Magic v Technology: Dawn of Jealousy
"Is it here?"
A feminine voice asked as she stepped through your portal after you did.
You were accompanied by Starfire, or Kori as you called her, to investigate a case in a factory
Usually, you would straight-up decline anyone's request to come with you, but not with Kori, she was not like everybody else
While she was not entirely used to this world, this didn't mean she was stupid, nor was she defenseless against the many horrors that awaited.
...But she was curious, so she insisted to come.
Outside the factory, your unofficial assistant, Jennifer was waiting for you, next to an unconscious man
When she spotted you, her eyes immediately focused on your companion
Jen: Who is that?
You: Right. Kori, this is Jen
She gave Jenn a handshake, but for some reason, your assistant was acting a little odd around her
Kori: My pleasure to meet you. I enjoy your music!
Jen's eyes widened when she heard this. She would not have expected such a compliment from someone like her
Jen: Y-You do?
Kori: Yes, the feelings you share in them are genuine and strong, not many artists are like that these days
You could have sworn you saw her blush, but you didn't give it too much importance
Jen: Why thank you! But I think I'm retired from that, a-at least for now
Then, you stepped up, changing the subject as you did
You: So, the beast chose a shoe factory, huh
They turned to see the building. Then, Jenn snapped out of it and returned her mind to the case
Jen: Right, y-yeah. There is a survivor, though, he's alive, but he's not conscious
You walked over to him and inspected him closely. He was pale, his eyes had bags and he was even sweating
You: Yup, we're dealing with a Hypno-demon now
Jen: ...A what?
Kori: Why are you so sure about it?
You smiled at Kori's slight naiveness. You might be a new member of the Titans, but you were anything but new in this business
You: That man presents signs of an encounter with it. He can't even wake up due to several hours of exposure
Then, you turned to Jenn's direction as you raised your hands
You: Come here, ladies, I'll place a shield on us
They did as told, you chanted something before your hands started to glow purple and softly placed them on the girls' foreheads
Soon enough, a purple aura spread all over their bodies before disappearing. Now you were ready to go
You: This will also link our minds together for a short time, we better get going now
Without further do, Kori opened the door to the factory. You were on a catwalk that provided you a good view of what was going inside the place:
Dozens of workers were hypnotized by a lizard-like demon that was sitting in the middle of the place, feeding off their minds easily
Kori (Thoughts): That is the beast we are looking for, right?
You (Thoughts): The exact same
Jen (Thoughts): How are going to deal with it?
You (Thoughts): Jenn, you go to the controls and turn on the lights at my signal
Jen (Thoughts): On it
She moved towards her position, luckily avoiding detection from the beast
You then turned at your orange friend
You (Thoughts): Kori, as soon as you see the lights turn on, you blind it with the brightest energy blast you can, alright?
She nodded before flying away into a better spot to attack
You started to chant something quietly, your hands started to glow light blue. When you noticed this, you stood up
You: Alright, the show's on
You jumped down, using magic to soften the landing in order to keep your body from actually breaking something as you did
A fireball was thrown at the beast, interrupting its feast to look at you, standing there
You: You haven't heard the term "Vacations" have you, mate?
The monster growled at you but did not hesitate to jump at you, charging while it focused entirely on you
When it was inches away from you, it was time for the girls to act
Immediately after your command, the lights were turned on, stunning the beast but right after that, it was completely blinded by Kori's blast
Taking the advantage, you castes the spell you were working on and the demon was hit with it
Seeing as it was getting destroyed in a matter of seconds, the demon let out a screech before turning into dust and dissipating into another room, leaving you alone
All the workers fell down after this, as they were no longer under its control
Kori floated towards you and Jen walked up to your side, cracking her knuckles. It was characteristic of her to get a little arrogant when you had the upper hand
Jen: Now what?
You: Hey Kori, be a nice girl and get the workers out of here, will you?
Kori: Right away
She started to take them all out fairly quickly, which was good considering just how many of them were in there
You: Alright, Jen. You and I are going in there
You motioned at the storage room, where all the dust fleed into
Once you were inside, the lights inside that place were not available, since the demon itself destroyed them, making it slightly more difficult to capture
Jen: Ummm Y/N? A little light would be great
You snapped your fingers, making a small flame appear over your hand, floating and providing a source of light for you two
The hunt for your enemy was extensive. It was the storage room of a factory, after all
Jen: Hey, Y/N, n-not to be rude or anything but...did you really had to bring her to this case?
You: Why not? Kori's really nice
Kori (Thoughts): Thank you very much, Y/N
You: Plus, she wanted to see me working
Kori (Thoughts): That is true. I was very intrigued when Rose told me about your "ghosting" skills
Jen: Ghosting?
Kori (Thoughts): That's how my friend Garfield calls it
You: Figures
Half the room was already inspected, but no luck. This demon, in particular, was putting some effort into hiding
Kori (Thoughts): Y/N, I have secured the employees. Anything else you want me to do?
You: Stay outside the storage room, Kori. It's your job to blast anything that comes rushing out of it
Kori (Thoughts): I will not fail you
After that, you proceeded to look at the lower area of the room, which had plenty of halls
Jen: She seems to be enjoying this
You: See? I can't just say no to a curious soul such as herself
Jen: I can see why...
You: Wha-
Jen: NOTHING!! L-Let's just get on with the case
And so, you proceeded to investigate the area, but to no avail, in fact, about ten minutes later, Jen took out her phone and started to use it as a compass
...Was she using one of those "ghost catcher" apps to find an actual demon?
Jen: Over here
She motioned you to follow, but when she noticed you weren't, she looked back to find you with your arms crossed and an unamused expression on your face
Jen: What? I need all the help I can get until I'm properly trained, remember?
She entered a hall, now being followed by you
You: Yes, but...That thing ain't working, you know?
She directed her attention to you, both confused and annoyed by this attitude
Jen: Oh yeah? Why are you so sure about it?
