar with a bunch of demons. In the middle, their leader was holding the crying baby in his cold hands
Constantine: End of the line, Zuth!!
An old demon dressed in a well-tailored suit slowly turned around to face them with a grin
Zuth: Ah, Constantine, I see you have brought friends with you
Constantine: You picked the wrong guy to cross this time, mate
This gained a chuckle from the foe
Demon: Or the best one! If this child is your offspring then his soul is a must-have!!
The demon beside Zuth shout and took out a sacrificial dagger, nailing it in his own hand, making black blood to come out of it and fall on the boy, making his skin decolor
Constantine: GET AWAY FROM HIM!!
He demanded and began to attack the demons with everything he had in a sheer act of impulsiveness, only this time, backed by the others
Zuth: Kill them!
His minions rushed in to stop the magicians, putting up a fight and entertaining them while the process was completing itself
However, Zatanna managed to get free from the distractions and extended her hand towards the baby
Zatanna: Trever Lleps!
She cast a spell that began to reverse the process, healing the boy as well
Zuth: NO!!
In anger, he threw the boy into the air, only for the detective to free himself from those demons and catch him on time
Constantine: Don't worry mate, I've got you
The baby soon enough stopped crying when he saw his father's face again
The fight was not going well for Zuth in the slightest, demons were falling left and right and the magicians were all pissed off thanks to him
Eventually, they ended up surrounding their mutual enemy
Constantine: I'll give it up if I was you
Zuth: You insolent fool, your arrogance will be your downfall! If I'm going down, I'll take you ALL with me!!
In an act of desperation, the demon let out an outburst of energy powerful enough to shake the very foundations of the building, as it began to catch on fire and the roof was failing to sustain itself
He tried to fight them, but the heroes had way too much power, so he detonated himself in an explosion as a last resort
It all happened so fast. John held his son tightly to spare him any harm, Zatanna herself was bracing for the impact and even Boston was taken off guard by this
However, the explosion took place, yet none of them resulted hurt in the process, all thanks to a yellow, translucent bubble that surrounded them. Courtesy of Dr. Fate
The place was now ruined, the doctor, the ghost and the magician were assessing the damage, while Constantine looked down at his infant son, but something was wrong
He wasn't waking up
This came to everyone's attention and soon enough, concern
Constantine: Come on, kid! Don't leave me hanging!!
His tone was not his usual calm one, but a genuinely worried one. The blond fell to his knees with the baby on his hands, in desperation for him and even Zatanna put a hand on his shoulder
Zatanna: John...
Constantine: No!, he's strong, I KNOW IT, ZATANNA!!
A young voice interrupted the scene, but also ended the great problem they thought they were facing. It was Y/N's voice
John's eyes widened when he heard his voice and the woman blushed a little by what he said as his first words in this world
Deadman: Did he just?...
Zatanna: Oh my God
Constantine: Y/N! I knew you were strong!
Happiness made its way into Constantine's soul as he looked at his child, safe and sound again. The fact that the baby was alive after that and even said his first words made it even more shocking
John hugged his son and with tears in his eyes and a newly found proud, he answered to him
Constantine: I knew it, I'm here, little man... Don't worry, I won't leave you alone again
Zatanna: Yes, because he's coming with us!
Deadman: Well, he does seem to like you, Zatanna
Dr. Fate: It is settled then, the child will reside in the House of Mystery from now on
Constantine: It might get him some time to get used to it, but it is a safe place for him to live in
"And I 'll make sure nobody tries to harm you again"
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