Then, you stopped when you spotted something moving among a pile of boxes, barely noticeable, but still present
However, instead of reacting the proper way, you placed a hand on Jen's shoulder while giving her a smile and calmly stated:
You: Because the beast is right there, luv
She immediately turned the phone in that direction, finding nothing
Jen: What!? But there's nothing i-
Seconds after you said that, a beast emerged from a pile of boxes to attack you, but being blasted away before it could do anything to Jennifer
Her eyes widened and she couldn't help but scream in fear at the sudden appearance of the beast
You: Told you so
Then, the beast proceeded to stand back up and tossed everything it could at you, barely giving you any time to react
Jen: You pissed it off!
Then, it lashed out at you, but another shield was placed, this time, it was Jen the one who did it
You looked at her, impressed. Zatanna had accepted that Jennifer possessed skills and even taught her a few tricks, just the basics for her to survive this kind of encounters
The ideal thing would be not to take her with you, but she insisted that field-work was a better idea, so there was no stopping her
You: Not bad, Jen
Jen: J-Just focus!
She was clearly struggling with keeping the barrier stable as it was attacked
You (Thoughts): Kori, get ready. Something's heading your way
Then, you put a hand on Jen's shoulder, making her step aside slightly
You: Lower the shield, Jen, I've got this
She reluctantly obeyed, as soon as the barrier was down, the monster rushed in to attack you, but once again, it was thrown away by a flashing beam of energy
It bounced on the entrance to the room and decided to use it as an escape route yet again
By the time it tried to run away, it was suddenly met with a green blast of energy that eventually forced it to stop moving
You two rushed towards it, with your dominant hand extended, you chanted your most faithful spell yet: Your summoning
You: To me, hunter
Seconds after saying this, a sword came crashing down and meeting your hand with ease.
The exact same sword that the Amazons had forged for you
And also the slayer of this beast. With one strong swing, the demon was no more and began to disintegrate upon meeting its end and thus, completing your task
Kori: That was very impressive, Y/N, where did you get that weapon?
You: It was a gift from some...friends
But then it came to you that Jenn wasn't next to you. You looked back to see the girl sitting on the ground, breathing heavily
You: Woah, you alright there, Jen?
Jen: Just a little shaken by all the action
Kori: Do you need any assistance?
Before she could answer, you started to walk towards your assistant
You: Don't worry, Kori, that's just what happens when magic is used a tad too much
Kori: They become exhausted?
You offered Jen a hand and helped her up, wrapping her arm around your shoulders to help her walk
You: Precisely, she just needs a minute or two
Jen: At...At least it's over...
You: You should rest for today, same time tomorrow?
She gave you a thumbs up after that. Once you made sure she was able to walk again without collapsing after giving three steps, you decided it was time to return to the Titan's place, which you did after Jen said her awkward goodbyes to Kori
She definitely has a crush on her, you didn't need to read her mind to know that
Titans Tower, 1:52 pm
A couple hours had passed with nothing to report, you had a surprisingly enjoyable day only made better thanks to Rachel (Or Raven, as her codename suggested) who invited you to her room
In there, you talked nicely for a while, discussing the demonic activity in the city and sharing a laugh about some odd things that happened during your mission
And then, she decided to help you recharge some energy by meditating. Honestly, you have never meditated, much less the way she does it, and that brings you a little discomfort
But when you have someone like Raven by your side, there was nothing to worry about
You: A-Are you sure? Just like that?
Rachel: Yes, just let yourself go, don't think of anything at all, just breathe
She instructed you before showing you herself how it was done and soon enough, Raven not only meditated, but she had also started to float as she did
You (Thoughts): She makes it look so bloody easy!
Seeing as there was no other way, you decided to try yourself
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and put your hands on your thighs while your legs were crossed
You focussed on your breathing, bringing some calm to you, but unfortunately, not enough
There was just so much going through your mind now.
Especially when someone tells you not to think about anything, your brain just goes the opposite way and thinks about everything it can
Rachel: Having trouble?
The sound of her voice made you look at her, getting nervous because of how quickly she figured it out
You: Not at all, I just...
Rachel opened her eyes to look at you, clearly not buying it
You: *Sigh* Fine, yes
She chuckled lightly before she stopped meditating and reached the ground, standing up and asking you to meet her height
Rachel: It's not that hard. Here, let me help you
She grabbed your hands, putting your both palms of your hands touching hers
Needless to say, this startled you, you weren't expecting such a sudden action, and from the mysterious "Raven", nonetheless
Rachel: Let's try again, close your eyes
You did as told, trying to regulate your heartbeat with your breathing as you felt her soft hands touching yours
This time, however, the many thoughts that were flooding your mind were slowly retreating, allowing you to experience an odd, yet astonishing feeling of equilibrium, tranquility on both your mind and soul
You could even feel your energy replenishing, returning to you and making you feel stronger
And it was all thanks to Rachel
It was strange, she was not the most expressive of the team, yet she has been the one that made you feel welcomed in the team
...Unfortunately, you were soon reminded that you were not alone with her in that tower
That reminder came in the form of someone knocking at the door
This immediately made you realize that it wasn't Garfield, the green, cheerful boy who just doesn't have a sense of privacy
This presence in Rachel's room was strong enough for you break your concentration and open your eyes, soon realizing that you were in fact, floating
Naturally, you got alarmed by this and hit to the floor as a result, officially cutting your brief ties with tranquility
As for Rachel, she safely landed back on the ground as she kneeled down to help you
Rachel: Are you alright, Y/N?
You stood back up, dusting yourself before sighing in annoyance
You: Don't you worry about it, Rachel
She decided not to make a big deal out of your fall and went to answer the door, the cause of it in the first place
When it was open, Victor, the half-machine man was standing there
Victor: Hi, Rachel, I heard Y/N was here, can I talk to him?
Rachel: Sure
He noticed that you were visibly angry, rubbing your head in pain from the recent incidents
Victor: Y/N...You alright there?
Sighing and trying to hold back your aggressive nature, you took a couple of seconds before answering
You: I'm hunky-dory, mate, thanks for asking
Clearly noticing this behavior, he looked back at the pale girl
Victor: I'm sorry, did I just interrupt something important?
You: Just my first attempt at meditation, why?
You answered as you walked up to him, then placing your hands on your waist before looking at him
You: So, what can I do for you?
Victor: Oh... I just came here to ask if you wanted to play with us. Shazam's here and Gar thought it would be a good idea to invite you
This made you nearly lose it. Usually, Cyborg has a good reason to do things, but this? This can hardly be considered one!
You: Did you seriously interrupted my first attempt at meditation just to play with...Wait a minute, did you say "Shazam"?
Victor: Ummm... Yes
Nearly forgetting all of your anger, your curiosity took over
You: How did you get Captain Mar-
Rachel: Shazam
You: Right, he's Shazam now. Anyway, how did you get him to play with you, guys?
Victor: He swings by every now and then when he's not with the Justice League
You: So you want me to play with you three? Where are Conner, Tim or Wally?
Victor: Conner, Wally, and Kori are out in the city and Tim is busy talking with Batman
...So that's why he chose to ask you out of all people
You: Oh...Well, I would love to help you, mate, but I'm kind of in the middle of something
It was then, that a pale hand rested on your shoulder, making you look back at Rachel, who was giving you a sympathetic look
Rachel: It is fine, Y/N. You could use some relaxation
This particular comment, coming from someone like her was...unusual, to say the least
You knew that Rache was trying to make you get along with the Titans, but this had to be her most obvious attempt yet
You: By playing video games?
Rachel: You'd be surprised to know how much it has helped them
Victor nodded at this, a smile formed on his face while memories of this topic came to mind
Seeing as you were in no position to decline, you sighed, nodding at the offer
You: Alright, let's play video games
He smiled upon hearing your confirmation, asking for you to follow him, which you did after reluctantly waving goodbye to Rachel
And so, you followed Victor to the room with an unnecessarily big screen in the middle, in front of a very comfortable couch being occupied by Garfield and the "man" himself, Shazam playing what it looked like a fighting game
However, this video game, in particular, had some rather familiar faces in it
The match had finished shortly after you entered the room, Shazam was the winner and as you would have expected from someone like him, he celebrated pretty much did it loudly and being incredibly arrogant to Garfield
How he manages to convince people that he is an adult is perhaps a mystery bigger than if that Batman actually smiles
When it was done, both players looked back at you, Shazam was confused and for good reason, he has never seen you before, and Victor stepped up to introduce you
Victor: Billy, this is Y/N, our newest member
You stepped up with a smirk on your face as you finally got the chance to talk to him
You: Shouldn't you be at school?
His eyes widened by your comment, he got noticeably nervous, then you heard Garfield bursting out laughing and even Victor snickered by this
Shazam: Hey! How'd you-
You: It's my job to know things, mate. Don't worry, I won't tell a soul you skipped school
He sighed in relief, but he was still shocked by the fact that you knew his biggest secret. In order to ease the tension, you directed your attention to the other obvious thing in the room: The video game itself
You: You have a game with actual characters from this earth?
Garfield: Oh yeah! Vic made it!
You turned to him, visibly proud of this achievement
Victor: It was surprisingly easy
Shazam: And I'm the best at it- He too, admitted proudly
Victor: So, what do you say, Y/N? Want to play?
You shrugged, smiling as you walked over to the couch
You: Why not?
Then, you were handed over a controller and so, you directed your attention towards the screen, showing a compilation of every character available to use
You: Let's see, Flash, Red Tornado, Zatanna? Huh, you really included everyone in this
Shazam: You're not in it, bro, sorry...
Although that didn't sound so nice, you could hear the man being genuinely sorry
You: Can't blame him, most of the world didn't know I was a thing until I joined the Titans
Then, you looked back at the screen
You (Thoughts): Let's see how aunt Z does against these clowns
You: So, who's playing against who?
The green teenager stood up and stretched as if he had been too long playing
Garfield: I'm gonna have to pass on this one, dudes
His comment caught Victor off-guard. Apparently, it was Shazam/Victor against you/Garfield, but with him gone, how would you proceed?
Victor: What? But then who is going to be Y/N's partner?
???: Oooh, nice, mind if I join, boys?
You all turned towards the source of the voice. It was Rose who asked as she entered the room, she had just finished training and was on her way back to the dorms, but guess she couldn't resist a video game either, Rachel was not wrong about how powerful these things are
Shazam: What? Nah, girls don't play games, that's a myth!
You: Oh, come on mate, give her a chance, she might surprise you...besides, 2v1 is not the fairest match
Victor and Shazam looked at each other for a moment before nodding after a while, Victor being the first to do so
Victor: Come take a seat, Rose
She smiled upon hearing this. Usually, you wouldn't care for this, but honestly, a girl wanting to play video games is arguably rarer than the Joker telling an actual joke
Without further do, Rose got to the couch, sitting next to you before giving you a smile
Rose: Looks like we're working together, Y/N
She rose her fist, initiating a fistbump, thus earning a smirk from you
You: Let's show them how it's done, then
With that said, you two fist-bumped and got your controllers in hand, Victor and Shazam also got in position
Shazam: Man, you're soo screwed! I haven't lost at this game in years!
Rose: Well, there's always a first time for everything
She stated with a taunting smirk, earning an energetic reaction from him as she chose her character
Shazam: Batman? Oh, you're on!
Then, he selected the stage and with that, everything was ready for everything to begin
A few seconds later, the game had finished loading, showing your character as well as Cyborg's on the screen
Shazam: This is going to be soo easy!
About two hours later
Shazam: This is NOT easy!! Not easy at all!!
He admitted while he desperately tried to save his match along Victor. Currently, Rose and you had been beating those two rather easily
While Victor might have the technology and every secret of the game at his side, his partner was not the best, while you two were fighting with a surprising amount of coordination, knowing precisely when to switch places and let the other carry the match
It took you only a match to discover that, and now, you were over your fifth and about to conclude it with another victory, with Victor's character already beaten and Shazam's about to be
Rose: You ready Y/N?
You: As ready as I'll ever be, luv!
Rose nodded and proceeded to press the same combination of buttons as you, making both of your characters activate their special ability at the same time, thus defeating your opponent
But not only that, you practically humiliated him with such a final move
Shazam: NO!!
You: Ha! It still feels great to win!
Rose: Fuck yeah!! C'mere!
You two proceeded tp fist-bump before proceeding with a more elaborated handshake that you two had come up with between matches. This was something you were usually not willing to do with anyone, but inevitably, you got lost in the moment and went with it
And even if it was hard to admit, you were actually having fun with them
In fact, even Garfield returned from eating something but decided to step aside and just watch as you two defeated the other team
Kori: You seem to be having lots of fun, Y/N. That is new, but pleasant to see
The orange girl said as she watched from the entrance, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed, but smiling
Garfield: Of course he's having a blast, Kori, he, and Rose beat Victor and Shazam like, three times!
Rose: Four, Gar. Plus...
She stated with a smirk, then she turned to meet your gaze
Rose:...I had a great partner- Her comment earned a chuckle from you
You: You weren't bad yourself, Rose
Wally: Of course he won, he was using Zatanna! Magic users are so OP!
The arrogant way he said it took away the feeling of happiness you had and changed it to indignation, but before you could say anything, Garfield spoke
Garfield: They're not!
Victor: I made the characters' powers even...but I see what your point is, Wally
Slightly annoyed by this, you picked up our controller and looked back at the cyborg
You: So I take it you want a rematch, then?
Shazam was about to say something until a small device of his started to sound like an alarm with the logo of the Justice League on it
Shazam: Oh boy, I have to go, JL stuff!!
He didn't even have time to say goodbye as he flew out of the room, leaving an awkward silence to take over the room, or at least until Wally spoke again
Now that you think about it, you didn't even realize when did he get there, but then again, he is a speedster, those are hard to detect sometimes
Wally:...So, can I play?
You stood up from the couch, done with them for now. They pushed the right buttons to end what was a pretty good time with the Titans
You: All yours, mate
He noticed your change in attitude, even Rose decided to stop playing by this
Wally: What? Where are you going, dude?
After this, you stopped walking but did not look back at them
You: I am going to be OP somewhere else
They tried to stop you, but out of nowhere, a door appeared and you entered it, shutting it close immediately after you got in, thus disappearing from the scene
While summoning a door out of thin air and disappearing through it without leaving a trace was not subtle at all (nor did it help them think otherwise about magic) it did help you to get away from the scene and into the place you consider your home: The House of Mystery
However, pulling that stunt of yours caught the attention of two people in it, Zatanna and Constantine himself, who were arguing over something before you appeared
Constantine: Y/N?...
Hearing your name made the woman look back at you, her gaze immediately softened, even turned into slight worry
Zatanna: Y/N? What happened?
Constantine: Rough day?
You: Precisely- You answered without looking at them either
You started to walk away into your room, but you were stopped halfway by your own father, who was not entirely sure of what he was doing
Constantine: Why don't you talk about it with us, huh? You could use a tad less stress
You: Don't think so, you two are too busy arguing
Zatanna: Come on, Y/N, you know your father and I tend to argue, but you know we'll always have time to listen to you
She stated as she gently walked you to the couch nearby
Her soft voice was your anger's worst enemy, seeing as it always managed to tear through it and force you to be more reasonable
Zatanna: Come on, I'll make some of that tea that you like so much
Her hospitality was welcomed by you, such a change in atmosphere, hence the reason why you call this place your home
Usually, you wouldn't be so bothered about the old debate of magic vs technology, but the Titans have gone at it for about a week now
You were somewhat patient, but they would sometimes get in your nerves
Constantine sat on the couch in front of you, disposing of his cigarette as he did
Constantine: So, let me guess, it was the Titans
You: *Sigh* Yes, they won't stop with the whole magic/tech argument.
Soon enough, Zatanna returned with a tray containing a cup for each one of you
Gladly, you took a sip from yours, the taste of the drink instantly put a relieved smile on your face
You: Ah...thanks, aunt
She smiled upon seeing your reaction, proud of her work
Zatanna: Don't mention it
Then, she took a seat next to your father
Zatanna: So, tell us, how has your time with them so far?
Constantine: I recall you bringing in that Jennifer lass, but last time I checked, she was not one of them
Then, you put your cup aside and as soon as you were able to, you started to talk
You: Alright, guess I should start from the very first day...
About an hour later
You: And then I summoned the door, and well, here we are
You had finished telling Zatanna and Constantine, both of them have been hearing your story, paying a lot of attention and even asking some things from time to time
In fact, even Boston, your undead friend, had joined the conversation once he returned from an assignment
Constantine: So two you ruined a fanatic's ritual with actual magic?
Deadman: Talk about irony!
You shared a laugh with them, much to Zatanna's delight, or you did until she brought a very...personal question
Zatanna: You seem to be rather close with that girl, Raven, is it?
Of course, this question startled you, it was just so sudden, it was now clear what did she focus on about your stories
You: ...What? No, I...Well, she is the most likable from the team
Unfortunately, none of them bought it, their smiles gave it away
Deadman: Suuure thing, buddy
Constantine: Don't push him, Boston
You: I'm telling you! She's the only one who can understand the importance of magic, the others think it's just a way to make life easier
Deadman: Hmmm...Well, they ain't wrong
You turned to him, the same thing was going to happen? No, not here
You: Isn't technology too?
He stopped to consider what you were saying, placing his hand on his chin while looking at the distance
Deadman: You bring some really good points, kid, I'll give you that
Zatanna: You see, Y/N, not many people know that magic exists, but the ones that do, tend to think that it can do just about everything
Constantine: But we all know that ain't the case. All magic has a price, it's just that we are willing to pay it
I'm sure you already know the price to yours
You looked at your own hands for a moment, inspecting them as your father's words echoed throughout your mind
Deadman: Yeah, technology's pretty awesome, but it is easier to get
Zatanna: While magic, on the other hand, is very difficult to obtain, but extremely useful if you get the hang of it
Then, she stood up and continued her point
Zatanna: We're not saying that technology is easier than magic
Deadman: *cough* it is *cough*
She glared at the ghost, forcing him to stop before she continued
Zatanna: But instead of competing over which is better, you should work together to solve problems that can't be solved alone
Then, she placed a hand on your shoulder, accompanied by a sympathetic look on her face
Zatanna: Look, I'm glad you get along with someone, it's very hard for people your age (especially with superpowers) to do so
But you shouldn't let something like that divide you so easily
Deadman: Z's right, Y/N, the Titans will come around eventually, you just have to be patient
You finished your drink, their words making their way into your mind shortly after
They were not wrong. The Titans are used to normal threats, nothing out of the ordinary (aside from Raven's father).
Maybe once they work with you in a serious situation, they'll learn to see magic in a different way, not as an all-powerful problem solver
You: Well, the Titans are not what I'd call an ace...but I guess I can get used to them
Your family lightened up once they heard you say that, knowing that their words helped you
Deadman: That's the spirit! If I say so myself
Then, your father stood up, relatively calm
Constantine: It was nice catching up, but you should get back, kid
Zatanna: Judging by the way you got here, they might be worried about you
You then recalled that you made quite an entrance, seeing as you shut the door with force. But it was time to get back, guess it was time to hear what they had to say
You: Guess I'll find out...
You got up from your seat and then looked at them
You: Thank you, it really helped sort things out
Zatanna: Don't mention it, Y/N
With a nod, you said goodbye to them before opening the door, thus leaving the house and back to the tower
Once you were gone, the cheerful attitude of the scene left as well, leaving a serious ambient instead
Constantine: So, where were we?
Zatanna: *Sigh* Oh, right...the Justice League's request
Constantine: Right, Fate and I will help with their little fight, but we should be back soon enough. I think Boston and you can take care of the house while we are out
With disbelief in her eyes and her arms crossed, Zatanna looked at him, but Deadman was faster to speak
Deadman: You know that the League asked for me, John
Constantine: *Sigh* I know... but I need you here
Her gaze softened upon hearing this, not used to Constantine being...honest
Even the ghost was surprised by this
Zatanna: Why?
He walked to the fire, standing in front of it and just looking down at it, his back facing the others
Constantine: Because Y/N needs you, Z. You heard him, he's got problems and he's been a Titan for just a week now
Reluctantly, he stepped back to look at Zatanna directly
Constantine: He might need guidance again, and I don't know anyone better than you for it
There was silence after this comment, Zatanna was unable to respond, but as much as she hated to admit it, Constantine was not wrong
Your childhood was a rushed one, filled with combat, practicing magic and even fighting demons. But even among the chaos, you managed to adopt a role model
And it was the woman who has always been there, Zatanna herself
John was trying to be a better man, he was just taking a little more to do so. But who knows? Perhaps someday you would get in better terms with him
But for the time being, the responsibility of being a guide fell on Z's shoulders
Shortly after processing this, she rose her gaze one more time, ready to speak again
Zatanna: I'll do my best
Hearing her regain her composure earned a smile from the Occult detective
Constantine: And that's enough, Zee
"It's always been enough"
Titans Tower, 4:08 pm
The portal you crossed led you back to the room where you were playing video games earlier, it was now empty
However, it didn't take long for someone to walk by and spot you, in this case, it was Kori, who seemed relieved after she did
Kori: Oh, thanks X'hal, you're here. I was worried about your whereabouts, Y/N
Her caring nature brought a smile to your face, seeing as Kori was the most open-minded out of all the Titans so far
You: Well, I am here now, luv. Speaking of which, where is everyone?
Kori: They are in the cafeteria
After hearing this, you looked back at her, confused
You: Cafeteria?
Kori: You know, the room used to eat together
You: I know what it is, it's just that I didn't think they had one of those
She then smirked while her hands rested on her hips
Kori: You would if you spent more time here, Y/N
You: ...That I can't argue with
Kori giggled before motioning you to approach her, once you did, she guided you towards said place
And soon enough you found it, a big room with a table big enough for everyone to fit in, in fact, there were multiple tables
Which means, they usually have a lot of guests. Something to keep in mind
Kori: This is it- She floated into the room, with you following close
You: Thank you, Kori
The others noticed you upon hearing your voice. Needless to say, there were mixed reactions
The leader, Tim, was the first one to speak, in fact, he even stood up and walked up to you
Tim: Y/N, I was told what happened. I'm so sorry for-
You: Stop right there, mate, we're on good terms
He was caught completely off-guard by this, you can tell by his reaction
Tim:...Are we?
Wally: Dude, are you sure you're alright?
The speedster asked while still in the table. However, before he could say anything else, he was silenced by Rose's elbow hitting his stomach
Something that was oddly satisfying, getting someone like that to shut up
Then you returned your attention to the male in front of you
You: Yes, no hard feelings
Of course, not everything was alright, but it was better if actions spoke instead of words, and that would take some time, but it would most certainly happen
Tim: Alright...there is food over there, feel free to pick whatever you want
You thanked him for his hospitality and without further due, you went ahead and served yourself some food before sitting down with the team
It didn't take long for communication to return between everyone. You were silent during the entire thing, but they took it it was because you were, indeed, eating
Your behavior did not go unnoticed, of course, Rachel and Rose being the closest to you, they figured out right away
But before they could do or say anything, one of the machines at the cafeteria started malfunctioning
It was the one that produced waffles. You didn't think it was important, but turns out, the Titans adore those things, especially Rachel
And sure enough, you could help repair it, but for this occasion, you chose not to
Just to see what could they do in these small situations, to see what "technology" would do
It took a little more than expected, but the device was successfully repaired and thus, they continued with their meal
Everything was relatively peaceful, but it was about three hours later that things got interesting as you were all summoned to the meeting room by Tim
Perhaps a mission would help you let go of this futile debate
And so, as soon as you were all present, Tim began to speak
Tim: As of today, October fifteenth, most of the heroes conforming the Justice League have spotted and started to attend an incoming threat from space.
Victor: Which means Earth has almost nobody to defend it
Tim: Precisely, and that is why we have to be more alert than ever, we can't afford to have a crisis here while there is one in space already
Garfield: Alright, what do we do first?
Tim: We'll start by dealing with Professor Ivo and his creation, A.M.A.Z.O. We have reports that he is active again
But then, you raised your hand lightly, asking to say something, this gesture got the attention of the leader right away
Tim: Yes, Y/N?
You: I'm kind of new in this field, so if you don't mind me asking, who even is "Amazo"?
Wally: It's an android, dude
Of course it would be a mechanical foe the one you would stop tonight
You: Alright...So we're stopping a tin can
Conner: He's way more than just a robot, Y/N
You: How so?
Tim: A.M.A.Z.O has the power to duplicate any ability upon seeing it, it has clashed with the League before, and it took them complete hours to put it down
You: Huh, well...shite
Tim then returned to the screen, the display he was using to help himself explain the mission
Right now, the display showed a holographic projection of what appeared to be an advanced laboratory
Tim: Ivo was spotted heading towards S.T.A.R Laboratories, the last thing we want is a maniac like him with those resources
Then, three parts of the map turned red
Tim: Vic says that these three areas are the most likely to get attacked, so we'll focus on them
And to do so, we'll split into three teams
Shortly after, a list with your icons appeared next to the map
Tim: Gar, Kori and Rose, your job is to secure the energy division
The red area he indicated was now covered with their respective icons
Tim: Next, Rachel, Wally and I will take care of robotics
The middle part of the holographic tower was now taken as well
Tim: And Victor, Conner and Y/N will secure the data banks on the top floor
After saying that, he looked directly at you
Tim: I don't know if A.M.A.Z.O can duplicate "magic" but that is why I'm pairing you with Victor and Conner. Should anything go wrong, I'm counting on you
You replied by nodding, he took it as a chance to continue, accompanied by Victor himself, who appeared to be rather familiar with this place
Victor: There shouldn't be anybody in the place due to the schedule, but if you find someone suspicious, you know what to do
...And please, be as careful as you can
Tim: You heard him, guys, this tech is invaluable, the last thing we want is to owe millions (if not billions) to them
For some reason, this felt like it was meant for Garfield and Wally. Either way, you would have to be very careful in how you decide to act
Tim: Alright, gear up everyone, we have a mission
Without further due, you all went to prepare yourselves for the upcoming mission
You were pretty much ready, but this time, you decided to bring your weapon, W/N, as you called it, with you
That way you could take on the enemy way faster instead of waiting for the sword to fly all the way to your location
Once everyone was ready, Victor used a transportation device he called a "Boomtube" and before you knew, a portal opened to the exact place you needed to go
You were on the other side now, in front of the tower
Tim: Alright everyone, split up. Use your communicators to report anything unusual
Without further do, everyone left with their respective teams, even you
It took about six minutes, but your team managed to get into position
Victor (Cyborg) would inspect the data while Conner (Superboy) and you guarded the room. You entered a giant room with rows upon rows of servers, this was the data bank alright
Cyborg: This shouldn't take long, but don't let your guards down, Ivo is one creative thief
He stated before heading towards a terminal and began to work while you two headed to the entrance of the place
However, the area was as silent as a library ruled by a tyrant, and because of that, the chatter was inevitable
Superboy: Hey, Y/N?
The sound of his voice made you look at the Kryptonian
You: Yes?
Superboy: sure you're alright?
You: Why wouldn't I?
Superboy: You seem...distracted
You: *Sigh* It's been a long day, mate
Then, you walked up to the windows that were decorating the halls in front of the room you were guarding
It wasn't a good idea to have a window leading directly to such a place, but these laboratories are trusted by many superheroes for a reason
You: So... Is it usually this easy?
Superboy: Of course not, at this time we're usually fighting for our lives
You couldn't help but chuckle at his comment, but it was then, that the moonlight coming from far away caught your attention, even with rain present, the Moon was the highlight
And with it, the news that the Justice League is fighting something up in space
Who knew what kind of threat could they be facing against. You had visited Hell and haunted places before, but space? Never before
It's actually...impressive, for them, of course
You: Hey, Superboy have you ever gone to space before?
Superboy: What? Why do you ask?
You: Just curiosity
This question caught him off-guard, he even walked up to the window as well to see what made you ask that, only to come across the Moon itself, soon remembering the same thing as you
Superboy: Right, the League...No, we usually deal with threats that don't require us to travel far from home, but I'm still curious, I wonder how it would feel like to go up there
You looked at the teenager, raising your eyebrow with a smirk, seeing as he made it clear what his desires were so easy. But who can blame him? Everyone has dreamt of the stars at least once
Without thinking it through, words left your mouth, curiosity getting the better of you again
You: ...Can I ask you something?
Superboy: Sure
You: Are know, the big blue boy scout's son?
He then directed his attention back to you, you were expecting him to be angry at this question, but he wasn't, guess he was asked frequently
Superboy: No, but this might sound weird- Then, you put a hand on his shoulder, smirking
You: Don't worry, mate, I'm sure I've heard weirder-He nodded and proceeded to talk again
Superboy: Well, I was created with a mix of DNA between Luthor and Superman himself
Well, that's not something you hear everyday
Superboy: Told you
You: Well, can't say that's common, but nothing too far-out. Welp, if you need help figuring something out, just ask
He smiled at this, perhaps the Titans were ahead of you on that, but it wouldn't hurt to offer some help yourself
Superboy: And what about you? I've heard about Constantine before, the things he does
You sighed in irritation of this mention, still not quite fond of the man, much to Conner's surprise
You: If we're talking about the same man, they're probably just bad things
Superboy: Why do you dislike him so much?
You: Well, for starters, he-
Then, you out of the corner of your eye, you spotted something moving extremely fast, a blur that went from side to side of the rooms at the end of the hall, leading up to the stairs
Superboy heard it too, and he looked back to investigate it, but his special vision didn't help him out this time
Superboy: What was that?
You stepped away from the place you were resting at, getting serious right away
You: Hold on, I'm going to investigate that
The Kryptonian stepped up, his hands clenched into fists
Superboy: I'll go with you
However, you motioned him to stop, with your other hand glowing due to your own magic
You: Don't think so, this threat feels...different, if you get what I mean
It was then, that he understood why you were being so serious about it. Why would you sense magic in this place?
Superboy:...Right, just call me if you need any help
You gave him a nod before running away, reaching the rooftop in seconds to find whoever it was that tried to sneak up on you
And so, you found a tall woman, standing on the edge, overlooking the city
She had very long blood-red hair that was black in some parts, in fact, it was difficult to tell whether it was originally black or red
Her outfit consisted of a leather jacket, with spikes on the shoulders, leather bracers and a piece of cloth wrapped around her waist as a sash
There was something to this woman that seemed...familiar
You: Who are you?
You asked her while approaching her slowly, not trusting her at all despite your gut telling you otherwise
The woman let out a giggle, looking over her shoulder, with those bright blue eyes fixed on you
Suddenly, she threw multiple daggers at you. You blocked them with an energy shield on your forearm but as soon as you did, she was right in front of you and about to attack
She pushed you back, forcing the daggers to fall only for her to catch them and start her real assault on you
Her movements were shockingly fast, you were barely able to keep up with her, but eventually, you provoked a small outburst of energy, which gave you just enough space
???: Y/N!!
Conner's voice could be heard from the distance, but by looking back just a second, you felt something cut your left cheek
Your ally rushed in to help when suddenly, he stopped moving, but so did the birds flying by, so did the entire city.
She just stopped time
Shocked by this realization, you looked back at the woman, who had your pocket watch in her hand
Turns out, not only did she cut you, but she also stole your gadget while doing so
Shortly after that, she did something...weird, to say the least
She licked the blood off the blade of the dagger while still looking at you
However, her reaction after doing so was even weirder, as if she was surprised by the taste of it, laughing after having a taste of it
???: Oh, this is rich!
Then, she returned her attention to you, pointing the blade at you
???: You are a special one
You: That I won't deny, but who even are you?
???: The name's Kalli, dear~
You: Well "Kalli", you made a mistake by coming here
The woman saw you adopt a fighting stance with fireballs appearing on your hands as you did so, she faked an innocent face as a result
???: Aww, you wouldn't hurt an innocent girl, would you?
You: Right, because cutting me with a knife was an accident
She couldn't help but laugh at your statement. Seems like someone liked your sense of humor
Kalli: Well, I would love to tear you apart, I really would...but I'm afraid it will have to be another time
Without even caring about the threats you made to her, she walked back to the edge of the roof, foiled every attempt you made to stop her with ease
Once she reached it, she looked back at you with both of her arms raised. One of her hands had the dagger, the other hand, your own watch
Kalli: I'll see you around...Y/N~
And with that said, she jumped off the building, forcing you to rush to avoid that
You: NO!!
However, when you reached the edge, you found nothing, she clearly escaped, but how? That was one of the many questions his encounter had just left you
Suddenly, time returned to normal, with no apparent side-effects
You looked back at Conner, who was now in movement again, nearly tripping because he was forced to stop so suddenly, fortunately for him, you caught him
He looked around, confused, but then again, who wouldn't after experiencing something like that?
Superboy: What? What happened? Where did she go?
You: I promise you, I'll tell you everything, but right now, it is not safe
Just as you said that a loud crash could be heard not far from where you were, causing a blackout and of course, alerting both of you
Superboy: Superboy to the Titans, did you hear that?- He asked through his communicator, but only heard static
You: Having trouble?
Then, he looked back at you, he was already getting nervous
Superboy: Can't you do something?
You: I can try to reach out, but it would take too much, and we don't have time
He sighed, acknowledging that you were right and without further due, you left the rooftops, heading back to the room you were before. The lights had been replaced with the emergency ones, being color red
You were met with Cyborg, who was rushing out of the room he was in until he spotted you
Cyborg: What were you doing out there?
You: Doesn't matter, where is it?
Cyborg: A level below us, in one of the laboratories
Superboy: Then let's go
He agreed to accompany you, seeing as the data was secured, there was no other option than to save the rest of their research
And so, you headed down towards the source of the noise, accessing the laboratories and revealing none other than the android A.M.A.Z.O himself, he was stealing a prototype nearby
Superboy: Not on my watch
He didn't hesitate to jump into action and start attacking the enemy, you directed your attention to Cyborg
You: Isn't there a way to shut him down?
Cyborg: I'll try to, just keep him busy
You: You got it
And so, you too jumped into action against the mechanical foe
Superboy managed to land a couple of hits on the android, but the next punch he threw soon turned out to be ineffective
However, before he could retaliate, he was blasted away by Cyborg's cannon
A.M.A.Z.O got back up, both of his arms transforming into the exact same weapon as Cyborg's and released a powerful energy attack towards you
Maybe Cyborg should stay out of this fight, considering how much of his arsenal can A.M.A.Z.O copy
Fortunately, you were faster than him and conjured a portal that absorbed the energy blasted from him before using it yourself on him, forcing the android to take a couple steps back but also dropped the prototype he was trying to steal. You used a magical construct to keep it from falling down, thus keeping it from being destroyed
However, A.M.A.Z.O noticed this and decided to change objectives, now trying to destroy the entire lab using the Flash's stolen speed
His actions pushed you too much, as you were conjuring shields to withstand his attacks on each and every one of the inventions, not only that, but he changed objectives within seconds, making him almost unpredictable
It was until Superboy himself stepped back in and managed to land a hit on the back of his head, giving you time to breathe
Cyborg: No!- His voice made you look back at him, irritated
You: "No"? What now?
Cyborg: He keeps shutting me off, it's no use!- He looked at his holographic screens, stressed as well
You: Then what's the bloody plan!?
The android swung at you with his fist, stopped by one of your barriers and then damaged by your conjured sword before you threw a fireball at him
Before you could do anything else, Superboy was tossed your way, then A.M.A.Z.O used Cyborg's cannons again, but at maximum. The only thing you could do was defend yourself by projecting a barrier that covered the three of you
Cyborg: It's no use fighting him in this place
You noticed that the robot was closing the gap between you, thus making his impact on your barrier even greater
Cyborg: We have to keep him away from technology!
You: Say no more!
Then, you turned to Superboy
You: How good is your arm?
Superboy: Pretty good, why?
You: I want you to throw me at that tin can. Now
He gave you a strange look, but given the odds, it was better not to question your plan. And so, you launched the barrier at the enemy, stunning him for a moment
Using this momentary advantage, you had Superboy pick you up and then throw you at the android
You began to chant something and by the moment you hit A.M.A.Z.O, you pushed him through a portal, making you two land on grass
And now, you were in a Stadium under the rainy night
You got up, regaining your breath and adopted a fighting stance shortly after, but was immediately struck by your enemy's metallic fist, making you go back to the ground
The android was blasted away yet again by Cyborg, who was crossing the portal accompanied by Superboy
The Kryptonian launched himself at the enemy while Victor helped you up
Cyborg: The stadium? Good thinking
You just gave him a thumbs-up as you were still recovering from this until an "important" question crawled its way to your mind
You: You don't have a problem with water, do you, mate?
He just gave you a sympathetic look as he shook his head before he went back to the fight
You: Guess not...
It took you a while to get back into the fight, but while you observed it, you realized something about the android: He was using his eyes every time he copied their abilities
So maybe without them, he would be stuck in one powerset and thus, be vulnerable to others
You: I got it! We have to blind it! Can you guys contact the others now?
Cyborg: Let me try, cover me!
You conjured your sword again while you rushed at the enemy, sliding under him and stab the back, then Conner appeared again with a powerful blow that forced him back
However, A.M.A.Z.O caught Superboy's fist and threw him at you. You got back up as soon as you could, barely getting time to defend yourself against the android's assault
Unfortunately, you could feel yourself getting weaker with each passing second. This foe really knew how to push you
Before you knew it, your barrier was broken and thus, got hit again by his fist, then Cyborg intervened but was knocked back
You threw your sword at him, nailing it on his chest and immediately after that, blasting his eyes with energy. You could tell that this affected him
Now angry, he wound up another punch against you, when suddenly, he was attacked by a massive amount of energy
When you looked at the source, you found the rest of the Titans, just arriving at your location
You: About...time...
But then, you felt your body giving up on you and before you knew it, you almost fell to the ground, if not for Raven herself, who was using her magic to keep you from falling
Raven: I got you
You: Thanks, luv...
Was all you could say before finally blacking out. You hated this feeling, but as much as you wanted to destroy this android for all the trouble he caused, you couldn't, your body wouldn't allow it just yet
And now, you rest
Titans Tower, 12:35 pm
Your eyes opened slowly, letting you know that you were in one of the beds of the infirmary, the exact room you did not want to be in
You let out an annoyed groan when you realized this, even tried to get back up, but you were forced to slow down by your still recovering body
You: I don't have time for this...
And so, ignoring the pain, you stood back up and went as far as to walk out of the room, leaning on the wall to keep going. As you made your way down the halls, you were met with a familiar voice
???: Y/N? The fuck are you doing!?
You turned around to meet Rose, looking at you with clear concern, she even rushed to you in order to stop you
You: Oh, a-allo, Rose...
She stepped in front of you, glaring at you with both of her hands placed on your shoulders
Rose: Y/N; just what the fuck do you think you're doing? You're supposed to stay in bed!
You: I appreciate the concern, Rose,
Rose: What do you mean "no"?- She asked even angrier than before
She was just trying to help you, so you did your best not to be so harsh on her, but she wouldn't understand what was really going on
You: Look, you want me to be fine? Help me get to my room
Rose: Why? What's so important that you need to be there instead of you know, healing
You: That's the thing, my room is where I heal, you know, put some spells here and there for it
That answer made her soften her gaze, taking your word for it this time
Rose: ...Fine
She wrapped your arm around her shoulders and walked you all the way to your room, once you got there, you got off her and entered alone, but Rose wasn't done just yet
Rose: Look, I'm not an idiot, I get it you don't trust us yet. I didn't either at the beginning, but believe me, the sooner you talk, the sooner we can help you
That caught you off-guard, you were still new to this whole "group of friends" thing they have going on
You: I'm fine, I just need to catch some Zs, in here-You answered as natural as you could
Then you gave the girl a faint smile
You: See you later, Rose, thanks for the lift-up
With that said, you closed the door, finally getting to be alone in your room
However, you started to cough immediately but silenced it as best you could. then you noticed that your hand was covered in blood.
You rushed to the bathroom you had and looked at the mirror, taking off the shirt you had and casting a spell that engulfed you in energy, seemingly restoring yourself
As it was taking effect, you washed your face, finally starting to calm finally down...Or at least until you felt something hurt your back as if you were burned briefly
After cursing it off, of course, you spotted something that had just fallen, resting softly on the ground
After picking it up, your eyes widened by your discovery:
A slightly burnt, white feather
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